Author has written 28 stories for Teen Wolf, Leverage, Angel, Gilmore Girls, Supernatural, and Librarians, 2014. About Me I'm a college student who has been using writing and netflix to procrastinate. Stories So I was gonna post a series of one shots but I didn't do as many as I'd wanted and I wanted to post what I have so I'm just gonna put them up individually. As of right now, the brothers 'verse contains: Ringtones If the title is "The _ Brother" it's part of the brother's 'verse. The Librarian and The Hitter is finally done! (i'm sorry it took so long) I need a name for the Maggie and Eliot verse but anyway: I'm really glad you guys seem to like my stories and I love the review. I appreciate them so much. They make my day and help me to keep writing. Thank you so much!! I wanted to answer some of the reviews for my one shots and ones i might not have answered in a timely manner(I'm sorry) or ones that were given anonymously or by people without accounts guest: I have read phone calls, that might be part of why i ship eliot and maggie so hard lol I love that fic :) Guest: (not sure if you are the same guest as from breakfast) Thank you thank you! I've read a few really good fics with the crossover but I couldn't find one where they got along. The only one i really wanted Eliot to not like is Jones because I really can't picture Eliot liking him. tolerating, yes, eventually. But not liking. tacodestroyeravenger: Next chapter will be completely the break in and most likely just the break in. I didn't think it would take so long to get to it but I like it :) Definitely going to be some action. (Lamia is another favorite of mine from Librarians) Floralisette and Cindy: please see chapter 2 :) i got this idea after i posted it and it wont let me copy and paste :/ Thank you! anonymous: me either! i'm glad you are enjoying it! the hopeful: i am! promise not to leave this hanging :) reader: they are my favorites too :) maxiefae: I hope you liked the second chapter :) gemini-rose16: i'm glad you like them, i want to write more, at least up to the song evil twin and the leverage crew hearing at least one funny one tacodestroyeravenger: Eliot is human, just trained very well. He was able to get past the charm and hit Lorne because nobody can stop Eliot from hitting something/someone and he was very angry at Lorne. His fight with Angel, part of it was Angel's surprise at seeing who he thought was Lindsey and part of it is that Eliot is a very skilled fighter. I don't think that only slayers can fight Angel, they are just usually better at it. honorat: Thief of Hearts, that would have been a good title lol Nate was one of my favorites to write because he normally sees everything and he was most opposed to them getting back together in season 2 :) i'm glad i did him justice. samanthawinchester: Thank you! I really like the idea of Parker's backstory (and Eliot's) and I love that the writers gave us so much to work with. I wish they had given us more backstory in the cannon but at the same time i agree with John Roger's poncy nightshirt stand on things :) bloodskye1512: that's exactly what she does :) without even realizing it. tacodestroyeravenger: first thank you for reviewing my stories, I'm glad you enjoy them :) second, i love the nickname Mr. T! I actually had to google how to spell Toulouse and that's my cat's name and I've had him for almost 14 years. Not sure if this one will get anymore, although I just had a funny idea for a second chapter and i'd tell you what it is but i might actually have to write it now. guest: I like to think Eliot loves all animals. Cats, dogs, snakes. Everything but monkeys of course. huttonfan: i'm glad :) I want to start off saying thanks to everyone who read this: i did not expect that. really this just popped out one night and i figured i'd share. ann.ryce: i wasn't into short stories either, for a while, I'm glad you liked this one though! jade-the-librarian: I have no idea where that angst came from but it worked well :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading it! samanthawinchester: Thank you! I think this is the story where I realized short stories are easier to write than long ones :) 3 times Sophie Devereaux was a cop Bloodskye1512: I would miss him too and i will probably never kill of Eliot Spencer, I love him too much. tvj12: I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was a really fun headcanon to write :) ann.ryce: i wanted to make more but got distracted with school and kind of lost momentum with them. thank you for your reviews! I'm glad you enjoyed my stories! athea781: Thank you for telling me what you like about my writing! It helps hearing what i'm doing right and wrong :) I'm not too sure what more I would add to this one, I think its pretty done(I'm sorry!) : thank you! Its been a while since i posted this story, i've written a few more for leverage now, i hope you liked them :) fictionmaker007: I'm glad you liked it, I looked over it and there are lyrics at the beginning too, maybe just integrated into the dialogue better :) I think i did stuff them into the end of the other stories though. Thank you for your feedback, it made me double check the story and made me more cautious on other stuff too :) athea781: Thank you! I might have miss typed, it was my first leverage fic, i wrote one for Naruto(taken down because it hurt me to read, it was rough and old) and one for teen wolf(which i probably won't finish). ann.ryce: I like to think that they keep tabs on each other. Nate and Sophie send work to the trio and they in turn try to discretely keep tabs on Nate and Sophie. Hardison updates their aliases and sends Sophie shopping magazines. Nate and Sophie find extremely valuable objects/arifacts/gifts every now and then and can't figure out how Parker got in and out or how she found them. Eliot provides back up and a friendly ear when as needed. :) guest: I'm glad you liked my story and my OC! I'm sorry I never finished this one :( Ships Figure I should put my ships somewhere, if you have a fic recommendation for one of them, let me know :) leverage: OUAT: Librarians: Harry Potter: Teen Wolf: Gilmore Girls: Supernatural: Originals/vampire diaries: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: if you want to follow me on tumblr send me a pm and i'll give you my url :) (i'd post it but i'd end up changing it and forget to update it on here) |
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