Amelia Jones was pregnant for the second time.
Her boyfriend had run off as soon as he found out about the second child. He said he couldn't support her and 2 kids, Mycroft was a handful as it is. They lived in a council flat. Once he had left Amelia started working double shifts at the Country Club, where all the rich business types went for a drink after work. She kept working right up until she reached 24 weeks. She hadn't wanted to stop work but the club made her take the time off work.
Little Mycroft was 3, Amelia and her boyfriend had been struggling to pay the bills. But between them they still kept a happy home. They both knew a second child was too much but the baby was unexpected. And Amelia couldn't have a abortion.
Amelia left Mycroft with her sister while she gave birth. Amelia spoke to her bump the whole way to the hospital.
"Hello darling, I get to see what you look like soon. And we can go buy you lots of pretty things." Despite not knowing the sex of the baby Amelia had herself convinced it was going to be a girl; right up until the moment the doctor called out "It's a boy!" Amelia had herself so convinced she had only thought of a girl's name, "Sherly" after her great aunt.
Sherly the only name she had thought of, Amelia couldn't call her son Sherly, she need something more masculine. The midwife placed her little boy in her arms. Amelia looked at her son, grey eyes and a full head of hair, 'Sherlock' she whispered, looking straight into his eyes.
The baby smiled, "He likes it. He likes the name Sherlock" the midwife said glancing at Amelia.
"Well Sherlock it is then." she said smiling at her little boy, her little Sherlock.
Two days later Amelia was discharged and was allowed to take Sherlock home. She picked Mycroft up from her sisters on the way. Amelia went straight into the flat placed down her bags took Sherlock out of his pram and went and sat on the sofa. Mycroft seemed curious about the new child.
"What's his name?" Mycroft asked as soon as he saw him. Despite being only 3, Mycroft seemed to have quite a large IQ. He could read, and write, and he was quite "well" spoken, and had a very large vocabulary than any other child his age.
"He is called Sherlock, darling." Amelia said. Mycroft looked at his mother and the sleeping figure in her arms.
"Mummy, father isn't coming home is he?" he asked. His face was blank from expression.
Despite the fact Amelia told Mycroft, his dad was visiting some family that were poorly, Mycroft knew she was lying and could see what had been happening.
"No darling, I am afraid he isn't." Amelia said, her head dropped onto her chest as tears began to fall. Mycroft climbed onto the sofa and snuggled in close to his mother.
"It's okay mummy. It's okay." Mycroft said, seeing his mother cry made him feel sad, but he couldn't cry, he was the man of the house now.
Hi! Write tis is something new for me. I will try and update this as regually as possible! Hope you enjoy and please leave a review.