Author has written 10 stories for Gilmore Girls, and Life With Derek. Hi! I'm an eighteen year old college student living in New York but studying in Rhode Island. I will always first and foremostly be a Literati, but I have recently become obsessed with the Dasey pairing from "Life with Derek." I have also written fanfiction for "Brokeback Mountain" and tennis RPS, which can be found at my fiction journal: . If you have any questions, PM me or message me through LiveJournal. I'm up for betaing, though I'm usually pretty busy, so I'd need some notice first. Oh, and my username comes from The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffeneger. Thanks for reading! - Clare DeTamble |
GQSecondAct (8) | justfallapart (4) Sofa King Stupid (0) |