Sirius gave him some things to think about all right, Harry thought as he got ready for bed that night. He lit a candle on the bedside table and leaned back on the headboard with the journal of Pollux Black in hand. A glass materialized beside his elbow, full of warm milk. Harry smiled and said to the air, "Thanks Kreacher".

'Runic Magic is the oldest form of magic that the wizardkind may claim to have mastered. The connection to earth magic was hard to tap into. With the exception of Emrys, or better known today as Merlin Ambrosius, few could claim to perform magical feats without a sigil or staff. It was only after generations of druids practising magic that the blood of magic users were strong enough to connect to the magic of the earth.

It would not be wrong to say that runes are a kind of language, but it is like calling a wand a wooden stick. Runes are language, but not to communicate with people, but to communicate with magic itself, magic of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The first generation of runes were requests to magic, to lighten path in the darkness, to heal. And that is how one is to proceed if one wishes to understand the runic magic and how it came to be. For learning the history of it is to learn from the experiences of those that came before you, their struggles and triumphs light the murky path to learn any discipline of magic.

For make no mistake, magic is not a tool you use, magic is something far beyond anything you can ever hope to perceive.' Harry was lost in the book, trying to imagine a group of medieval people try and figure out how to communicate to something they did not understand, but cherished nonetheless. However, soon he became aware of a tapping sound coming from the wall. He closed the book and turned, puzzled, before he remembered that he shared this wall with Sirius. He smiled and shook his head, but soon his smile grew as he discovered that it was not some random tapping, it reminded him of something his history teacher taught one day when he was ten. He grinned as he recognised the Morse code. Though how Sirius came to learn about it, he couldn't guess. Sirius was tapping his name on the wall over and over. Harry tapped him back. Sirius, probably in his excitement jumbled up his answer and had to start over. He asked what Harry was doing awake, Harry said he was reading the journal, Sirius told him to go to bed as they had a long day ahead. When Harry asked what he was planning, he got a 'Now why would I tell and ruin the fun' and 'Goodnight Harry' in reply. He tapped 'Goodnight Sirius' and snuffed out the candle.

The next morning, he woke up again to the sound of tapping in the wall; Harry grinned and tapped a 'Good Morning' back. Minutes later, there was a knock on his door and Sirius was poking his head in after Harry asked him to come in.

"Come on, you lazy sod" the grinning face of Sirius poked in, "get ready, we'll have breakfast outside."

"Outside? Where?" Harry asked before Sirius could retreat.

"Diagon Alley, now get your backside out of that bed and get ready." With that and a jaunty whistle, Sirius disappeared down that hall. Harry got out of bed, brimming with energy now, gathered some Dursley Clothes, as he named them and headed to the shower down the hall only to hear it already running and a very off-key singing of Sirius. He rolled his eyes and came back to his room. But he was unable to sit still now that he knew he was finally going to Diagon Alley with Sirius. He had a feeling that this visit was going to be different from any other.

He was proven right when half an hour and two glamour charms later, Sirius apparated Harry just outside the steps of Gringotts. Between Grimauld Place and Gringotts, Sirius seemed to have donned his Head of the House persona as he steered Harry inside with a no-nonsense 'Business first, fun later'. Inside he strode straight to the head of the tellers and announced, "Head of the House Black on house business, here to see the account manager." The goblin nodded seriously, without the usual sneer and scratched something on a stone tablet.

Five seconds later another goblin arrived and inclined his head to Sirius very slightly, "Lord Black, if you would follow me, I will take you to manager Darnok." Sirius gave him a stern nod and started to follow him with Harry in tow.

Darnok was a wizened and frail looking goblin with sparkling black eyes. He looked on beadily as Sirius and Harry were led into his chamber. Harry had the feeling of being scanned from head to toe. No invitation to have seats came, instead Darnok handed Sirius a stone goblet full of a smoky potion and said in a reedy voice, "If you are indeed Lord Black as you announced in the lobby, swear it on your life and magic."

Sirius showed no sign of alarm or hesitation and even as Harry had to swallow against a suddenly dry throat, Sirius announced in the now familiar solemn voice, "I, Sirius Orion, swear on my life and magic that I am the rightful Head of the House Black, chosen by the house and the Family Magick, so mote it be" and downed the contents of the goblet, and then promptly doubled over. Harry made to drop down to see him but found a wickedly sharp blade on his throat, his eyes followed the blade to the hand of the goblin who led them into the chamber. He shook his with the same serious expression but made no further movement.

Harry looked back down only to see Sirius straightening up with a groan and when he did stand up, he seemed to stand just a little bit taller and a couple of grey hair seemed to have turned black. "Your verification potions seem to get nastier every time I visit." He said to Darnok who was now looking amused and gestured them to a pair of plush chairs in front of a desk.

Sirius took the chair with the same regal and unconcerned air as if this was a regular occurrence, Harry tried to follow his example, heart hammering in his chest at the thought of just getting Sirius back only to lose him to a bloody Gringotts potion. Darnok seemed to have sensed his mood since he turned to him with a slightly kinder expression and said, "Fear not Heir Black, no harm comes from the potion if you don't declare yourself to be someone you are not. In fact, as you can see, for correct candidates it works more like invigoration draughts." Harry wondered how Darnok knew about him being Heir Black but decided to keep his mouth shut for now and merely nodded at the goblin.

Apparently satisfied, Darnok turned back to Sirius and said, "Now, Lord Black, what can Gringotts do for you today?" Sirius started without further preamble, "I would like to establish a trust vault for my heir and have him be the sole custodian of the key. The vault would be refilled with five thousand galleons at the first day of every June." Harry opened his mouth to protest the unexpected change, but Sirius was not looking at him and he had a feeling that he was not supposed to talk while this 'House Business' was going on.

Darnok scratched something on the stone tablet and plucked a tiny silver key from a slot in the tablet, "The vault would be ready on your next visit, Heir Black" with that he handed the key to Harry, who took it with a quite 'Thank you'. Sirius gave him a proud look, and then said to Darnok, "Now, we would like to visit the family vault, and that will be all." Darnok seemed pleased at his down to business attitude, "Of course Lord Black, Flintaxe will take you to your vault." He gestured to the goblin standing behind them.

This cart ride seemed to last much longer than Harry's annual trips to his own vaults, Harry and Sirius both enjoyed it tremendously, whooping at the top of their voices. It seemed Sirius was not grown up enough to go green at the break-neck speed yet. The cart screeched to a halt as the track ended in what seemed like a narrow corridor. Sirius and Harry disembarked on the narrow ledge, Flintaxe following behind with the lantern in hand. He cleared his throat, Sirius and Harry flattened themselves on the rough stone walls, and he started to lead them forward, with his lantern bobbing in the dark. Harry didn't know how he knew, but he knew Sirius shrugged in the darkness and then by some mutual understanding, Harry started to follow the goblin, with Sirius bringing the rear.

They passed a pair of trolls, complete with their clubs, who didn't pay attention to them after the goblin grunted something at them. And next came the vault number 16 which was their destination, as Flintaxe was waiting looking impatient, even though they were right behind them. Sirius came forward and gave a go ahead gesture to the goblin. He ran a long and pointy nail down the middle of the door, in a similar fashion to what Griphook did on Harry's first visit. Sirius stepped forward next and ran his left hand through what looked like a crest. The stone door slid back from the middle like a modern day glass door. Sirius walked in with a 'follow me' gesture to Harry.

Almost an hour and a half, two bottomless bags jingling with galleons, well they were not really jingling, being soundproof in addition to bottomless, but Harry could imagine, and a spare wand, courtesy of one Astride Black nee Potter, that almost jumped to his hand like an eager puppy and was resting snugly against his right calf, later Harry and Sirius was sitting in a plush office belonging to Tonks & Tonks, sipping tea with Andy.

Andy was in her elements, they were discussing his trial the day after tomorrow, "I don't need to tell you that it's a political move. Use of underage magic goes to a small interrogation with Mafalda Hopkirk in her office, not a full trial. You may not have known Harry, but everyone in the Wizengamot knows that you are the Potter Heir, coupled with the Boy-Who-Lived part, you can wield more influence in the wizarding public than they would like." She evidently noticed his grimace at the moniker, for she leaned forward meeting his eyes earnestly, "Look, Harry, I know you don't like your fame and what comes with it. And that says good things about you, but think about this. If you don't learn to use your fame, you are letting others use it, And that is not doing you any good, is it?"

Harry frowned at her, he got her point, he really did, but- he sighed and gave her a nod. She gave a small nod back, giving him time to think about it, for now. She got back into her discussion with Sirius, leaving Harry free for his mind to wander. He looked out the window in her office. It was on the upper floor in Diagon Alley. He could see Ollivanders' Workshop, his shop looked more like a small tower from this vantage point, on an enchanted window beside it, he could see a patch of rainforest somewhere. As he watched a brilliant blue butterfly fluttered in a bush, a gigantic snake wound its body lazily along a branch as thick as itself.

Sirius seemed to have gotten bored with talks of the trial and was regaling Andy with tales of the Tri-wizard tournament. "So there I was, getting a tan in Sicily, And here come this letter from Harry that his name got picked for the tournament" Andy hummed thoughtfully, "Yes, the Prophet was quite full of it. Most of them seemed to think Harry had somehow managed to hoodwink the Goblet of Fire, which would have been very impressive." Harry opened his mouth to protest, but then noticed her amused look and stopped.

"It is very interesting though, Harry, tell me about the selection ceremony." Andy said with a glint in her eyes.