Reviews for Always
subchan chapter 9 . 11/12/2017
wonderful story
Anna chapter 9 . 8/20/2017
Sooo cute! Fantastic story! Any Chance for more:)?
cmtaylor531 chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
I know real life unfortunately gets in the way and sometimes passions change but I am so devastated you never got around to finishing this story. All the recent Gilmore Girl talk with netflix and all that made me want to revisit our favorite couple. I stumbled across this little gem Im sure I've read before but still couldn't resist. Im so glad that had Jess come back in S6 and get redemption of sorts. Though I hate they had Rory tell Jess she loved Logan even after he cheated on her. Just no. The thing is I enjoyed Logan at times but I never understood people that said Jess didn't deserve her or treat her right when Logan was basically a rich spoiled version of Jess. Anyway still love the idea you took from this story with the Paul anka episode on. So thank you.
Scarlet3086 chapter 9 . 6/7/2013
I know it's been forever, but if you came back to this I would be so happy!
AequusTempestas chapter 9 . 2/4/2012
love it update soon please :) :)
cmtaylor531 chapter 8 . 9/26/2011
Reallly enjoyed this story. Such a shame you never got around to finishing it. I really wanted to see it go some where.
jennycalendar chapter 9 . 5/15/2011
It actually really works, ending it here.

As always, great writing. I've been sort of reading through all of your lit stuff all day.

BRB gonna go watch The Doctor's Wife. Yes, I watch Doctor Who. And I also stopped writing fanfiction when I went to college. Such is life.
cmtaylor531 chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Definitely one of the better play of "Real Paul Anka" fics out there. You left it hanging at a good spot but i feel that you could have done so much more. I wanted to know how you handled the Luke and April situation along with other stuff. I wanted Rory and Jess having the talk about distance and how it was going to work.
Pinocchio's J.C chapter 2 . 4/14/2011
Didn't Rory get the Truncheon open house invitation in chapter 1? I remember her finding it in the mail pile, which was before the dinner with Emily in chapter 2. The Jess bit is a week AFTER the Emily dinner and subsequent closet cleaning, isn't it? Or was it just mislabeled and it was supposed to say ONE WEEK EARLIER? Cause if it was a week after the Emily dinner, that would mean that Jess had already sent Rory an invite, and had already had his little internal war about sending. Confused!
Katamabob chapter 9 . 4/4/2011
I loved it! VERY sweet, left me feeling all fuzzy inside...

Also very well written :D

cmtaylor531 chapter 9 . 3/19/2011
Wow, favorite play on real paul anka fanfic so far. I like that she and logan had broken up before hand. I also love that it didn't turn into a complete Logan bashing fic. I enjoyed Logan and Rory but i was and will always be a LIT fan in the back of my mind. I was so sad they never really got a real second chance when all the rest of her Boyfriends did. Seriously you have done an amazing job so far and i really hope you haven't abandoned this fic all together and still come back to it eventually. I will be here looking forward to an update. You have a fan.
oldschoolnames chapter 9 . 2/7/2011
I don't know if you plan to continue this (seeing as it's been almost five months since the last update), but I live in hope.

Wonderful story! Well done :)

Keekee101 chapter 9 . 1/18/2011
:) This is really good, I wish this is what happened!
Kyizi chapter 9 . 11/26/2010
I started this thinking it was completed (forgot I'd gone to your author page for a look and wasn't in my search page anymore) and I'm really glad I didn't check. I was only looking for completed stories, but this is a gem of a Literati fic and I'm glad I didn't miss out just because it's a WiP :)

Looking forward to more!
Iamnotcomplete chapter 9 . 8/22/2010
AWW so sweet now this, is the way it should have happened!
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