![]() Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars. My opinion on sequels/disney canon okay the sequels were... okay. honestly TLJ sucked tho it had its moments. But not only was it boring but it also ruined Luke skywalker's story, confirmed rey was a mary sue and completely changed the whole rule of going into hyperspace. The throne room was also rlly messy, i know that rian johnson wanted to do a wide shot all at once but it just wasnt clean. Anyways did ever tell you that rian johnson COMPLETELY RUINED LUKE'S CHARACTER. The force awakens was pretty good, i still had hope that disney could pull things together and do better in the next star wars movie when i first came out the theaters obviously i was wrong. TFA has a lot in common with ANH but i don't rlly mind. What i do care abt is how the hell did rey pilot the millennium falcon better than han solo HIM SELF. She also bested kylo ren in a duel. okay, okay kylo had just been shot and had already been injured in the duel with finn, not to mention he had just killed his own father, i will give you that but the fact that she was fighting so well in the throne room. TLJ happened literally right after force awakens ends so rey had gotten abt a half a day of training from luke. but luke literally had a few hours of training from obi wan before he died and he had probably learnt a few things here and there between ANH and ESB which is abt 2-3 years AND luke still had a bit of trouble getting his lightsaber from the snow when he was hanging in the wampa cave on hoth. Now the rise of skywalker was my favorite sequel movie. The start was great with kylo on mustafur but a bit after that things slowed down a bit. I learnt more abt Poe's backstory even tho i think disney should have just left it unknown like george did with han solo (which of course disney ruined after). But the ending on Exegol, that made up for everything. I am still rlly mad that no force ghosts showed up and i recently found out that kathleen kennedy fired hayden christsen for being more popular than the sequel characters and he was actually going to be in the movie. Super sad and mad abt that. BEN SOLO DESERVED BETTER. Wierd things I do (PM me if you do these things too cause i'm pretty sure i'm the only one) Suddenly start talking like yoda for no reason Talk to yourself out loud Talk out loud about how stupid it is to talk to yourself out loud but keeps on talking to yourself out loud anyways Start screaming to the book/screen while reading/watching something and the character does something stupid (for example anakin cutting dooku's head off) Your so incredibly bored that you start a conversation with yourself Start laughing or giggling for no reason Favorite movies Star wars revenge of the sith (the memes are IMMACULATE, a movie i watch when i want to laugh and cry at the same time) Star wars attack of the clones (am i the only one who actually enjoyed this movie?) Star wars a new hope (this probably my second favorite star wars movie, there's just something abt this that i like) Star wars empire strikes back (come on this movie just ICONIC) Star wars return of the jedi (CHANEL BOOTS SKYWALKER PERIODT) Star wars rise of skywalker (the only decent sequel movie in my opinion but cant compete with the prequels or ot. also BEN SOLO DESERVED BETTER) Avengers (marvel rlly had to kill of of my favorite characters didnt they) Guardians of the galaxy 1 & 2 (the music tho) Wonder woman (cant compete with the marvel movies but still rlly good) Aqua man (same thing i said abt wonder woman) High school musical (WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER) The little mermaid (best disney princess movie PERIODT) Favorite books Star wars legends (sorry too many to name) Harry Potter (come on everyones read it once in there life) Hunger games trilogy (my 11 year old self was OBSESSED with this) Killing November (one of the most underrated books ever) Little woman (Why Jo, why did you say no to laurie's proposal) Favorite shows Star wars the clone wars (DAVE FILIONI BROKE MY DAMN HEART. SEASON 7 JUST HIT DIFFERENT) Star wars rebels (i loved season 1 and 4) Starnger Things (what can i say im basic) Avatar the last airbender (LOVE IT) COPY AND PASTE Y'ALL If you wish that a fictional character was real (anakin skywalker) If you have a crush on a fictional character (*cough* finnick *cough* anakin) If you want to travel to a fictional universe (STAR WARS UNIVERSE ALL THE WAY) If you talk to yourself (Yeah... um... I totally have never done that before) If you address your teachers as 'master' (The jedi do it so why can't we?) If you practice lightsaber katas (Hey I gotta know how to defend my self just in case I get transported to the star wars universe and I happen to come across darth vader) If you wanna learn huttese (It's a hard language) If you have seen a movie or show so many times you pretty much know the whole dialogue (Yeah... let's not talk about that) If you sometimes randomly start to talk like yoda (IT'S NOT MY FAULT) If you believe that star wars is real and there are actual planets like Naboo or Corusunt out there (It is real. Period) If you believe that Jedi and the force is real (IT. IS REAL.) If you find something that even looks remotely like a lightsaber you start pretending your fighting Darth Vader and even make those wooshing noises (Been there. Done that) If you ever tried to make an object come to your hand (Don't forget to say FORCE) If you are mad that you were born on earth and not on some other planet like Tatooine or something (But srsly tho. WHY) If you say star wars quotes in real life (Yep and it's rubbing off on my english teacher) Random star wars questions 1. Favorite character Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker (Do not make me choose one) 2. Favorite era OT 3. Favorite movie Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Episode IV: A new hope (Can't choose sry!) 4. Favorite quote Someday I will be the most powerful jedi ever! -Anakin Skywalker Oh i'm not brave enough for politics - Obi Wan Kenobi What about the droid attack on the wookies -Ki Adi Mundi 5. Force power you want the most mind tricks 6. Favorite villain Darth Vader! DUH. 7. Favorite EU character Mara Jade 8. Favorite vehicle The Millennium Falcon 9. Most heart-breaking scene That scene at mustafar where Padme tries to turn him away from the dark side and says "Anakin your breaking my heart" but he ends up choking her. SO. SAD. BUT STILL KINDA FUNNY. 10. Favorite planet Tatooine and Corellia 11. Favorite show Avater the last airbender 12. Best lightsaber color Blue 13. Favorite romance Luke/Mara Anakin/Padme 14. Favorite scene boring converstation anyways or when luke stares at the sunset or when anakin talks abt murdering not just the men but the women and the children too |