Author has written 8 stories for Due South, and Star Wars. What can I say? I’m a huge Star Wars fan and have been for years. I’m old enough to have seen the originals in the theaters. Well, not A New Hope, I’m a little young for that, but I can remember seeing Empire at a drive-in. You know, one of those places where you used to go and sit in your car to watch movies J. Luke’s my favorite character, and any story I write will generally center around him. I do like Mara, I think she’s a wonderful addition to the storyline, but I have a very hard time using other people’s main female characters. I have no idea why. Besides, as strange as it sounds, I started re-writing Star Wars in 1987, long before I even knew such a thing as fan fiction existed and I created Aurora Kenobi way back then. It really is a coincidence that she turned out to have so many things in common with Mara Jade. Really. I may occasionally play in other universes, such as Due South, but Star Wars is my favorite playground. Oh, by the way, the picture is of my dogs: Artoo and Obi. The cats, Chewie and Yoda weren't available for the picture. (Told you I was a big fan.) |
blank101 (10) Chibi-no-oneesan (15) Jack Hawksmoor (20) Jedi-2B (20) | Kaya Jade (6) Lieutenant Dan (7) Lixxle (6) murdur (54) | Pika-la-Cynique (4) Sherlock (13) |