Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Star Wars, other than Aurora. It all belongs to the bearded genius in flannel.
The docking bay was a hive of activity. Ships were being prepped all around, last minute checks being completed and numerous problems were being discovered and either dealt with or ignored, depending on their severity. The shield doors were open, atmosphere being held in by the magcon field, so the temperature had dropped considerably. Not that anyone had a chance to mind. Everyone was too busy, rushing around trying to get everything completed. Groups of colorfully suited pilots were scattered here and there, some already in their ships, others mingled with the more somber grey-suited techs. Sitting anomalously amongst all the Rebel ships was a small Imperial shuttle, its wings folded up to form a triangle. The ramp was down and the camouflaged clad strike team was moving in and out, loading weapons and supplies into the hold of the ship. Luke stood at the base of the ramp, a datapad in one hand on which he was checking the inventory list against the items being loaded.
He didn't need to see her to know when Aurora entered the bay. His stomach flipped and his heart started racing faster as soon as he felt her unique presence in the Force approaching. It was the first time that they had seen each other since their encounter in the storage room and he was determined to handle it better this time than last.
He looked up as she drew near and tried out a smile. He really hoped that it didn't look nervous or strained….or weird. Was he smiling too much?
She gave him a careful look. "Morning."
His mind raced as he tried to think of what to say next.
Aurora took it out of his hands. "Is that the inventory list?" She asked, nodding at the datapad he held..
"Uh, yeah, it is." He gestured to the shuttle. "Most of it's already been loaded."
"Good." She replied, rubbing one hand nervously down her pants. "That's good."
An awkward silence filled the space between them while Aurora kept her eyes focused on her boots and Luke looked around the bay, trying to find something to talk about to fill the silence.
He suddenly had a very clear image of what they must look like from a distance and couldn't stop the laugh that escaped his lips.
Aurora looked up in surprise.
"We look like idiots." He said, gesturing between them.
Aurora smiled slightly. "Yes, we do."
He sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Look, Aurora, I don't know how to say this without sounding stupid or awkward or…whatever, so I'm just going to say it. I don't want what happened last time to happen again. I'm not going to ignore it or pretend it didn't happen, because it did and… it was amazing…again."
Her brows rose, but he continued. "I'm not saying that we should repeat it, because, well, we've had this discussion before, but…" He paused as if searching for the right words, then gave up. "I don't regret it." He finally said softly.
Those amazing eyes studied him for a moment, seeming to reach inside him to discover every last one of his secrets and for a moment Luke wanted nothing more than to throw himself wide open and let her in. But after a few seconds, she smiled slightly and simply said, "Good."
"Good?" Luke repeated, dumbfounded. He hadn't expected any grand declaration of love in response, but he'd at least thought she'd say something about what she was feeling. Give him some idea of what was going on in her head. Instead he got 'good.'
"That's it? That's your response?"
"Yep." She said, turning to walk up the ramp.
"I'm baring my soul here and that's all you have to say?" he called.
Her back to him, Luke didn't see the satisfied smile that crossed Aurora's face as she entered the ship without a word.
Han and Leia approached the shuttle, Chewie towering behind them and the droids trailing along after. They looked like they were arguing, but what was new about that.
Seeing Luke, Leia broke off whatever she had been saying and smiled at him.
"Everything all set?"
"Almost." He checked his list. "Just a few more things and we should be ready to go."
Chewie growled a question and Luke scrolled up a few pages on the datapad. "It says here the ship's log shows the systems were maintained regularly , but…"
Chewie's growl this time was decidedly skeptical, obviously agreeing with Luke's assessment of Imperial standards. He patted the young commander on the shoulder with one large hair paw and headed up the ramp, obviously intending to run a few checks of his own.
Artoo twittered a derisive reply of his own and followed the Wookiee.
"Artoo, Chewbacca did not ask for your assistance and regardless, I don't know what you think you know about Imperial shuttles anyway." Threepio scolded following the astromech into the shuttle.
Leia sighed. "I supposed I'd better go supervise."
Luke smiled. "Aurora's in there somewhere. She can do it."
A sudden loud crashing noise followed by several loud curses came from the open hold. This was immediately followed by voices raised in argument.
Leia winced. "Sounds like she might be a little busy. I'll do it."
Luke just shook his head and turned back to his datapad as she too disappeared into the ship.
It was only after she'd been gone a few minutes that he realized Han, who was still standing next to him, had been suspiciously quiet this whole time.
He glanced over at the smuggler, only to see him staring across the bay.
Luke followed his gaze to where the Millenium Falcon sat waiting a few berths over, her sublight engines already warming up.
Understanding, Luke didn't say a word.
It was actually less than a half hour later that everything was stowed away and the shuttle was prepared to lift off.
Luke was sitting behind the pilot's chair, checking the readings on an overhead screen when Han finally made his way into the cockpit.
"You got her warmed?" He asked shortly.
"Yeah, she's coming up." Luke replied.
Aurora glanced up from the nav 'puter where she sat behind Luke. Sensing the Corellian's bleak mood, she didn't say a word, just exchanged a concerned glance with Luke.
From where he sat in the co-pilot's seat, Chewie growled a complaint.
"No, I don't think the Empire had Wookiees in mind when they designed her, Chewie."
The Wookiee snarled his opinion of that.
Leia came in from the hold and took her seat behind him.
Chewie barked another derisive comment about Imperial design as he hit several switches on the console in front of him, starting the sublight engines.
Aurora snorted out a laugh. "Maybe Sorosuub should put that in their advertisements."
"I'm not sure that's exactly a selling point." Luke replied, switching screens to check the alignment of the shields.
Han was ignoring the byplay behind him, instead staring morosely out the forward viewport to where the Falcon was visible directly in front of them.
Leia leaned forward and nudged him gently. "Hey, you awake?"
Han sighed. "Yeah, I just got a funny feeling. Like I'm not going to see her again."
Chewie, hearing this, paused to also stare longingly at the ship.
Leia gave them a few seconds, and then put her hand on Han's shoulder. "Come on, General, let's move."
Han shook himself and seemed to snap out of it. "Right. Chewie, let's see what this piece of junk can do. Ready, everybody?"
"All set." Luke replied.
From where he was stationed next to Aurora, Threepio seemed to almost sigh. "Here we go again."
"All right," Han stated, gripping the throttle and easing it forward. "Hang on."
The shuttle lifted smoothly from the deck and headed out the through the magcon field. Once free of the docking bay, the tri-wings lowered into flight position and the ship zoomed away from Home One, heading for its rendezvous with the new Death Star.
Remembering their nearly solitary approach to the first Death Star years ago, Aurora was surprised at the amount of traffic moving around this one. There were transports, shuttles, TIEs and several Star Destroyers scattered about. Even as they approached, the huge triangle shape of a Super Star Destroyer moved into view.
There was a tense silence in the cockpit as they all took in the view of the half-completed space station.
"It's going to be even bigger than the first." Leia breathed.
"Somebody's compensating for something." Aurora quipped.
Chewie urrfed a laugh, but no one else reacted.
"If they don't go for this, we're going to have to get out of here pretty quick, Chewie." Han stated.
The Wookiee growled in agreement.
The com clicked and a controlled voice came through. "We have you on our screen now. Please identify."
Han took a deep breath to steady his voice before he replied. "Shuttle Tyderium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield."
"Shuttle Tyderium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage."
"Transmission commencing." Han replied, keying in the code.
The sound of the high speed transmission filled the cockpit.
"Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid." Leia said grimly.
"It'll work." Han told her. "It'll work."
Chewie whined nervously.
Luke didn't react. It was his turn to stare wordlessly out the cockpit, his gaze fastened on the ever closer giant Star Destroyer.
"Vader's on that ship." He said flatly.
Aurora glanced at him sharply and then at the ship, her brows drawing together.
"Now don't get jittery, Luke. There are a lot of command ships." Han replied trying to sound cheerfully upbeat. "Keep your distance though, Chewie, but don't look like you're trying to keep your distance."
Chewie barked in disbelief.
"I don't know. Fly casual." The Corellian answered cavalierly.
Chewie snorted his opinion of this advice.
Luke was still watching the Star Destroyer. "I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come."
Aurora shifted in her seat, tapping her fingers nervously on the hilt of her lightsaber. She too could feel the oppressive weight of the Dark Side hovering near them and was afraid that Luke was right.
Han, however, in typical Solo fashion, dismissed the idea. "It's your imagination, kid. Come on. Let's keep a little optimism here."
The com suddenly clicked again, causing them all to jump a little. "Shuttle Tyderium, what is your cargo and destination?"
Han and Chewie exchanged concerned glances. "Parts and technical crew for the forest moon."
There was another long pause.
"This is taking too long." Aurora said quietly. "It shouldn't take this long for clearance."
Han had to agree. "They're not going for it, Chewie." He was just reaching for the throttle, preparing to whip them around and blast out of there, when the com clicked for the third time.
"Shuttle Tyderium, deactivation of the shield will commence immediately. Follow your present course."
An audible sigh of relief filled the cabin as everyone relaxed in their seats. Everyone except for Luke and Aurora, because Luke was right. Vader's dark presence on that Destroyer was unmistakable, and if they could feel him, then he must certainly be able to sense them, especially Luke. So the only reason to allow them through the shield was because they were being set up for a trap.
Not that it really mattered in the end, because whether Vader realized their presence now or later, didn't really make a difference.
Han was suddenly all confident cockiness again. "Okay! I told you it was going to work. No problem."
Leia suddenly rubbed her arms as a chill swept over her at Han's words. Why did she suddenly have the feeling that there certainly was going to be a problem?