
"Mommy." I hear my three year old daughter say.

"What is it sweetie?" I ask as I'm braiding her hair. Amelia has thick curly brown hair which is almost untamable. Her hair is the color of mine but is as thick as Finnick's.

"Mommy, where are big brother and Daddy?" She asks with her bright green eyes looking up at me.

"They went fishing." I kiss her cheek.

"Why?" She asks innocently.

"So we can get fish to eat for dinner." I say.

"Oh." She says and stands up

"Wait I need to finish." I say as I tie off her braid.

"Mama why can't I go with Nicky and Daddy?" She asks with doe eyes.

"Because you get to stay with Mama." I say and kiss her cheek. The truth is I don't want her to go on the boat yet.

"Can you help me color then Mama?" She asks with a smile.

"Yes I can help you color pretty girl." I say and kiss her cheek causing her to laugh. I watch her draw. She draws or scribbles many picture. I add in some pink stars which seem to amuse her greatly.

We sit here and color until the front door opens.

"Daddy!" Amelia shouts and rushes towards the door. She steps on my leg in the progress.

Finnick picks her up with little effort and she giggles as he keeps kissing her cheek.

"Daddy, Mama and I colored all day for you and big brother." She says excitedly

"Really?!" Finnick says happily.

"Yes." She nods. "Let me show you." She says happily.

He sets her down and she runs to the table grabbing the colorful pieces of paper.

"Did you two catch anything good?" I ask looking at Nick.

"Yeah Mommy, Daddy helped me." Nick smiles. Who is much taller now that he is eight.

"That's good." I say with a smile.

I watch Finnick looking at Amelia's drawings while I ask what Nick and Finnick did on the boat. Nick is excited at how much better he is at catching fish. Nick is also having fun learning how to tie all different knots.

"Nicky come here!" I hear Amelia shout to her brother. I know she wants to show him her drawings too.

Finnick comes back towards me and smiles.

"So have fun?" He asks and I nod.

I look at Nick and Amelia and smile by how excited Amelia is to show her big brother brother something.

I smile and think about how everything has changed. How everything is different and better.

I don't worry about my children having to face reaping day. I still worry about Nick and Amelia but in a normal motherly way.

However sometimes my mind drifts and I wonder, I wonder if everything I have is because of the Hunger Games. Most of the time I consider it to be yes because I would never have married Finnick. I wouldn't even know him. I would've thought he was an ass until I saw his 'confession' video.

If the war did end and Panem was freed I could've married, had children. But it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't be Amelia or Nick and it wouldn't be Finnick.

As much as I hate to think, or even admit it, the Hunger Games gave me Finnick, which gave me an abundance amount of happiness. Possibly a lifetime amount.

But that doesn't change anything that has happened in the past. It doesn't change all the pain and suffering I've had to endure, that Panem as a country had to endure, but we were all able to walk away from it. We were all able to move on. We were all strong enough to move on.

I look towards Finnick and kiss his cheek.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." He whispers back.

"I know." I whisper.

"I know you know." He whispers and kisses my cheek.

I smile.

Happiness can be a hard thing to describe but it's easy to feel. I know I'm feeling it now. With the sunny day, bright blue sky, ocean, and gleaming smiles on our children's faces I know this is happiness. It's the type of happiness that will never go away and I never want it to.

The End.

A/N: Well everybody that's it. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the ending. If you're interested, I have more stories about Finnick and Annie that you can check out. Thank you to all the, reviewers, followers, and favorites. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing.
