![]() Author has written 22 stories for Star Wars, JAG, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Highlander. Hi everyone, Anaika Skywalker here. Welcome to my profile page. I’m a proud Australian and yes I use Australian spelling. You will also find I don't follow the norm, I'm not a shipper. I like to write the unexpected, especially when it comes to relationships. It's the writer in me. I love feedback. I hate it when people pick a story to pieces just to be nasty. I'm not the best speller, which is why I use a spell checker and a beta reader (sometimes two). But words that mean one thing to one person can mean something different to another. This can be a problem sometimes, but that's life. I'm more interested in what people think of my stories as what they are - stories. I want to know if they believed what I was trying to put across. If they liked what the characters said or did. And I like surprises. It makes life interesting. I published my first story on Fan Fiction on the 4th June 2003 and since then I have grown as a writer and as a person. Over the years I've come to enjoy lots of different movies and TV shows. My favourites however are Star Wars, JAG, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Highlander (all the movies except ‘The Source’ (though I must admit I did enjoy Methos in leather) and TV series) I also enjoyed Farscape, and NCIS. The last two I haven’t tried to write a fan fiction story about as of yet. Oh and Dr Who and Star Trek, neither of those I've written about either. My Beta Readers: My first beta reader was a nice man who used the username of SpaceGhoti (who I searched for but couldn't find on FF anymore. I’m not sure if he’s changed his username or has left) Now I have the wonderful FanLass reading and editing my stories. Please go and have a look at her work, she is an amazing writer. http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2545976/FanLass Another amazing write, who along with FanLass helped me with ‘An Ancient Destiny’, is FerretKid. Please check out her writing too. http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2825702/FerretKid My Completed Stories: Beyond Time (Star Wars) Published 4 June 2003, this was rated M for more mature readers. This was my first attempt at time travel as Luke Skywalker and Jedi apprentice Sari Ke’tel are knocked back in time and saved by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sari Ke’tel is my original character. The story went for 5 Chapters. Heroes (Star Wars) Published 28 July 2003, Heroes introduced another of my original characters – Tara or Runt as she introduces herself to Han Solo. Rated T, this story told by Tara how she was abused by her adopted family and saved by Han and Chewie. The story went for only 2 Chapters. Gold Wings Dress Whites (JAG) Published 29 July 2003, this story introduced Sera Mitchell, a Naval Aviator and friend of Harmon Rabb, Jr. Rated K this story explored their relationship over 29 chapters. Unfinished Business (Star Wars) Published 3 October 2003, this story was rated M as it contains mature content. The Empire had won at Endor, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, along with rebel Lieutenant Mara Jade are captured and tortured for information. Also in the story were Leia, Vader, as well as original character Amelia Jarrad. The story went for 6 chapters. Flashbacks (JAG) Published 5 November 2003, this a set of prequel stories to Gold Wings Dress Whites. It explored Sera and Harms relationship pre GWDW. There were 6 chapters and it was rated K. Starting Over (JAG) Published 21 November 2003, this story was about what would have happened if Harm hadn’t of returned to JAG but become CAG of an Air Craft Carrier. It wasn’t a Harm and Mac story and went for 18 chapters and was rated K. It introduced original character Katherine O’Reilly. A Second chance of Family (JAG) Published 26 December 2003, rated T this story was once again a, what if Harm had stayed with flying instead of coming back to JAG. It introduced original character Hailey Rabb and went for 3 chapters and ended up a Mac and Harm story. Times Destiny (JAG) Published 16 February 2004, rated K, this story an alternate universe one. Bring two original characters – Harmony Rabb and David Hawks from the future to an alternate past to interact with their alternate parents. Went for 6 chapters. Moving On (JAG) Published 19 February 2004, rated K. This was a shipper version to Starting Over. Original character Katherine O’Reilly is a part of this story too. Went for 24 chapters. A Christmas Wish (Star Wars) Published 28 February 2004, rated K. this story was set in an alternate universe. There were two original characters Amelia Coren Naberrie and her son Jolie. The story went for 3 chapters. Life’s Consequences (JAG) Published 31 May 2004, rated K. This was a story that became on a challenge. The challenge: take the characters from my story Gold Wings and Dress Whites and fit them into the JAG universe after season nine. It went for 7 chapters. Goodbyes (JAG) Published 3 June 2004, rated K. This was a future story about Harm Rabb and his daughter Sarah, an original character. It went for only 1 chapter and has a major tissue warning. If Things Had Been Different (JAG) Published 3 July 2003, rated T. This was a Harm and Mac story and how they meet in different circumstances from the show. There were a number of original characters, including Harmony Rabb and Jason Mackenzie. It went for 15 chapters. Hammer and Hoots (JAG) Published 23 August 2004, rated K. This story started before Harm went back to JAG after returning to flying. It had original character Andrea Gibson, as well a few others. It went for 9 chapters and wasn’t a shipper story. Affairs of the Heart (SG-1/JAG) Published 8 December 2004, rated M for adult content. This was my first crossover story, missing Stargate SG-1 and JAG together. It has original character Ceri O’Neill (Ceri A’tolis). The story was nominated for a Stargate Fan Award. It went for 9 chapters. Stargate SG-1 (SG-1) Published 1 June 2005, rated T. This story told the SG-1 episodes within an alternate universe. Starting at the end of the movie and going from “Children of the Gods”. It had original character Cali O’Neill. It went for 15 chapters. Destiny's Footsteps (SG-1/Stargate Atlantis) Republished 1 Febuary 2015, rate T. (Rating will go up and down). There have been some changers at Stargate Command, and General Jack O'Neill is bringing someone into SG-1 that will keep Colonel Mitchell on his toes. A brilliant young archaeologist named Jackson. An Ancient Destiny (Highlander/SG-1) Published 5 March 2012, rated K. However the rating went up and down through the chapters. My first Highlander/ Stargate SG-1 crossover, with original character, Nyssa. This story was first published on the Official Highlander Message Board. It is to date my most viewed story with over 68,000 views. Timeless – The Methos and Fairchild Chronicles (Highlander) Published 6 March 2013, rated K. In the year 2616, the Game is over and Immortals are gone, that is until archaeologist Caren Fairchild discovers one frozen in the ice of Antarctic. This isn’t just any Immortal though and Caren will do everything she can to keep him alive. Uncompleted Stories: Analogy of Conviction (Star Wars) Published 8 June 2003, rated K. Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Anaika Skywalker (original character) are thrown out of their own reality and into one where he died and she never existed. I never really got around to completing this story however; I would like to do a rewrite with the hope of one day finishing it. It has 12 chapters so far. Unending (SG-1/Stargate Atlantis) Published 18 August 2007, rated K. This was a crossover with a difference. SG-1 from the future ends up in an alternate universe in the past. This was a fun story to write and I hope one day to freshen it up and finish it. Though if I wanted to I could finish it there, I’ll have to think about it. It has 4 chapters so far and quite a few original characters. Just What the Doctor Ordered (Highlander) Published 6 March 2010, rated K. These two stories were written for the Official Highlander Message Board, but I was so proud of them I posted them on Fan Fiction. It has original character, Karlin. I am in the process of refreshing both. It has 2 chapters so far. Currant Story being written: None at the moment. My Favourite Quotes Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift "After all tomorrow is another day" Gone With The Wind If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Live, Grow Stronger, Fight Another Day – Methos
I love feedback, so please when you read a story. If you have a moment, please leave a review. Thanks! Another Last Note: If you are going to review - please remember if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. If you really want to have words with me, then send a private message. |