Title: Stargate SG-1

Author: Anaika Skywalker

Rating: T

Disclaimer: Don't own it, wish I did, I just like to play with SG-1 once and a while. I'll put them back when I'm finished. I promise.

Author's Note: Well, since I started writing this chapter, I found out Stargate SG-1 wouldn't be coming back for another season. I'm sorry to hear that, as I'm sure so many others' are too. Though this is not going to stop me from writing, I've two other stories in the draft stagers and I will be getting them on the net so. Until then, I hope you enjoy this finally chapter.

Nightshae: I'm sorry you're disappointed with season 9 and 10, but I am happy you like my story. I haven't decided whether I'm going to go that far yet. We've only just got Season 9 here. So it maybe a little hard but thanks again for liking the story.

LetNys: Thanks, I'm glad you liked the wedding, I enjoyed writing it and I thought it was about time they got married on Earth. Wasn't the easiest of chapter's to write, but I think it turned out pretty good.

Roseofthegate: Hi, Jenn, I hope I can clear this up for you. Cali's pregnancy only lasted 30 weeks, so Mia wasn't preemie, she was full term. Because Cali is now more Ancient then human, her pregnancy didn't last as long. Thus instead of 9 months, she only had a 6 month pregnancy. Sorry if it was confusing.

Krahmogh: Thanks for your review; it wasn't until after I decided on the name, I realized Michael Shank's daughter is also Mia. So I decided to leave it as Mia. And I also though it was appropriate that Daniel and Cali call their daughter after Dr. Langford too.

Stargate SG-1

Chapter Fifteen: Threads

General Jack O'Neill made his way to the briefing room; it was the provisional calm before the storm. He knew it and so did everyone else. It was coming to a head – Replicator Carter had kidnapped his best friend and son in law and was doing gods knows what to him while the Replicators were attacking the Goa'uld. Cali had covered her worry and joined Teal'c and Bra'tac in leading the Jaffa against Ba'al's forces to take Dakara. It seemed the Chosen one had finally stepped up to bat and taken her rightful place among the Jaffa. Jacob Carter had been instrumental in providing Intel, having walked away from the Tok'ra with a piece of equipment they didn't know he had. He and Sam were now on Dakara trying to translate a wall of Ancient writing, using Cali and Daniel's decipher and notes. Jack had refused to let his daughter return to the planet after an assassination attempt had been made on her while taking Dakara, Cali had taken a staff blast to the side, which had ripped through her vest. He wasn't going to put her at risk, she was too valuable to the Stargate program, so he'd packed her, the kids and Silvia off to Serenity, along with the Internship teams she and Carter had put together – which meant, Jon, Chris, Cassie and Maggie had also gone, since they were apart of the Internship program. His family was safe for the moment, all but Daniel.


Daniel – from the moment they'd met Jack had felt a connection to the younger man. During that first mission, Daniel had shown him how to live again and he gave Jack his daughter. Showed him he could love someone unconditionally, something he thought he'd never do again.

Daniel had gone from an uncoordinated geek to a highly trained soldier before his eyes. Oh there had been some tough patches over the years, a lot in their fifth year.

Standing in the briefing room, looking out at the Stargate he recalled quiet a few. He'd seen happiness and excitement in Daniel's eyes, but what he remembered most was the pain and sorrow, the disappointment, all which he had coursed.

Before Daniel had died and ascended, things had gotten bad between them and between father and daughter. He thought they no longer needed him. He didn't see Cali and Daniel as a pair of geeky archaeologist, he saw them as equals. They'd changed – they'd grown and adapted. Daniel most noticeable – in his hands a 9 millimeter, a P-90, or even a Zat, was deadly and accurate. He didn't grumble about carrying whatever weapon he was handed. He just did it and did it well. He had become a leader of men. And when he had died and ascended, Cali had made it very obvious she was just as capable, his little girl had lost what innocents she had left and become what she'd fought so long and hard not to be – a soldier. Then Jack had lost her too – his world would have turned upside down if it hadn't been for Caleb. His grandson had kept him strong and given him the strength to carry on. They had returned though, Daniel first – no memory, but he'd come back and then Cali. Together they'd rebuilt their lives and once more become an important part of the Stargate program.

Jack sighed and turned away from the large window and looked over the briefing room. Over the years the room had seen some important decisions made, laughter, tears, sorrow. It was here life and death decisions were made. It was here Daniel and Cali had told him and their teammates about what had happened aboard the Prometheus after they'd been boarded responding to a distress signal. How the two of them had managed to take back the ship, ending up having to go along with it all because the, as Daniel had remarked – the psychotic woman had locked them out of the controls. But in the end it had worked out, they'd gotten control back, were helped out by the crew, who'd been ringed aboard an Al'kesh by said psychotic woman, and found them. Of course the psychotic woman, one Vala Mal Doran, had escaped in the Al'kesh, and they'd never gotten to Atlantis, which had been their destination, they had made it back alive though. And to Jack, that meant a good mission. Any mission where his kids all made it back was a good one. And Caleb and Mia had been happy to have their parents back.

It was also in the briefing room they'd discovered how a barber from Indiana had managed to follow their lives so closely through an Ancient stone. Well, Cali and Daniel had figured it out. Not that Joe the barber had been the first one to break into Jack's house. Kinsley had done that too and spun a tale that had them all concerned and going to head to head with the Trust and nearly sending the United States into war with Russia. Thankfully it had been resolved and Kinsley and his Goa'uld were dead.


Jack looked to Sergeant Harriman. "Yes, Walter."

"The President is on the phone, sir."

"Thank you, Walter," he said and headed for his office.

Daniel stood in the tent that had been his home while on Vis Uban, dressed in robs he'd worn. Of course it was all an illusion created by Replicator Carter. She'd managed to trick him into thinking for a short time she was Oma, only to get information from his mind. Information buried deep within his subconscious. Information regarding the Ancients, the location of Dakara where a weapon was situated that could destroy all life within the universe, all life and the Replicators wanted it. So there he was in a face off with Replicator Carter, he had to think of her like that, she certainly wasn't Sam that was for sure.

"So now what? We done? You got what you wanted," he taunted. "Don't suppose you want to just drop me off at the nearest Stargate?"

"It is true, I learned the location of the weapon that could be a threat to me and my brethren, but I also saw the extent of knowledge your subconscious mind contains," the replicator declared walking closer to him. "You have no idea, do you?"

"No. No, I don't," Daniel admitted.

"You've tried accessing it, but it's always just out of reach, isn't it?" She purposed. "I could help you. We could unlock the knowledge of the Ancients, the secrets of the universe together."

"I have to admit it does sound interesting," he divulged and saw her smile slightly at him. "On the other hand, you're an evil killing machine, so no, I'll pass."

The Replicators smile faded and suddenly Daniel frowned and grimaces in pain, as he was forced to remember what had happened aboard Anubis' ship, when he'd been ascended, when he'd taken on the system lord and pulled away. He glared at her when it was over, shocked by what he'd seen.

"You had the power," she taunted him. "You were about to strike, but she stopped you."

"No, I don't believe you," he said sternly. "You can make me see whatever you want, that's just a trick."

"You know it's true." She saw the uncertainty cross his features. "Destroying the weapon that can destroy is one thing. A good thing for me, but there is more. There is a way to kill Anubis in your mind, and so much more. I'm not done, Daniel Jackson, far from it. In fact, we have only just begun."

He frowned at her, breathing hard. Damn he didn't want to do this. But at least it was him and not Cali, his wife and children were safe and that gave him so hope. He just hoped this weapon could be destroyed and they stayed safe.

"It would be much easier on both of us if you did not resist." Replicator Carter told him.

"Why, why, why, why, in the wide world of all things rational and sane, would I help you?" He asked her.

"Because deep down you also want the knowledge I seek."

"Yes, but the problem is, anything I learn I won't be able to put to much use because right after I'm done, you're going to kill me," he pointed out.

"What if I promise not to?"

Daniel laughed at her. "Yeah."

"Do you really think I am that different from Samantha Carter?" She questioned.

"In that you're a Replicator, bent on galactic domination at the expense of all living things…"

"Her thoughts, her memories, even her emotions, they are not meaningless to me," she informed. "I do not wish to harm you or destroy Earth for that matter, I could have done that already if I so desired."

He frowned. "You're saying you'll leave Earth untouched?"

"I promise you that," she agreed. "And your life."

He thought about it, hell how could he not. He knew she was going to double cross him, but perhaps he could turn things around to his advantage. "No. No, not going to help you," he taunted. "But obviously I can't do anything to stop you so… give it your best shot."

On Dakara, within the temple, Jacob Carter stood studying the notes he had on a clipboard as his daughter examined the wall of Ancient symbols.

"What if it's a code?" She put forth.

"Something that could only be deciphered by someone who understands the language," Selmac purposed.

Sam had turned around, noticing the symbols on the clipboard, reading them upside down. "Can I see that?" She took the clipboard, but didn't turn it the right way round.

"You're holding it upside down," Selmac noted.

"I know," she announced. "I just noticed upside down these symbols look like another word I've seen before." She turned the clipboard to show him, he took it and looked.

"Right side up, it's darkness," he translated. "You turn it around and…it translates into sun."

"'Midday the sun is high in the sky.' That makes a lot more sense."

"Yeah, but so what?" Her father asked her. "That's not what the wall says."

Sam turned back to look at the wall again, she walked up to it and slowly turned one of the inlaid circles, her father moved closer, and smiled. She turned to him. "Now it does."

"It can't be that simple," he stated. "Just turn all five circles upside down?"

"No, I agree. It has to be some sort of combination lock," she agreed. "We just need to figure out which circles to turn."

"This would be a lot easier if Daniel and Cali had a better system to their notes, not to mention if they were all in English instead of a mixture of both English and Abydonian." Jacob declared.

Sam nodded. "Well, like I said before, they have their own system and Cali writes mostly in Abydonian."

"Doctor O'Neill would be most useful in helping to translate this wall." Selmac pointed out.

"General O'Neill won't let her anywhere near here," Sam reminded. "One assassination attempt is enough."

"Then we have to do this ourselves." Jacob said with a sigh.

After quiet a few wrong turns, Sam turned the last inlaid circle, the ground began to shake. She picked up her P-90 and stepped back as a number of Jaffa run into the temple behind them. "Let's hope that's not a bad sign." She gestured for the Jaffa to stand back as they wall rose up and she raised her weapon. Anther wall behind it split open to reveal a room.

"Nice going, Sam." Jacob praised, he had his Zat ready anyway. Together they walked into the darkened room, the touch on Sam's P-90 showing a large platform in the center of the room, an alien device, with large stone panels set into it, like what they'd seen used on P4X-639. They walked up to the platform.

"We're in business," Sam exclaimed and her father nodded. "We'd better contact the SGC."

They did and Jack suggested a bomb could do the trick and blow it up and had one sent through. Sam waited for it while Jacob went back to the temple and studied the device. He was still doing that as Sam dragged a case into the room; she opened it and removed the bomb.

Jacob touched one of the top panels on the device and a view screen appeared behind him, he turned and saw the Ancient text scrolling on the screen. "Sam, you might want to hold off on that for a minute." He announced and she walked over to the device. "If I'm reading this screen right, the weapon uses an energy wave to reduce all matter to its basic molecular elements. It's not strong enough to disintegrate an entire planet, but it will wash away everything on a planet's surfaces and anything in the surrounding space."

"Sounds bad."

He turned back to her. "I know."

"You think this weapon can be modified to work only on the Replicators?"

"I don't know, but I'd hate to blow it up before I was a 100 percent sure it couldn't," he declared and saw his daughter nod. "Selmac agrees, we need time thought to be sure."

Sam keyed on her radio. "Teal'c, do you read?"

His voice came over her radio. "Precede, Colonel Carter."

"Look… um… my dad and Selmac think this weapon may hold the key to defeating the Replicators and we'll need some time to find out. Just let us know when things get bad and we'll blow it and get out."


"Carter out." She replied and hurried to set up what they needed, including her laptop computer.

After a few minutes of trying to find the right calibration between the device and the computer, Jacob was getting frustrated. "I'm not getting anything." He moved away from the laptop, letting Sam in.

"This may not be possible, you know," she declared.

He was frustrated, not giving up. "Come on, Sam. It can't be harder then blowing up a sun!"

"You know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water," she exclaimed.

Suddenly the computer screen cleared and Ancient text appeared.

"There you go," he said happily.

"Ah! Next step, parting the Red Sea." Sam smirked and they both smiled and set to work.


Colonel Lou Ferretti harried down the corridor, going into ICU, waving the nurse back into her seat he went over to Dr. Thomas Oliver. "What the hell is going on, doc?"

"To be honest Colonel, I'm not sure," the doctor admitted. He looked from the Colonel to his patient, when Cali O'Neill-Jackson had been brought through the Stargate to them; she'd been in good spirits. Now, only hours later she was in coma. "Mayet is looking over the Staff Weapon that shot her, along with the Science team. I've a team going over Cali's blood work to see if we've missed anything."

"Has Mayet tried a healing device?" Lou inquired.

Dr. Oliver nodded. "It sent her into convulsions."
"Damn, so Anubis planed this."

"Looks like it."

"How are the kids handling it?"

"Caleb is frightened, Mia is distressed; Chris helping Mayet, he's worried, but holding it all in. Cassie is working with the research team, as is Maggie. Jon is with Mayet and Chris; he's holding them all together." Dr. Oliver revealed. "That kid is so like his father, he's as strong and as determined to get them all through this as his father would be."

"He's a good kid." Lou agreed; he ran his hand through his hair. "Can I sit with Cali for a while, doc?"

The doctor nodded. "Go a head."

"Thanks," he patted the man on the shoulder and went over to the young woman, sitting on the chair next to her bed. He took her hand; she had an IV in the other, sensors on her forehead monitoring brain waves, other sensors attached to the heart monitor, a tube was down her throat, helping her to breath. Her skin was warm, far too warm and her face ashen. "Kiddo, if you can hear me, you hang on. You've got the best trying to work out what's wrong. You've just got to hang on." He whispered. "God, kiddo, I haven't even told your dad, yet. What do I say to him? He sent you here to be safe."

Cali O'Neill-Jackson stood by the bed listening to what Lou was saying. She'd been in this position before, so doing it again wasn't so daunting. What was daunting was the pain and anguish that her children, her family were being put through.

"Your path has always been separate from theirs."

She hugged her arms against her chest. "I know."

Oma Desala came to stand beside her. "You know why I am here?"

"Daniel is in danger, the Replicators have him." Cali said dryly and then turned. "You won't interfere."

"I'll be there if and when I am needed," the ascended being informed. "However, it is you I am here for."

"Because Anubis did this?"

"Yes, the 'Others' are concerned."

"The 'Others'," Cali chuckled a little. "They don't care about me, I'm a problem to them, someone they can't control."

"Is that what you think?" Oma asked her frowning.

"It's what I know, Oma," she stated. She turned back, seeing herself on the bed; it sent shivers down her spine. "I'm more ancient then I am human, I'm evolving and they can't stop it, nor control it. So is Caleb, so will Mia and…" she paused. "So is Daniel. He just doesn't know it yet."

"And you can't tell him."

Cali sighed. She felt weary. It would be so easy to just let go, to ascend and feel free from the confines her mortal body trapped her in.

"You can't let go, not yet," another voice informed.

Looking, Cali found Oma was gone, Sha're stood in her place, just as she remembered her, just as beautiful. She embraced her life partner, letting herself be enclosed in her warmth and love. "I'm so glad you're here."

"I would not be anywhere else, my love," Sha're said gently. "I watch over you as much as I am able, you, Daniel and your children." She cupped her life partner's face in her hands. "I know you feel tired, but you must fight, it's not time to let go, not yet."

"I don't understand."

"You will," she gently caressed her cheek. "When it's time, you will know."

Temple of Dakara

Jacob stood beside his daughter, watching her work, pointing out. "I'm pretty sure this output is giving us the frequency spectrum of the wave the weapon uses to disintegrate matter."

"That's nothing like the spectrum analysis of the Replicator disruptor wave. Here, look," she brought up a different analysis graph on the laptops screen.

"Yeah, I know, but all we have to do is alter the settings on the weapon consoles so that the output wave matches that of the disruptor technology."

"All we have to do?" She questioned, amazed he'd even said it.

"Yeah. The device can be set by varying the height of these panels," Jacob informed and slowly pushed one of the panels down, the analysis graph for the weapon changed considerably.

"Oh. Well, I can run a program to compare the difference between two waves," Sam declared. "It should let us know if we're even going in the right direction."

"That's good," her father praised.

"You know, even if we can make this work, the Replicators were quickly able to adapt themselves to the frequency modulation," Sam pointed out. "Thor made the original disruptor wave."

"What are you saying?" Jacob asked.

"We realized the only way to eliminate the Replicators and not allow them time to develop immunity was to somehow hit them all at the same time," she revealed.

"Everywhere in the galaxy? How are we supposed to do that?"

"The weapon translates through the Stargate." She answered. "Do you think Anubis was planning to use the weapon to attack one planet at a time?"

"So dial multiple gates, simultaneously." Jacob caught onto what his daughter was thinking.

"Not multiple gates," she corrected. "All of them."

"Every Stargate in the galaxy, at one time? Do you know how many gates there are in the whole galaxy?"

"A lot." Sam said.

"I have no idea how to alter a Stargate to perform such a function. I don't know of anyone who can." Selmac noted.

Sam grimaced, chewing on her lip. "I think I know someone."

"Am I going to like this?" Her father asked, taking back control.

"No," she admitted.

That someone Sam was talking about was Ba'al, he agreed to help because it suited his need. He made that plane and clear, appearing as a holographic image within the temple, being his usual charming self, making snide remarks.

Jacob silently wondered what he and Selmac had gotten themselves into and he hoped Sam knew what she was doing.

His subconscious was filed with amazing knowledge, more then she could have ever imagined. More then he realized and he fought her.

"It's incredible, yet you still resist me," the Replicator vision of Carter exclaimed. She saw him frown, his breathing more rapid then usual. "Do you not care? Are you not amazed by what you are seeing?"

"I don't understand it. It's more than any human can begin to comprehend." Daniel informed. Well, maybe his wife could, but he wouldn't reveal that to this machine.

"I'm not human," she reminded him smugly.

"Oh, believe me, I know," he taunted, back, then stated. "There must be a limit to how much your mind can process, how much information you can store."

"I am sharing what I learn with my brethren," she revealed. "The extent of knowledge we can absorb is only limited by our numbers. As we speak, those numbers are growing faster then you can imagine."

That's what worried Daniel. The Replicators were out there, his friends and allies were in danger. As she started again, something else nagged at him, his sensors went on over load. He pushed it to the back of his mind and concentrated, perhaps he could begin to understand a little of what he was being shown and use that to his advantage.

What he did find out made him frown, he opened his eyes, Replicator Carter opened hers, surprised and confused. He glared her. "You can't handle it, can you?"

"I can," she insisted stunned. "I just need time to process, share it with the others."

"Like the universe, it's infinite," he taunted her. "It's not just knowledge and information; it's an understanding on a level that you will never reach."

"Why do you think that?" She asked him, curiously.

"Because you're a machine," he goaded.

"So are you. Just of weaker construction," she criticized back.

"And that's where you're wrong." Daniel said with a strong determination.

"We'll see," she said with a smirk on her lips.

He returned it. Oh yeah, the game was just starting and now, thanks to her, he had a foothold. This time when she drove into his subconscious, he did some digging of his own, finding out what he needed. It was all there before him, everything; the knowledge may have been infinite, but now he had a foothold, he could use it, Cali had told him, she'd said if he tried, he could gain some knowledge. She'd been right. And now he could use that information against his capturers. So he dug deeper, he used the knowledge at his disposal.

Their eyes opened and they stared at each other surprised.

"You lied to me." Daniel exclaimed.

"What?" She didn't know what he was talking about.

"You promised you'd leave Earth alone," he stated. "There's Replicators infiltrating the SGC right now."

She glared at him surprised. "How can you know that?" She saw him look innocently at her, realizing what he'd done. "While I was in your mind, you were inside mine."

"Took a while to figure out, fortunately, you were too distracted to notice," he bragged. "Some of the Ancient knowledge really helped too, thank you."

"You tricked me," she accused.

"You tricked me first," he fought back.

"You should never have told me," she snarled angrily.

"Too late; for you that is," he said firmly and caught her wrist, stopping her from hitting him. "Trying to leave? Sorry. You're spending a little more time in Danny's world."

"My brethren will not stop. You cannot control them," she said furiously.

"Not yet, but I'm learning," Daniel informed her bluntly.


Major Nathan Stephen rushed over to his CO. "The shields are holding, Colonel," he reported. "Major McFallan has the Colony completely sealed and the shield at full strength."

"Any word from Earth?" Lou asked, he moved around Lieutenant Hood to get a look at the monitor.

"Negative sir," the Lieutenant answered. "But if they've been hit by the Replicators, then they might not be able to respond."

"All right, keep a watch on any incoming wormholes, there is a chance they'll use the Stargate as an escape route."

"Yes, sir," the younger man responded.

"Colonel," Lieutenant James Browder, the Alpha team intern hurried over to him. "Sir, a message just came through from the Colony," he reported, gravely. He gave the printed message to the Colonel.

Lou read it. "Shit," he exclaimed.

"Sir?" Nat questioned concerned.

He screwed the paper up in his hand. " Cali is getting worse." He turned. " Prescott!"

Sergeant Jordan Prescott acknowledged him. "Sir?"

"Do we have a clear passage to the Colony?"

"Emergency tunnels are still clear, sir."

"All right," he turned back to his 2IC. "I'm going to head over to the colony, let me know if and when we make contact with the SGC."

"Yes, sir," Nat agreed and then added, his voice laced with worry. "Colonel…"

Lou knew what the man wanted to say. "I'll let her know we're all pulling for her, Nat."

"Thank you, sir."

He patted the man on the shoulder and turned. "Browder, Black, Prescott, you're with me."

The two interns followed the Sergeant and Colonel to the armory since they already wore vests, they received P-90's, and then used one of the two tunnels they'd found that linked the base to the city, which they'd decided would make good emergency escape routes. They ran all the way, they couldn't use the Ancient transport device with the shields up. So this was the only way. And Lou Ferretti felt he needed to be back with Cali, the young woman, along with his own niece, was apart of his family. She was like a sister, hell she was like that to mostly everyone on the base. And with her dad so far away, he wanted to be by her side, for her and for her family. What ate at his heart was the dread of telling her dad, she'd lost the fight. Jack was his friend; he didn't want to see the man go through the heartache of losing another child. Especially since he'd lost Cali twice before, what worried him the most was this time she might not ascend, or if she did, she might not be able to come back.

"Colonel, will Dr. O'Neill be all right?" Lieutenant Katherine Black, the other Alpha team intern asked as she kept up with him.

"I hope so, Lieutenant," he answered, seriously.

Daniel held tight to Replicator Carter's wrist, his eyes were closed as he concentrated. Now he knew what to do, he could get into her mind as she got into his. He had to stop the Replicators infiltrating the SGC. He had to lean to control them and she was going to show him how. He opened his eyes, triumphant at his discovery, seeing the surprise and shock in the Replicators eyes. "Got you now!" he exclaimed.

She glared at him and tried to pull her wrist free.

"Oh no, I'm not finished yet," he told her and dove back into her subconscious. He could see the control she processed, the link that joined them all together. Through her he witnessed the battle going on in space above Dakara, the attack on the temple on the planet. The useless attack on Serenity, their shields keeping the Replicators from making any advance and the attack that was being raged on the SGC, but now he had the upper hand. He used her hold over them all and brought them all to a stop, holding them. Keeping them suspended, he had to give his friends time to complete whatever they were doing with the weapon on Dakara; to give Jack and the others an advantage at the SGC. He began to struggle, there were so many of them, it sapped at his concentration.

He opened his eyes and saw Replicator Carter smiling at him coldly as he fought to hang on.

"There are so many aren't there?" She said with silky satisfaction. "Too many for your mind to handle, it's taking all of your concentration just to control them." She pulled her wrist free of his hold and the image of the tent and planet faded away, changing back to the inside of the Replicator ship.

Daniel was encased by Replicator blacks, they retreated back into the wall, freeing him, and he stepped forward towards Replicator Carter. Her hand and part of her arm transformed into a large sword like blade. She lunched it at him, stabbing him, the blade going completely through his body. His control on the Replicators lost, she pulled the blade arm from his body and he collapsed onto the floor, falling against the wall, blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. She looked away from him, something was very wrong.

On the floor, Daniel had the satisfaction of knowing he'd won. He let his eyes close, letting go, letting death take him. Letting go of all that kept him mortal, letting go of his burdens, accepting the alternative.

The ship where he died was hit by an energy wave and destroyed, Replicator Carter along with it. The Replicator threat was over. They'd won.

On Dakara, Sam and the Jaffa lowered there weapons, looking at the destroyed Replicators in shock and relief. She turned and hurried back over to her father, seeing him slumped against the alien device. "Dad?"

"I'm all right," he assured as he straightened.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know."

"You did it," she told him happily.

He smiled weakly. "Well, Selmac deserves a little credit," he noted, then added and corrected himself. "Okay most of it."

Sam smiled; putting her P-90 on the device she hugged him. They'd won, but she wondered at what cost. Daniel had been on a Replicator ship. She could have sent her best friend to his death.

"Sam," her father tiled her chin up. "What's wrong?"


He nodded. "I'm sorry, Sam, I wish I could tell you something."

"I know, dad."

"Come on, kiddo, we need to contact Teal'c and the SGC." He insisted.

She agreed and followed him out. After making contact with Teal'c, they removed the modifications Sam had made to the gate system and returned to Earth. Finding out from Colonel Reynolds that the General had been contacted by Serenity and had left for the planet, revealing what had happened with Cali. After they both wrote up reports they headed to quarters to get some sleep.

The next morning, Sam caught up the General. "How is Cali, sir?"

"She's out of the coma, they found out how to combat the modifications Anubis made to the effects of the staff blast in time," he reported. "She's weak, but Dr. Oliver is confident she's going to make a full recovery. As soon as she's strong enough, he'll have her transferred back here. It could be a while though."

"Are Caleb and Mia all right?"

"Yeah, Silvia has taken them to see their mother, Mia was a little distressed, but she settled down when I was there," Jack answered, relieved himself. "Chris and Cassie are good, Maggie is holding Jon together, now it's all over, he's crashed. We had a long talk before I left. He did a damn good job of keeping them going. Ferretti is singing the intern's praises, he said they handled themselves well and has recommended that as soon as there's a positions opened, Lieutenants Browder and Black deserve them."

"I look forward to reading his reports, sir."

They headed up the stairs to his office, going through the control room.

"Any more word from Teal'c?" Jack asked her.

"Yes, Sir, although Ba'al got away, the fact that he turned tail and ran made the rebel victory every bit the turning point Teal'c and Bra'tac were hoping for," Sam revealed. " Jaffa from all over the galaxy are joining with them."

"Well, viva la revolution!" He said light heartedly as they started through the briefing room.

Sam smiled. "They've a significant sized fleet securing Dakara. Hopefully, with the weapons we've provided, they'll be able to turn the tide against Anubis' super soldiers." They walked into his office, she stood one side of his desk, he the other. "It looks like the Jaffa might finally win their freedom."

Jack picked up a folder. "It's about time."

"Yes sir," she agreed and remembered the other piece of news she had. "Oh! I heard from Thor."

"How's he doing?" He asked as he sat down.

"Great! He sends us all his congratulations and says that he will drop by for a visit as soon as his consciousness has been downloaded from the ship's computer into a new body."

"That just never gets old, does it?" Jack remarked.

"Apparently not," Sam said with a smile.

Jack smiled back half heartedly before asking. "Carter, did you notice if the Replicators where you were happened too…. Stop in the middle of everything?"

"Yeah, it was really strange, they just…"

"Froze," they said together.

"It actually bought us the time we needed to calibrate the weapon." Sam noted.

"Any idea why that happened?"

"You think Daniel had something to do with it?" She answered his question with her own.

"I don't know," he admitted.

"Sir, if he was onboard that Replicator ship, then…"

Jack cut her off. "Carter! We don't know anything."

She nodded. "No, sir. Did Cali happen to saying anything?"

"No, only that everything would be all right," he said wondering about that. "Anything else?"

"No, sir." She answered and watched him concentrate on the paper work before him, after a moment she shrugged and left the office.

Jack started to make a note on the report in front of him, and then stopped, he looked up. Where the hell are you, Daniel? He asked himself worriedly. Why does it always have to be you?

A week later:

Sam hurried up the stairs and in to the briefing room, heading towards the General's office, midway she stopped seeing he was with someone. She felt uncomfortable watching, but she did want to see the General. When the woman left, the General turned and saw her, gesturing her in as he returned to stand behind his desk.

Sam walked in. "Sorry, sir, I saw you were with some, I didn't want to interrupt."

"What's up?" He asked not at all phased by it.

"Who was that?" She asked right back, making it a curious inquiry.

"Um, Kerry Johnson, CIA," he told her, as he sat down.

"I've heard the name," Sam recalled, realizing where as she stood before his desk. "Oh, she was heading up the investigations into Goa'uld still at large after the incident with the Trust."

"Yeah," he declared and waited for her to come to the point of her visit, having a feeling he knew what it was about.

"Sir, I wanted to talk to you about…"

He cut her off. "Carter."

"We haven't heard from him in a week," she reminded.

"Doesn't mean anything."

"Sir, we know he was captured by Replicators. Chances are he was onboard a replicator ship when it disintegrated," Sam pointed out. "Sooner or later…"

Jack interrupted her again. "Forget it! I'm not falling for it this time!"

"Falling for it?" Sam was a little confused.

"Yeah. How many times have you thought he was gone and then he shows up… in one form or another. I'm sorry, but we've not having a memorial service for someone who is not dead," Jack declared and looked up, shouting. "Do you hear that? I'm not buying it?" He kept looking around; Cali had said Daniel was fine that everything was going to be fine. He trusted her. He also saw the look he was getting from his former 2IC. "What?" He saw her raise her eyebrows and then look down, uncomfortable. "He's just waiting for us to say a bunch of nice things about him. Next thing you know, he'll come waltzing through that door, demanding to be allowed to go to Serenity to see Cali. Right though that door, like, right now," he gestured to the corridor door. They both looked and waited. "Waltzing." He saw the look he was being given when nothing and no one came. "Now." Daniel didn't come, his heart dropped a little. Damn it he wasn't going to go through this. He wasn't dead. Cali assured him everything would be all right.

Walter Harriman came through the briefing room to the office and knocked on the open door. "General."

Jack gestured him in. "What is it, Walter?"

"Sir, a message was relayed through from Serenity," the Sergeant revealed gravely. "Dr. O'Neill has disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Sam asked amazed.

"Yes, Ma'am," Harriman answered.

"Damn," Jack exclaimed. "Thank you Walter."

The Sergeant nodded and walked out again.

Sam turned. "Sir, I could take a team to Serenity?"

Jack shook his head. "No," he sat back in his chair. "I have a feeling I know where she's gone."

It was then she caught on. "Daniel."

He nodded. "Daniel."

"But I thought you had to die first to ascend?"

Jack sighed and shrugged. "With Cali, anything is possible, Carter, she's changing. She's more ancient then she's human now."

"How is that possible, sir?"

"I don't know, Carter, but I hope she brings him and herself back to us soon," he said solemnly.

"So do I, sir."

"A diner?"

"It's from his mind." Oma revealed mater of fact.

Cali arched an eyebrow. "Okay, so, why am I here? And why are we hiding from the others?"

They were standing in the ladies room of the diner, not much of a hiding spot, but it served the purpose.

"There is someone on Earth who needs your help." Oma informed. "I would go, but I need to be here for Daniel."

"Daniel is coming here?" she asked rhetorically.


Cali sighed. "So who is it that needs my help?"

"It's more like two people," the ascended being declared and so the impatient look she was getting. "You're Tok'ra ally."

She was shocked. "Jacob and Selmac?"

Oma nodded. "Selmac is at the end of his life; Jacob would not let him go; now they are both to die."

"And you want me to offer them ascension, or just Jacob?" Cali inquired.

"Both, Selmac's is a good soul and that is what you must ascend."

"Their souls?"


Nodding, Cali agreed. "All right." They left the ladies room. "Is there any chance I can say hello to my husband before I leave?"

"Will you influence his decision?"

"Um, let's see, death or ascension," Cali weighted up, sarcastically. "Being able to descend and return to wife and family or walk out of here and die. Big decision."

Oma frowned at her. "I won't help him a third time."

Cali snorted. "Help him, he can do it on his own, you've just never told him that and you won't let me tell him he as the abilities, just as I do."

"But he does not know it yet, it isn't his time. He must find out on his own."

The younger woman sighed. "Fine, I'll go, but I'm warning you, Oma, be careful, because I will be keeping an eye on him." She warned and left.

Oma sighed and waited, she didn't have to wait long though; the bell rang as the pre-ascended Daniel Jackson walked into the diner. She saw him look around and then frown before walking further into the diner, glancing at the customers before he took a seat at a booth. She took out her order book and pencil and went over to him. "So, what can I get for you?"

He looked up and stared at her in shock.

A large man sitting at the counter turn with his chair to speak to Oma; not caring she was with another customer. "Hey!" He saw them both look. "What do I have to do to get some more coffee around here?"

"Find your enlightenment," Oma replied coldly and turned her attention back to Daniel, waiting for him to order.

"Menus?" He asked.

"We don't need them here, just order what you'd like," she informed.

"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity, please," he said with a touch of sarcasm.

She didn't take notice of it. "The replicator vision of Sam was in your head trying to access the knowledge buried in your subconscious. But you gained control of her instead. She killed you to stop you. That's where I stepped in. How's that?" She asked bluntly.

"Pretty clear," he answered, nonchalant.

"Well we aim to please," she responded with a small smile. "Customer comes first, you know."

"So I'm ascended again?"

"Not exactly, sort of a stop along the way, you have to make that choice for yourself."

"Waffles," he said suddenly.

"Bacon on the side?" Oma asked as she jotted down the order.

"No," he answered, and then explained. "I remember this place."

"You should, it came from your mind."

"My Grandfather brought me here after my parents' funeral," Daniel said dryly. "I had waffles."

"Waffles it is!" She said happily and turned to leave.

"Wait," he stopped her. "How do I know it's really you this time? How do I know this isn't some trick Replicator Sam's playing to stop me from controlling her?"

Oma stepped back. "How deep is the river if you cannot see the bottom?"

A large man turned, waving his coffee mug. "Deeper than the coffee in my cup, I'll tell you that."

Once more Oma ignored him. "Excuse me," she said to Daniel and walked away, calling out to the cook. "Frank, I need a nose boy and a blanket. Two hand fruit wreaked on a shingle with a mystery in the alley," behind her Daniel was quietly amused. "A warmy with a moldy lid and two checkerboards, alright?" She walked behind the counter placed the order on the hook. "Oh yeah, hold the paper."

Daniel sat back and glanced around, the diner was exactly like he remembered it, but then again if it had come from his mind, then it would be.

"Hey, I know you."

He turned to see the large man, standing near him. "Really?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, the guy from the paper, Doctor Daniel Jackson," he put the paper down on the pointing to an article, the leader was entitles. 'Jackson Still Undecided,' there was also a large photo of Daniel. He saw him look and then look back to him. "It's okay," he guessed his question. "Keep it. I'm done."

"Thanks." Daniel said and looked back at the paper, 'The Ascended Times' as the man walked away. There were a number of headlines, most concerned Anubis and his plan to retake Dakara and destroy all live in the Milky Way galaxy. Daniel looked from the paper and frowned. What the hell was he going to do now.

Sam sat with her father in the commissary having a meal, that afternoon she had Pete come and meet her dad; she thought the meeting had gone well, considering.

"So, you gonna visit Mark and the kids this trip?" She asked, making conversation.

"Tomorrow," he answered with a smile.

"Is everything okay?" She was worried about him, he was picking at his meal.

"I'm just not very hungry," he confessed and put down his fork.

"You've been pretty quiet," she noted concerned.

"I'm fine," he insisted, picking up his bottle of water he took a drink.


He smiled. "What?"

"It's been two hours since Pete left, you haven't said a word," Sam noted.

"I did so."

"He seems nice?" She said, repeating his every word.

"I believe that's three words." Jacob teased.

"I'm gonna marry him."

"I know. I just met him. What do you want me to say?" He asked her. "I know how happy he makes you. That's all that matters to me."

Sam nodded, but didn't really believe him. "Okay."

"Selmac really liked him." Jacob revealed.


"Yeah, and he's a great judge of character," her father stated.

"Well, okay," she said, in a tone of voice that was almost mocking him.

Jacob knew it; he put the water bottle down. "Look, Sam, I'm tired. It's been a long day," he dismissed. "I think I'm gonna turn in early."

"You sure nothing else is wrong?" She pushed worried.

"Yeah," he assured. "I'll see you in the morning."


He got up and left the commissary, knowing his daughter was worried about him, but there wasn't anything she could do. He returned to his VIP quarters on level 25, shutting the door, he sat wearily down on the bed.

'You shouldn't lie to her, Jacob.'

He looked up, staring at her stunned. " Cali, when did you…" his voice faded. "They said you disappeared from Serenity."

'I did, in a way,' she remarked and smiled a little. 'I made the decision to leave,' she waved her hand around as if illustrating something flittering away. 'Well go all glowy as dad would say.'

"So you're ascended again?"

She nodded as she said. 'Yes.'

"How's that possible?"

Cali stood and moved around the room, she had chosen to appear to him in her blue BDU's, she could have worn anything really, but like this she felt comfortable. 'I have a few abilities that the 'Others' don't, thanks to the Ancient scientist that advanced my evolution. I can now ascend and descend on my own knowledge."

Jacob turned a little. "Is Daniel all right? Are the kids?"

She returned to her seat. 'Daniel is fine, he's got some thinking to do. And Caleb and Mia are also fine, I've checked in on them."


'So why am I here?' She asked him and saw him nod, sitting back in her chair. 'Because you're dying, Jacob, you and Selmac.'

"And you want to what, offer us ascension?" He asked her a little amassed.

'Yes,' she answered bluntly. 'You're a good man, Jacob and so is Selmac. You're souls are good, but you have a symbiotic consistence, which means I can only ascend your souls.'

That shocked him, he'd been there when Daniel had ascended, he'd seen what had happened, and he didn't really understand it though. "So, our bodies remain, but our souls will ascend?"


Oma saw Daniel was still reading the newspaper as she walked over and put the plate of waffles in front of him.

He turned the newspaper so she could see the Dakara headline. "You know about this?"


"And you're not going to do anything about it?"

"You know I can't," she said calmly.

"Well, I'm certainly not going to just sit here and let this happen," Daniel said strongly and slid from the booth, walking away from her with the paper.

"You can't leave, you're not ascended yet," Oma informed before he could too far, she saw him stop and turn back to face her, not happy. "You walk out that door, you're choosing the alternative."

Daniel looked at the door and then back, weighing it up. "You're saying I'll be dead."

"Pretty much," she said, nodding her head, grimacing.

"Okay, ascend me," he said simply.

"It doesn't mean you'll be able to help your friends," she noted. "You know the rules."

"Yes, but once I'm ascended, I can choose to take human form again, just like last time," he said simply.

"Technically, yes, but you can't take that paper with you," she said sternly. "You won't have any of the knowledge that you've gained here and good luck ever ascending again. I'm certainly not going to help you a third time."

"So you're saying I can know Anubis is plotting to destroy all life in the galaxy and all I can do about it is stay here and contemplate my own enlightenment?" Daniel said dryly.

"You can eat your waffles," she told him and walked away.

Daniel sighed. "No syrup?" He asked loudly. Seeing she wasn't going to answer he walked over to the counter and sat next to a woman eating pancakes while reading a book. "Hi, how's it going? I'm Daniel Jackson." He showed her the picture of him on the front page of the newspaper, only to be ignored. He put the paper down on the counter. "Sorry to bother you, I just wanted to know if I could borrow your syrup." She still ignored him, turning the page of her book. "Although technically, I know it's not going to be borrowing, 'cos I'm not actually going to give back what I've used," he said with a smile, before he grimaced. Seeing she was going to continue to ignore him, he sighed. "Enjoy your meal," he grabbed the paper and got up, going over to a group of men seated at a booth. He slapped the paper down on the table, trying to get a reaction. "Hi guys! How's it going?" They ignored him too; he waved his hand in front of one of them, still getting no reaction.

Oma walked over to him. "They're not going to talk to you."

"Why not?" He asked, facing her. "Who are they?"

"Others," she answered. "You're not one of them yet."

"You mean Ancients?"

"A couple of them." She answered.

"What are they doing here?"



"Me too. I told you before, they're always watching," she held up a jar of syrup. "You wanted some motor oil?" She gave him the syrup and started to walk away.

"Do they watch Cali too?"

Oma stopped sharply and turned, seeing one or two were watching her for an answer. "Yes." She answered after a moment's hesitation and walked away.

Daniel knew she'd been lying. He returned to his booth and sat down, poring syrup over his waffles. He'd hit a nerve there. He had a feeling his wife could do a lot without the 'Others' being able to do anything about it. It seemed her evolution was above even there's and that was interesting.


Jack sat the head of the briefing room table, having gotten a phone call from Carter saying Teal'c was back and there was trouble. Now he and Bra'tac sat one side of the table and Sam and her dad the other, filling him in. "I wish you guys had blown that thing up when you had the chance," he nitpicked when they were finished.

"We had to at least be sure that all the Replicators really were eliminated," Sam defended there actions.

"And even though we apparently did get rid of them all in this galaxy, there may still be more elsewhere that could be a threat again," Jacob added.

"So, we wanted to try to figure out how the device worked in case we ever needed something like it again," his daughter concluded.

"Great. Well, now the Jaffa have something that can blow up the entire universe with the push of a button." Jack gripped.

"The Jaffa will defend Dakara with their lives." Bra'tac told them.

"You want to explain to me why they don't want to wreak it?"

"The ruins of Dakara have become a symbol of freedom," the Jaffa Master stated.

"Much more, the Jaffa believe that the device's power helped free them, by destroying the Replicators." Teal'c declared. "They also believe that controlling this power will help ensure their freedom in the future."

"And get them virtually anything they want." Jack added.

"The Jaffa would never use it to that end." Bra'tac informed.

"Jack is right. No one should have that kind of power at their disposal." Jacob said calmly.

Bra'tac sighed, though their conversation was briefing interrupted by the ringing of a mobile phone.

Sam wince and pulled it put, embarrassed. "Sorry! I thought I'd turned it off," she apologized; she checked the display and then turned it off, grimacing as she put it back into her pocket.

"So, we're all in agreement? One way or another, it's got to go. Correct?" Jack continued.

"Indeed." Teal'c agreed sternly.

"Thank you."

"If you are suggesting we destroy this device against the wishes of the High Council, I must point out that would not be a good first step in relations between the Tau'ri and the new formed free Jaffa nation." Bra'tac pointed out, especially with him and Teal'c both sitting on the council.

Jack looked quickly to Jacob. "Why don't you do it? They already hate the Tok'ra."

"To be honest, a plan may already be in the works," the Tok'ra agent said truthfully; seeing the two Jaffa look unhappily at each other. "But as you know, Selmac and I aren't fully in the loop any longer."

"Mmm," Jack already knew that much. He saw Harriman enter the room and clear his throat, he acknowledged him. "Yes?"

"Sorry to interrupt, sir," he turned to Sam. "Colonel, there's a call for you. Apparently it's urgent." He informed and left.

Jack glanced at Sam, who nodded and got up, embarrassed. "Sorry," she whispered and went over to the Sergeant's desk to answer the phone.

"Teal'c and I have arranged another meeting of the Jaffa Council." Bra'tac told Jack.

"Our hope is to continue strengthening the bond between previously warring Jaffa by focusing on a common enemy." Teal'c said, seeing the General was looking over to Sam, who had her back to them. "There are still many Goa'uld that remain a threat."

"Keep me informed, we don't want any complications arising," Jack suggested.

Sam finished her phone call, returning to the table. "Sorry about that, Sir," she apologized again.

"Emergency?" he asked, he and the other's had gotten to their feet.

"No, no. Just a misunderstanding," she assured.

"Hey, weren't you supposed to meet Pete at the florist this morning?" Jacob asked her.

Sam saw the General look up as she glared at her father. "No…dad," she said through gritted teeth.

"No, I'm sure that's what you said. For the wedding."

"I know," she said shaking her head at him.

"Go ahead, Carter," Jack insisted. "It's supposed to be your day off, anyway."

"It's okay, sir."

"Teal'c and Bra'tac are meeting the Jaffa, there's nothing to do around here. Go pick flowers!" He said happily and smiled at her before leaving the room.

Jacob saw his daughter sigh and glare at him. "What?"

She said nothing, shaking her head, she walked away.

Bra'tac smiled a little. "My friend, when it comes to women, it is best not to try and understand them."

"I'm starting to believe that more and more," Jacob agreed.

'Maybe if you listen more, you would understand more.'

They all heard the voice, turning to see Cali sitting on the briefing room table.

"Granddaughter," Bra'tac greeted.

She gave them a wave. 'Hello grandfather.'

Jack had seen them talking and stormed out. "What the hell are you playing at, young lady?" He demanded.

She arched an eyebrow, seeing the two Jaffa and the Tok'ra agent make discrete exits. 'I'm not playing at anything, dad.'

"So, why are you ascended again?"

She sighed. 'It's complicated.'

"Does it have to do with Daniel?"

'No, Daniel is fine,' she assured. 'And before you ask, Caleb and Mia are fine, I've checked in on them, as well as Chris and the others.'

"So, why all glowy?"

'As I said, it's complicated, but I need to be like this at the moment and I will keep an eye on Daniel, he's talking to Oma at the moment.'

"Oma," Jack practically spat the name out.

'Dad, if Oma hadn't of stepped in, Daniel would be dead, trust us?" She asked of him.

"All right, But I want you both back, soon."

'I'm doing my best, dad,' she got up and went over to him, kissing his cheek. 'I love you.'

"I love you, too, sweetheart," he whispered and then she was gone.

Back at the diner, Oma walked over to Daniel's booth with a pot of coffee, his head resting on his hand still reading the newspaper. "More coffee?"

He looked up. "Sure." He watched her file his mug. "Can you sit a minute?"

"Okay," she sat down, putting the coffee pot on the table. "Ooh…how am I supposed to put it? 'Man, are my dogs, tied'."

Daniel smiled a little. "That's good."

She smiled too. "How were you're waffles?" She asked.

"Best I ever had," he answered and asked her a question that had been playing on his mind since he'd arrived. "Can you tell me why you stopped me from killing Anubis the last time I was ascended?"

"Because if I didn't stop you, the 'Others' would have and they wouldn't have been as nice about it."

"You mean, they wouldn't have erased my memory and left me naked on a planet?" He asked.

"That was your choice," she informed and saw the look he was giving her. "Okay," she admitted with a bit of a cheeky smile, "maybe not the naked part." She saw him smile slightly. "But I didn't totally erase your memory even though I was supposed to and I brought Cali to you."

"There… okay, why is it okay to break some rules and not others?" He asked, he heard the bell above ring as the door open, seeing Oma's reaction, he noted the large man had walked back in, whistling, carrying another newspaper. "Look," he got her attention again, "if you knew I had a problem following the rules the last time, why offer me ascension again?"

Oma watched as the customer walked over to the counter and sat down, whistling loudly. She turned her attention back to Daniel. "Because I didn't want to see you die without at lease giving you a second chance," she admitted and she knew his wife would have ascended and done it herself. "Look, I have trouble following the rules. I'm not really supposed to help people ascend. You're supposed to do it on your own."

"But you do it." Daniel stated.

"I walk the line. Believe me, I crossed it a few times and paid for it dearly," she glanced quickly at the customer again and then back to Daniel. "My point it, you just need to be willing to put your prior human existence into proper context."

"And what, walk away from my wife, my children?" He asked her sternly.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I've got to get back to work." She got up, taking the coffee pot with her she went back behind the counter?"

"Coffee, please?" the large man requested.

She sighed and poured him a cup.


Cali O'Neill-Jackson sat perched on the filing cabinet unseen in her dad's office, watching things play out.

"The council remains unwilling to destroy the weapon, for fear it will weaken the resolve of the Jaffa to stand united against the remaining Goa'uld." Bra'tac was saying.

"You realized we have to consider that thing a threat to our security?" Jack pointed out.

"Indeed." Teal'c acknowledged and thought for a moment he heard someone snort, but there was no one in the office except for them.

"The Council recognizes the danger and has decided to take action by aggressively seeking out and killing Anubis." Bra'tac informed and again heard a snort, frowning he continued. "Once that threat has been eliminated they will reassess the decision to destroy the device."

"Well, we don't even know if Anubis can be killed yet, do we?" He glanced around the room, but there were no rude snorts.

"I believe this quest will unite many of the still fractured armies by giving them focus on a common goal," the Jaffa Master announced.

"Got anything to go on?" Jack asked.

"Many of the Kull Warriors were killed in battle with the Replicators, but intelligence gathered indicates that Anubis may be marshalling the remaining Kull Warriors on Tartarus." Teal'c revealed.

A pre-emptive strike is being prepared." Bra'tac concluded.'

Jack sat back in his chair. "You could be walking into a trap."

"We could."

Hearing a rude snort again, Jack sat forward, frowning. "Damn it, Cali, if you have an opinion, then damn well give it."

'I'm not allowed to interfere remember," she reminded.

Bra'tac smiled, as he and the rest of them noticed her sitting on the filing cabinet. "But you have an opinion, granddaughter?"

'I do, but as I said, I'm not allowed to interfere."

"Then why are you hanging around here?" Her father inquired.

'I'm helping someone, someone with a good heart and soul.'

"You are assisting a person to ascend," Teal'c stated. "Is that not interfering?"

She shrugged. 'From a certain point of view,' she said and saw him smile at the reference.

"Funny," Jack gripped.

'I thought so,' she hopped off the filing cabinet. 'I have to go.'

"Be careful, Cal," her father warned.

'Always, dad,' she assured and was gone in a flash of brilliant white light.

Daniel poured sugar into his coffee mug, bored and confused, he put the sugar down and turned a little to see Oma speaking angrily in a hashed voice to a costumer at the counter, the one who had come in before whistling. He couldn't hear clearly what was being said, but it wasn't a friendly conversation. Finally Oma walked away to the rear of the diner.

Daniel got up and went over to the counter, ignoring the woman who sat two seats down to address the man. "Hey."

He turned and smiled. "Hey! Daniel. How's it going?"

"Do we know each other?" Daniel asked him, sensing he did. "I feel like I know you."

"Call me Jim," he insisted. "We ran into each other last time you were ascended."

"Ah," Well that made sense. "Well nice to meet you again," Daniel said and shook his hand, he sat next to him.

"Still haven't made your mind up, huh?" Jim asked him. "Death or everlasting enlightenment, I don't really see the choice, myself and I have seen your wife."

Daniel frowned a little at that, until he could see he was being teased. "Of course I don't want to be dead, it's just that…uh," he skillfully changed the subject. "Listen, the reason I came over here was to ask you… why are you talking to me."

"Oh, you mean because those other snobs won't even look at you?" He guessed and saw Daniel nodded. "I'm different, like Oma."

"Really?" That surprised Daniel a little. "I kind of have the impression that you two don't quiet see eye to eye."

"What? That little…" he waved his hand back and forth to represent the conversation he and Oma had. "That was nothing," he looked quickly around, seeing no one was listening. Leaning closer to Daniel, he lowered his voice. "We both operate somewhat outside the normal rules and regulations. Sometimes we disagree on how far outside we should go, that's all."

They both looked as Oma stepped up to take food from the food counter and walk out to the costumers.


"Yeah," Jim assured him. "As long as these other guys don't strike me down, I figure I'm okay."

"I guess that's what I'm trying to figure out," Daniel tried to explain. "I mean, I… I feel like, if I agree to ascend, I'm signing a contract that I don't even know what it says. Obviously, I had a little trouble with the fine print last time."

"You sure did." Jim agreed.

"You know about that?"

"It's all out there," he mused.

"I just don't see how I can agree to stand by and let Anubis destroy every living thing in the entire galaxy." Daniel said sternly.

"Yeah, that's a tough one. Speaking of which, have you seen the latest?" Jim slid the newspaper he'd brought in over to Daniel. The headline read, 'Secret Plan Revealed. Anubis' dastardly plot to regain Ancient Weapon of Destruction.' "He's a crafty one. Really knows the ins and outs of the rules," Jim stated as Daniel read the article. "I give him 3 to 1 odds to succeed. You want to know the irony of it all? That device was originally used by the Ancients to create life in the Milky Way. Well, recreate it after the whole plague thing." He saw the look he was being given. "No kidding. Now it all gets undone with the push of one button, leaving Anubis to recreate things all over to his own liking. There's a waste of a million odd years of evolution, huh?" He turned to the 'Others' seated in the diner and raised his voice, yelling. "I say someone should really do something to stop him!" He was ignored him. He turned back to Daniel, waving his hand in disgust at them. "No one will." He turned towards the front. "Can I get a coffee?"

He got not only coffee, but pie too, Daniel went back to the newspaper, continuing to read the article. "This is bad," he muttered.

"Yeah. This pie is great, and there's nothing to wash it down with." He upended his now empty mug, putting it back down.

"Is there anything you can do to stop Anubis?" Daniel asked him innocently. "I mean, you did say someone should do something."

"I did, didn't I," Jim agreed, hesitantly. "Well, as far as what can be done, it's kind of complicated."

"Yeah, so Oma tells me."

"Yeah, well, I don't think she's told you everything."

"What does that mean?" Daniel asked him confused.

"I'm saying…" he became uncomfortable. "I've already said too much." He decided.

"No," Daniel insisted. "You haven't. In fact, you've hardly said anything at all."

"You gave up eternal enlightenment, all the knowledge and power of the universe," Jim reminded. "Why do you think you did that?"

"To fight for humanity, any way I could," Daniel stated. "That and Cali."

"Yes, very big of you," Jim remarked sarcastically. "You rejected everything Oma offered you, and now she's just gives you another chance? Based on the goodness of her heart?"

"Well, that is the point isn't it?" He asked him. "I mean, she is ascended, she is good."

"Sure, best intentions." Jim said dryly.

"Do you know what happened between me and Oma?" Daniel asked him. "Why did I choose to take human form again? Was it because of Cali and Caleb?"

"You should ask Oma." Jim told him.

Daniel sighed frustrated. All he wanted was a straight answer.

Cali sat next Jacob Carter on the ramp; the two were in a representation of the Gate room, created for them both to talk. "You're going to have to tell Sam the truth now."

"I know," he sighed wearily, then asked her. "What about what Selmac wants, I mean, you've only been talking to me."

She smiled. "I've been talking to Selmac too."

"Really, what did he say?"

"Actually, he represents himself as a she," Cali revealed.

"A she?" Jacob was a little surprised.

"Hello, Jacob."

He looked up quickly, towards the voice, seeing a young attractive woman with wavy dark brown shoulder length hair and green eyes, standing near them. She wore the same style of Tok'ra clothing he did. "Selmac?"

She nodded and joined them, sitting next to him. "It's a little unusually, I realize, but you were my first male host, before that, I always thought of myself as a she."

He was stunned. "You're…" he was speechless for a moment. "You're nothing like I imagined."

Selmac laughed. "I know, I've been in your head for four years, remember."

"And we're going to die, together." Jacob stated, adding. "Not that I'm complaining. We've had four good years together."

"Yes we have and now we have an eternity to explore the galaxy together if we wish it."

Jacob nodded and looked back to Cali. "But we have to die first?"

She nodded. "You must release your mortal burdens; I'll be there to help."

"Can I come back every once and a while and check on Sam?"

Cali smiled. "What you do after you ascended, is a path you must walk, I can't tell you which way to go?"

He chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes," he mused. "So why are you doing this and not the one Daniel called Oma?"

"As I mentioned before, Oma is busy with Daniel." Cali reminded. "So you're suck with me."

"I, for one, am glad you are here, Cali," Selmac said sincerely. "Though I am sorry we have taken you away from you're children."

The young ascended smiled sadly. "Had you and Jacob not needed me, I still would be ascended; it would just be Daniel I would be sitting with instead of you both."

"And if he decides to Ascend?" Jacob asked her. "Will you return to human form, or remain with him."

That wasn't a question Cali was expecting. As much as it hurt to be away from her children, losing Daniel again was something she didn't want to think about. They needed each other. "I don't know," she said truthfully.

Jacob wasn't going to say something when he felt himself being drawn back to reality. "Sam is with me."

Cali nodded. "It's time to tell her the truth, Jacob," she took his hand. "I'm with you."

He nodded. "All right."

"Dad?" Sam hurried into the infirmary ICU and over to her father, passing a nurse.

The head of the bed was raised, he was hooked to a heart monitor. "I'm sorry, kiddo. We both are."

"About what?" she took his hand. "What's going on?"

"I didn't want to ruin everything like this," he continued.

Sam knew something was wrong. "Dad?"

"It's Selmac, he's dying."

Her heart raced. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry!"

"It's okay," he said calmly. "He's okay. He led a pretty full life."

"I didn't live with Jolinar that long, but I think I have some idea of what it's like," she admitted.

"Well, this time is a little different, Sam," he admitted. "As you know, when a Tok'ra symbiote dies, they can prevent their host from dying as Jolinar did with you," he saw her nod, feeling an unseen hand on his shoulder encouraging him. "The problem is, that last selfless act requires a certain amount of energy and a conscious effort."

Her heart fell. "What are you saying?"

"By all rights, Selmac should have been dead weeks ago, I wouldn't let him go," Jacob admitted to her. "I thought we needed him, that I needed him to help you stop the Replicators."


"He hung on as long as he could. Then he slipped into a coma just after we activated the weapon on Dakara."

Sam gripped his hand tighter. "You've known all this time, since then?"

"I didn't want to spoil your wedding," he said sadly. "I thought we could make it."

She didn't give a damn about the wedding. "We?" She asked puzzled, he said we.

"He's barely alive. I'm gonna die with him, Sam."

Tears filled her eyes. "Oh god, Dad."

"It's okay, Sam," he smiled warmly, feeling that unseen hand squeeze his shoulder. "I want you to inform the Tok'ra council."

She nodded, tears slid down her cheek. "Okay."

"Sam," he wiped the tears away. "It's okay. I promise you, both Selmac and I are all right."

She lent over and kissed the top of his head. "I won't be long."

His eyes different closed. "I'll be waiting."

Daniel lent against the counter, his head propped up on his hand, still reading the newspaper. Jim was gone wherever it was he went and left him with more question then he had answers too.

Oma came over to him. "You can't stay here forever, you know," she said and then was thoughtful about it. "Actually, I suppose you could, I just don't know why you'd really want to. Except for the great service." She took the coffee pot and refilled his mug.

Daniel smiled a little. "Look, obviously I don't want to just die," he stated, "Don't suppose there's any other options?"

"I can't get in it," she told him evasively, putting the coffee pot back. "What's stopping you from ascending?"

"I don't know," he said lamely. No, he lied, there were his kids, his wife, but then he could still be with them even ascended, but he didn't even know if that was the right thing to do.

"Must be something holding you back - making you doubt yourself."

"Maybe it's not me, I'm doubting," he declared wanting to judge her reaction.

"Look, whether you choose to accept living on a higher plane of existence has nothing to do with me or anything that I can or can't tell you," she skirted around the truth. "It's all up to you."

"But there is something you're not telling me," he guessed.

"Is that what Jim said? You shouldn't be listening to him."

"Why not?"

"Because," she said flatly.

"Good answer," he said sarcastically.

"Yes," she smiled and walked away.

Daniel sighed. Something was definitely going on and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. What did Oma mean when she said he shouldn't be listing to Jim? At least Jim spoke to him, the others didn't; they acted as though he wasn't good enough to be in there presents. If he could just remember what had happened when he was last ascended, maybe then the pieces to the puzzle would come together. It was all a great big jumble though, he could remember being there for Cali when she'd been injured so badly. He also remembered what Jack had gone though with Ba'al, that sent shivers up his spine. How he'd been with Teal'c when he'd shared his symbiote with Bra'tac. His visits to his son, the stories he'd told Caleb. All were memories of his interactions with corporal beings. Of course he also remembered Oma reprimanding him for helping his friends, his family too, nothing serious, but the conviction had been real enough. And she'd watched him as he'd helped them on Abydos find the Eye of Ra, but then again he had actually interfered or had he used any ascended powers; everything he'd done, he would have been able to do before he ascended, just as Cali had been doing when they'd both read the Ancient tablet. He was still there pondering that and several other pieces to the puzzle when Jim returned; he glanced around and then sat next to him.

"Where is she?" He asked.

Daniel shrugged. "I don't know, off doing whatever it is she does when she's not here."

"You ask her?"

"Yep," he answered dryly.

"Wouldn't tell you."


"Had to find out for yourself last time, too," Jim revealed and chuckled knowingly. "Man, were you pissed."

"About what? Tell me." Daniel exclaimed frustrated.

Jim yielded, glancing around the dinner, he lent closer. "What do you know about Anubis?"

"I know he's half ascended, whatever that means." Daniel answered.

"There are many planes of existence, between human existence and ascension," Jim explained. "Basically, the Others use their collective powers to keep him from affecting anything on a grand, cosmic level."

"But it's okay for him to destroy an entire galaxy," Daniel said sarcastically.

"It's okay for him to do anything he could have done, back when he was a regular, old Goa'uld."

"I see. What does this have to do with Oma?"

"Goa'ulds are bad. Anubis is as bad as they come." Jim pointed out the obvious.

"And?" Daniel asked frustrated.


"And ascension requires that someone be pure of spirit. One must be good to the very core to achieve enlightenment," Daniel said quickly, putting it together. "Do how does someone like Anubis ascend?"

"Now he's getting it!" Jim said proudly.

"Oma helps people ascend, but she'd never help somebody like Anubis!"

"Maybe not on purpose," the larger man stated.

"Are you saying he tricked her somehow?"

"Rule number one! No lone ascended being shall help a lower, ascend!" Jim quoted. "Lowers are what we call humans and such. If you deserve to be here, you should be able to get here on your own. If there's an exception, for whatever reason, a majority vote by the collective can get you in. But Oma thins she knows better, and she's taken her licks for it. I admit for the most part, she's brought good people onboard, but as the old saying goes, nobody's perfect. Not even us higher beings."

Realization crossed Daniel's face. "Oma helped Anubis ascend." He said and then felt like he'd been punched in the gut.

Jim snapped his fingers at Daniel as Oma walked over to them, clearly angry.

"Get out," she yelled at Jim. "Get out, now."

He looked at her, then quickly at his watch. "Oh, look at the time," he told Daniel. "Gotta go kid, business to attend to, it was nice talking to you." He stood and pulled on his jacket. Glancing at Oma before walking away whistling.

Oma turned, glaring at him as he left the diner; she then turned to look at Daniel, seeing the indecision on his face.


Sam sat beside her dad, holding his hand, she'd done what he'd asked and contacted the Tok'ra. They'd gotten a reply early hours. Before returning to the infirmary, Sam stopped only long enough to changed, into fresh clothing, she'd slept a little in what she'd been wearing, having left her shirt in her quartes in favor of just wearing a long sleeve t-shirt. "A number of the Tok'ra have responded. They want to pay their respects."

"They can come," Jacob said weakly.

"I can't believe there's nothing they can do," she said frustrated. "They can remove a Goa'uld, in the last few years you've almost perfected the process of saving the host."

"That process instantly kills the symbiote before it releases toxins," he said softly. It's too late for that, Sam. I'm sorry. I hate to do this to you, but I should have been dead four years ago. Since then, I've been all over the galaxy. I've done things most men never dream of."

"I've heard that before," she said, trying to upbeat.

He knew it. "I just want to know you're gonna be happy."

"I am."

"Don't let rules stand in your way," her father added.

She was confused. "What are you talking about?"

"You joined the Air Force because of me," he pointed out.

Sam smiled at that. "I love my job."

Jacob put his hand on her cheek, trying again. "You can still have everything you want."

"I do, Dad." Sam insisted.

He sighed and rested back against the pillow.

Below them on level 28, Kerry Johnson walked down the corridor to the General's office. She saw him sitting at his desk looking contemplative; she knocked on the open door, seeing him look, so she walked in a little. "How's Colonel Carter's father?" She's asked. It had been very awkward when Sam Carter had arrived at Jack's house and found them together.

"It doesn't look good." Jack informed solemnly.

"Sorry to hear that," she said and closed the door.

"Closing the door," he narrated.

"Yeah, deeply symbolic," she supposed.


She sighed, as she stood before his desk, smiling slightly. "I really like you," she began. "We're good together."

Jack smirked. "Yes, we are. But…"

"You have issues," she announced, adding quickly. "It's okay, we all do. There's just one big one in particular that I don't think I can love with… live with." She quickly corrected herself. "I need to get out before I get more involved. We can still work together, can't we?" she asked him. "I'd hate to have to ask for reassignment. This is really important to me. We agreed this would never affect the job."

"We did," Jack agreed.

"Good," she turned and walked towards the door and then stopped turning back. "You know, there's one thing I don't understand."

"Just one?"

She smiled at that and continued. "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart?" She asked. "Rules and regulations? Because, it is, you're making a very big mistake."

"And you know I what I should do?" Jack said hypothetically.

"Retire," she said simply.


"Don't get me wrong, you're considered invaluable to the program by the Pentagon, but the President as appointed a civilian to the SGC before," she said calmly. "Just a thought," she added and opened the door and walked out.

Jack just watched her out.

'Is it just rules and regulations keeping you apart, or is it something else?'

He sat back in his chair, noticing his daughter was sitting in the chair in front of his desk. "I'm not discussing this with you, Cali."

She sighed. 'I'm not here to judge you, dad, I just want you to be happy.'

"I am, happy," he assured.

Cali stood. 'No, you're not,' she contradicted and disappeared.

Jack sat back in his chair and speculated if she was right.

At the diner, Daniel had gotten Oma to join him in the booth; they sat across from each other in silence for a moment before he asked, keeping his voice down. "So it's true?"

"He tricked me," she said defeated.

Daniel was astounded, someone as powerful as Oma had been 'tricked'. "How? You couldn't tell?"

"No," she answered tiredly. "He must have found some old, Ancient research on ascension. When he came to Kheb he knew what he was going. When I realized the horrible mistake that I had made, I tried to undo it, but I couldn't. That's when the 'Others' stepped in."

There was something in her eyes that Daniel found familiar, the same pain he felt when remembering Abydos had been destroyed. When he remembered Sha're had been killed. "I don't understand, they only sent him halfway back. Why not all the way?" Daniel asked confused.

"It's complicated.

"Yeah, what isn't around here?" He replied, his voice thick with sarcasm.

She sighed. "They warned him. He wasn't allowed to use any knowledge or power, unless he other wised would have gained it as a Goa'uld."

"I don't understand. They let him wreak havoc," Daniel said angrily. "They don't care if he destroys all life in the galaxy? Life, they themselves created."

"I told you before. The galaxy you're from, the plane of existence, is so small and insignificant compared to the rest of the universe."

"I don't care," he snapped, no being was insignificant in his book. "It's wrong."

She smiled. "That's what you said the last time. It's what Cali said when she found out."

Daniel expected his wife had said a lot more, none of it polite. He got up from the booth and faced the 'Others'. Raising his voice. "Excuse me! Isn't it enough, already? I mean a whole galaxy of innocent people, enslaved and tortured for generations, now on the verge of being destroyed, for nothing? For what? For one mistake a good person made trying to do a good thing." They ignored him. "Come on, the least you can do is listen to me. That can't be against the grand high-falutin' cosmic rules!" They just continued to ignore him. Frustrated he walked over to the next booth, yelling at the man. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" He made a grab for him around the throat, but his hands were enclosed in a bright light. Daniel stepped back, his fingers tingled. "Okay, okay," he said shaken. "I know you can hear me. Hasn't she suffered enough already? Certainly, enough other people have suffered to punish her. Don't you think you've made your point?"

"That's the thing, Daniel," Oma said sadly. "They don't, I keep breaking the same rule, helping people ascend. That's why you're here."

He went over to her. "What if you stopped?"

"Wouldn't undo the problem, that's why I keep doing what I do," she said solemnly. "Anubis can't be killed, not be you, not be me." She added, and then answered his next question before he could ask it. "Not even by Cali."

Daniel dropped his head down and silently wondered how in the hell he was going to bet out of this one. How his friends were going to survive this, if Anubis couldn't be killed by the Ancients, then it was obvious mere morals wouldn't be able to either.

Jack walked into the observation room overlooking the ICU room; he sat next to Sam, who was staring down at her father. Two Tok'ra were in with him, talking to him.

"You okay?" He asked.

She nodded, tearfully. "Actually, I'm fine," she admitted. "Good even, strange as that sounds. I thought I lost him four years ago. Since then we've been closer then we ever were my whole life. In a way, Selmac gave me the father I never thought I'd know."

"Come here," he insisted and put his arm round her as she moved closer.

"Thank you, sir," she said softly, her hand on his that was draped over her shoulder.

"For what?" he asked.

"For being here for me," she said.

"Always," Jack promised and in his heart it felt right to say it.

Below, Jacob was ready, he knew it, Selmac knew it they were both ready and now there was only one being who could help them. "I'm ready," he said weakly, to the Tok'ra, to her, because she was with him.

The Tok'ra nearest him put his hand on his shoulder and looked up to the observation room. Sam looked to Jack and then got up, hurrying down, she went into ICU and over to her father. The Tok'ra stepped aside, letting her next to him. She took his hand and lent over and kissed his forehead.

Jacob open his eyes, he could see Sam, but he could also feel his burden's lifting, he could feel Cali there ready to take his hand and Selmac's and guide them. He focused on his daughter once more, managing to whisper. "I love you." He closed his eyes and let go, of his mortal body, of his pain, his sorrow.

Sam watched her father die peacefully; a sob broke from her throat. This time there was no coming back.

Cali reached out and took Jacob's hand and Selmac's, the three of them watching Sam fall apart over the dead body of her father; his soul and Selmac's had ascended. "Sam is going to be all right, Jacob," she assured. "Dad will look out for her."

"I know," he smiled sadly. "Now what?"

"It's time to go," she informed, glancing up at her father, she saw him look directly at her, smiling sadly. Then everything moved around them and they were in the Gate room, she released their hands and stepped up onto the ramp, her body becoming brilliant white light as she approached the Stargate, passing through it, opening it to the high plane of existence, as Oma had done for her.

Jacob took Selmac's hand and they stepped together onto the ramp. "I guess this is it."

She nodded. "I guess so," she agreed and they walked together towards the Gate and stepped through.

Jim entered the diner, a newspaper in his hand; he walked over to the booth where Daniel and Oma were sitting. Leaning against it, he sighed. "Can I get a coffee?"

"Get it yourself," she said with a bitter smile.

"Don't mind if I do," he said cheerfully and walked over to the booth. "Ooh, hey, Danny-boy, you seen the paper?" he put the newspaper on the counter and picked up the coffee pot.

Daniel tuned a little, facing him, brisling over the use of the familiar shorting of his name. "No, what's it say?"

"The trick worked. Those stupid Jaffa took half their ships to hunt down Anubis, meanwhile, his army was poised to attack Dakara," Jim boosted. "The remaining rebel Jaffa guarding Dakara are being slaughtered. It's only a matter of time before old Anubis gets his hands on the weapon."

Daniel chose his next words carefully. "I'm sorry - you sound almost happy about that."

"Who me?" Jim asked him innocently, mocking a response from him.

"Yeah," Daniel answered, his sensors became fully alert, as if he was facing an enemy, and he was he realized, this Jim was not his friend at all. "What do you have against Oma?"

"Daniel…" she tried to protest.

"No, I want to know," he insisted, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. "I mean, you're not just watching, you're coming in here to rub it in. Why are you talking such pleasure in her punishment?"

"Me?" He acted shocked. "I don't anything against Oma. I think she's great, don't I," he looked to her, she looked down unhappily. "Hell, she's the one that helped me ascend." He saw the shock and understanding cross Daniel's face, grinning mercilessly. "You got it now."

Daniel stared at him, he knew who he was and it sent chills though his body. "You are Anubis."

He laughed and raised his mug to him. "Cheers," he toasted and laughed harder.

Daniel felt a chill seep through his very soul. He'd been talking to a merciless killer who had killed his family on Abydos, who had used him to hurt his wife, who had been secretly mocking him the whole time. Anubis had processed him; he knew his thoughts, his feelings. And now he was mocking him. No, he was doing more then that. He wanted him angry. "So what now, you just going to run off and retake Dakara destroy all life and start all over again."

"Yes," he finished his coffee, putting the mug down. "I'll even recreate coffee, just as a reminder of you and Oma," he mocked and praised her. "Oh you make a great cup of coffee," he praised Oma and walked out from behind the counter. "Well, got to go," he waved at them both. Not surprised when Daniel launched himself out of the booth and at him, only to pass straight though him.

Stopping, Daniel wheeled back confused at what just happened, he'd never felt such darkness, it was like a blanket of pure evil that left him feeling a deep dread.

Anubis smirked, taunting. "There's nothing you can do. You don't have the power."

He didn't, Daniel realized, he'd have to ascend to have that power. Anubis had said it himself, 'If you deserve to be here, you should be able to get here on your own.' And he could, he could ascend himself, he knew that, all he had to do was release his anger, his fears, and his sorrow and ascend. Then he would have the power.

Oma saw Cali come through the door; concern laced the young woman's features as she realized who her husband was facing. Oma knew it was time she took a stand and fixed the mistake she'd made. "But I do," she said coldly and rose from the booth. Engulfed by a bright white light, she changed from the waitress's uniform to a white pants suite.

The 'Others' stopped what they were doing , finally taking notice and watched, as Cali crossed over to Daniel, standing with him. This was not their fight, she knew that, and so did the 'Others'.

"You can't kill me either," Anubis pointed out, chuckling nervously as he faced Oma. He gestured behind him to Cali. "Neither can she?"

She didn't stand down. "I can fight you," Oma said strongly, realizing Daniel had being doing the right thing at Abydos when he'd decided to fight Anubis.

"Well, you can't win," he protested hesitation and uncertainty in his voice.

"It won't matter, you won't be able to do anything but fight me back," she said calmly, walking closer to him.

"What are you doing to do?"

"Something I should have done a long time ago," Oma said with conviction and hurried towards him.

"Oh, no, no. NO!" Jim yelled scared.

Oma raised her hands and released her form to energy, Jim raised his hands and did the same, they touched, and entwined into an enormous ball of light and energy that rose up and went through the ceiling as the 'Others' watched in as much shock as Daniel and Cali. The two of them walked over to where Oma and Anubis had been and looked around, seeing the 'Others' just sat there staring at them.

"They were never going to help, were they?" He asked his wife.

"No," she said soberly and took his hand and faced him, her eyes locked with his, but she didn't speak her next words to him, though. "Get out!"

One by one the 'Others' left until they were alone within the diner.

Daniel could feel the power that emanated from her, a blanket of peace and serenity. "They're afraid of you."

"Not in the sense you think," she said with an eerie calmness. "They're afraid of what I may become."

"Which is?"

She smiled sadly. "Perhaps one day we'll find out, but if we do, we'll do it together."

"So what now?" Daniel asked asure.

"That path is up to you, Daniel; it always was and always will be," she informed, she touched his cheek. "All you have to do is decide which path you want to follow."

He nodded, understanding her. "I know and I'm ready."

Releasing his hand, she stepped back. "Then join me, Daniel."

He nodded, he knew what to do, he realized he always had, not just because Replicator Sam had given him the chance to touch the knowledge, but because he did, it was apart of him. So he let go, of his anger, his sorrow, his fear, doubt and guilt and gave himself to the light.

The beauty and majesty flowed through him, he felt released, as if he'd been confined for centuries. He remembered, he knew and understood. It was all right before him. The limitations of human thought were no longer a burden to him, the power he felt and possessed was infinite as he touched the high plane of existence, the diner his mind had constructed fell away as the universe became his to touch and explore.

And she was there with him, he could feel her, sense her, it was as if they were linked together, bound together.

'We are,' she whispered to him. 'We always have been.'

'So what now,' he asked her.

'Now, we can do or go anywhere you wish,' Cali informed him.

Daniel knew where he wanted to go, knew where he wished to be. He wasn't going to let his friends down, his family. Not again. They were going home. 'I think you know where I want to go.'

She did. 'Then let's go,' she insisted and her essence, her being, joined with him.

They directed their awareness to where they wanted to go. Time had no meaning, what seemed to have been minutes were in fact seconds. They found themselves on Dakara, and saw the Kull Warriors become disorientated, the body Anubis had once processed fall to the ground, as the rebel Jaffa rushed forward, to far gone to survive without the darkness. Death was the reward for the poor man, that the Jaffa willing gave.

From there they moved through the open Stargate, directing their awareness to Earth, shutting down Gates as they went, Anubis had opened them all, just as Sam had done. Arriving on Earth, they stood together unseen within the control room, the self-destruct was counting down as Harriman, Teal'c, Sam and Jack watched on, all thinking Anubis was attacking.

Smiling, Cali expanded a bubble of time around the computer system and the counter slowed and stopped at 1.26 seconds, and then the Stargate closed down. She chuckled softly.

"Wormhole disengaged." Harriman said stunned as the Gate shut down.

"What's going on?" Sam inquired curiously.

Daniel found that amusing, Sam was going to puzzle over that one for weeks.

"I don't know," the Sergeant said baffled, "it must be some kind of….system malfunction."

"That's impossible," she stammered.

"Shut it off," Jack ordered; referring to the self-destruct.

Sam lent down and typed her code into the computer, "Aborting self destruct," she announced and it was done. She straightened, still puzzled about the counter slowing down. She and Teal'c looked to the General.

Jack merely sighed in relief.

Daniel and Cali shifted their awareness again, finding their way to Serenity, to the colony, to their children. Both were sleeping, peacefully unaware of the dangerous that had nearly befallen them.

'They would have been fine, Daniel,' she reassured him. 'They're our children.'

He nodded and drew her into his arms. 'They would have been able to join us.'


Daniel lifted her chin, stroking it. 'So, my wife, what were you doing, while I was making up my mind?'

She smiled. 'I was on Earth,' her smile saddened. 'Jacob and Selmac died, Daniel, I helped their souls to ascend. They're of the ascended now.'

He forced his grief away, sensing their awareness, knowing they were all right. 'You did the right thing.'

She nodded, rising up on her toes; she brushed her lips against his. 'Let's go home, my love.'

Teal'c had returned to Dakara to aid his brothers, now the battle was over he and Bra'tac had returned. Weary after hours of fighting, but relieved it was all over. "The Kull warriors became disorganized and confused," the Jaffa master reported, "as though they no longer knew what to do."

"They no longer had a master to serve," Teal'c noted, he'd seen it himself.

The Jaffa master nodded. "After that, they were easily defeated.

"Many Jaffa lost their lives at Dakara," Teal'c added. "Those that survived are united as never before and we are in agreement, the weapon must be destroyed."

"Well, that's good," Jack piped up.

Bra'tac agreed. "A new memorial will be erected in its place, so that our triumph over the Goa'uld will never be forgotten."

Sam lent on the table. "I still don't quiet understand what happened," she said perplexed. "One minute Anubis is about to push the button that ends all life in the galaxy and the next minute he's just… gone."

"Indeed, it is a great mystery," Teal'c agreed.

"One can only assume he was vanquished by some beings," Bra'tac stated the obvious. "If not, why would he forfeit the weapon and his army?"

Sam looked to her CO, who stared back. "You think?"

"I do," he agreed.

"It's the only thing that would explain the self destruct not going off."

"Of what do you speak?" Bra'tac asked them confused.

"O'Neill believes that Daniel Jackson was somehow responsible." Teal'c explained, having heard the theory.

Since he'd been listening from Jack's office; it had taken longer to descend on his own then he realized, but he'd done it himself. Daniel now felt it was the right time to intervene. "Nope, it wasn't me!" he called out.

Sam looked at them all, stunned.

"Anybody else hear that?" Jack asked and they all nodded.

Daniel forced himself not to laugh, praying Cali go there soon, it was getting chilly. "I'm in here!"

They all looked towards the General's office. "That's Daniel," Jack said the obvious. He got up and walked over to his office, getting to the doorway he suddenly stopped.
"Don't." Daniel called out too late. "Don't come in!"

"Whoa, hey there," Jack said trying to look anywhere else but his friend - his very naked friend. He hesitated, looking around he glanced between the American flag and the SGC flag, deciding the SGC one would be better and pulled it down, handing it to his friend, a little embarrassed.

Daniel took it and wrapped it around his waist, stepping out. Seeing Sam staring, her mouth opened in shock, she blushed, squirming uncomfortably and looked down at the table. Bra'tac and Teal'c were pleased to see him, smiling, nodding their approval of his return. "It's um, a long story," he muttered, explaining the fact he was standing there with nothing on, but a flag.

Sam took a deep breath, looking up embarrassed, silently wondering when her friend had filled out so well.

Daniel glanced at Jack, frowning at him as he looked away, speculating where his wife was with his clothes.

Cali choose that moment to jog up the stairs with a bundle of clothes, boots and spare glasses, she giggled softly. They were going to descend together in their quarters, but Daniel had wanted to listen in, so she'd decided to descend, dress and bring his clothes to him. She guessed he'd been discovered. "And I forgot my camera," she mused and walked over to her husband.

"Funny," he grumbled. "Very funny," holding the flag from falling down with one hand, he took the bundle, boots and glasses with the other and slipped back into the office, shutting the door.

Cali saw them staring at her, glancing down she saw she hadn't buttoned her shirt wrong or anything. She looked up. "What?"

Jack shook his head and drew her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "Thank you."

"For what?" she asked, breathless.

"For bringing him home."

She pulled back a little and smiled. "I had nothing to do with it, dad, Daniel made his own choice." She went over to her grandfather, who was now on his feet and hugged him and then Teal'c. She then went over to Sam, who had gotten to hers. "You're dad and Selmac are fine, Sam," she said softly. "I promise."

Sam felt her eyes fill with tears and she hugged the younger woman, realizing what she meant. "Thank you," she whispered.

Daniel came out dressed. "What's going on?"

Jack chuckled and slapped him gently on the back. "Just a little welcoming back, Danny-boy."

"Oh." Daniel smiled, brushing off the 'Danny-boy' remark.

"So, Daniel," Jack got his attention back. "Find out the meaning of life stuff while you were all glowy this time?"

He shrugged. "Oh yeah," he mused and walked over to his wife and friends.

Cali moved away from Sam and took her husband's hand as she turned. "So, dad, we need to go to Serenity and pick up the kids."

"Oh, no," he wagged a finger at them both. "You two are going to the infirmary, I want Dr. Lam to check you both out. I'll send a message to Serenity and tell Silvia to bring the kids home."

Rolling his eyes, Daniel shook his head. "We're fine, Jack," he said automatically and then stopped. "Doctor Lam?"

"Yes, Doctor Carolyn Lam, she's taking over as CMO, so behave."

"Yes, Jack."

"Dad we're fine, we don't need to bother Dr. Lam." Cali contradicted.

"Aha, don't argue, go."

Giving up, they left with Sam and Teal'c, hearing Jack and Bra'tac chuckling to themselves.

On level 21, they wandered into the infirmary and were introduced to Dr. Carolyn Lam. She looked at the two with a weary eye. "So, Doctors, is there anything I should know before we begin?"

"Um," Daniel hesitated, and then let her have it. "Let's see, kidnapped, Replicator mind probed, stabbed, died, ascended, descended. That's about it."

She arched a skeptical eyebrow at him as she jotted it all down and turned to his wife. "You're turn?"

"Um, well, none of that, I was practically recovered from modified staff blast that put me into a coma," she saw the frown on her husband's face and continued. "I just ascended, hung around here and Serenity, meet up Daniel, returned to Serenity and then here and descended. I'm fine."

Carolyn finished jotting the information down. "Dr. Oliver reported the staff blast did serious internal damage, are you experiencing any pain or headaches?"

"No, all healed."

"All right, let's go," she dragged them away for their examinations, checking blood pressure, heart, throat, she even flashed a penlight in their eyes, did a serious of test, MRI, took blood and a DNA sample.

"Well, you're both in good health," she decided.

"We told you that," Daniel remarked, but he did like Carolyn.

Cali grinned at her husband. "You still have your appendix scar. Nice."

"Thanks, you still have all yours?"

"Of course, want to check later?"

"Definitely," he smirked.

Carolyn cleared her throat; she'd been briefed fully about these two and the rest of SG-1. "Get out of my infirmary, you're both cleared." She said with a slight smile.

Both grinned. "Thanks, Dr. Lam."

"Carolyn," she told them.

They nodded, Daniel smiled. "Then its Daniel and Cali," he told her. "Welcome to the SGC."

"Thank you."

Returning their friends they left the infirmary, heading for the commissary for a late lunch, Sam and Teal'c filling them in on what had happened while they were gone. Jack arrived half way through with Silvia and the children. Caleb through himself into his father's arms and held tight. Seven month old Mia squealed in delight after being passed to her mother, snuggling close. Cali kissed the top of her head, happy to be holding her daughter once more. Jack and Silvia sat with them after getting coffee.

"You know," Jack declared. "We deserve some down time."

Daniel agreed. "It's been a while since we've done something together."

"What about the cabin, dad?" Cali suggested, as her daughter chewed on a soft French fry, from her plate.

"Sounds a plan, what do you say Carter?"

Sam had to admit it sounded good. "Sure, why not. I have a few things to clear up in my lab, but I can make time."

Jack looked to the Jaffa. "Teal'c?"

"I will be needed on Dakara for a period of time," he announced. "Two weeks at the most."

"Then let's do it at the end of the month," Jack decided and they all agreed. "All right then," he finished the last of his coffee. "I have to go make a call to the President and General Hammond." He glanced at this daughter as he stood. "Anything you want me to tell your boss?"

"That I'm still alive and he'll have my report as usual," she said casually.

"Got it," he ruffled Caleb's hair and then did the same to Daniel's before walking out of the room, hearing his grandson giggle.

Two weeks later:

Daniel and Cali took off out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened, running down the corridor to the briefing room, skidding to a halt as they entered. "Jack. Dad." Both said at the same time, interrupting the briefing being given by Dr. Cameron Balinsky from SG-22.

Jack, who looked extremely bored, glanced up. "Yes."

"Sorry," Daniel apologized, "We didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, no," Jack insisted reaching out to grabbed Daniel's arm. "If it's important you must interrupt. You must."

Cameron Balinsky nodded, but was disappointed.

Cali grinned, she was sorry for Balinsky, but this was big. "We found a ZPM."

"Yes," Jack said leaping to his feet without letting go of Daniel's arm; he patted Balinsky on the shoulder. "Great stuff with the rocks."

Daniel had pulled his arm free and was heading out the door with Cali at his side, both of them excited. Jack hurried after them, leaving SG-22 and Dr. Cameron Balinsky behind.

"Okay, so explain?" Jack asked them as they entered the elevator.

Cali chose the level and the doors shut, the elevator moving. "About a month ago a team of archaeologist from the University of Chicago uncovered a First Dynasty tomb near Giza on an archaeological dig."

"Dr. Steven Rayner was heading up the team." Daniel continued.

"Wasn't he the guy who you saved when Osiris came onto the scene?" Jack asked interrupting.

"Yes," he continued. "Anyway, as soon as Steven found the ZPM, which he had no idea what it was, he realized it might be something Cali and I would be interested in."

The elevator stopped and they stepped out, heading towards the Jackson's office/lab.

"So, as soon as he got back into the country, he contacted Daniel and I and told us about it, we asked him to send it to us here. It arrived this morning," Cali revealed. They walked into the office/lab.

Teal'c and Sam were waiting, a crate was sitting on the workbench, opened, a ZPM unpacked and sitting on the packing within the crate.

"It's not depleted." Daniel added. "We have a fully working ZPM."

Jack walked over to it. "Nice."

"There's more, sir," Sam added. "Something else was found at the dig in Giza that Dr. Rayner thought we might be interested in."

Teal'c removed something from the crate, a canapic jar, sitting it on the workbench.

Jack waited for the answer. "And?"

Cali uncovered a video camera and a tape. "They were found inside, the jar was vacuumed sealed."

He picked up the tape. "What's on it?"

"We are," she declared and took the tape from it, loading it into the camera, which she had hooked to her computer, she played it.

Gone native Daniel Jackson wearing native Egyptian robes, appeared on the screen and gave an account of why he and the rest of SG-1 were there, each team member spoke for a few minutes. "Um, Jack, you should say something," the Daniel on the tape concluded.

A gone native Jack O'Neill walked into shot. "Um, college football is played on Saturdays, pro on Sundays, and there are no fish in my pond, at all, where I fish," he glanced back at Sam, Daniel and Cali, obviously uncomfortable. "I think that covers it for me."

Cali turned off the tape.

Sam looked to their CO. "Is that correct?"

Jack was skeptical. "If it is," he started, getting back on track and off his pond. "We don't do anything?"

"Apparently nothing we did affected the timeline." Sam stated, seeing he'd evaded the question.

"But we didn't do anything," he said confused.

"Not yet," Cali agreed. "Apparently we were going to, two weeks from now, but now we don't have to."

"Excellent! That's it! I like it!" He dad said happily, making them all smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna take this up to the lab for analysis," Sam said reaching for the crate and ZPM.

Jack got up grabbing the crate. "No! I'll take it." He insisted. "I bet there's a whole room full of geeks up there just dyin' to get their hands on this. You've got packin' to do," he reminded. Taking the box he left the office.

Sam was a little miffed, but smiled as he left. She looked to the two Jackson's. "I'll see you guys later."

"We'll be here," Daniel agreed.

She nodded and walked out of the room, Teal'c following her out.

Cali sat down, bumping the camera, which started the tape again. This time only native Cali and Daniel were on the screen. "Um, Daniel."

He looked. "I thought we'd seen the entire message."

"So did I," she agreed.

The native Daniel began to speak. "This is a private message for Daniel and Cali Jackson, weather you reveal this part of the tape is up to the two of you, but it concerns your son."

The native Cali took over. "We're responsible for Caleb."

Cali and Daniel looked at each other stunned and listened to the rest of the tape.

The next day:

Jack and Sam were sitting side by on the dock, his cabin was behind them. Jack reeled in his line as Sam sat comfortably with hers still in the water.

"This is great," she said relaxed.

"I told, ya!"

"I can't believe we didn't do it years ago," she said with regret.

"Yes, well, let's not dwell," he said gently.

She chuckled, but stopped as a fish jumped out of water, they both looked at each other stunned. Behind them Teal'c, Daniel and Cali joined them, the two men carrying a cooler between them, and their folding chairs. Cali had her own chair in one hand, a book in the other.

Sam queried her CO. "Didn't that tap say there were no fish in your pond?"

"Close enough," Jack dismissed.

She nodded and went back to fishing.

Daniel, Teal'c and Cali had set up their chairs near the cooler, as Jack sent his line back in. Getting two beers from the cooler, Daniel went over to his friends and gave them one each then returned to his chair.

"So, Daniel," Jack began. "How did you two get away from the munchkins?"

"Bra'tac came through the Gate just before we left for a visit, he's staying to help out and Silvia insisted."

"I think our Jaffa Master has it bad for your Nanny." Jack surmised.

"Quiet possibly," Cali agreed smirking. "But they can't get up to much with Caleb and Mia around."

"Not to mention Chris and Cassie," Sam added.

"They are properly chaperoned." Teal'c declared, causing his team mates to chuckle.

Eight months later: SGC – Level 18 – Jackson lab/office.

"Whoa, wait a minute," Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell, the new leader of SG-1 interrupted the narrative. "What about the message from the other Cali and Daniel about Caleb, did you tell anybody?"

Cali smiled; she was perched on the workbench. "No, we decided to keep it to ourselves for the time being."
"When Caleb is old enough, we'll tell him." Daniel added; he stood near his wife, his hand on her thigh.

Cameron frowned still curious. "So?"

Laughing, Cali lifted her husband's hand from her thigh and hoped off the workbench, going over to her desk. "So, it's a secret, Cameron."

"Oh come on, Cali, we're practically family," he groused.

"How do you figure that, Mitchell?" Daniel asked him, curiously.

Cali had turned; she wanted to hear his answer to that question too.

"Well," Cameron shoved his hands into the pockets of his blue BDU trousers. "You and Cali are life partners' as well as husband and wife," he explained suddenly uncomfortable. "And when Cali saved my life in Antarctica, she created a bond with me, kind of like having an extra member of the family."

She rolled her eyes. "Nice try, Cam, but no."

"Damn," he grumbled and pulled his hands free. "All right, I'm going." He walked into the doorway and stopped, turning. "Are you guys coming to movie night?"

"What are we watching?" Daniel inquired.

"It's um Teal'c's turn to pick, I told him anything but Star Wars."

"Well, it won't be boring then," Cali mused.


"We'll be there," she agreed.

"Okay, nineteen hundred and don't be late."

"Yes, Colonel," they both said together as he walked out, smiling at his snort.

Daniel turned and walked over to his wife, seeing her staring at the photo of their children. They had been going to Atlantis, they had sold their house, their furniture had been put into storage, but they hadn't gone. Vala Mal Doran had walked back into their lives and changed everything. They'd found out about the Ori, and for the first time, both Cali and Daniel had admitted they were scared. Enough that they sent Silvia to Serenity with Caleb and Mia to live within the colony where they would be safe. As far as anyone knew, the planet was deserted and that was going to keep them away from the Ori. Chris and Cassie were also on Serenity, a part of the permanent SGC staff and human colony. And when the base had become to confining, he and Cali had found an apartment, but they missed their children and took whatever chance they good to go to Serenity and see them.

Daniel drew his wife into his arms. "They're safe, Cal."

"I know," she rested her head against his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him. "We did the right thing."

He kissed the top of her head, knowing she was trying to convince herself as well as him. "Yes we did," he agreed. "And we'll get through this, the same as we did with the Goa'uld."

Smiling lovingly, Cali lifted her head. "As long as we don't have to die to do it."

"Well, no promise," Daniel teased and then cupped her face. "We'll be fine, Cali. We're SG-1."

"It's what we do?" She quoted her dad, who was now head of Home World Security and her boss.

"It's what we do," he agreed. "Same band, just with a new lead singer."

Cali smiled and brushed her lips against his. "Cameron was determined to get the band back together."

"And here we are," he agreed, he went to kiss her when he remembered the door was open and the security camera was on, the later having been repaired; orders from the new CO – General Hank Landry. "We can't do this here."

"Why not?" She asked him and with a flick of her hand, the door slammed closed.

"Okay, why not," he agreed and got with the program, capturing her mouth with his as the little red light on the security camera went out, signaling it was off.

"You are so bad, Doctor Jackson," Cali said with a giggle.

"I know," he mused.

The End.

(Yep, this is the end. I decided it was time to wrap it up, as much as I loved writing this story, I felt integrating Cali into what is season nine, wouldn't be easy. Maybe I'll come back to it later and do an epilogue, you just never know. Karen – aka: Anaika Skywalker)