Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars.
Luke was staring at the blocks on the ceiling as he felt the slow hum of the hyperdrive engines pushing them along to Coruscant. He was trying his best not to panic or over-think the situation he was currently in.
Of course this would happen to me. Everything happens to Skywalkers.
Luke closed his eyes and sensed the video and audio devices embedded within the cell. There was no way he would be able to speak to Obi-Wan about what was really going on. How crazy would he sound to anyone listening? My sister, best friend and I have traveled back in time to prevent the rise of a Sith Lord who rules as Emperor over the galaxy with fear and power. The only problem is that we have no idea how to prevent it. All we know is the Emperor's name and that the clones destroyed the Jedi.
He shook his head slightly. He sounds crazy even to himself. Let's not even start with explaining how they even made it to the past. He always new something weird would happen with all of Han's modifications to the Falcon. To keep themselves from worrying too much about how they would get back to their own time, they figured they would do what they could. Now here he was, in a cell, waiting to be interrogated by younger versions of his father and his mentor. It can't get any crazier than that.
Luke looked up as the door of his cell opened with a swoosh.
Obi-Wan walked into the cell with a confident stance that belied the look of discomfort on his face. He quickly changed his facial expression to one of stoic seriousness and looked at Luke dead on.
Luke tried to keep his discomfort from showing, but being confronted with his long, dead, former master so directly made even his renown Jedi calm so shaky. At least he was alone. There was no way he could blurt out everything with a young Anakin Skywalker in the room. And one that felt so strongly against himself. Even when Anakin was Darth Vader he didn't feel this much animosity from him. It was a little disconcerting.
Obi-Wan pulled up the extra chair that was in the corner of the room in front of Luke and took a seat. He leaned forward slightly toward Luke when he began to speak.
"First of all, I wanted to tell you that we are on our way to Coruscant. We've been able to make sure that once we arrive that you stay in Jedi custody instead of being taken in by Republic forces."
Luke slightly raised his eyebrow at the last statement. He didn't think he would be taken by anyone other than the Jedi.
Obi-Wan continued. "The Republic forces can definitely try to assert their authority in this situation since you have sabotaged not only multiple military outposts, but the very heart of their home world. Kamino."
Obi-Wan moves a hand to his chin.
"Since you have obviously had some sort of training in the past, we, the Jedi, feel the need to take this situation in our own hands until deemed otherwise. Now, with that being said, before we begin is there anything at all that you would like to say to me?"
Obi-Wan looks at him with a soft, but stern face. Luke can definitely see where Obi-Wan got his "The Negotiator" reputation from. Though he had already decided to confide in Obi-Wan, perhaps he would have anyway after this conversation with him.
Luke knows how grave his situation is, how horribly Obi-Wan could be treating him compared to the courtesy he was given now. That the killing and destruction of hundreds of clones and Republic military personnel wasn't something that could just be set aside. Even during a time of war. He wasn't a separatist and he wasn't a citizen of the Republic. Well, this Republic.
Luke takes a breath. "Masterā¦" Obi-Wan looked slightly surprised, but his hand stayed at his chin.
"I mean, sir." Luke corrected." There is a lot that I need to tell you. At best, you will think I'm imagining things, at worst you will think I'm a lunatic that needs to be locked up.
"I think I would like to know either way. Let me be the judge of that." Obi-Wan says with a small encouraging smile.
"Before I start, I would request that the audio devices in the cell be turned off. There's a lot that needs to be said, and plenty of that information is sort of sensitive.."
Obi-Wan begins to frown slightly.."I'm not sure that would be the be-"
"It could be sensitive for the Jedi."
Obi-Wan briefly stops and gives Luke a reassessing stare. "If I do this, I expect to hear everything you know. The video will stay up."
Luke nods seriously. Obi-Wan made a gesture toward his ear and softly gave the order. Luke could feel the energy dissipate from the cell. Obi-Wan gives him a nod.
Luke takes a deep breath and begins.
Anakin disliked feeling confused. He was a man who took action with certainty. These feelings of confusion and doubt were so rare for him when it came time to head to the battlefield. Truthfully, it was perhaps the only reason he was promoted to Knight status when he was. There was no way he could have exuded the poise and calm of a Jedi if there wasn't a war going on. He seemed more like a Jedi with calm under battle pressure, and the front line is where he did his best work. Who knows how long it would have taken him to gain knight status otherwise.
He wasn't much for these investigations. He would rather ram straight onto the culprit and bring him in or take him out. Obi-Wan was better at these type of situations. He could figure out what was really going on. Especially if it has something to do with me.
Since seeing the first recording of the rogue and his comrades, the Force was gnawing at him. Like a muffled message that he couldn't make out. He knew it was important, but he couldn't figure out how to decipher its message properly. He felt like he had been meditating for hours and nothing was coming of it. No wonder he disliked to meditate.
Obi-Wan was interrogating the rogue now and he knew Ahsoka was trying to find a way to escape Rex's training session with some 501st troopers to eavesdrop. Anakin knew that she was annoyed to be kept away, but he agreed with Obi-Wan's orders. Even if he's a slightly annoyed that Obi-Wan seemed to have some sort of connection to the other Force user. Even if it was only a slight connection.
He tilted his head a bit and chuckled. Whatever Obi-Wan was being told was really freaking him out if his feelings over their force bond was any indication.
Obi-Wan was between trying not to gape and at the same time trying to keep himself in his seat as the young man in front of him, Luke, continued speaking.
"...-t this point, Leia, Han and I don't know much of what's going on in this time period except for the fact that "allegedly" the Jedi tried to form a coup and take over the Republic, were accused of treason and subsequently wiped out by the stormtroopers, that you call clone troopers,.." Luke takes a slight breath.."on the orders of the newly established Emperor Palpatineā¦"
"Palpatine? I thought you said that the Empire was ruled by the Sith."
"Yes. The Emperor is a Sith Lord."
Obi-Wan put one hand up to stop Luke and the other across his face. This was ridiculous. The Sith Lord was hiding under their noses this whole time in Coruscant?
"Let's back up for a second. You said that the Jedi allegedly formed a coup and now they are completely gone?"
"Well, allegedly yes. From the little I gleaned from Master Yoda." At Obi-Wan's surprised look. Luke continued. "He was my master. He didn't tell me much about the fall of the Republic and the Jedi. Only really that the Jedi were blinded by the dark side and became complacent; that they were too proud and should have been paying more attention to why the force was so clouded. And they paid for it with the end of their Order."
Obi-Wan now sat up. "Well, you definitely believe what you're saying."
Luke looked up, indigent. " Of course I'm telling the truth. Why would I make up something so horrible? Especially since I want so badly to continue my training as a Jedi. And to do so in the Jedi Temple? I'll never get that chance."
"Well, that could potentially happen." Obi-Wan said with a slight smirk.
Luke's mouth popped open in surprise, his eyes widening. Obi-Wan had to stifle his chuckles at the incredibly amusing look on the boy's face.
"If what you're saying is true, and I'm not saying you're wrong." Obi-Wan reiterates as Luke made a face at his comment. " We need to go before the Council to report where you and your companions come from and the crimes for which we are arresting you in the first place."
"But Be- Master, I told you why we did what we did. We're in a war, not only against the Empire, but the Sith. We have future knowledge and we intend to do all we can to stop Palpatine from enslaving the entire galaxy. If that means killing a few stormtroopers, so be it. I may not like it, but sacrifices are made in war and I intend as a rebel and a Jedi to make sure that the galaxy doesn't become the horror that my future is."
"You are still a rogue figure and still need to answer for these so called war crimes then. Now, I believe I have everything, let's go through the list again shall we?"
Obi-Wan now stood up and began pacing slowly across the room as Luke looked up from his seat. Obi-Wan started counting down with his fingers.
"One, this whole war we're currently in is a farce created by Darth Sidious, also known as Emperor Palpatine as in Chancellor Palpatine to gain complete control of the galaxy. Two, Sidious uses his influence of the Clone Army to isolate the Jedi from each other and have the troopers killed the Jedi and destroy the Temple including the younglings.."
The last couple of words were said with the slightest tremble, if he wasn't watching him so closely Luke would have missed it, but he made no indication that he noticed. He knew that this was a ton of life-changing information to dump on Obi-Wan.
"Three, the only Jedi that survive, that you know of are myself and Master Yoda who later train you to become a Jedi at the age of nineteen."
Obi-Wan was in complete disbelief that this could have possibly occurred, but it didn't sound like he or Master Yoda had much of a choice but to train Luke at such a late age.
"Four, you and your Father, four years ago from your present time, defeated Darth Sidious and helped the Rebels take back control of the galaxy for the New Republic. Lastly, for some inexplicable reason, you find yourself some 25 years in the past before the birth of the Empire with your sister and brother-in-law and have taken it upon yourselves to keep Palpatine from winning the war for his Empire. Is that everything?"
Luke sort of tilts his head nervously. "That's everything I've told you so far, yes."
Obi-Wan wants to shake his head in disbelief. How could there be more?
"Well, you might as well tell me now instead of waiting until later. It will help you in the long run. As I said, I can try to do my best to have the Jedi Council keep you in our custody."
Luke looked like he was about to retch from anxiety.
"Take your time. We still have a way to go to get to Coruscant."
Luke lifted his head up to Obi-Wan, making sure to look him right in the eye when he spoke his next words. He hopes this wasn't a mistake.
My name is Luke Skywalker. My father's name is Anakin Skywalker.
Apologies. I made the mistake of writing as I post. I will not be doing the same for any future stories. I have a pretty good idea of how this story will progress, but I welcome any ideas anyone has on what they want to see in this story. Also, obviously I did my own (not great) editing. Thanks for reading!