A/N: Hello! I have been thinking about doing an Annie story ever since Chapter 100 in Finnick's Story (The year she first mentored.) With that being said I feel I should mention that Annie's story will not be related to Finnick's Story or Crazed (Which is basically the same story expect it give Dylan's background his experience in the mental hospital and his relationship with Tori. Annie will also be in the later chapters a lot because of the bond they have because the are both "crazy". I will stop selling you on this now lol) So this story is in a different universe (I guess that is the best way to describe it) from my other stories. It will have different arenas, different victors, and Finnick and Annie's relationship will be very different. (They will still fall in love and stuff. It can still be classified as a Finnie (This is the ship name me and my friends use cause they both have the double n thing going for them and it is hella cute) or the official one Odesta story. Most of you probably haven't read my other stories so you probably don't care but I thought I would mention it to the people who are reading my other stories.

Also I don't know how the updating will work for this one. I usually do a rotation for my stories because both of the ones I am working on aren't finished but I know how they will end. I usually figure out the ending before I start because I don't abandon stories. I hate when that happens and I update usually once a week (this one might be once every two weeks, I am on spring break right so it may be different) my stories are on the long side (as you can see from Finnick's Story 131 chapters and still no Katniss. I don't think I use lots of fillers but, I am bias.). So if I don't update in a while don't worry it will not be abandoned. Anyways on to the story!

Chapter One.

I can feel the soft sea breeze against my skin. It smells like salt and sunlight. It always does in District 4 the home of fishing. Apparently before Panem this place was know as New England and fishing was important then as well. I guess things don't always change.

Usually I would love a nice calm day like this. The sun is shining, the water is nice and calm it is perfect. But today isn't a perfect day because it is the reaping for the 70th Hunger Games.

I'm seventeen so my name is in there more than some but I never had to take any tessare most people here don't. After all it is like that in all of the career Districts but 4 is different from 1 and 2. District 4 is mainly a career District because we have a great deal of money and we actually have people that volunteer. Most of the other Districts can't say that. Never the less we are seen as ruthless killers probably because in the arena we always have an alliance with 1 and 2.


I turn around and see my friend Lana. She is wearing a soft pink dress and her sandy blonde hair is up in a perfect bun. The dress compliments her sun kissed skin.

"You ready for this Annie." She smiles.

"No." I shake my head.

"Well if your name does get called at least you will get to meet the great Finnick Odair." She teases

"Ah yes Finnick Odair." I say with disgust.

Lana and I both don't like him. We have never met him but all of District 4 and Panem know what he is like. Cocky, rude, arrogant, and a killer. He won the 65th Hunger Games when he was fourteen, he is the youngest victor ever. He uses this to his advantage so he can get all of the girls he wants. He never really needed it, girls were already dropping at his feet because of his good looks. He goes to the Capitol a lot and every time he goes he has a lady by his side or more than one lady in a visit.

That isn't why I hate him though. I hate him because he doesn't seem to care about his family at all. His parents died in a strange accident when he was seventeen. He didn't even bat an eyelash because the next day he went to the Capitol. He wasn't there for their funeral and he left his younger brother and sister by themselves. His brother was fifteen but his sister was only eleven. He shouldn't have left them alone but, he wanted to be with all of those admirers instead.

"The sad part about that is some people would probably love that." I say

"I'm sure he would find us fascinating. I don't think anyone has ever turned him down." Lana smiles

"He doesn't seem to care for the women here anyways."

"Just the Capitol freaks." she smiles

"We should probably get going don't want to be late."

"This is true." I don't want to know what would happen if you skipped the reaping. The peacekeepers here are not very threatening but I'm sure on this day they would have to follow orders.

I get checked in and Lana and I head to the seventeen section.

There are four chairs on the stage three for the victors and one for the mayor.

"Welcome everyone to the 70th Hunger Games!" Aries our escort beams

Aries is probably around thirty. He always has a whimsical outfit and strange hair and makeup to match.

This year his hair is a dark evergreen color and so are his eyes. He has tanned skin that looks fake. He is wearing a short sleeved v neck shirt that is black and embroidered with something green that look like real gemstones, he has strange blueish pants that also have the gem stones. He also has raven black tattoos on his chest that is the symbol of his name. Which is the symbol of the ram. What a stupid name.

"Before we get started let's introduce our victors."

First is an elderly woman named Mags. I think she won one of the earlier Hunger Games.

The second is Luna. She won the 60th Hunger Games. She has reddish brown hair and looks pale. She also has a scar on her face that starts at her her forehead and goes diagonally down to jaw line. She got that in the final fight of her Hunger Games. The boy from two did a number on her face but she was victorious and has the scar to prove it.

Last is Finnick Odair he smiles and waves at the camera. His sea green eyes and tan skin gleam in the sunlight and his perfect bronze locks blow in the wind.

He is so narcissistic. Probably the only thing he loves more than his admires is his reflection.

"Now let's get started shall we?" Aries says.

Aries shows a film that explains why we do this it's because people were fed up with being controlled so they fought for what they felt was right but, they lost so now every year 24 children from the ages of 12 trough 18 must be chosen to fight in the death in the Hunger Games.

"Now the real fun can begin as always ladies first." He smiles

He goes over to the glass bowl and reaches his hand in. He picks the first slip that touches his hand and goes back to the microphone.

I grab Lana's wrist and hold my breath.

"The female tribute repressing District 4 for the 70th Hunger Games is… Annie Cresta."

My whole body freezes and I don't know what to do. Lana looks at me and gives me a nudge. I walk to the stage woodenly and stand next to Aries.

I see myself on the screens. My face is as white as a sheet, my brown hair is flowing through the wind, and my blues eyes are filling up with tears.

Do not cry. I think to myself.

"So Miss. Cresta how does it feel to be this years tribute?"

Do not cry. I think to myself again. "I…" too late. Tears start pouring out o f my eyes.

"Very well." Aries says disappointed.

"Now onto the boys." He picks a paper and opens it quickly.

"Daniel Houl." He says and a boy from the eighteen section gets called out. He has sandy blonde hair, green eyes, and tanned skin like most of the population in 4.

"How does it feel Mr. Houl to be representing District 4 in the 70th Hunger Games."

"I can't wait for them to begin." He says and flashes a devilish smile.

"Very well now shake hands." He says

We do my hands are clammy because I'm so nervous.

We then get escorted to the Justice Building to say goodbye to our friends and families.

I sit down on the bench and hold my face in my hands and start crying.

"Annie." My mother says and runs towards me and hugs me.

"It's okay." She says and strokes my hair.

"No, it's not."

"Shhh just take it one day at a time sweets." She says and kisses my forehead.

"I love you mom." I say and hold her close.

"I love you too and whatever happens in that arena always remember that." She kisses me again and hold me for the rest of the time.

Next Lana comes in

"Annie." She says and hugs me.

"I guess the thing about Finnick Ofair isn't as funny." I laugh.

"No." She says and hugs me.

"Don't worry Annie you are smart and decent with knives and blow darts you have a decent shot."

"Do you think I can win."

"I think you have a shot." She tells me.

It isn't a yes but it's not a no either, so I will take it.

For the rest of the time I sit here in silence. I have calmed myself down. I feel I can face Dan and the mentors without crying.

Aries gets us and takes us to the train.

"These are your mentors Mags, Luna, and Finnick." He says as if they are the most important people in the world.

"Way to go." Finnick says looking at me.

"What?" I say looking confused.

"Tell me Annie do you want to die?"


"Then why did you cry up there?"

"Because I'm scared." I mumble.

"Well that is a reasonable response however, you can't show any emotion. I can guarantee people are already thinking the female tribute from 4 is weak. Sponsors don't like that so you would have trouble finding some."

"Like you would know." I mumble.

"What was that?" He says annoyed.

"You didn't need to work for anything you just got sponsors because you are good looking."

He looks hurt when I say this. I wonder if anyone ever disagrees with him.

"Well I am still a mentor and know how these things work. Besides the sponsors are not the only ones who will be thinking this, so will the tributes and the people from 1 and 2 won't like that and you are suppose to work with them. You might want to grow a back bone and learn to stop crying because it will only hurt you. Don't mess up again Annie." He says clearly annoyed

"How can you be so mean! What did I ever do to you!" I shout at him.

"I'm just being realistic. I'm not here to baby you that is what Luna and Mags are for. Stop throwing a pity party and accept that this what you have to deal with."

Something is off when he talks about dealing with this. His voice sounds sad. I don't know why that would be because he doesn't seem compassionate at all.

"I have accepted it." I spit back.

"Good." He says and walks to another train car.

"Woah." Dan says "Looks like you're on his bad side and I'm sure that's not a good thing."

"Whatever."I say.

I go to the dining car where the rest of them are. I sit down and eat the food. The whole time I notice Finnick is staring at me. His eyes don't hold rage they hold pity and sorrow.

Something about him is off. He says one thing but his body is projecting something else. I wonder what is going on inside that head of his.