Just did a quick edit of this. Added in and removed a few things to make it flow better and more up to par writing.

Chapter 1

The Jedi Master was ushered quickly into the Jedi Council room where Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi master's waited. His name was Qa'atar Je'loome. And he'd been missing for fifty years, but when he was ushered into the room what had been reported by those who had picked him up was true. He looked the same age as when he'd been sent off on his mission.

"Aged better, you have. Than I Master Je'loome." Yoda greeted the Jedi Knight.

"Funny thing about that Master Yoda. It's an interesting tale."

"Perhaps then, you shall tell us all this story?" Ki Adi Mundi sat back, nodding towards

"I was sent to investigate a cave that had suddenly erupted in the Force. I went to investigate leaving my apprentice outside as I entered. It took me two days to reach the end of the cave system, where I found waiting for me a holocron placed in front of a skeleton that looked to have been sitting there for centuries. Looked to be human, and the force presence still eking from his bones was powerful. His saber was next to him on the ground, still in perfect working condition. But it's a design I'd never seen, and the alloy of the saber was also very different than anything I'd run across yet."

He paused, pulling out said holocron and saber. Placing them on a hover table that was waiting in front of the Council.

"I attempted to open the holocron but was refused any information by the holocron itself. Giving me a message stating what was required before it would divulge any information. I knew from the message it that I needed to bring it here quickly. I was in the cave a total of three days. When I finally exited the cave well expecting to find my apprentice waiting for me with a witty comment about how long I took but... everything had changed." His eyes seemed as if exiting the cave all over again.

"My apprentice was missing, and I was informed by some young boys in a nearby village that almost fifty years had passed since I'd entered the cave. Once I'd accepted that I'd seemed to have been involved in some sort of ripple in time. I decided to test and verify, I set a timer and ask some young children outside to keep track of the time till I came back out of the cave. I stepped inside and waited ten standard minutes then exited the caves. The children were no longer there but my timer was. Another three months had passed since I'd stepped in."

"Attempting one last test, I once again set the timer and then entered the cave. This time for only five standard minutes. When I exited this time, only one minute had passed on the outside. It seemed that time was erratic in the cave. With my last test having a different outcome compared to the others I went to enter again for another test. But before entering the cave it was as if suddenly the Force ceased to exist in the area. Sucked away. When I entered it this time it was almost like a whole different cave. The general shape was the same, and the length as well. But the Jedi's remains were gone, any markings I's seen or made in the cave gone.

"Hard, to believe your story is. Why not, the holocron could you open?" Yoda was the first to speak of the stunned Jedi masters. Their first instinct was to refute what he was saying. Yet the age of the human Jedi master was the same as when he'd disappeared. Many of the council knew him, Yoda and other's having Knighted him and given him his promotion to Master. One of his friends he'd been a youngling with now a Jedi Master had met him at the gates. Grey haired and weeping at the sight of his friend he'd thought dead, yet not looking a day older than he had when he'd first left for his mission.

"Yes, Master Yoda. It's easier to show you and Master Obi-Wan specifically anyways. I'm sure you'll get a different reaction than I."

He placed the holocron on the ground activating it with a pulse of the force and a thought of 'open'. A blue flash followed by light starting to form a figure.

There appeared an old human Jedi, his eyes seemed full of wisdom. Laughter lines around his eyes, and smile wrinkles around his mouth. He smiled in exasperation catching sight of the Jedi before turning to see the council behind him. "Ah, one step closer then." He paused, taking in all the faces of those around him.

"Master Yoda, Master Obi-Wan it is good to see you both again. Unfortunately, I cannot relay my message or any knowledge within yet. There are still some missing. You must be Master Windu, I've heard a lot about you through the years. You are required, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker if he is around yet." His voice seemed to catch a bit upon the name of Anakin, but he pushed onward.

"The others I require before fully opening are Padme Amidala," again his voice catching as he took a breath. "Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and the Jedi Council. Until then, goodbye old friends." The holocron shut off with a wave and a smirk that Obi-Wan found reminiscent of Anakin.

Odd he thought.

"Tell me I'm not the only one to be a little… concerned that this holocron knew our names when I know we never gave ours?" Windu's voice echoed throughout the chamber.

"I can't answer that. He knew of Master Yoda even before I spoke to him. He stated almost the same message, though he did not greet me as he greeted Obi-Wan and Yoda. The only answer I had was that, this cave that warped time, this holocron must be the same. Ether lost from another time… or perhaps sent." The Jedi voiced his thoughts to the assembled Jedi.

"Gather the rest, we must. Kenobi, call your padawan you will, while the Senators I will handle."

"It will be done."


The chamber room now plus three Senator's and one Jedi Knight sat gathered round the floating table, holocron sitting patiently upon it. "I think we're all gathered now. For what have you called us here Master Yoda? And in such a rush as well?"

Mon Mothma was the first to speak of the gathered senators, gazing at the Holocron where it sat with a curious look.

"We're hoping with your help Senator's that we'll be able to know for sure. This holocron was located in a cave one of our Jedi master's entered over fifty years ago. But it refused to open until we had gathered certain people together." Obi-Wan began.

"And supposedly we are here to help you get the information within this… holocron?"

"Asked for by name you were. By a holocron lost to time. Interesting, is it not?"

"We're just getting started Senators. What was most interesting is that those fifty years for us was just a few days for our Jedi master. He's a human Jedi and hasn't aged a day since he left for his mission. This has been confirmed both by several of the Council themselves who knew him when he was but a youngling like Master Yoda. We've also confirmed it's him through several medical tests. This holocron has refused to give us any information until you three were gathered here with four very specific Jedi along with the rest of the council. Now we hope to find the secret of this Holocron. It seems to be thousands of years old yet the man inside knew of people that weren't even born when Jedi Master Qa'atar entered the cave."

"We are dealing with a holocron hidden in some time warping cave. Said holocron containing information of people by name that either weren't born yet, or were unknown by the Jedi who found it?" Mon Mothma summarized.

"Correct. This meeting will be nothing short of exciting I would guess." Master Kenobi added in.

With that Windu proceeded to open the Holocron for the second time.

Up rose the old Jedi, who now with Anakin and Padme on the other side of him Obi-Wan noticed a remarkable resemblance. One that got him thinking…

"Hello all. Gathered so soon have we?" He questioned. He was facing Windu who had opened the Holocron first. "Master Windu." He bowed his head to the Jedi Master who returned the courtesy. "Yoda my old master. It is good to see you." He bowed even deeper to the old green Jedi who looked at him contemplatively, thoroughly confused as he had no remembrance of this Jedi. "Ben Kenobi. Or should I say Master Obi-Wan it is good to see you again alive and well." The unnamed Jedi once again bowed deeply to Obi-Wan. Leaving everyone even more confused.

Finally he turned, face to face with… "Anakin Skywalker… and Padme Amidala." He stopped on these two, and many could see tears forming in his eyes. "I never thought I'd see you two like this." The way he looked at them worried the two. Both fighting the urge to seek comfort and understanding in the other's arms. The old Jedi seemed to take a deep breath, wiping fruitlessly at holographic misty eyes. He turned to see the other Senator's present.

"Mon Mothma, as beautiful and stoic as you always were and just as strong. And you must be Bail Organa. It is good to see you alive and in person I've heard much about you." He took a moment, gazing at everyone gathered, his eyes constantly returning to Anakin and Padme.

"I'm sure you all would like to know who I am or… was at least and what my story is. Allow me to begin by introducing myself finally. My name is Jedi Master Luke, Grand Master of the New Jedi order of 11 ABY and Grand Master of the Jedi Coalition established in 40 ABY. Which means after the Battle of Yavin." He began to mutter softly to himself as he tried explaining, "which since that battle hasn't occurred yet you would not know when that is. Focus Luke you aren't that old yet." He chuckled, confusing those watching at his words.

"I am a Jedi like my father before me. I'm the pilot who destroyed the Death Star, a space station capable of destroying planets with a blast. I'm the defeater of Darth Vader and Darth Sidious to name a few of the Sith Lords I've slain. I've had a hand in saving the galaxy from the likes of the Yuuzhang Vong, Killik hive, and a powerful Force being known as Abeloth. And even more than I care to remember. But most importantly, Husband of Mara Jade Jedi Master. And this is my story."


After this, the old Jedi Master weaved a tale about the group. A tale of a Jedi who fell in love with a Senator. Who was deceived and manipulated to the Dark Side. Abandoned and pushed away by the Council that should have supported him. Of his fall to a Dark Lord of the Sith. Of his twin children who were separated at birth. One to be a farmer on a Desert planet, brought by the Master of the fallen Jedi who destroyed the Order, from the younglings to the master's and hunted down to survivors. The daughter, taken in by a Senator and his wife to be a Princess of a beautiful planet. While another Jedi Master, far older than any other before him ran to hide on Dagobah.

His story continued recounting years of terror that gripped the planets. Of disorder and deceit that reigned supreme. Crafted by the Dark Lord Sidious. Of how this Farm boy was found by droids, of battle plans for a space station capable of destroying planets. Of the capture of this Princess, by her true Father she knew nothing about, and who knew not about her. For this fallen Jedi, and Dark Lord of the Sith thought his beloved wife and child had died by his own accidental hand.

How the farm boy finally met the Jedi who'd first brought him to his Uncle and Aunt and had been watching over him. And now began teaching him the ways of the Jedi. Of their capture and then rescue of the Princess with a Corellian Smuggler and his Wookie partner.

He recounted as the young farm boy climbed into a fighter ship and through the guiding of the Force proceeded to destroy this space station. But only after the Princess' home planet had already been made an example of and blown from existence with every life on it following along.

His story weaved, with ups and downs. Finally, to the redemption of Darth Vader through his child, and turned on his master, casting him away to his death. Of his son's desperate attempts to save him as he died from the attacks of his former master.

By the end of his story it was dark outside, tears had fallen from many eyes. But none so more than Anakin and Padme. They felt this story was too close to home.

"This history you speak of I do not recognize. When did this occur Master Luke?"

"Well Master Kenobi. That would be because it is not history. It's your future. All of yours. Unless you change. I have not yet named who this fallen Jedi was, his master. Nor the full name of that young farm boy. Me. I am Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, husband of Mara Jade Skywalker, the greatest Jedi to live. And future son of Anakin and Padme Skywalker."

Chaos reigned.


When finally, the chamber quieted, Luke looking on with sympathy in his eyes as the room argued while Anakin and Padme drew close for comfort and support. Unheeding of those around them.

"Master Luke, I concede you know plenty that you shouldn't, and going from these two clinging together, at least partially correct on the relationship between young Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala. But surely you can't truly think we'll believe what you're trying to say." Windu was the first to address the Holocron directly after the chaos that came. But his answer came from his fellow Jedi Master instead of the owner of the Holocron.

"Search your feelings you must… Master Windu. Before, opening our mouths." Yoda's eyes had remained closed for most of the story. The hours spent telling this story draining him as each rang true in the force.

Taking the advice of his fellow master to heart, Windu searched the Force. The echoing truth of this Jedi's story through the Force did nothing to calm him.

"I become a Sith?" Anakin's voice brought any other thoughts to a halt as many turned to face where he was standing next to Padme.

"You did. You were. For years enthralled with the dark. But you broke free. Bringing yourself back to the light and bringing balance to the force. All your actions did that. The Jedi order had stagnated and was losing its grip on who they were and their mission. And then by ending the Sith, so the Light could reign again across the galaxy.


The words of Luke had shaken the room. Especially the Jedi Council. Some were offended and working on calming their anger at his words. Others were in complete agreement. The Jedi had stagnated, bogged down by tradition and rules that were hindering them. Many especially had problems with their new roles as Generals for the Republic's army and fight against the Separatist's. Then there were a third group who contemplated what he said. Trying to see where he was correct, and where he was wrong or bias.

Yoda would have liked to think he was the contemplative one. He'd been alive for far longer than any of the other Jedi on the council and had lived through many different councils. He knew that things hadn't changed in centuries. Partly thanks to him. He remembered, in a history lesson when he was much, much younger. Of the Jedi Council that had fought the Sith during the Old Republic and eventually managed to push them back and defeat them. There had been talk of a group of Grey Jedi, a group he knew even now who followed the force, dark and light intermixed. Most were disheartened Jedi who left. Perhaps they weren't completely wrong in some of their thoughts.

Yoda did have to admit that everything young Master Luke was saying resonated in the force with the old Grand Master. He was happy to think he'd trained and made this Jedi master, at least somewhat. Into the Grandmaster he'd become. 'Change for us, the time has come'


They broke for a momentary break before continuing. Everyone needing a break from these intense discussions and revelations. Anakin was dragged away by Padme. The knowing and loving wife that she was, feeling the pain and torment inside of him she pulled him away for a moment alone together. Once they were as far away from prying eyes as they could get in the Council Chambers. He buried his face in her shoulder and hair, tears wetting her skin quickly.

She rubbed his back, whispering loving words in his ear. Kissing his head as she held him close, struggling against her own tears. She wondered for a moment if she shouldn't feel hate, or anger or anything remotely strong. But all she could feel was pride. Proud of the son she and Anakin had birthed, and of this chance they had to change all that was going to occur. At this moment, her loving husband was no dark Jedi who slaughtered younglings and destroyed worlds. He was simply a lost Jedi Knight who needed his wife to cling to as a beacon of light.

"Don't worry my love. This is a chance we've been given to prevent all that. Do you really think, after knowing what was going to occur and how Palpatine twisted your life that you will fall prey to the Dark? Especially if the Jedi actually change their ways, and the Republic itself changes as well?"

He was silent for a moment. She could practically hear his thoughts churning. "You're right. I can feel the darkness inside waiting for me to feed it. But I , know that with you and Obi-Wan supporting me I'll be fine. The light will win. And these two children you have will help even more." He placed a hand lovingly on her belly as he pulled back to gaze at her with love.


After the break they all gathered again to listen to whatever other revelations Luke chose to reveal to them.

He continued his story, telling of his Journey as a Jedi. Then he discussed what he said was his favorite portion of his story. His first meeting of Mara Jade, his future wife to be. And the Assassin of Darth Sidious with the final mission of killing him.

This next part of his journey garnered laughter from several present. But also inspired horror at what he faced and went through.

There were happy smiles when he discussed his wedding, starting a new Jedi Council and his first Padawans. There was interest and concerned looks at his mention of the ysalamir. Worry about how to prepare to fend off the Yuuzhang Vong if/when they attacked again, or how to stop the Killik in advance.

Finally, he drew terror and worry after he mentioned Abeloth. Especially since they knew she only escaped when she did due to someone meddling with time, they were worried that Luke's holocron traveling back in time to them would awaken her early.

"You won't have to worry about her right now. If my timing is correct Father, Son, and Daughter are still alive currently and will put her back to rest and keep watch over her for now. But eventually she will escape and will need to be dealt with. Hopefully that is many years in the future. But for now, we shouldn't have to worry about her. What you should worry about is what you're going to do, if change is on the horizon. Or if I've simply hastened Anakin's leaving of the Jedi and into the arms of the Sith."

"Discuss this we must. Meet later we should. Choices made in haste, made in error, lead to destruction they do."

"Agreed. Let us meet ten standard days to discuss what we can do. That will give the council time to meet and discuss, and gather those who are traveling to us. As well as allow you Senator's some time. For now, Anakin will be suspended from duty and bound to Coruscant. Luke, before shutting down can you tell us who Darth Sidious is and any other relevant information to the war so we may end this soon?"

"Sadly, master Windu I must decline till I know what your choice is going to be for change and handling my father and mother's choices. Also, I will warn you that this device will quickly become unstable in this time. Breaking down and disappearing or breaking in some way. Myself and Masters Yoda and Kenobi realized that depending on how long it could potentially sit in the cave and then the effects of the powerful Force waves it would be subject too would destroy it quickly once it was brought into a constant time stream." Many could tell he wasn't too sorry. He didn't want the Jedi sitting on their thumbs forever and delaying making a change or taking a hard look at themselves and what they'd become. He wanted to spur them into action, and he was doing an excellent job of this.

"I do not feel as we'll be getting much sleep thanks to that." Kenobi muttered.

"Meet tomorrow we all will. For now, guest rooms for the Senators will be provided. Discuss tonight, the Council will."

"That seems to be the best plan Master Yoda. We shall take you up on the hospitality and have a meeting of our own tonight. Seems Senator Amidala has much to share." Mon Mothma stated with a sly look at her blushing friend.


The council had gathered, the Holocron from Luke Skywalker sitting turned of in the middle of the room.

Eeth Koth was the first to voice his thoughts. "What are we going to do about this? We can't simply change the code so abruptly. We'll need reasons, examples. And a new Code to start working towards."

"Stagnated, the Jedi have. My fault, I think this is. Old am I." Yoda forlornly stated.

"No Master Yoda. It was all our faults. So many of us, especially the Council have clung to what has always worked before. Blind to the couples appearing below us. Even I myself once loved and had attachment. I almost gave up the Jedi for that attachment. When I was with her, I'd felt the strength that Love could bring me. That feelings could lend to one who trusts the Force. I'd forgotten it though till now." Obi-Wan seemed lost in thought, his mind galaxies away with a Mandalore Queen who just so happened to be thinking of him in that moment as well.

"Master Kenobi is right. This is no single Jedi's fault. This is the sum of every choice we've made, what we do with this knowledge will decide everything. Changes must be made, and they must be made with the right speed. Quick enough to save the Jedi and get immediate effects. But not so fast that any lose faith in the Jedi, or think they've been following the wrong path for years and turn to the dark side. It will be a perilous journey." Windu, ever the leader began making a plan.

"I agree with Master Windu. We know we've become to embroiled in the Republic's war and have started turning from our roles as Guardian's of Truth. Some people like the change, other dislike it. But as we know, the masses will never be happy." Adi Gallia held up a hand to forestall Obi-Wan's comments.

"I'm not saying what we have done is wrong. I do not think we should have done anything different. There was no one else ready right away to take over a squadron of Clones and lead them into war against the Separatists. And I do not think we should step down until the war with the Separatist is finished as it's too late to have someone step into our roles. But we should make it clear, especially to the Senate and Republic that we only fight to protect the peace of each worlds, and that once the war is over we will be stepping down and away from the Republic for a bit to regroup and regrow what we've lost. We might even look at moving the Temple, or at least creating another somewhere away from Coruscant and making that our main temple. Only keep this one for ceremonial and symbolic reasons."

"Would we really abandon this temple and the Code all for some Holocron that may have come from the future?" Jocasta Nu interrupted. As the keeper of the library she certainly had a vested interest in tradition and the temple.

"Yes. If we want to survive and keep all that we have, we should. We know Master Luke is telling the truth. The Force is finally clear for us, at least for a moment. And you cannot tell me you didn't feel the peace that settled through Anakin with Padme there. All the fear, and darkness that has always been within him shrinks and starts to fade with her there. If this is what having an attachment, albeit the correct kind of attachment. Then how can we withhold this? We know that the Force can be passed down into children, doesn't this make it easier to raise force sensitive children as Jedi if one or both of their parents are Jedi themselves. If we seem more family oriented, perhaps even those across the galaxy would be more inclined to both trust us even with our roles in this war. And be more willing to bring their children to us to grow and be Jedi themselves." Shaak Ti was quick to add her own thoughts before Jocasta Nu went on a tangent. "Surely you know of some good locations, or past temples we might move too Jocasta?"

She paused, having been thrown by a loop with Shaak Ti's entrance into the conversation, but swiftly nodded. "If I remember correctly there have been past Jedi influences and temples in several planets that either are, or at least may be there. Tython, Yavin IV, Ossus, Ashas Ree, and Ledeve was also rumored to contain a temple I believe."

"Perhaps we can confirm with Luke where he set up his temple in case he knows of good locations. Or anything we should look out for."

Plo Koon's input was well received as the council nodded in agreement. "Well then. For now the council is adjourned. We're in agreement that changes need to be made, but I small measures. First we shall relocate, finish the war, withdraw from being so far under the Republic and the Chancellor and then change the rule of attachment." With agreement singing through the Force the Jedi Master's departed to their own quarters.


They gathered early the next morning, once again enclosing themselves inside of the building and allowing other Jedi Master's and Knights to keep operations running smoothly for now.

With a thought Obi-Wan activated the Holocron and once again they were face to face with Luke Skywalker, Grandmaster of the Jedi order that had yet to exist.

"I assume a good morning would the correct greeting? Glad to see we've gathered. May I ask what everyone has decided?"

"We have discussed and made our decisions but will be withholding what those are till we here from our esteemed Jedi here, as that will decide much of which course we take."

"Indeed. Well then, my fellow Master's what have you decided?" Luke turned from facing Mon Mothma who spoke for the Senators and faced the Jedi.

"Rule of attachements, change we shall. Young Skywalker and Master Ki Adi Mundi spearhead will they as the face of this change and our reasons for doing so."

"As Master Yoda says, we will also be finishing this war with the Separatists. At least until Dooku and Grievous are taken care of and others can step into roles as Generals of the Republic. It is obvious, with everything you faced, and the separatists themselves that the Republic needs it's own army. But we cannot lead it. We will leave the Temple here on Coruscant as a smaller temple and move the Jedi to a new Planet and temple, so we are less under the sway of the Republic. Making a more visible example that we are guardians of truth and protectors of Peace for all planets and people. Not just at the behest of the Republic." Obi-Wan continued Yoda's explanation of their decisions.

"We were hoping, young Master Skywalker. That you may have some ideas of where we can base our temple, or places to avoid when choosing? We know of a Jedi presence on several worlds that we've considered. Ossus, Ashas Ree, Yavin IV, Tython, and Ledeve."

"If you want something quickly Yavin IV and Ossus are both planets I brought the Jedi in my time. Though beware of Yavin IV. The planet is filled with the Force and the perfect place for Jedi, but there is a Sith temple nearby that belonged to a Sith Lord named Exar Kun. You will need a team to cleanse the area, destroy the temple and Exar Kun's spirit that resides there first. I mentioned one of my students being possessed by a Sith Lord. Exar Kun was that Lord."

"Cleanse Yavin IV we will, no matter what decision made." Yoda's voice was firm, a look of determination on his face.

"We will support the move of the Jedi and will petition Chancellor Palpatine to support it as well. We also discussed and decided that to further give the image of you helping but not under the Republic as some police force or army for them. But as Guardians of Truth and Justice. Especially peace. To this end, we will suggest as long as you choose a planet that is not inhabited by too many sentient people that it be ceded to the Jedi as their own planet. Then we would support you in having your own senators to voice your concerns to the Senate and accept large missions and pleas from people directly in the Senate. Of course you will more than likely get plenty of messages and visitors to your planet anyways for help. But that is the way of the Jedi I think." Mon Mothma continued.

"We will also suggest that you take Padme Amidala as your senator if you do. Especially with your changes on attachment. This will help you gather the support of many planets who love and idolize her, as well as give you someone with experience in the Political world. Then you can send a few of your trusted Jedi with her to the Senate for these meetings."

"A bad idea, this is not. Consider it we shall."

"Well I am glad you are making these decisions. Allow me to then reveal the identity of Darth Sidious then, and what you can do to prepare for what is coming. The Dark Lord of the Sith who keeps you so blind and is responsible for this war and playing both sides of the conflict, is of course the one at the center of this war. Chancellor Palpatine."

Once again, chaos reigned in the chamber. Especially from the Senators this time.

"Explain much this does. Buried deep his force is. Seen the coming we would not." Once again, the voice of reason, Yoda's voice pervaded over the room, even without raising his voice much. "How to deal with him the question is now."

"He must be destroyed." Windu's voice was adamant.

"If he started the war with the separatists and has been trading information to them to prolong this war and give himself power then he must stand trial."

More arguments broke out between two of the Senators and the Jedi. Padme and Anakin found themselves in shock, but all of it making a dark sort of sense. His attention to Anakin, the way he's been making so much time for Anakin and been so invested in his life and training. Feeding his ego, and as Anakin looked back. Been planting seeds of conflict with the Jedi.

"Should we wait to take him down though. Until we've gotten Dooku and Grievous under wraps. Following along for now might put us in a good position to destroy all of them in a few steps once he has given them up to us in his manipulative ways."

"We need to end him now. If we follow along, who knows how much power he'll amass. Or how deep the Senate will be in his pocket by then. I can see the logic of your plan Agen Kolar. But we should end him as quickly as we can. Whether that is by trial or destroying him. We don't want to put the Jedi under fire, nor do we want to lose anyone to this dark lord." Kit Fisto quickly countered Agen Kor's thought before it could gain too much traction.

"I would happen to agree with, Master Fisto I believe?" Luke began. "You need to get to him sooner rather than later. And thanks to my father's ghost leading me. I happen to know of where the Senators and a few Jedi might find some incriminating evidence he's been feeding intel to the Separatists. And fortunately, it can be done as the Jedi go to stop him directly. There is a small center in the under bowels of Coruscant that contain the relay station that passes along Sidious' messages when speaking with Dooku. If you an access it, the history is wiped every three days."

Luke paused to let them consider this before continuing. "He has also sent a ship with a senate member that is privy to his identity as a Sith. This man happens to value many things more than the master he serves to get power. If you can make a move on both of these places while a group of you go to capture the Sith, everything should fall into place. Hopefully."

"We can take this a step further." Anakin's comment brought the attention to him quickly as Obi-Wan nodded for him to continue his thought process. "Why not give him exactly what he wants."

He held up a hand to forestall their interruptions. "By now he surely knows you've been meeting with myself and the other senators for a day or two. Why not allow me to run to him in a panic of fear and anger that I was discovered in my marriage to Padme. Which is technically true. But then I can say that you are forcing me to either leave the Jedi or divorce her and pretend the marriage never happened. With no further contact with her. I can say I don't know what to do, and mention dreams I've had where I see Padme die. Which can only be visions of the future when I fall to the dark side. We can use all this for him to admit he is a Sith Lord."

"That might work. But if we do this, who will go in with Anakin to take Darth Sidious, who will go to the small center he has and who will go after this ship with his messenger?" Obi-Wan quickly supported his friend.

"I will head off with Anakin to capture Palpatine. Master's Fisto and Agen Kolar, if you would join me for this operation. The four of us together should be enough. Plo Koon, if you and Adi Gallia can capture the messenger. We will have Master's Ti, Mundi, and Kenobi head towards the center below to capture it and the information stored within. Luke can you transfer the locations of these targets to a data pad each? We'll let them get a head start right now and then we will depart soon after."

The council was in agreement as Yoda brought them all to a close. "Support, the Senator's shall go and gather. Here, will I stay to protect the younglings." Yoda finished. "Should the worst happen. Escape I will with them."

"One last thing to mention, is an order located in the Clone troopers called Order 66. This is what causes the loss of many Jedi throughout the system. It is activated by Sidious, so once you attack do not let him voice that command to any of the Clones or they will turn against you all. The order can be reversed, if I remember correctly someone has already brought this to your attention once already?"

Silence was prevalent in the chamber, especially with Anakin at Luke's news. "CT-5555. He tried telling me about that. And that Palpatine was the leading force behind it…"

"Fret not, young Skywalker. Believed him, no one did. Let us make up for that. Change we will."


Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, along with Masters Windu, Fisto, and Kolar waited four hours before beginning their operation. It was estimated to take at least three hours for Plo Koon and Adi Gallia to catch up to where the messenger was waiting. They wanted ample time for everything to come together. They couldn't afford a mistake in this.

Anakin took off first, running and allowing all his anger and fear to build. Any negative emotions he could on his journey, needing this performance to be all the more believable to trick the Dark Lord into revealing who he was. The other Jedi would be coming behind quietly, concealing their presence so as to not be found by Sidious.

He burst into the Chancellor's building, finding the door open and the Chancellor waiting for him. "Hello young Skywalker. I was informed you'd been sequestered with the Jedi council and Senator Amidala. When I was told you were found speeding towards me, I told them to give you a clear path up. I feared the worst that the Jedi had discovered your love for the Senator. Since you are here perhaps that did not happen, and all is well? Another mission for you to show the galaxy how powerful you are?"

Anakin began pacing as the Chancellor spoke, letting his anger build but doing his best to keep it from being pointed at Palpatine. Instead imagining if what the Chancellor was suggesting had actually occurred and how he'd feel if something happened to Padme. "They've demanded that I leave the Jedi or leave Padme. That I can't have both."

"Always quick to judge the Jedi are. As if their way is so pure and perfect. Fools the lot of them at times I think. What decision have you made?"

"Decision? What decision can I make. Being a Jedi is everything to me, the force, helping those in need, how can I leave that behind. But then Padme, she's everything to me as well, all my love for her. And she's…. she's pregnant."

Anakin could practically feel the pleasure roll of Palpatine at Anakin's words and revelations.

"Is she indeed? Then the choice is simple, if you cannot leave the Force, and can't leave Padme there is a simple answer. Join someone who can continue to teach you in the Force and allow you to help people and damn the Jedi and their outdated ways. They are not the only ones who know the Force and control it. In fact, they are mere babies in some aspects compared to others."

Fighting a shudder, he turned doing his best to seem hopeful. "Who else studies the Force?"

"Search your heart Skywalker. You know the answer."

"The… Sith?"

"Yes. But not just any Sith boy. A Sith Lord can show you so much. Teach you so much. There was once a Sith Lord, known as Darth Plagueis. Who was so wise and powerful in the force that he could manipulate life. Save those on the brink from death. Does this sound evil? No. Healing with the Dark Side is possible and much better than the Jedi would let you believe. They hold you back boy. Darth Plagueis had an apprentice who he taught everything he knew. Once the apprentice had learned all he could, he took up his power and slew his master. Therefore becoming the master himself."

"How can you know so much about Darth Plagueis. I would think the Jedi would keep information like that private. And why have I never heard of him if he were so powerful?"

"Well of course you wouldn't know my boy. The Jedi considered his power unnatural, and to keep anyone from finding this power and strength they would bury his legend and pretend it never happened. But I know. And I can show you this power Anakin. You could save anyone you needed, what happened to your mother thanks to the Jedi's uncaring ways would never happen again. You'd be able to save her!"

Anakin could see how he would have been manipulated by this man, joined him. Especially if he'd continued to have dreams of Padme dying. Which he'd been having every night the past week, though last night it had been silent. He'd only had dreams of his laughing wife and his smiling children running in the fields near Theed. "How can you teach me this power? You're no Jedi are you?"

"Easy my boy. I am a Dark Lord of the Sith. And only I can show you the true power of the Dark Side. Only I can show you how to save those you love. And only you, are fit to be my apprentice." His speech finished with his hands spread wide, inviting Anakin to kneel before him.
"The Jedi will never let that happen. They would end us both even if I were to join you!"

"Foolish boy, the Jedi are weak. The Senate is weak. Together we can destroy the Jedi and rule the Senate and the Galaxy. So many plans have I made to ensure the defeat of the Jedi. You my young, powerful protégé are the final piece. And all you must do is kneel now and take me as your master. You will never have to worry about a loved one again nor choose between them and your duty."

His answer came not from the young Jedi before him, but instead by an older Jedi who seemed to suddenly burst through the door to the left of him with two others hot on his heels. "That sounds like a confession to me. Good work Anakin. Chancellor Palpatine you're under arrest for crimes against the senate and attempted destruction of the Jedi order. You can come quietly, or my personal favorite. I'll end you now." Windu, saber drawn approached the Senator as Anakin drew his own saber to help. Windu, flanked by Agen Kolar and Kit Fisto approached slowly.

"Betrayal it is then." Palpatine muttered before the danger sense of every Jedi present flared, each dodging or blocking as they felt led.

Anakin caught the bolt of lightning shot from Palpatine's fingertips on his saber while the other three Jedi made to leap away from a nearby statue in the Chancellor's office. Though only two were quick enough. The saber slicing through Agen Kolar's spine. Ending his life.

Anakin quickly called Agen Kor's saber to him and jumped into the fight, Mace Windu just as swiftly joining him.

The duel went back and forth, Darth Sidious making liberal use of lightning and saber alike to keep them back and only able to attack him in teams of two.

Eventually mistakes were made. Up and down their blades attacked, Anakin keeping up with the Dark Lord the most with his use of two sabers. But this came to an end when Sidious chopped off his robotic hand, losing a saber as he backed up in pain.

His loss was a win for the Jedi though as Kit pressed his attack pushing Darth Sidious back, and before the Dark Lord could bring his fury to bear upon the Nautolan, Master Windu was suddenly on his other side and he found himself lacking a hand as the Jedi Master separated him from it with a decisive saber slash. And before he could do more than scream in pain and turn to attack Windu did he lose his other hand to Kit Fisto leaving him with two stumps and burning pain.

"Are you well Anakin?" Windu asked worriedly, though he didn't turn from the kneeling Dark Lord.

"Yes. It was luckily my robotic arm. I'll be fine. Though the same can't be said for Master Kolar."

"He died almost instantly. There was always a chance one of us would die when trying to apprehend him. You yourself had the biggest risk, attempting to trick Palpatine. Fisto, let's cuff him. Since we've… disarmed him... we can have him stand trial." He struggled not to laugh at his unintentional pun while Anakin and Master Fisto were not so kind laughing to themselves as Fisto went to cuff what remained of the Dark Lords arms.

"Laugh while you can Jedi. I will see you wiped out for this attack upon the Senate if you don't strike me down now. And I will kill all you hold dear, especially you Skywalker! Foolish Bo—" His words were cut off as Fisto cuffed him on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

"Enough of that. Let's get back to the temple and check in with the others. Hopefully they were as successful as us without the loss of a life." Fisto finished with a sad look towards his fallen Jedi friend. "Let's call for back up from here. We don't know what others are involved with the plan Palpatine had created, we don't want Order 66 to go out without us knowing."

"I'll call Master Yoda and request help." Anakin moved swiftly towards the Holo communicator in the Chancellor's office. Master Yoda was quick to appear on screen, a sigh of relief at the sight of Anakin there with Windu and Fisto alive as well.

"Alive you are. Felt someone pass I did. Unsure who was lost."

"Master Agen Kolar has passed master. Other than that, I've lost my robotic hand again, but Sidious has lost both of his and is now in custody. We could use some backup to lock down the Chancellor's office, move the ex-Chancellor to a cell till he can stand trial, and move Agen Kolar to the temple for a proper burial."

"On the way several Jedi Knights are. Led by Master Secura they are. Successful the others were. Returning now they are, with the evidence needed. Clear the Force feels."

"Thank you Master. We'll await the back up."


When Darth Sidious finally gained full consciousness, he found himself in the Senate chamber, flanked on either side by four clone Arc Troopers and two Jedi Master's. Kit Fisto and Mace Windu keeping with him just in case. After gazing in hate at his captors he looked up to the Senate. And was met with hateful looks from most of those present. And those who knew of him and supported him watched with fearful gazes. Worried that their relations with him would be brought to light and they be in trouble. Not fearing for him at all.

He next noticed he had not been given robotic hands to replace his lost ones. Instead there were two metal like cups that went up to his elbow on both arms. Preventing the attachment of any robotic hand. His plans were falling to ashes before his eyes. The only bright spot is he had the chance to simply be imprisoned and then his apprentice Dooku could free him and he could just start over with the Separatists. Take over the Republic and destroy the Jedi in a bloody and long war. A terrible glint appeared in his eyes at the thought of slaughtering the Jedi in a bloody battle.


His trial went by swiftly, he was given a chance to speak, but after seeing the overwhelming evidence brought by the Jedi he didn't even bother, just waiting for his sentence.

They'd found his messenger who was the star witness. Seeing his master beaten and destroyed before him cowed him into giving up everything he knew of Darth Sidious and how he delivered messages to General Grievous and Count Dooku about the Republic's movements. Causing countless deaths. They'd also found his communication array center which he'd also used when necessary to contact Dooku with updated plans. It was on the cusp of wiping its data but unfortunately the Jedi had gotten there on time as well. He had no understanding how it had happened. But cursed all the Jedi and whoever betrayed him.

"Palpatine, hereby known as Darth Sidious. You've been found guilty of aiding the Separatist's movement and betraying the Republic. As well as scheming for the destruction of the Jedi Order. We sentence you to death. To be carried out immediately following this session." Mon Mothma, voted the emergency Chancellor considering her help in discovering this plot and working with the Jedi. Sidious had no doubt she'd be Chancellor soon following.

But he would have his last revenge while he could. Turning to the Clones he commanded. "Execute order 66!"

He'd been expecting many things, but for the Clone he'd spoken to too hit him across the face with the butt of his gun had not been it. His surprise must have shown after he recovered, blood leaking down his nose for the clone informed him what had occurred. "We've already had that command and the chips removed. So has every clone able to get to a med center. The training is being taken out at Kamino. That was for CT-5555. Separatist scum. Let's move out." The Clones roughly dragged him from the Senate chamber and towards his death. There was no one there to mourn his death or save him. The only good that came from his death, was the warning it sent through the Force to Count Dooku. Who realized quickly that he was now the Master.


Hello to anyone who decides to read this. If you come from my other stories for Harry Potter, Code Geass, and Percy Jackson then have no worries. After I uploaded this story, I took a quick break to eat and watch some TV and then started up writing on one of my many ongoing stories. Once again, nothing is abandoned forever. That's all I can say to that.

Now for those who've read this first chapter of my first Star Wars story. I will say that this is going to be mega AU in that I'm sure some things I'll include, especially in the beginning before I start diverging from the norm. I'll be using things from all aspects of Star Wars except for Episodes 7,8, and 9 when it comes out. Don't care for them. Shitty writing/stories/characters and development. But Star Wars the Clone wars will play a big role, Ashoka will be coming in soon so no worries everyone! As well as references to SWTOR and the Knights of the Old Republic, but a lot from Legends. I'm writing this story mostly for my love of Luke and Mara Jade as well as recently started reading some of the time travel stories that were around and wanting to try my hand at it. I've always been interested in writing a story about Anakin and Obi-Wan breaking away from the Jedi to start their own order or something similar so I can get some good Obi-Wan and Satine feels, and Anakin and Padme, and then eventually Luke and Mara and Leia and Han.

But I will instead do that through this story. If I forget things, or some stuff timeline wise doesn't line up you'll have to forgive me. I never watched all of the Clone Wars series, and it's been years since I've read through all of the Legends material. But this will soon diverge from the normal storyline and then I won't have to worry about it as it will all be original ideas and whatnot just using the characters.

The main pairings in the beginning will be Anakin and Padme, and Obi-Wan and Satine. But like I said I will add in Luke and Mara, and Leia and Han as quickly as I can without rushing to fast into it. I will spend time with Children versions of them all, through their teenage years and into adulthood. I hope you all enjoy the journey whoever decides to read along with me.