Reviews for Awakenings
gisela19wwe chapter 4 . 7/29
Dang Leia is falling fast to the dark side and is understandable so Vader better work a plan fast of Leia will be lost to him
AG chapter 4 . 7/29
Simply love it! I always like reading dark Leia stories and this one is really promising. Can't wait for next chapter!
knitzkampf chapter 4 . 7/28
I hope Luke and Han are up to this...
Enjoying your take on this story
RedBloodedMoon chapter 4 . 7/27
You know, Leia is completely justified in what she says and I fully agree with her, but I can't help myself and hope that she will come around anyway. I mean, I'm pretty sure this isn't the direction you're going with this story, but I would love to see a Leia & Vader team-up that ends with them ruling the Galaxy together

Btw, I feel like you underestimate Vader a bit. No doubt will Leia eventually surpass him, but that will need no small amount of time.

In a similar note; it's kinda sad that this is (seemingly) the kind of story where Vader just pities himself instead of working on dethroning the Emperor, but that's just personal preference.

Hope you continue too!
Pandora has a gun chapter 4 . 7/25
Oof. Poor Vader :(

Leia has so much anger right now but I really hope she forgives her dad at some point. I'm sure there will be much anguish and angst that will occur before that, but I just want to see some father-daughter love and bonding before it's all said and done.

Looking forward to the next chapter!
NessaRoseFangirl chapter 3 . 7/20
This is really good, can’t wait flip see what you do next!
knitzkampf chapter 3 . 5/24
Vader's regret was so interesting . And I'm excited Han is in the story!
DaniDarth chapter 3 . 5/24
The premise of your story is so different from what we usually see. I cant believe Leia fell!
Pandora has a gun chapter 2 . 4/10
Palpatine is such a conniving bastard. Looking forward to more!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/8
So good. Please write more.
Fires of Eden Red Rose Aurora chapter 1 . 3/20
Did you have to leave it on a cliffy? I am curious to see where this goes though rough
Delysia chapter 1 . 3/20
Off to a wonderful start! Looking forward to more!
Pandora has a gun chapter 1 . 3/19
This is a great start. Vader and Leia stories are my absolute favorites - their relationship and dynamic is so bittersweet and the possibilities are endless. Adding Palpatine into the mix only makes everything so much better. Definitely a dynamic not often explored, so I can't wait to see what the evil chess master has in store for father and daughter.

The mistakes were actually quite minimal. You've done really well for a non-native speaker. Can't wait for the next chapter!
knitzkampf chapter 1 . 3/18
I'm excited for this!
(And your English is good!)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/18
What a terrific start!