Author has written 16 stories for Smallville, Twilight, Tru Calling, Vampire Diaries, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, iCarly, Doctor Who, Teen Wolf, Moonlight, and Wizards of Waverly Place. Kaylena. 18. Been writing fics for a while but going to try to post again. All stories are discontinued unless you guys want me to continue them. Name- Was KJ-Vampires-RBB's (jtlyk) My Fave Things To Do: Reading. Writting. Listen to music. Spend time with friends and family. Playing all kinds of different games. Many, many more Current Obsession: 9/5/14: SYDRIAN! Olicity. Arrow. Teen wolf. Stalia and Marrish. Bamon. Web shows like Classic Alice and Frankenstein M.D.. (In denial that Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved are over.) Couples I Love: Teen Wolf: Lydia/Parrish, Stiles/Malia, Scott/Kira, Derek/Braedon, Allison/Isaac (they are traveling Paris together and no one can tell me otherwise), Papa Stilinski/Mama McCall. Arrow: OLICITY, Roy/Thea, Diggle/Lyla, Laurel/Tommy(will never be over it. Still in denial), Sara/Nyssa, & Sara/being alive and happy. Vampire Diaries:, Bonnie/Damon,Bonnie/Kol, Stefan/Caroline, Tyler/Caroline, Caroline/Klaus (a little and depends on my moods) Jeremy/Anna, Katherine/Elijah, Elena/Elijah A/U: Caroline/Klaus, Bonnie/Klaus,Stefan/Caroline, Stefan/Bonnie. Friendships: Bromances-Damon/Stefan, Klaus/Stefan, Damon/Alaric, Elijah/KLaus, Klaus/Kol. Sismances-Bonnie/Elena/Caroline trio, Bonnie/Caroline, Bonnie/Rebekah, Rebekah/Caroline. Once Upon a Time: Snowing, Rumpbelle, Swanfire, Wooden Swan, Sleeping Hook, Mulan/Philip, FrankenWolf, Evil Cricket, Regina/Daniel, and Henry/Paige. Friendships: Red Snow, Charming/Rumple, WoodenSwanFire trio, Firewood (best bro name EVER), 're, Gold family, all the Charming Family feels Doctor Who: Rose and Doctor, but mostly the 10th. Doctor/Clara, Doctor/River,Amy/Rory, River/Jack. Friendships: Amy/11th Doctor, 11th/River Song, Rory/11th, Amy/Rory/River family, 11/Clara, Donna/Doctor, any Doctor and Jack. There's like so many (mostly friendships), but these are just the ones I'm really into right now. How I Met Your Mother: Barney/Robin, Marshal/Lilly, Ted/Tracy (we don't talk about the finale that.never happened). Roswell: Max/Liz(duh), Maria/Michael, Isabel/Alex, Isabel/Kyle. Friendships: Max/Michael, Liz/Maria(one of the best BFFs/sismances eva), Liz/Alex/Maria trio, Kyle/Liz, Kyle/Max. Bones: Booth/Brennan, Hodgens/Angela, everybody as a group. Castle: Castle/Beckett, Smallville: Chlollie, Chlavis, Clois, Lexana,Chlex, a bit Chlark. Friendships: Chlark,Clark/Ollie,Clex, Chloe/Lois sismance, Chloe/Lana sismance. Avenger Movies: Tony/Pepper(Iron Man 1&2), Betty/Bruce(Hulk), Steve/Agent Carter(Captian America), BW/Hawkeye, CA/BlackWidow, Thor/Jane, Loki/Sif (Thor). Vampire Academy/Bloodlines: Adrian/Sydney, Rose/Damitri, Lissa/Christian, Jill/Eddie, Angeline/Trey. Friendships: Jill/Adrian (absolutley love their bond and relationship, but as brother and sister bondmates), Rose/Sydney, Rose/Lissa, Rose/Christian, Adrian/Dimitri. House of Night: Stevie Rae/Raphaim, Zoey/Stark, Shaunnee/Kalona, Zoey/Heath, Aphrodite/Darious, Jack/Damien. Frienships: Stevie Rae/Zoey, Stevie Rae/Aphrodite, Zoey/Aphrodite, the whole Nerd Herd. I have other couples from so many things that I used to watch, read before, I watched in movies and all, but there's like SO many that I can't think of right now. Random thing about me: -Writing and music are my life -Favorite types of movies are romantic movies and action ones with good comedy and romance in them. -I'm a complete sap, but I need it to balance out my craziness/twistedness. Yeah I have problems :) Feel honoured to serve such a leader who loves us... If you believe in the the God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost then copy and paste this in your profile Difference between a true friend and a fake one: A Friend will: Laugh at your jokes when they aren't funny. A Best Friend will: Say “What the hello kitty are you talking about?” A Friend will: Say mean things about you and agree with someone who disses you. A Best friend will: Slap the person who dissed you and diss them back. A friend will: Copy your class work when you told her you didn't like cheating A Best friend will: Do her/his own work even if it means getting straight F's just 'cause you didn't like it. A friend will: Bail you out of jail. A Best friend will: Be right next to you saying "Man we screwed up big time didn't we?" A friend will: write a few sentences about you A Best friend will: Write a whole trilogy about you as if it were you writing it A friend will: Call your parents and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A Best friend will: Call them by their first names or mom and dad and Grams and Gramps. A friend will: not bother to call you and wait for you to call her A Best friend will: Call you as soon as she's out of the door A friend will: stick up for her crush or her idol against you A Best friend will: Tell her crush or her idol to frack off if they diss you and then tell you it was no biggie A friend will: ask why you're crying A Best friend will: Burst into tears with you A friend will: Say it was ok if a guy turned you down A Best friend will: Walk over to the guy and say “It’s because you’re gay isn’t it?” A friend will: Wait to eat at his/her place A Best friend will: Eat anything in your fridge like he/she owned the place and say, “What’s for dinner family?” A friend will: Believe when you lie A Best friend will: Will not believe at all even though you might be amazing at lying and say, “You’re an idiot if you think you can lie to me.” A friend will: Only sleep over when there’re other people sleeping over also or once or twice. A BEST friend will: Stay at your house every night without even asking. A friend will: Hug you when you break up with your boyfriend A BEST friend will: Karate kick him where it hurts and say, “You’re loss bub.” A friend will: Not talk to you in a long period of time A BEST friend will: Talk to you every single day and every single minute. 24/7. No Joke. A friend will: Help you up if you slip and fall A BEST friend will: Laugh her but off for 10 minutes, start to leave, and THEN help you up only ‘cause you keep on annoying her. A friend will: Tell you not to disobey the rules or go against something. A BEST friend will: Join in with you ‘cause she thinks it’s fun. A friend will: Just talk about the obvious stuff. A BEST friend will: Talk about anything random A friend will: Just tell you if she’s sad A BEST friend will: Let out all the inside feelings out in a 2 hour long essay. A friend will: Just be with you if she can or only once in a while A BEST friend will: Always be there for you no matter how big or how little, or happy or sad, or serious or just plain dumb. A friend will: Look at you funny when you say random things. A BEST friend will: Join in with you until you both have to be sent to the loony ben. A friend will tell you not to listen to people who are making fun of you and walks away from it. A BEST friend will kick them where it hurts and tell you to join in with them until you guys have a big rumble and get sent to the princapil's office/jail and smiles and says, "It was worth it. I'm the only one who's allowed to make fun of you. |
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