A/N: FINAL CHAPTER TO iHave Been Bitten! *fireworks can be heard in the distance* It's been a success, and an awfully fun time writing this fic, reading the reviews and totally getting obsessed with iCarly while I'm at it. This idea, kinda funny, came to me while I was at the hospital after surgery a few weeks ago. I think of odd stuff at odd times, huh? The sequel's first chapter is already written, so when I get enough reviews on this, BAM!
iHave Been Bitten
Chapter 16: Merry Christmas
Freddie woke up with a chill one morning, finding it awfully cold in his room. He groaned a bit, swinging his feet over the edge of his bed and getting out. He blinked tiredly as he walked over to turn on the heat, and then get back into bed. He was too tired to even realize it was Christmas Day. That is until he saw the snow falling just outside his bedroom window.
"Woah," Freddie blinked. It was starting to snow a lot. The whole outside was covered in white, and it looked absolutely beautiful.
He looked at the clock. 8 am. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he walked over to his desk, opening a drawer and taking out a wrapped gift, specially for Sam. He had one for Grace, too. It had been hard to think of what to get for Sam, since she barely even wore jewelry, but he thought of something he hoped was good. Of course he had gifts for the others, but they were all at Carly's resting underneath the actual tree that Spencer had gotten this year, waiting to be unwrapped. No doubt Sam had slept over again.
He smiled slightly and yawned, placing them on the desk as he went to get some breakfast. His mother wasn't up yet, but knew it wouldn't be long. She loved Christmas just as much as he did, but thankfully she wasn't spending it with him at Carly's. He did love his mother, but some times she got a bit annoying with all the fussing over him, and it was especially worse on Christmas. He was just glad that she was spending it with her sister this year.
He wasn't sure that Carly or Spencer or even Sam were awake yet, so he went back into his room after eating some toast. Strangely, he was still able to eat human food. Grace had told him it would taste like dirt, but when he had hesitantly tried a bite of food the other day, he was very surprised to find out that the pizza slice he had bitten into still had much flavor and found no taste of dirt or anything at all. Grace had been surprised too. She had bitten him after all, so she figured he would be sort of like her. But all vampires were different. She knew very few that could still actually eat human food. But even if they could, still still wouldn't age.
He then went on his laptop for a while. When he heard a knock at his window, he was startled, the laptop nearly falling out of his lap as he sat on his bed. His eyes widened when he saw Grace standing there on the edge of the window, waving and giving him a smile. He instantly rushed over and opened the window.
"Grace, what in the world?" Freddie asked with wide eyes, making her giggle.
"Aww, Freddie, you're cute. But we're vampires. You jumped out of a window, right? I, being a vampire longer than you have, should be able to jump up into one."
Freddie blushed slightly and she giggled, shaking the snow out of her hair. They didn't mind the cold too much, but even in the winter it was noticeable they were cold. No body else but Sam knew that Grace and he were vampires, not even Carly or his mom, but they knew they couldn't keep it a secret forever. His mom would notice when he wouldn't get taller, or his voice wouldn't get deeper, he wouldn't reach adult hood, but he was cool with that.
"Merry Christmas!" Grace smiled and placed a wrapped gift in his hands. "It wasn't too hard to shop for you. At least I finally have someone to shop for again."
"You didn't have to-"
"Nonsense, it was the least I could do," Grace smiled. "What are you doing for Christmas?"
"I'm spending the day at Carly's," he smiled and Grace's smile widened, her eyes showing a mysterious glint.
"You've gotten a gift for Sam, haven't you?"
Freddie blushed. "O-Of course."
Grace giggled. "Good. Girls hate it when they don't get gifts."
Freddie rolled his eyes. "I don't think I'll ever understand girls. Hey, do you want to come spend Christmas with us?" he asked. Grace looked surprised for a moment before she smiled.
"If you're sure the others won't mind."
"I'm sure they won't mind at all."
About an hour later found both Grace and Freddie at Carly's apartment. Carly, Spencer and Sam had all just woken up about an hour ago. Freddie's mom was off at her sister's, so it was just the five of them.
Carly, Sam and Freddie were around the tree, busy opening presents, while Spencer had been just finishing his statue, a tree of presents. Well, they were colorfully wrapped boxes, but still. He was also talking to Grace, and from what Freddie could tell, the two were getting along quite nicely. He smiled.
Sam looked through the piles of gifts that were under the tree. Some were even from iCarly fans, so there was a bit of a pile. But Sam couldn't even find one from her dork of a boyfriend. Carly still felt a bit awkward being with the pair, but she was starting to accept the fact that she and Freddie could never be. Maybe they could have been once upon a time...
Sam finally caught sight of a gift sticking out from behind Freddie's back. She knew that Grace had opened her gift from Freddie, and he had gotten Carly some jewelry, so that had to be hers, right?
Freddie was confused when he saw Sam leaning over him, until he saw where her hand was reaching. "Sam, I-"
"Too late." Carly laughed as she snatched the gift from Freddie, seeing that it was indeed for her. Freddie looked nervous, looking away from the two of them. Even Grace and Spencer were silent now, watching curiously as Sam was opening her gift. Grace was just itching to know what Freddie had gotten her, she hadn't been able to get it out of him before they left.
Sam's breath was nearly taken away. The gift was technology, of course, but to Sam it meant much more. It looked like one of those electronic picture frames, where you stored a whole bunch of pictures and they were kept safe. She didn't even look back at Freddie as she started going through the pictures. There were pictures mostly of her and Freddie, ones of them being a couple or even some of her teasing him, whoever took them Freddie still didn't know. There was a few with Carly, even Spencer, but it was mostly just the two of them. When she got to the end of the pictures, she looked back up at Freddie finally to see him looking towards the ground. Carly looked at the picture frame as Sam set it on the couch and went over to Freddie, sitting down in front of him.
"I...I didn't know what you wanted, so, I...I..." Freddie stammered slightly, waiting for her to say something, punch him or do anything.
"Hey, Freddork? Shut up."
He was about to look up at her when she leaned in and kissed him. Carly looked away from the scene, but still the kiss continued. She deepened it when she felt Freddie's hand going through her hair before resting around her waist. Grace and Spencer weren't watching either, giving the two some privacy at least.
The kiss didn't last much longer, both were breathless by the time they parted. They looked at each other, Freddie smiling slightly. Sam gave him a small smile in return.
"Merry Christmas, Sam."
A/N: Thank you all for sticking with me, but this story has come to and end! And you know what's funny? There's seventeen chapters to this. I started this on November 1. I finished it on November 17. It took me 17 days to finish it and there's seventeen chapters! LMAO!
Later Days.
Do you guys want a privew of the sequel? I bet you do. :D Here ya go.
"You look..." Freddie started as they were inches away from each other. He wasn't sure for the right word. "Beautiful."
Sam couldn't help the blush that hit her face just then, but didn't ruin the moment. "You...look handsome, yourself."
"Hey, Freddie, Sam," Carly smiled happily as she walked down the stairs, dressed in a gorgeous long red dress with sleeves that only went to about her elbow. Freddie stared for a moment.
"Remember who you're with dork," Sam knocked him over the head and he winced.
What are they all dressed up for? Find out :D