Disclaimer : I do not own TVD or the characters.
Follow me on Twitter : love_xo0 – I will post when I plan on updating or if there's another idea floating around in my head. That's not my personal Twitter just one I made for fun. =D enjoy!
Stefan Salvatore once had everything that he could ever want. He had a house in the small town of Mystic Falls, a good job, a wife, and a now 4 year old daughter. His daughter, Arianna Rose Salvatore was born and his wife Rebekah died at the same time. She was never able to hold her or to see her.
"Okay Mrs. Salvatore. One more big push and your daughter will be here." Stefan was standing at the head of the bed, by his wife's head, holding her hand while she squeezed with all her might so that their daughter could be born. Right after she pushed and the room filled with a newborn baby cry, he looked over at Rebekah and seen that her head was facing the other way. Some of the doctors were preoccupied with the newborn to even notice but the doctor that delivered his daughter, Meredith Fell, noticed that Rebekah looked pale. Running over to her, she checked her pulse and gave a panic stricken look to Stefan.
"We need a crash cart!" She yelled and one of the other doctors ushered Stefan out of the room while going to grab the crash cart.
"What's going on?!" He yelled into the room and one of the doctors shut the door in his face. His wife and daughter were in there and there was nothing that he could do. They wouldn't allow him in there.
All that he could do was wait. And wait. He decided to get his brother Damon who was waiting in the waiting room to inform him of what was going on. In the middle of the story, Dr. Fell came out to find him. He went over to her and she looked down at the floor with a sad expression on her face.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Salvatore." She looked up to see tears in his eyes. It's like he already knew what she was going to say without even having to say it. "We did everything he could. We lost her."
Stefan crumbled to the floor with his head now in his hands and his brother ran over to him. Kneeling beside him he looked up into Dr. Fells eyes. "What happened?"
Damon felt Stefan shudder under his embrace, knowing that he was afraid of what she was going to say even though she had already told him the worst news someone could possibly receive.
"We discovered that your wife had an aneurism. With the excessive amount of pushing that she had to do, it just burst which caused her to have excessive internal bleeding. We tried to start her heart again. We tried multiple times but she wouldn't come back to us." Slowly, Damon stood up bringing his brother up with him. Dr. Fell gently touched Stefan's arm. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Salvatore. My heart goes out to you and your daughter." Stefan couldn't hold it in anymore. He just broke down and watched as the doctor turned and walked away.
Damon led him over to one of the chairs in the waiting room and sat him down. Stefan had his elbows on his knees with his hands in his face and he just cried. He cried until he had nothing left in him and that's when Damon spoke. "You need to go see her." Stefan looked up with his tear stained face and stared blankly at his brother.
"I can't." He managed to get out between his now reoccurring sobs.
"You have to, brother. Go say your goodbyes and then go see your daughter."
"I can't go see her alone." Stefan said standing up. Damon followed suit and they found Dr. Fell again, asking for permission for Stefan to say goodbye to his wife. She said it was okay but not to stay in there long because they had to take her downstairs. She told them that they decided to wait because they knew that Stefan would want to come to say goodbye to his wife.
What was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life, ended up being happy and tragic all at the same time. He became a dad the same day that he lost his wife. Damon stood by the door and watched as his little brother went to his wife's side. He watched as he took her lifeless hand in his own and cried some more. Figuring he should give him some space, he quietly backed out the door and walked in the direction toward the nursery so that he could say his baby niece. While looking through the glass, he decided it would be best to call his fiancé Bonnie Bennett to tell her what happened. She couldn't leave work when Damon called to tell her that Rebekah was in labor.
"Hello?" He heard on the other end and he just went straight into the sob story. "I'm coming there now." Then the line went dead. He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see Stefan walking his way. They both stood staring through the glass and seeing his daughter. His nameless daughter.
It took Stefan weeks to come to terms with Rebekah not being by his side. For the first couple of days of Arianna's life, he couldn't even bear to look at her. He knew that it wasn't right or fair to her but it hurt him because she looked so much like Rebkeah. Their resemblance was uncanny. Arianna had Rebekah's full lips and nose. The only thing she had of Stefan was his eye color. The deep green that Rebekah loved so much. He visited her every day after he dropped Arianna off at the day care that she went to while he went to work.
He sat by her headstone and talks to her. Sometimes when he's finished talking to her a leaf would fall on top of the headstone. He liked to think that was her way of saying that she was there. That she was with him every day that went by. Signaling that he wasn't alone and he was never going to be alone.
He felt it, though. Lonely. How could he not? He once had everything that he wanted, a growing family in the town that he grew up in with his high school sweet heart. Now he has his daughter. He wouldn't trade her for the world, though. He loves her with all his heart and he makes sure that she's well taken care for. Yes, he spoils her, but Arianna is his baby girl and he regrets everyday that the first few days of her life, he couldn't bear to look at his baby girl.
Stefan and Rebekah used to talk about this. About one day if one of them wasn't around, they would move on with their life. They wouldn't dwell in the past. They promised each other this but Stefan couldn't even think about moving on with his life. Damon and his wife Bonnie both told him that it's what she would have wanted, and even though it's true, he can't bear to do it. He feels like if he went out with another woman, he's somehow cheating on Rebekah and betraying her. He couldn't do that to her. He couldn't do that to her memory.
"Brother, what are you doing to yourself?" He heard from behind him. He turned around from the headstone that he was facing to face his brother instead and he stood up so that they were somewhat at eye level, even though Stefan is a little taller.
"I'm visiting, Damon." He said staring into the icy blue eyes of his older brother. "I come here every day. You know that."
"I know you do, Stef. But you're torturing yourself." Damon and Stefan rarely got along before but the day that Arianna was born, the day that Rebekah died, they grew closer. They bonded. Damon had actually been there for him through the wake, the funeral, the memorial, everything. And Stefan couldn't help but feel eternally grateful for his brother because he's the one that got on his case about how he was acting the first few days of Arianna's life when he took her home.
"I'm not torturing myself, Damon. I know that's Bekah is never coming back but I still like to talk to her." Damon looked at his brother as if he was crazy. "Don't look at me like that, brother. It helps me …." Stefan tried to think of the right word. "Cope. Talking to her helps me cope."
"You promised each other that you would move on. That's what you need to do. For your sake, and your daughters."
"I know I need to, brother. But it's not right. I can't bring myself to do it. What if you were in my situation? Do you think that you could move on if God forbid something ever happened to Bonnie?" Stefan could see right through his brother and knew what his answer was going to be before he even answered. "It wouldn't be so easy, would it, Damon?" Damon just shook his head 'no' instead of answering. "I'll get there. Eventually. Just not now."
"I have to get to work. I'll talk to you later. Tell Bonnie hi for me."
"Okay." Damon said and then turned and walked away. It was then that he realized that he wasn't sitting in Mystic Falls Cemetery alone. Sitting just a about four plots down, he noticed a woman that seemed to be around his age. She stood up from her seat on the ground and turned in his direction. He could make out the warm brown eyes that she had and her long brown hair that was a little past her shoulders. He could tell that she has full lips and full face, not too sunken in so her cheekbones would stick out.
The wind blew and a leaf fell on Rebekah's headstone breaking him out of his trance. But this time around, he couldn't tell if it was her way of telling him that she was there, that she heard everything, or if it was her way of telling him to move on. To find someone knew who could help him through his slump in life.
A/N : I had this floating in my head for a while now and just decided to write it to see where it went. Please let me know what you think!