A/N: Hey, guys! Yes, I'm doing yet another story, but I've decided to this to help me to start writing again. Seriously, I have no idea where this came from, but after these past few despressing and heart-killing episodes of TW I think a good fashioned crack was needed. So, please don't take this seriously, and enjoy :)
IMPORTANT: This an AU where the gang has faced things like kanimas but in diferent ways, which I'll explain later, but all you need know right now is that Derek has his own apartment.
To say Stiles was bored would be an understatement. After dealing and fighting with werewolves, kanimas, vampires, evil witches, crazy hunters, and one badass hybrid you would think he would be happy that everything had settled down and was calm again. Yeah, so did he- he was after all the one who kept on complaining about their lives being so hectic- but as it turned out it became too calming for his taste. So he decided to work on his magic. At first he hated having that kind of responsibility but-with the help of his favorite teacher- it grew on him and now it became his hobby, learning about all supernatural creatures and what spells to use to protect yourself from them, etc. He loved it, but now that she just upped and left, he was left with the veterinarian, and let's just say he would rather have her than him. So he would do what any insane magic novice would do to know about the supernatural and seek action- he went to Derek.
"Knock, knock, can I come in?" Stiles asked as he opened the door to the older werewolf's not-so-homey place. "Well, to bad I'm coming in anyways."
He walked in to see the dark-haired were-wolf doing pull-ups on the door-frame of his dinky kitchen at an inhumanly rate. Boy did the man like to show off, it made him sick.
"What do you want, Stiles?" He asked without looking down, getting straight to business.
"What makes you think I wanted anything?"
"Because, you're marching into my place like it's your second home and since you and I don't really like each other all that much, I figured either somebody's in trouble or you want something. And since I'd usually get a call from Scott first, I assume it's the latter. So let's skip the pleasantries and cut to the chase. What do you want, Stiles?" He asked as he got a towel to wipe the barely visible sweat covering his chest and face.
Stiles rolled eyes-Derek Hale, ever the patient. "You know anger management could do you wonders, especially for a wolf." This earned a glare. "Look, I don't want to jinx it or whatever, but I just came over to see if there was… you know, … anything mystical or anything you needed help with."
Derek's eyes grew confused for a few seconds but then turned to realization as it dawned on him. "I know what this is about, you're bored."
"What? We just went through a year (or so) of crap, I am beyond bored."
"Look, I don't really care for your wellbeing."
"Gee, thanks, love you too." This not only earned another glare but this time also a 'seriously?' look from the aggravated wolf.
He ignored the comment and continued, "So if you don't mind. Leave!"
"Fine, but if you somehow happen to stumble on a magical problem, don't come crawling to me." The young magic user said as he started towards the door, and stopped dead in his tracks as he opened it.
Derek, who was getting his weights out, heard a crying noise and headed towards his door to Stiles standing there in utter shock.
"Stiles, what is it now?" But before the magic user could reply, the wolf looked passed him to see an olive skinned toned baby lying on the floor of the doorway. "I don't know how, but this is your fault!"