Hi everyone :) back with another chapter. Thank you all so much for hanging on there with me. Hope you enjoy.

"What's wrong?" Neal closed the door and moved the conversation further into the hallway.

"It seems that Emma won't be able to break this curse alone." Mr. Gold could see confusion in his son's eyes.

"She isn't alone, she has both her parents, myself and hopefully, you." What did his father think, that he would let the love of his life, mother of his children face this on her own?

"That's not what I mean son."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Emma needs help from people with magic, neither you or her parents have the ability to help her really break this curse. As much as you can try and help, there's not much that you guys can do." Neal was about to argue but Gold just put his hand up and stopped him. "I can also not help her, as you know my magic is dark, this curse needs to be broken with light magic. I can, as I said before, try and help her best I can but there are limits to my magic and this is not something I can break. If I could break it don't you think I would've broken the curse the first chance I could get to find you?" That was true, Rumple was able to cast the curse and he wasn't able to break it either, it's not something he was pleased to hear, but he'd managed to work with it and still get it cast and now he had what he wanted again, his son.

"But then who can help her? Regina? I doubt that she would want to break the curse that she cast, she looks like she's loving this life." Neal said angrily.

"It's not something any parents wants to hear…" Rumple began.

"Henry? Henry doesn't have magic!" Neal refused to let himself believe that his son would have to do anything in this, Henry needed to be far from all the danger.

"Not Henry, he doesn't have the need for this."

"Then who?" Neal couldn't understand, and then it clicked. "The twins. There is no way in hell I'm letting any of my children fight this battle." Neal tried to keep his voice real low even though he was fuming from his ears.

"I don't like it anymore than you do son, but it's what I found out. Your children will have part in breaking this curse. I haven't figured out how yet, but I wanted to let you know so you could keep them safe, and keep an eye on them." Rumple didn't want to tell Neal about what he found but he knew that if Neal found out on his own and realize that he kept it from him, the father son relationship that they had been working on would no longer be.

"So the babies will have magic?"

"Yes, just like their mother, they were made from true love." Sure Neal maybe didn't know about true love power but Emma had magic and most of the time magic will get passed on to their children.

"But then why doesn't Henry have magic?"

"Henry wasn't conceived where there was magic. Because he was conceived in a land without magic, Henry doesn't posses the same kind of magic that the twins and Emma do. His powers are different and I will explain them later on but it's nothing to worry about." The grandfather said proudly. "And congratulations on the twins."

"How did you know it was twins?" Neal shouldn't have been surprised, his father knew a lot of the future.

"Come on son, I know most things that are to come."

"Didn't feel like letting me know so I didn't almost faint in the doctor's office?" Neal smiled while his cheeks reddened a little in embarrassment.

"Didn't want to ruin the surprise" It made Rumple happy to see his son smile and the joyous news, and see the pride in his eyes knowing that he was going to be bringing two more little bundles of joys home in a couple months.

"Alright well I better get back inside before they wonder where I've gone." Rumple gave a small nod in agreement and Neal started walking away. Right before he got to the door, Neal turned around. "And Papa?" Rumple turned around, "Thank you." Both men smiled as Neal went back inside his apartment and Mr. Gold made his way back to his shop.

"Who was at the door babe?" Emma asked as Neal sat back down.

"Oh just someone from work, they just had a question." Neal looked at Emma with a smile. Beside him Mary and David looked at him and saw a hint of worry in his eyes.

"They didn't feel like calling?" Emma asked suspiciously.

"I told them they could stop by if needed. The apartment was on their way home so it made sense at the time. Sorry I just forgot, the twins just kinda made my day and I forgot about everything else." Neal hid and stuffed his mouth with more food and smiled.

"Can we go get ice cream?" Henry shot out of his seat once he was done.

"Henry aren't you full? You've already had so much." David looked at his grandson.

"Oh, you do not know where this kid can put his food. Both Emma and Henry can eat so much for dinner and they always have room for dessert." Neal laughed as Emma and Henry both looked proud at themselves.

"This isn't just because she's pregnant?" David asked, he's never known Emma before she was pregnant so just like his wife when she was pregnant, he assumed Emma's appetite grew when she got pregnant with the twins.

"Oh no, ever since I've met her, this girl can pack away her food." Neal laughed more with his fiancé.

"You grow up the way I did, you learn to like your food and eat what you can when you can. Now I've just found what I like and I agree with Henry, we should go get some ice cream." Emma stood up, a new craving popping into her head. "I think I'll have some rocky road. Or maybe some mint chocolate chip. Maybe cookie dough? I don't know way to many choices." Emma's brain went into over drive.

"Let's wait till we get there and then you can choose." Mary joined Neal in his laughter at Emma's stomach. "Let's clean up first, so you don't need to clean it all when you're back later. Poor Neal will have to do it all because Emma will be asleep." Neal already had so much on his plate, he didn't need to clean up all these dishes and the mess they had all made by himself.

"Fine." Emma slightly pouted wanting her ice cream.

"Em, why don't you go get Henry all ready to go. As much as I love the kid I will not take him out side with his dinner all over him." Neal pointed up and down to his son who was sporting the dinner look all over his clothes and face.

"Deal. Come on kid, let's go get ready. Maybe you can help me decide what I'm gunna get." Emma picked Henry up, making sure not to get her clothes dirty in the process.

"I'm gunna get Rocky Road." Henry decided as he was being carried out of the kitchen.

"Ok, so I won't get Rocky Road just in case you need help finishing yours." The three adults heard Emma tell her son and just looked at each other trying not to burst into laughter at the grown woman's antics.

Once Emma and Henry had disappeared into the back both parents looked at there soon to be son in law. "Who was really at the door?"

"My father, but before you say anything he just wanted to come by and let me know he has found a small lead on how to break the curse for everyone else, we just need to be patient. Now can we not talk about this with Emma and Henry in the next room, today is about celebration." Neal kept on cleaning ignoring the silent pleas he was receiving from the two adults in the back.

Walking to the ice cream shop felt like it took forever for both Henry and Emma, both almost drooling at the thought of having their treats. As they finished up their ice cream and started to head back home, the click of high heels on the sidewalk was heard. It wasn't too often that Emma and Neal saw the Mayor around town, now that Emma thought about it they haven't seen her really since David woke up from his coma, however today seemed to be the day that they see each other again.

"Madam Mayor." Emma gave her fake smile before continuing to eat her ice cream.

Mary and David just watched to make sure that Regina wouldn't do anything stupid and hurt Emma or someone else in their family.

"Hi Madam Mayor." Henry smiled, not sensing his parents, and grandparents hesitance towards the woman.

"Hello." Regina was a little confused, this little boy seemed to be happy and kind to her, wouldn't Snow or Charming make sure to tell him not to go near her?

"Are you going to have some ice cream too? I'm having Rocky Road and its amaaaazing." Henry pointed down to what was left of his dessert.

"Why young man, I guess I'm going to have to take a try of that. Thank you for helping me choose my evening snack." The mayor gave a smile back to the young boy, before looking around again and giving her evil glare to her stepdaughter.

"Have a nice night." Henry waved and went to go walk with his parents. Mary and David making sure to stay a couple steps behind their daughter to keep her safe.

"Well seems that the only person that the Evil Mayor can stand is the little man." Neal brushed his fingers through Henry's hair as he lifted him into his arms. To be honest he was a little frightened that Regina was so kind to Henry.

"You know somewhere in there, I think she has a heart and this little boy has the kindest heart of them all. Maybe somehow he brings out the good in her rather than the bad." Snow gave a small smile and looked at her husband. She had lost hope in her step mother, truly thinking that she would never see the kind woman she once met, but maybe, just maybe they could still save her.

Hope you enjoyed reading and hope the readers who wanted to see some Henry and Regina are happy with their little interaction. Sorry if there are any grammar errors I don't have anyone editing for me, so if I don't catch them before I upload they are stuck in the story :P. I think I have set names for the twins however I can always use a couple more name suggestions :). Don't forget to let me know what you think of the chapter. Thank you all so much :)