A/N: So...look! A story! I seriously have no idea where I'm going with this, but let me give a bit background. This story is VERY MUCH AU! In this story Damon and Stefan have a lot more siblings. Stefan is not a vampire. They are not from 1864. I had this idea a while back and it was nagging me forever so I spat it out. Let me know if I should continue! I would love feedback!
Damon's POV
He turned the radio up, the ring on his finger flashing from the light from the dashboard, and then rested his hand back on the steering wheel. He leaned his head gently against the head rest and glanced down to see that he was driving at a moderate 87 miles per hour. Smirking slightly to himself, he accelerated, only to look up and see that his turn was quickly approaching. He sped into it and then turned-something that most likely would have been frowned upon in most driving schools- and pulled himself to a screeching halt.
He had turned into a gas station, which appeared to have been abandoned in the eighties. The radio was still blaring out some song that he had heard a hundred times but never cared to learn the name of. He just sat there, not really listening, for a couple of seconds, and then turned it down and turned off his Porsche and eased himself out of his car. Casually he leaned against it and let his eyes wander around the place without appearing too interested.
No one else was there, and the only light was coming from a lone street lamp that flickered an orange haze every fifteen seconds. He had figured he would arrive there first. She always had a knack for being late.
He looked down at the watch on his wrist and sighed, growing some what impatient. It was not that he had some where else to be, it was just that he valued his time as precious and hated to waste it on those who did not deserve it.
Right as he decided that he was going to give her three more minutes, a baby blue Mazda lazily pulled into the parking lot. He lifted himself off of his car and made his way toward the newest arrival.
When it parked a tall, seemingly graceful blonde stepped out. She wore her hair long and loose, and it danced across her bare shoulders. She turned and gave him a saucy smile.
"Hello, little brother."
"You, are late." He chided stepping toward her.
Her lips fell into a perfect pout and she shrugged her shoulders childishly. "Yes, well some things just can't be helped."
"Lyric, what am I doing here?" He knew that his sister loved to dance around the subject-lightly, as if playing a childish game- and if he didn't ask straightforward questions it would take him ages to get an answer.
Lyric pursed her lips together and beckoned him closer, though he found this ridiculous for they were the only two there. He gave in and leaned forward, rolling his eyes up to the sky as if looking for a way to deal with her. "I need you to get something to Stefan."
He immediately pulled back and started for his car, but Lyric was just as quick. She grabbed him by the arm and halted him in his tracks.
"Damon, stop, hear me out."
"I will not hear anything that has to do with him." He said curtly.
"Don't be so childish!"
Damon pulled his arm away and glared at Lyric. "I would not be throwing around that word if I were you."
She rolled her eyes and threw her hands to her hips. "Oh please, I can say it because I am me. Now just listen. Remember Kris? Yes?"
He didn't answer but he knew she hadn't thought that he would.
"Well, there is no more Kris in my life, turns out he's scum. But he left me with another mouth to feed and frankly, I just can't feed it anymore."
Damon just stared at her for a moment, processing what she had just said, and then remarked snidely, "So birth control didn't work out the way you had planned? I'm surprised you even had it."
Lyric looked offended at his last words and yanked the door of her car open. "Of course I had it. Human life is important to me, even if's not for you."
Pretending as if she had not spoken at all he watched her as she began to take a car seat out from the backseat of her car.
"I still don't see my involvement in all of this."
She set the car seat on the pavement between them, Damon didn't even bother looking down, he just continued to stare down his sister. She seemed unperturbed and flipped her hair back, running her thin long fingers through it.
"Here's the deal, little bro. I can't take care of her anymore, and no one else is responsible enough, nor do I really trust any of you-except for Stefan."
Damon raised an eyebrow. "And?"
"And you, my dear brother, are the only one who knows where he is."
He narrowed his eyes at her. "And what makes you so sure of that?"
She gave him a slow lofty smile. "Just by the fact that you are here. You are the only one who knows where we all are, you can't deny it."
He stared at her a moment longer and then drew back a little with a carefree chuckle. "Even if that is the case, for me to take it to him, would mean you have to trust me not to just leave it somewhere... or have a midnight snack.."
Lyric slammed the car door shut, which in turn made the baby start to cry. "You wouldn't dare."
He smirked and leered toward her. "Oh, I don't know... dare me."
They both ignored the crying child and stared at one another in such a way that two school children would in a game of 'don't blink'.
"You won't because you owe me that much."
"Owe you? For what?" He scoffed waving his hand dismissively.
Lyric caught the hand and paused as she looked down at the ring on Damon's finger. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."
He did. And he realized that she was right. He yanked his hand back and twisted the ring on his finger. "Fine. I'll take it to him. But now we are even, do you hear me?"
Lyric smiled and giggled airily, "Of course. Here." She tossed him a diaper bag that she had taken out of the car along with the child. "That holds the last of the diapers, food, and some clothes." She bent down and picked up the still crying child in its car seat and started toward Damon's car.
He made his way to his Porsche as well and tossed the diaper bag in the back seat. "So what do you expect me to tell him?"
"Tell him He's the only one I trust her with-"
"Apparently not." He interrupted, gesturing to himself.
She continued on as if he hadn't spoken. "and to keep her safe, I might be back for her in a couple of years. Her name is Danielle, and she's six months. If he asks anymore questions, make them up. You know me well enough for the answers to be realistic."
She finished buckling in the child with her last word and then closed the door. Damon stayed half in his car, half out, and watched his sister as she walked away. He sighed and almost got back in when he heard Lyric speak one last time.
"Have you had any luck finding her?"
Damon paused and then slowly shook his head. "Would I be here if I did?"
Lyric looked at him with pity; a look that he hated. "Good luck, brother. I hope you find what you're looking for."
Damon closed the door and started his car. If she had anything more to say, he didn't want to hear it. Lyric may be his favorite sibling, but he did not need her words of sympathy.
He was Damon- known for being the strongest in the family-the most reckless- the only Vampire in this Human world. He did not need pity and from his sister least of all.
He looked over his shoulder at the baby who's crying had quieted down to a mere whimper. She caught his eyes with her large dark green ones and stopped making any noise all together.
"That's right." Damon remarked, nodding his head self importantly as if he told her to stop crying and she had complied. "Now just stay quiet until we reach Stefan and all will be well between us. Kay? We've got a long drive ahead of us."
Not waiting for an answer,because, honestly, if one thought a baby could answer they would be waiting around for a while, he sped out of the parking lot and began their ride to Mystic Falls.
He couldn't help but tighten his grip on the steering wheel, infuriated as he drove-the world moving past like a blur. Lyric's last words swirled around in his mind-"Have you had any luck finding her?"- " I hope you find what you're looking for."
He was angry, but not with Lyric-no-with himself. Five years; he had been searching for her for five years and had come up with nothing! He had just decided to take a break from looking- but now? Now his sister's words just seemed like a challenge to him. His sister had mentioned that he knew where they all were. That obviously wasn't all true if he couldn't even find Katherine.
Katherine. His blood began to boil at just the thought of her. He pressed down harder on the gas pedal and narrowed his eyes. How she had eluded him these past five years he just couldn't fathom.
The woman had taken him from his world. She had left him in a place where he was the only one of his kind. She had used him for her own personal gain. And yet... he had to find her. He still loved her-no matter how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise.
Now there was this;having to go to Stefan of all people...
A new thought suddenly came to his mind and made Damon loosen his grip on the steering wheel and ease up on the gas. Perhaps having to take the baby to Stefan wouldn't be such a terrible thing. He had been avoiding him much longer than he had been looking for Katherine, but maybe Stefan was the answer. Maybe he had answers. Stefan had been the last one to see her after all.
He threw a glance back at the kid in the car seat. She was sleeping- he hoped anyway-it would be terribly inconsiderate if she died just when he found a use for her. Smirking, Damon switched his gaze back to the road. With a new goal in mind, Damon was suddenly very much anticipating this trip.
"This calls for a drink. What do you think, Danielle?" He was surprised when she began to cry;he could have sworn she had been asleep no more than thirty seconds ago. He didn't look back, just sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Never mind then. I'll just stop for a bite when we get there." He reached down and turned his music up to mask the crying. Then he set his car to cruise control-a moderate 87-kicked his feet up and enjoyed the ride.