A/N Hi Everyone,

First of all I wanted to thank all of y'all for your support of "Life Sucks and Then You Live Forever." It has over 2,100 reviews now, and I am truly humbled. The success of "Life Sucks," is what encouraged me to pursue the dream of writing full time. It's been quite a ride with as many twists and turns as Jake and Nessie's story, but in the end it all came together.

My first novel, Enchantment (by Charlotte Abel) is now available as an e-book at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The paperback can also be ordered at Amazon, if you prefer actual books.

I wanted to express my gratitude to each of you for your part in my success by offering you a discounted copy of "Enchantment" through Labor Day. So, for now, you can order a digital copy of Enchantment at Barnes and Noble or Amazon for just ninty-nine cents. After Labor Day, the price goes back up to the price of a venti cappuccino. (Still reasonable, but if you can save a couple of bucks, why not?)

I hope that if you enjoyed Life Sucks, you'll want to check out the first book in "The Channie Series." It's a paranormal romance about a young girl whose overbearing parents turn her life into a living hell when they decide to "protect her virtue" with a chastity spell. It's getting great reviews, but I'd love to hear what you think of my first "real" novel, and hope you will recommend it to your friends.

And, if you want to take the time to post a review or rating at B&N or Amazon, you can enter a contest to "Be In the Book". Get details about that, and a sneak peek into Channie's Diary at: www (dot) channiebelks (dot) com (wait til you've read the book because there are some spoilers in the diary).

Again, thank you all for your support! To get on my mailing list, please send an email to... char2556 (at) yahoo (dot) com with "EC" in the subject line (so I'll find it).

You can also follow me on twitter (at)charlotte_abel

Yup, that's my real name. Just type it into the search window at Amazon to find my author page, recent photo and short book trailer. There's even a link to my blog ;-)

Thank you,

Charlotte Abel