Authors Note: Hey everyone! New story, don't worry I'll keep on updating my other story as well. Hope you all like this. Reviews are loved and appreciated! Enjoy :)

Chapter 1

If there was one thing that Emma Swan loved, it was her sleep. She wasn't completely ecstatic when she awoke in the middle of the night feeling a hard kick. She looked down at her swollen stomach and rubbed the spot where her baby had last kicked, and sighed. "Seriously, kid, I love you to death but I need to sleep." She could only laugh at the kick she received back. "Oh kid, I can tell we are in for some long nights." She rolled her eyes and sat herself up, it was only then that she realized that she was alone in the bed. She sat there for a few minutes wondering why it was empty. She decided that she would get up and check if she could find the missing person. Once she managed to get herself and her very big stomach out of bed, she made her way to her bedroom door and opened it. Two doors down she saw a light on and knew instantly where her man was. She waddled her way down the hall. Once she arrived, she let her body lean against the frame of the door, smiling. Neal was sitting on the floor attempting to put the crib together, cursing quietly to himself when something wouldn't go his way. Emma just stood there, until she saw him struggling with a piece of the crib. "That piece is supposed to go over there," she pointed, and Neal jumped at the sound of her voice.

"Emma, you scared me!" He took a deep breath to calm himself down. "And I can put the crib together, thank you."

"Really? Because from where I'm standing it doesn't seem like that," she laughed.

"Well, maybe it will look different if you sit on the rocking chair over here." He pointed in the direction of the chair in the corner, next to the window.

"Nope, sorry babe, I think from anywhere I stand it will look like you don't know what you're doing."

"Emma, I can put my child's crib together."

"Neal, I don't know if I would feel safe putting our baby in that." She signaled over towards the crib. Honestly, no offense to Neal, it wasn't in great shape, parts were obviously missing.

"Emma, this crib will be the safest place for our baby." He walked over and placed his hand on her belly. Just as he felt a kick the crib came crashing down and Emma let out a laugh. "Shut up," he murmured.

"I love you." She gave him a small peck. "But maybe putting the crib together at 3 in the morning isn't the smartest thing."

"But the baby can come whenever it chooses! The crib needs to be done! That was my one job!" Neal looked all teary eyed and Emma hid a laugh, Neal was way too tired and over-analyzing this situation. Emma had enjoyed nesting, picking things for her baby, the things that she never got to have. She had chosen what to put inside and Neal had declared that he would get the crib set up.

"Ok, well, you can restart it tomorrow. You have the day off and the baby and I would enjoy helping daddy build the crib." She could see Neal smile. "And Neal," she shook her head with a giggle, "the baby won't need a crib when we get home. The baby has the bassinet in our room." She could see him breath out a sigh of relief.

"Well, ok." He took one last look at the fallen crib. "Bed?" he asked.

"Yes, please! I think your child is sleeping. Well, at least not kicking at the moment and apparently I need as much sleep as I can get before the baby is really here." She led him out of the room.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you when I got home today, I talked to Jerry and he said once the baby's here I can take some time off work to help you out." Neal was so thankful for his boss. Luckily, his boss was more than understanding about their situation. After he learnt about their childhood and hard lives, his boss became almost like a father to Neal and Emma. They knew that they could count on him, something neither of them really had.

"I know." Emma attempted to get into bed.

"You know?" Neal questioned back, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, Neal. Jerry and I talked about it three weeks ago when I came to visit you at work." She finally got herself onto the bed and quickly got under the covers. "Honestly, we were surprised it took you this long to ask him about it."

"I didn't want to risk it. I mean, I know he's been amazing and all but I didn't want to push my luck."

"Well, it's good that you talked to him." Emma yawned and rested her head on the pillow, turning her head slightly to see Neal lying on his side watching her.

"This is happening so fast isn't it?" Neal's hands went to Emma's belly.

"Yeah, it really is. I also have a feeling that this little guy is not going to wait for 9 months."

"Guy? I thought we didn't know what we were having." They had both decided against learning the gender of their baby, thinking it would be a nice surprise to wait.

"I'm just taking a small guess."

"Well, in that case, any name you want to run by me?"

"I, maybe have a couple. But, I mean, I think we can come up with all the names in the world now but we won't know what name to truly use until we're holding him."

"You really don't want to tell me the name you picked," Neal stated. "Come on, Em! I told you all my choices!"

"They were all girl names and, well, I don't think we need to have those."

"How do you know for sure though? It wouldn't hurt to have some." He shrugged a little hurt.

"A mother knows. How about this, if it's a girl we can go with a name that you choose, but I have to agree on it. But if it's a boy I choose"

"And I have to agree with the name you choose."

"I'm not going to make you name our child a name you don't like," Emma rolled her eyes. "Do we have a deal?"

"Uh, yeah. Deal." He gave her a small kiss, she smiled back at him and let out a little yawn. He gave her tummy a kiss and rested his nose on it "Hey kid, why don't we let mommy sleep in a little, huh?" The baby didn't kick back and Neal took that as an agreement. Emma let her fingers run through Neal's hair and she couldn't help but smile at him. "What?"

"You are going to be an amazing father, you know that right?"

"I'm glad you think so. I think you're going to be the best mom." He laid back down on his side and allowed her to cuddle into him. "I love you."

"Love you." Emma closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep in the arms of the man she could always count on to be there for her. Neal let out a giggle when he realized how fast she had fallen asleep.

"Oh our lives are about to change and only for the better." Neal closed his eyes and, with the help of his true love being curled up into him, he drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it. Let me know if you think I should continue :)