Disclaimer: I do not own any of the copyrighted characters that I write about. No copyright infringement intended. Please don't sue.

Summary: The Cullens are starting highschool once more. In Ipswich, Massachusetts. What happens when a coven meets a covenant? See our favorite vampire family interact with our favorite Sons of Ipswich.


"Konichiwa!" I greeted our parents as we entered our house in Alaska. My husband Jasper trailed behind me carrying an enormous amount of luggage due to the fact that I went crazy while shopping in downtown Tokyo. Carlisle and Esme looked up from their chess game to greet us.

"Konichiwa, hahaoya, otookooya!" I greeted again as I kissed my mother and father. Jasper came over and hugged Esme and shook hands with Carlisle. Boys, I could never understand their reluctance to body contact.

"Tell us all about it," said Esme as she and Carlisle sat down on the loveseat from across the couch. Jasper and I sat down on the couch and regaled our adventures in Japan. I told them about our private trip to the Japanese tree gardens, living in a one-person apartment (Jasper wasn't too thrilled about that one) and shopping again and again and again all over the country.

Jasper told them about the Sumo wrestling, the World War 1 and 2 museums and the racing circuit in the underground Tokyo system. Carlisle wasn't too thrilled about us racing clueless Japanese drivers. He was worried that we might have brought on too much attention to ourselves.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your trip," said Esme. "Edward and Bella are already on a flight home while Rosalie and Emmett just recently left the African mountain range so they might take a while."

"Edward and Bella will be here in two hours, mom," I explained. "Rosie and Emmett are flying in tomorrow." The whole family took separate vacations with their spouses after we graduated from college. We've all been apart from each other for over a year now but as usual it was time for the Cullen's to get together once more.

I checked on my siblings and parents constantly over the year to make sure that no harm was coming to any of us. I wouldn't expect any danger for us since we were a family of superhuman almost invincible vampires. Bella had been changed into one of us over five years ago after their wedding. After a hard year of being a newborn, she was ready to go to college with us.

After graduating from college, we all decided to take our separate vacations. Bella and Edward spent a year in Aspen, Carlisle and Esme went to London, Rosalie and Emmett went to Africa while Jasper and I stayed in Japan. All in all I think we've had enough time apart from our families. It was time once again to start over.

"I don't see you deciding anything definite yet, dad," I told Carlisle. He smiled at me and shook his head.

"I keep changing my mind so I can surprise you all," said Carlisle.

"Aww, dad! You always do that!" I whined. I was pretty excited about where we were going next. I was hoping it wasn't exactly like Forks because frankly I was craving a little more intrigue and excitement from the next town we'd be moving to.

"Calm down, darling," said Jasper. He sent waves of calm to wash over me so I wouldn't be so anxious. Carlisle and Esme just chuckled. "Let's go unpack." My husband led us back to our room and even without my visions I knew that he had no intention of unpacking just yet.



"I think the end of this vacation is somewhat bittersweet, don't you think so, Edward?" I asked my husband while he drove us home form the airport.

"How do you figure, my love?" asked Edward.

"I would have liked to stay longer in Aspen. I'll always miss our endless nights in our secluded cabin, the skiing, snowboarding and hunting. I will miss those bears." I sighed dreamily. I was very glad that I didn't crave human blood anymore. I was enjoying animal blood more and more every time I hunt.

"Why didn't you say so? Our family wouldn't have minded," said Edward.

"No, that's just it. I miss our family so much. There wasn't a day in our vacation that I didn't think of them. I'm glad we're finally going home." Edward chuckled lightly at my indecision. He caressed my face while never taking his eyes off the road. We arrived at our house in record time.

"Ugh!" exclaimed Edward as she scrunched up his face.

"What is it, my love?" I asked him.

"Alice and Jasper," grumbled Edward. I laughed as I started to concentrate on blocking him. I was glad that my power was useful at times like these. There had been a point when I thought I wouldn't have any powers. Luckily, my ability to block just about any kind of power came out just in time before the Volturi could hurt my family.

"Thank you, Bella." He sighed. "Now let's get inside." We found Esme and Carlisle engrossed in a game of checkers. Random chess pieces were scattered on a table beside them.

"Mom! I missed you!" I immediately ran over to my mother and hugged her. It was a good thing we lived miles away from town or else the whole neighborhood would have heard us bashing against each other. Sometimes having granite skin was an inconvenience.

"Carlisle," greeted Edward. Carlisle smiled at him while Esme walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Would you like to tell us about your time in Aspen?" asked Carlisle. "Alice and Jasper had quite an adventure in Japan." Edward sat down on the couch and pulled me on his lap as I started to tell our parents about everything we did in Aspen. I had to leave out the part of me and Edward locked up inside our cabin most of the time.

"How lovely," said Esme. "I guess you're starting to love the cold then." They all knew how much I detested Forks when I was still human because of the biting cold and incessant rain. Now, I've learned to adapt because anywhere I go whether it was in Antarctica or even Mars, it would be perfect if Edward was with me all the time.

"When will Rose and Emmett return?" I asked them.

"Alice said that they will be flying out tomorrow." Esme explained.

"If you'll excuse us," started Edward. "My wife and I are going to unpack now." I giggled slightly while Edward carried me and ran up to our room.

"You do realize that we left our luggage downstairs?" I chuckled at my husband.

"We'll get them later, my love." He said huskily before pulling me into one of our passionate kisses.



We boarded the little plane that would take us to Nairobi where we would fly back to the States. I looked at my husband who was trying not to burst in his seat because I wouldn't let him fly the plane. I mean seriously, he didn't even know how to fly a plane. I rubbed the back of his hand trying to comfort him.

"I'm taking lessons when we get home!" My husband started to pout which didn't look very attractive. I burst out laughing when the co-pilot looked at me like I was going crazy. Who wouldn't think that when they saw us? We were in a country that never became colder than 120 degrees during the day and here we were wearing black long-sleeved hoodies and gloves. If they only knew what we would look like if even a sliver of our skin was revealed in the sun. The only inconvenience when traveling to Africa was that they never had flights that took off at night.

We landed after half an hour at the Kenya International Airport. It was a relief to find our plane to the States was situated several meters from where we landed. We were just in time for boarding. I was glad that Alice had foreseen our departure so I could make early reservations.

"I'll make it up to you when we get home, I promise." I told my husband as we took our seats in first class. After flying over the Atlantic for six hours, we arrived in Seattle just after sunset. It was a relief to take off these god-awful clothes. I was beginning to forget what my skin looked like.

We found Emmett's jeep in the private parking space where everyone leaves their vehicles when going on a trip. Emmett couldn't wait to get home so I could fulfill my promise to make things up to him. We arrived at the house and found our family seated in the living room watching TV.

"Rose! Emmett!" said Bella enthusiastically. She bounced over to us and gave me and Emmett a hug. I could never understand why I treated her badly when we first met. Now, I couldn't love Bella any less than I did my whole family.

"It's good to be home," I said as she let go. Emmett was getting antsy beside me. Of course we couldn't run up to our room without greeting our family first.

"Tell us all about your trip, Rose!" squealed Bella as she sat beside Edward.

"Oh, it was the usual." I said nonchalantly. "Emmett built another house for us in the mountains because a group of natives had taken the last one."

"I wish you guys had been there!" said Emmett. "Rosie and I ate a rhino!" Bella gasped when Emmett said this.

"But they're endangered!" whined Bella.

"It was an old rhino, Bella." I explained. "It wouldn't have been able to produce any offspring anyway." Bella slightly took comfort in my words knowing that we didn't endanger the future of the rhinos. Emmett and I didn't have much to tell about our vacation. We spent most of the time hunting and staying in our house. There wasn't any excitement in Africa but Emmett and I had come to love it after the first time we went there on our 8th honeymoon. We usually took a vacation there once every ten years.

"Well, since everyone is already here. We have something to talk about." Carlisle announced. Emmett grumbled beside me but Carlisle still heard him

"Don't worry, son," said Carlisle. "This will only take a minute." We took a seat on one of our couches. I looked at Edward trying to find any reaction that would reveal Carlisle's intentions. Edward didn't react in any way so I assumed it was nothing serious.

"As you all know, except for Bella, it's that time of the decade once again. We are moving again and you will all be going back to high school." We all groaned except for Bella. I could see that she was a bit excited to go to high school again. She must have missed it very much.

"No complaints." Esme warned. "You've all graduated college and spent a year on your vacation. Your father wants to get back to work and I would assume that you won't want to repeat college just yet."

"But where are we going?" I asked. I could only assume it was somewhere in the northern hemisphere. Obviously Edward and Alice knew where we were going but I wanted to hear it from Carlisle instead.

"Massachusetts," answered Carlisle. "I've been accepted in a hospital in Gloucester but I've arranged for you to go to school in the next town."

"Not a repeat of Forks again is it?" I asked incredulously. I'm glad we did go to Forks and met Bella but I really didn't like the town that much. I agreed with Alice when she said it was boring and dull when we first got there.

"I think you'll find this new town a bit interesting," said Carlisle. "I've enrolled you in a private school, if that makes you feel any better."

"Private school?" asked Bella. "Where rich and snobby kids go?"

"Don't worry, Bella," said Alice. "You're rich already and since we don't really interact with most people, we will come out as snobby." We all laughed at Alice's observation.

"Then it's perfect!" said Emmett. "I can't wait to mess with all those pretty rich kids!" I slapped his arm hard enough to make him feel a little pain.

"You will all behave once we get there, understood?" Carlisle warned. We all nodded our heads and agreed.

"Wait, what town are we going to again?" I asked.

"Ipswich," answered Carlisle.