Sonny Falls

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. If I did- well I don't know what would happen, actually.

Summary: Sonny was offered to be on the Falls first and she took it.

A/N:Hey! Sorry it's been a while! I have a lot of stories going on, but here's chapter four!

They're going to be like episodes, although that wasn't my intentions, but LoveStar1026, wondered how I was doing episode 3, and I just got this idea.

Portlyn and I were rehearsing the new script when Penelope ran in.

"Chad told Devon who told Chloe who told-" She started but I cut her off.

"Short version."

"There's a meeting in the Commissary at lunch today." Penelope said in a rush, running out quickly.

"A meeting? Do we do that often?" I asked.

"Only when Chad wants. He's got something we need to discuss, so today at twelve in the Commissary, we discuss it. Simple as that." Portlyn shrugged.

"Kay." I smiled.


"Okay, for some strange reason, "So Random!" is getting more popular," Chad informed us.

"How is that possible?" Penelope gasped.

"I thought it through and I think it's because of Blondie. She's the only one on the show that isn't completely hideous and people actually like her."

We all nodded.

"So... We're going to get them to fight so we can be on top forever."

"That doesn't make any sense, Chad." I said.

The whole cast gasped and looked at me.

"You should send someone in too, to make it seem like we're fighting here, then that person gathers information, and it's that much easier to crush them!" I said.

"Good plan." Chad nodded.

I noticed Portlyn roll her eyes and mouth 'He loooves you!' and I kicked her underneath the table.

"So who do we send in?" I asked.

"Well how about you since it was your brilliant idea?" Devon said sarcastically.

"No, I came up with the idea so someone else should have to go." I protested.

I was not spending my day with the randoms.

"I say Portlyn goes." Chad said.

Portlyn started comically sobbing.

I saw Chad look at the "So Random!" table, Blondie was all alone over there.

"Sonny, Portlyn, Penelope, Chloe, go get her to come to the Falls." He said in a rush.

We hurried over to her.

I sat down on her right with Portlyn by me and Chloe and Penelope were on her right.

"Hey, Tawni!" I said, remembering her name at the last second.

"Where's your friends?" Portlyn asked.

"They're.. I'm too pretty to be with those non-pretty people all of the time." Blondie said.

"Then why don't you come hand with us at the Falls. We're alwayspretty. I'm sure you'd be a great addition, Tawni!" Penelope said.

"Plus I heard Nico and Grady say they were annoyed with you because you're so clingy, which is not true, right guys?" Chloe asked.

Wow, for someone I hated, she was diabolical.

"Uh-huh." We smiled.

"Well, why not... I deserve to be with pretty people!" Blondie said running over to us.

Wow... This was just too easy...


"Portlyn.. Go!" I pushed Portlyn towards Pico and Brady.

I watched them talk.

Portlyn was giggling and twirling her hair and...and.. YES!

They gave into it!


She walked away with them.

I felt someone put their arm around my shoulder.

"Good jobs. I gotta give you props, Monroe."

I looked over to see Chad beside me.

I blushed furiously.

"Thanks." I giggled.

"Well we better go see what Blondie's doing." Chad said with an eye roll.

I nodded.


Blondie came out of Portlyn and my dressing room wearing a uniform similar to Portlyn's, although it was extremely tight on her.

The skirt was too short, the top looked like it was about to break, and the belts were popping out.

"I feel uncomfortable." She said adjusting her belt.

"That's the price to pay for looking pretty twenty for seven." Penelope said with a hair flip.

"Although that's not ever possible for you." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing, nothing." I said.

"Oh, okay." Blondie said.

"So, you want a massage from Yoko?" Chad asked.

"Well, I couldn't say No-ko to Yoko." Blondie laughed.

She took a step and there was a loud ripping noise.

"You know what? I'll pass. Maybe some other time..." She fake laughed and grabbed the back of her skirt, backing up to the wall.

"Go get her a different skirt, Penelope." I commanded.

To my disbelief, she obeyed, grabbing Blondie's arm and retreating to the dressing room.

Some guy I had seen on set before approached us.

"There's a little girl here with crazy hair looking for a 'Tawni Hart', does that mean anything to you?"

"Come on, Sonny!" Chad pulled me to the door.

Our body guard stepped aside so we could talk to her.

"Hey, Nora!" I said in a kiddy voice, putting my hands on my knees and bending down so I was face to face with her.

"It's Zora. look, I'm here to get Tawni back."

"Who's Tawni?" Chad asked.

I shrugged.

"Well, sorry, you're on our banned wall." I said.

Nora looked at the wall.

"Why is Mickayla and Zac Efron up there?" She asked.

"Because I like saying I banned Zac Efron. There will come a day when Zac Efron knocks on our door and says "Hey can I come in?" And I'll be all "Nope, sorry, you're banned."" Chad said doing his oh-so-adorable pouty face.

"And I just don't like Mickayla." I said with a bitter smile playing on my lips.

"Well we have to go, we have real acting to do here at the Falls." Chad said and we left while our body guard kept her back.


Portlyn came running into the set.

"They know about the plan!" She squealed, hiding behind Devon.

"We're here to get Tawni back!" Pico said.

"Yeah, you stole her from us!" Brady added.

"Guys?" Blondie asked, coming out of nowhere, her back against the wall as she walked over to her cast mates.

"Tawni, we're really sorry we didn't pay attention to you as much as we should have!" Nora said.

"Well what about you guys saying you were annoyed with me cause I'm so clingy?" Blondie asked.

"We never said that. They were trying to get you to go to them so we'd lose ratings!" Brady said.

Blondie gasped, and we heard a familiar ripping sound.

"Let's go, Tawni!" Pico said.

"That's kind of a problem..." Blondie said holding her skirt.

Pico and Grady walked behind them as they left.

Nora took our Loganberry smoothies and left, laughing evilly.

"No! Not the Loganberries!" Chad and I said in unison.


"Mackenzie, my cousin is here." Chloe said as I stepped on set with a dramatic look.

"Hi, I'm Juliet. You must be Mackenzie."

"CUT! Great, Sonny, great! I can't wait until you start your real first episode. this will be wonderful!" Our director said.

Chloe's mouth dropped.

Go ahead and stare, I told you I knew how the game was played here.


A/N: Did you like it?

Any ideas on how I could do episode four?

They're welcome!

I hope you enjoyed it and please REVIEW!

-Ema Lee Lilac