Author has written 40 stories for Black Jewels Trilogy, Misc. Books, Yu-Gi-Oh, Threshold, Gundam Wing/AC, Fruits Basket, Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series, Harry Potter, Gundam Seed, Escaflowne, Bleach, Misc. Anime/Manga, Naruto, Star Trek: 2009, and Donnie Darko. So I'm Nara. I've pretty much ported over to Archive of Our Own after the purge. Find me at: AO3 I've undeniably written a lot of crap. I write what I feel, sometimes cheesy and craptastic, sometimes kinda depressing and sometimes just plain 'wtf?!' These stories range from pieces I'm proud of, to pieces I want to deny writing, and I only write one shots for here. Again, I state for the record I don't pretend to be a super-awesome writer, especially some of my earlier pieces. The stories with an X in the summary are stories I wouldn't particularly recommend as they are unedited and in my opinion, not really high quality. 'Itachi of the Caribbean', 'Absolut Gin', 'Hugs, kisses and hands down pants' and 'Yzak's Revenge') have been a co-project or had input from scarletfeline73. Kisses, Hugs and Hands Down Your Pants, |
Daughter of Night (19) elle6778 (35) Erkith (21) Experimental (89) Foxfire1 (17) | Gray Eyed Fighter (11) Koneko Cain (37) Laura-Marie-1986 (0) Merula (69) murkybluematter (4) | snowdragonct (12) SwiftKick (3) The Fictionist (14) VraieEsprit (50) |