31 Nights
"Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us."
-"Because the Night", 10,000 Maniacs
Disclaimer: All original characters, worlds, situations, and other material remain the property of Anne Bishop. Merely the pleasure of writing of my two favorite members of the First Circle is all I have.
Author Note: This collection is in the process of being written for the LJ community 31nights. All of the following will be Aaron/Kalush set at various times in their lives. Knowing me, I'll also probably write some AT (alternate timeline) pieces, just because I don't think they got enough attention in the books. So, read on, and be wary what you take with you.
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94. "Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense."
The roses in Tajrana's public gardens were so beautiful this time of year. Regretful that Aaron couldn't come with them this evening, Kalush walked along the path. It was already past dusk, and they shoudl be heading back, but she was loathe to end what had been a wonderful afternoon outing with her little girl. It was so hard to get away from her duties as Queen of Nharkava that these sort of moments were all the more sweet. Kalush smiled as she watched her daughter dash ahead, chasing a butterfly in the wind. "Arianna, honey, don't get too-"
She cut off when she saw what happened next. The Warlord Prince that stepped out, a wicked gleam in his eye brought nothing but dread to the Queen of Nharkava.
"Arianna! Get back here!" Hearing the terror in her mother's voice, Arianna dashed for her. Throwing her arms around her little girl, Kalush could feel the terror rising in her. She wore only the Opal. This male wore at least that, but she assumed darker. She couldn't tell. She just knew that she was in trouble.
She needed to think fast. She could tap into the Ebony ring that Jaenelle had given her, but that was akin to a call to arms for every male and Queen in the First Circle. She didn't want to cause panic, but she only had a moment. She made the decision a split second before the power of the Green crashed into the Ebony shield. Arianna clenched her mother's shirt, crying hysterically, as the Queen of Nharkava stared with those chocolate eyes at her attacker. Confused, he took a step back. He wasn't alone.
Seconds passed, but it felt like eternity. The men surrounded her shield, beating on it relentlessly as Kalush did her best to soothe her little girl.
It felt like years, but it could only have been minutes before Aaron appeared, the glint of insanity in gray eyes. Her heart broke to see him that way, the killing rage riding him hard as he used the power of the Red to ruthlessly destroy each and every man who had threatened them.
There was nothing left of the bodies when he was done, the deep cold rage finally easing a bit as Kalush dropped the shield and stumbled towards him, their daughter in her arms. When he turned to them both, wrapping arms around them, Kalush knew for the first time that she wasn't the only Queen who could help him ease away from the killing edge. Their little girl had a similar affect. With little arms clasped around his neck, Arianna was content to be held by her papa.
Kalush slid close herself, knowing that Aaron needed to step back and that she needed the comfort of knowing that she had him, and always would. It was a small comfort in a world that had suddenly become so dark.
"Aaron... attacked in the park... what is Nharkava coming to?" she breathed. Aaron brushed back the hair on their daughter's forehead and kissed her gently. He seemed to have no answer for her.