Reviews for Crimson Door
BlackCrystal06 chapter 28 . 11/5/2019
I WAS CRYING ALL THE TIME. GODDAMIT! WHO'S CUTTING ONIONS AGAIN?! My God, my tears kept falling all over and.. fuck, i felt the pain. I felt like I was there with them, and IT HURTS.
InuyashaBleachNaruto chapter 30 . 1/10/2019
Definitely my favorite VK fanfic! I would really love to see a sequel that furthers that relationships. Keep up the amazing writing!
KiboIchiro24 chapter 25 . 10/8/2018
I got a question. Kaname promised Rido that Rido could have his body as long as he did not harm Zero and Yuki “now or ever” right? So wouldn’t the fact that Rido is going to try to kill them kind of make that promise invalid? If not, could you explain why?

Many thanks,
Wolf'sVine chapter 30 . 2/9/2018
Well, I just think this fic was utterly amazing! And definitely a dramatic, thrilling and intense, emotionally and stuff! Not very eloquent, but... that's what I'm going with! Seriously, this is a really great fic and I've loved reading it entirely!
SnowWhite345 chapter 1 . 12/12/2017
You are a goddess in writing! Don't ever stop
YokaiAngel chapter 30 . 11/23/2017
lillana45 chapter 1 . 8/24/2017
wow you story is amazing and I really love it, thank you
KyoREQUIEM chapter 30 . 7/16/2017
Wow. That was... Fantastic, to say the least.
You're a wonderful writer, and you write with a style that I've wanted to have for the longest time... T-T
Very captivating, and I was anxious to finish reading the fanfic every time I had to leave home~~
All the characters were very... In character, and everything flowed so smoothly. I didn't feel bored at any time during the story...! w

Honestly speaking, I'm a strict Kaname x Zero shipper, so ahemIdon'treallylikeYuki but surprisingly, the plot was SO GOOD that it didn't bother me... Well, didn't bother me any more than feeling uncomfortable. I admit skipping a few scenes involving the girl here and there. XDDDD

I really like how you write, to the point where I didn't get up from my laptop for a while now.

Once again, I really enjoyed your story, if that wasn't obvious already.
Thanks for writing~~~~ :D
Guest chapter 10 . 7/10/2017
Ughh...i always come back to read...i can't help it, soooooo good...with like 6 o's
bleedingangel95 chapter 30 . 5/5/2017
This was really good!
KashianXanthe chapter 30 . 2/8/2017
This was sooooo good. I liked your story much better than the anime and manga endings. I felt like it gave everyone justice and tied up the loose plotlines from the original story much better. All of the details and realistic conflicts really added to the depth of this story. Nice work! :)
iluvfangs chapter 30 . 1/19/2017
Wow! There are no other words but WOW! I read this in one full swoop. I started and kept going. This had everything and then some! Action, Drama, Thriller, Romance, Comedy etc...You name it it had it! I absolutely loved it!
SahriahTheBard chapter 30 . 11/22/2016
First of all, you made me cry. A lot. In the middle of school. Not cool. You also killed one of my favorite characters. Also not cool. You took me through an emotional rollercoaster ride, dangling some fluff in front of me, and then having characters kidnapped and tortured or held for ransom. Very not cool. But; this is, without a doubt, one of my favorite fanfictions. The depth of the characters was amazing, you kept them in character but showed their actions in a light that made them seem so very different. You made me actually LIKE Yuki! This story is phenomenal, and I don't think I'll ever forget it.
Lena Elika chapter 30 . 10/30/2016
Beautiful, emotional writing, well thought-out intriguing plot.. Thank you for an amazing story! I wanted to read something with Zero, but avoided pairing him with Kaname; one of your other stories, your talented way with words, persuaded me to give it a try, and I just couldn't stop readinga rare find!
Mirria1 chapter 13 . 10/27/2016
Kaname's mother and fathers names are Juri and Haruka.
Just so you know.
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