Reviews for Fire and Ice
RachelLynnexx chapter 13 . 4/12
Hi! Recently got into Eric x OC stories and man oh mannnn if your writing style and story doesn’t immediately captivate me. I really, really love how you write your OCs and the way their backgrounds seamlessly intertwine with the storyline—takes soo much talent. And the slow burn! Gahhh so satisfying to see the dynamics between Eric & Lyra and I’m anxious to see how Alexander plays into the plot. Was extra grateful that every chapter brings a lot of action to the table and are never boring. Sad to see that it’s only 13 chapters long and it’s been 6 years! since the story first launched. If you ever have a stroke of inspiration to continue the Lyra x Eric story, you can guarantee I’ll be here as an excited reader! ;) fingers crossed. Take care! x
howaboutno922 chapter 13 . 3/22
OH MY GOD! I absolutely love this story! The style is incredibly fresh from how other Divergent stories start off and I need to know more about this universe you've created. Then I cried when I looked at when this story was last updated... I hope you continue this story!
Kathrinka chapter 13 . 2/27
I enjoyed reading your story and wish you would continue.
Sophie Rostochine chapter 13 . 7/5/2019
By far, the best fanfiction I have ever read on Divergent.
Your style, your characters, the story... Everything is perfect.
I know you won't finish this story but it's an amazing piece of work!
Sophie Rostochine chapter 8 . 7/4/2019
Amazing story!
Guest chapter 13 . 5/27/2018
Such torture to leave us hanging like this!
laser97 chapter 13 . 2/25/2018
I love this story and know it has been a few years since you updated, but I hope you finish this someday.
I'mImmortal chapter 13 . 12/31/2017
It’s been years since you last updated, I sincerely hope you’ll update this story again. This is honestly one of my favorite Eric fics since you’re not making Eric OOX and it’s very well written. I’m in love with all your characters and I hope Alex will oursue Lyra, I wanna see how Eric will react.
Charlatan chapter 13 . 8/29/2017
Great fun story. Would love more
DeathlyIceMaiden chapter 13 . 6/28/2017
that moment when you try to turn to the next chapter with anticipation and not able to. sighhh i was enjoying this a little too much.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/14/2017
So it's funny I came here for a Eric and oc fic and you have this beautiful backstory of Lyra and Alexander. I fell in love with him, he was just so aspiring and interesting and then by chapter four when she left him I was just broken-hearted. I didn't want to continue the story because I would be too sad she left him and that backstory was so good I was more interested in that then the one ahead with Eric. Ugh you should just make a story itself with Alexander and Lyra where she stays in Erudite.
TheDuckKnight chapter 13 . 4/9/2017
Hey this story is great! Please return to it!
xOphiuchusx chapter 13 . 3/1/2017
Please continue!
AndreaGreenleaves chapter 13 . 2/14/2017 can't just leave it there! I really hope you continue (I understand if you don't - I know there are a lot of factors for abandoning a story, even if you don't really want to do it. Life and other stuff gets in the way :( ).
It is just so hard finding good Eric centred stories and it would be a shame if this one is deserted.
bananabread88 chapter 13 . 12/11/2016
Please please please update! I love this fic and I hate to see such a good storyline left hanging.
I loved the part in the beginning with Alexander- never have I felt so connected to an OC character like before.
I just hope you can find it in you to update this. It is SO. GOOD.
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