Forgive this late chapter and sincere thanks for all that have stuck around thus far. Hello to new readers as well. Almost 500 reviews! Gosh.
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vitreous adj. 1. Pertaining to, resembling, or having the nature of glass; glassy. 2. Obtained or made from glass. 3. Of or pertaining to the vitreous humor. Latin vitreus, from vitrum, glass
Inu Yasha and all characters within are property of Rumiko Takahashi.
chapter XXIV: stupid
"If your not willing to sound stupid, you're not worthy of falling in love"
– A Lot Like Love
Rin realized that she was cornered. She couldn't escape Sesshoumaru like the times before, claiming to be busy or just blatantly ignore his phone calls. He was right there, and he did not look happy.
"When were you going to tell me?" His voice was low, evenly spaced with a sharp blade hiding, waiting to slice her up and expose her for a fraud. She really should just tell him what happened that night. It was almost a month ago and it seemed all but one bruise had faded away. Rin self-consciously touched the mark right at the beginnings of her left breast. The move seemed to affect Sesshoumaru, who appeared to calm a bit.
"I was…I just…" Didn't want to. I didn't want you to feel ashamed or avoid me because of your actions… These were the unspoken words that Rin wished she had the courage to say.
"Were you going to wait until the end? Hide until I was the last possible to know? This affects both of us."
Rin rubbed the bruise as she tried to understand Sesshoumaru. True, she rather he never knew the events of that night that involved them both…but to what end was he speaking?
Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and suddenly felt a wave of calmness rush over him. He felt so soothed that if he didn't know better, he might have started panting. Was this confrontation that therapeutic? Or perhaps…
Sesshoumaru's eyes opened in a panic and he rushed toward Rin, who didn't have time to blink. Reaching for the collar of her dress, he hastily tugged it to the side to confirm his worst nightmare. However, all he saw was unmarred flesh. Sesshoumaru breathed a sign of relief.
Sesshoumaru bristled, letting go of her collar. If she didn't carry the mark, then this was just considered sexual harassment.
"I know about the baby." Indeed, though he had only heard from the wolf before, standing this close to her, where he could inhale her scent of honey and jasmine, he could smell something else. His eyes traveled and confirmed that the scent was strongest near her belly.
"Y-you know?" Rin was shocked, but remembered that Sesshoumaru was a taiyoukai and that if anyone knew, it would be him.
"Yes, of course I do. Do you not think this Sesshoumaru capable of finding out?"
Rin blanched. How could he even suggest that she would doubt him?
"N-no, I just…it wasn't like it was a secret. However…are you not mad that the baby isn't fully youkai?" Rin remembered Kagome expressing Inu Yasha's fear that Sesshoumaru might try to kill the baby, since it would be hanyou, like him.
Sesshoumaru wasn't sure how to respond. It was true in the past that he wouldn't hesitate to kill a being that was so tainted as not to belong to either race, his past record with Inu Yasha wasn't pretty. But how much of that was a reflection of the anger he felt that the Great Taishou Touga was no longer with his own mother? Izayoi, though a princess she may have been, was nothing in comparison. Sesshoumaru had always strived to be as strong as his father, though he never seemed able to surpass Touga's shadow. The legacy was too great. But with his death and Sesshoumaru's inauguration as Lord of the West, Sesshoumaru blamed it on the poisonous wench who seduced his father.
However, he somehow had managed to call a truce with the mutt in the last fifty years and be civil enough. Sesshoumaru had also come to terms with the fact that it was not Izayoi's fault but his own mother's, who had left the position as Lady of the West for reason even he still did not know.
But perhaps…with a mother like Rin… Sesshoumaru felt a pang in his heart.
"I would care for any offspring that you produce."
"Huh?" Rin blurted out, her hand ripping away from her person in shock.
"The baby…our pup…" Sesshoumaru, deciding that he would care for such a mutt (he never went back on his word), was beginning to get impatient with the young thing in front of him determined to play stupid.
"S-sesshoumaru, I…that is…Rin is not pregnant!" Rin was cracking under his intense gaze.
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes. Though he could tell she was not lying, he clearly smelt…and Kouga…
"Kagome nee-chan is pregnant…not Rin."
"You carry the scent of an unborn child."
Rin sweatdropped. It was impossible for her to be pregnant (wasn't it?) so how could…
Wait a minute…
"Anou…Rin is wearing Kagome nee-chan's dress. Perhaps…?"
Sesshoumaru took a step forward and kneeled down, placing his hands around her waist and pulled her forward into his nose. Rin blushed heavily at the intimate gesture but knew there was nothing romantic in his actions. Sesshoumaru inhaled deeply and recognized the faint smell of his half brother's bitch. Indeed, the error was his. Fuck.
"Why did you avoid me?"
It was a faint whisper that Sesshoumaru struggled to ask, his head still buried in Rin's abdomen in something akin to … embarrassment? His Lordship had never experienced such an emotion since he was a young pup striving to please his mother. The softness of his voice soothed Rin.
"I didn't want to talk about that night and knew that the next time I saw you I would have to tell you everything. I was just scared."
Scared? Of him? The feeling didn't sit well. Hadn't she always followed him in blind faith?
"There was blood on my bed."
Rin's eyes widened and felt her whole body go rigid. It was now or never.
"I got my period."
That was one explanation as to why she was no longer in heat.
"And the smell?"
"What smell?" He asked this the last time too.
"In the room, everywhere. Unfamiliar."
"You…vomited everywhere." No need to sugar-coat it. He did say that he never got sick before. Perhaps that explained why he couldn't recognize it.
Sesshoumaru jerked away from her, unbelieving. Rin merely looked down and gave a sad smile.
"You were so sick…one minute you were a Casanova, the next you were blacking out and heaving the wedding banquet everywhere. I didn't know what to do. You even got it all over your comforter…"
"So you bathed me." Everything was beginning to seem absurdly normal.
"You were sick."
"I was poisoned."
Rin gasped. She had had her suspicions but…who on earth would want to poison Sesshoumaru? A business rival perhaps? But who would be that foolish? Someone desperate…
"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"
Rin's body began to shake as huge tears escaped her eyes.
"I was scared…I thought you were going to die…you looked so weak and were not acting as yourself. Even Jaken was worried. I didn't want you to know that you endured something so humiliating. I know how important strength is to you."
Sesshoumaru didn't like to see her tears, at least not over him. No one had ever cried over him – for him. She was such a strange creature, this fragile adolescent woman before him.
"Why do you cry for this Sesshoumaru?" He had to ask, had to know why she was so different from the others. Why she affected him so.
"Because?" He never knew himself to be so patient.
"B-because I love you."
Rin sighed before snapping out of the memory. It didn't do well to let her mind wander in the middle of lecture. How was she ever supposed to become a lawyer if she didn't know the first thing about law? Rin glanced at her watch and silently cheered. Class was over.
It was the end of April and Rin was finishing her first month at Tokyo University Law School. Her days were filled with a precarious balance between studying for her joint major of law and economics (one of the University's more obscure law divisions that had the enrollment rate of one female for every 12 males) and her evenings at her internship job at the Miyahara Foundation's Public Relations department.
Gathering her items, Rin shoved them into her bag and quickly slipped on her coat. Today was Tuesday, the busiest day of the week for her, as she had a full morning of classes then work at the Miyahara Foundation from early afternoon. It was a routine she was quickly becoming use to, but required the utmost haste.
Rin raced down the stairs when she heard her teacher call out her name. Biting her lip to keep her impatience from slipping out, she headed over to where he was standing.
"Ah, Miyahara-san. I wanted to personally congratulate you on a well-researched paper. I myself have an interest in environmental law and politics. If you ever need anything, please feel free to ask – in fact, let me give you my card…"
Rin thanked him and bowed appropriately, but was groaning on the inside. Honestly, did he think her so simple that he could buy his way into her good graces? Rin had never been subject to incessant brown nosing while in England, but in Japan, her name seemed to open a lot of doors. She was happy to have been accepted to Tokyo University's Graduate School of Public Policy, what with its joint operation with the School of Economics, but it was just for her Masters – she wanted to get her doctorate in Human Rights or Health Care. However, it seemed that every one in the school had a different agenda for the precious teen.
Rin rarely questioned her origins, as she had absolutely no memory before meeting Sesshoumaru in that tree some fifteen years ago. She didn't even know that her parents were the Miyaharas until that fiasco with the media a few years back. Sometimes she wondered what her life would have been like with her birth parents, but she couldn't image a life without Izumi kaa-san or Kagome nee-chan (sometimes her brothers were a bit much). Plus there was Sesshoumaru. How could she ever manage to breath without Sesshoumaru? Rin paused en route to sigh over him before picking up her speed to the parking lot. After successfully passing her driving test, Higurashi Izumi took her adoptive daughter to a foreign dealership and let Rin pick out any car she desired. The result was a banana yellow convertible Porsche, something completely impractical but absolutely adorable (Rin didn't know it but Izumi had been instructed by Sesshoumaru to purchase the flashiest car at a particular dealership as a symbol of wealth).
Throwing her bag into the passenger's seat, Rin checked and readjusted her mirrors and slipped on her glasses. She had been in such a rush this morning that she didn't have a chance to put in her contacts. However, the only real reason she wore them was to impress Sesshoumaru and ever since "the baby incident" a little over six months ago, she barely saw him outside scheduled meetings.
Rin tried not to think about Sesshoumaru's engagement to Kagura as it made her want to do something awful like spit. The wind witch had gained sympathy points with Rin when the younger woman witnessed the bruise back at the wedding, but anyone who had the chance to be with Sesshoumaru and didn't rejoice had to be mad. Rin's only solace was that Sesshoumaru seemed to be equally aggravated by his betrothed. Rin knew of the arrangement through Kouga, who had been the acting link from the Miyahara foundation to Taishou Corps for the last fifteen years. Now with Rin stepping up to her birthright, Kouga was quickly becoming her right-hand man…er, youkai. The former publicist turned corporate lawyer was a God-send (if that was possible).
Parking her car into the designated spot (there really were some sweet perks with this after school job), Rin grabbed her briefcase from the back seat and rushed inside. Pausing enough to smile at the reception desk (she didn't need a badge, everyone seemed to know who she was), Rin bolted for the elevator, sticking out her hand to activate the motion detector and stop the door from closing.
Yes! Came the silent cheer as she managed to slip in time. The sound of someone clearing their throat in the background caused the young woman to stop mid-victory dance and stand straight, readjusting her glasses.
"Sorry about thaaaaa-" Rin stalled as she turned to greet the other occupant only to find Sesshoumaru looking down at her curiously. Turning bright red, Rin swirled back and faced the door, swallowing hard.
Dummy. Dummy. Dummy! Rin groaned, clenching and unclenching her fists to keep from hitting herself. Sesshoumaru blinked at the young woman's bizarre behavior before he found himself half-smiling.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Sesshoumaru barked, glaring at a fax machine that seemed to spew out sheet after sheet of non-descriptive jargon. Koharu skittered after him, her arms flailing to keep her balance. She was new and completely terrified of her employer.
"I don't know sir. It just stopped working!" His personal secretary Sara cried as she bent over to rescue the loose-leaf shooting out of the copy machine, which had chosen that exact moment to become possessed.
Sesshoumaru raised his lip in an almost sneer at the complete disorder before him. Why did the machinery have to pick this afternoon to act up? He had an important meeting with Kouga in an hour and his personal offices were a mess.
"FUCKING SHIT!" came an angry cry from behind. Sesshoumaru's natural instincts already had him spinning around just in time to witness Inu Yasha's spectacular face plant. Apparently the scattered paper on the floor had its amusements.
"Hey, sorry I'm early but - wow, this place is a mess…" Kouga whistled at the chaos before him, taking off his hat.
"Get the hell off me you mangy wolf!" Inu Yasha howled from beneath Kouga's feet.
"Oh, didn't see you there," Kouga laughed, moving away. Inu Yasha snarled as he propped himself onto his feet.
"What the fuck do you mean you didn't see me you creep!"
"Ya heard me you damn fleabag!"
"I got it!" Sara cried as she ran for the phone on her desk. "Oh, and Koharu, can you get our guest some coffee?"
"Moushi Moushi, You have reached the Taishou Corporation, CEO and President Taishou Sesshoumaru's office. This is Sara speaking, how may I help you?"
"Ah, Taishou-sama, it's Toutousai-san! He says it's very important."
"Oh Koharu! You spilled the coffee everywhere!"
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I'll clean it up right away!"
Sesshoumaru massaged his temples, trying to head off his impending headache. Kouga was early, and about to start a fight with Inu Yasha. The machines were going haywire and Sara's new assistant secretary Koharu managed to spill coffee all over the floor and onto important classified documents. And now Toutousai was making his what- third call of the day? Forget this.
Sesshoumaru stormed over to the copy machine, Sara jumping out of the way as he yanked the cord out of the wall. Everyone looked up as the machine made a pathetic noise before shutting down completely.
"Call the necessary people to come fix these machines and clear out all these papers. Inu Yasha, talk to Kagome about your sexual frustration, instead of trying to pick fights with Kouga. Kouga, show up to my office an hour early again and I'll let Inu Yasha have his way with you. And- "
"Ah, Kouga-kun! I got your briefcase!" came an out-of-breath voice from down the hall.
Kouga turned as Rin appeared into view, handing Kouga the briefcase before bending over, resting her hands on her knees in an attempt to catch her breath.
Sesshoumaru froze before grabbing a nearby file.
"Have someone help the girl clean up this mess and bring a fresh cup of coffee to my office."
"Ah, good afternoon Sesshoumaru-sama!" Rin chirped.
Sesshoumaru nodded in response and motioned for Inu Yasha to take over, before closing himself in his office.
Inu Yasha and Kouga exchanged a look with each other, clearly bewildered with his sudden change in attitude before their eyes settled on the panting figure against the doorframe.
"Rin." They both said simultaneously.
"Yes? Oh wow, this place is a mess."
The effect Rin had on Sesshoumaru was so pronounced that Inu Yasha concluded that his older brother (half brother!) must be in a foul mood all the time because he could not be near the one he loved. On, Inu Yasha understood quite well that before Kagome, he was less than courteous and the time before he managed to form an official relationship with the miko was when he was at his worst. He sympathized that the taiyoukai didn't seem to realize this himself –or perhaps was ignoring the feeling on purpose- because she was not a youkai. Though an outcast, his guardian Myouga taught him all about the social mores of high youkai society and the strict code of marrying like with like. It really translated as ningen were useless and an inferior race not to be dealt with more than necessary. Even Inu Yasha in his youth believed that if he married a youkai, he would become stronger. That theory had been shattered when he met Kikyou… a woman so strong that even youkai feared her strength. But trust was an issue. She lacked the love and compassion that Kagome has…
This knowledge helped to ease Inu Yasha's double torment at home with his very pregnant Kagome and at work with his sadistic dictator boss Sesshoumaru. Inu Yasha had no way of knowing that the few times that said dictator did enjoy himself at work was when Inu Yasha would stumble in after a sleepless night due to a fight with his wife and bitch to everyone within ear shot.
Sesshoumaru's black mood was like a poisonous cloud that seeped into every corner of his life. And every day, he seemed even more abrasive and unapproachable. Which, incidentally enough, was great for business. He ruthlessly went through case after case in a militaristic fashion that hadn't been seen since his younger years when he had just assumed CEO position after the death of his father. Stock skyrocketed and company employees silently cheered at being able to afford that dream vacation or send their kid to private school. However, no one dared to approach the head-honcho unless absolutely necessary and even then the minimal amount of words were used. Tension was high except every other Thursday when one Miyahara Rin would arrive to give Sesshoumaru updated reports from the Public Relations department as their good-will ambassador. Only then did Sesshoumaru ever seem to relax into his normal frigid self. She was revered as a Saint among the office workers on the top floor for being able to put up with their fearless leader's attitude. Many rumors swirled as to why he changed whenever she was around (important business partner? Bringer of good news?), but most decided it was because the girl was most cheerful and delightful thing they had ever seen. No one ever thought that love played a factor as Sesshoumaru was betrothed to the wind-witch supermodel. But Heaven help them when Kagura came.
Sesshoumaru seemed to find certain zeal in coming down especially hard on Inu Yasha for some reason. His normally curt commands and dry humor were little more than barks and bite. Inu Yasha couldn't take it anymore and decided to take matters into his own hands. The idea of his only living relative marrying a choke Miasma was out of the question. If Sesshoumaru refused to admit that he was in love with Rin and want to kill Kagura, then Inu Yasha would give him a gentle shove right off the Cliffs of Insanity – if he didn't commit suicide first.
It was the most amusement that Sesshoumaru had had in years. Watching Kagome scream at Inu Yasha for hours on end, with threats that made even him wince, then start sobbing only to holler again made staying in the delivery room worth the disgust he felt at actually witnessing the birth of his nephew. The blood and other bodily fluids did not bother him, rather they soothed him and reminded him of a time when he lived for the kill in battle. However, the medicinal smells that were used to sterilize and the robotic beeps of foreign machines made him stay unusually close to the only other bystander in the room – Rin. As Mrs. Higurashi tried to reassure Inu Yasha that Kagome did love him and did not want to sever off his male reproductive organs, Sesshoumaru sat silently in the corner of the room next to Rin. Every time the girl would grab his hand in fear, he would calmly rub circles into her palm with his thumb until she calmed down.
After the whelp was properly bathed and clothed, Inu Yasha proudly announced that they had decided to name their son after his father, Taishou Touga the second. It was the only time that Sesshoumaru changed his expression of an indifferent sneer to one that had never been there before. It was fleeting, like most emotions that burst across his face when they were too much for even his level of control, but Rin saw it nonetheless. However, though she had an idea of what it might be, she said nothing.
If Inu Yasha thought a pregnant Kagome was Hell, then having a newborn in the house was like being told he was never going to be reincarnated. The sleepless nights and Kagome's complete baby devotion i.e. who cares about Inu Yasha the maid attitude were causing him to seek refuge at work. This brought him back to his original plan to remove the stick up Sesshoumaru's ass. He knew he would have to start small, and found the perfect opportunity at the Tanabata Gala event to be held next week. Kagura had left a message with Sara an hour earlier saying that she would be out of town for the next two weeks what with a photo shoot with Versace in Haiti, a fashion show in New York, and some birthday party for a famous photographer or something in Venice. It wasn't like Inu Yasha was eavesdropping or anything. Knowing that Sesshoumaru's personal secretary was at lunch, Inu Yasha sneaked over to Sara's impeccably organized desk and rifled through the phone messages until he found the one from Kagura. Plucking it from the pile, he slipped it into his breast pocket before silently retreating back into his own office.
Let the games begin.
"What do you mean Kagura's not coming tonight?" Sesshoumaru growled.
"Yeah, she called earlier. She should be somewhere in New York right now trying on dresses or pants or whatever." Inu Yasha said, feeling no guilt whatsoever at digging Kagura's grave.
Sesshoumaru twitched. Just like that wench to forget that she had important social obligations here in Japan with him. He would teach her that he, not her frivolous career as a breathing hanger, came first when they were to be married.
"So what are you going to do for an date? Want me to call up an escort service? I could even order night service if you like. Surely you must desire something other than Kagura by now."
Sesshoumaru's eyes began to see red as thoughts of killing the annoyance in his office surfaced.
"Probably hate the idea right? Of course you do. But what to do…" Inu Yasha mused. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he snapped, causing Sesshoumaru to jerk out of his red haze.
"What about Rin? The social event of the season and the Taishou Corporation head and Miyahara Foundation darling showing up together would cause quite the stir. I was just talking with Kouga today who was lamenting that he never gets a chance to hang out with Ayame because of work. If you take Rin, then he'd be able to take her. I'll have Sara arrange the details. Man I'm a genius. Well, I have a lot of work to do so I'll get out of your hair. Later."
Inu Yasha bolted from the room without giving Sesshoumaru a change to say anything.
My acting is flawless, he thought with a cocky grin before giving Sara the thumbs up sign.
Sesshoumaru stared where Inu Yasha just stood before twitching slightly. The guy was more transparent than water. Since when did Inu Yasha chit chat with Kouga? However, spending the evening with Rin did seem more pleasant than having to pretend to be interested in Kagura nagging him to death. Perhaps…
For the gala, Rin originally planned to wear a simple black cocktail dress. When she had been informed that her escort had changed to Sesshoumaru, her dress magically seemed to be in need of changing as well. Taking the afternoon off from her summer work schedule, Rin headed to Ginza with Ayame to find a suitable dress for the evenings festivities. Ayame bubbled at being invited to one of Kouga's work functions and Rin felt a twinge of guilt for always asking him to be her escort. She really should find someone else but Shippou was taking summer school and interning for one department or another and Souta was often traveling for work. Sigh…
The result of their tireless effort was a rich crimson floor-length dress for Ayame and a midnight blue gown for Rin with drapes of black lace and diamonds cutting diagonally across the front the dress and wrapping around to the back.
Rin parted ways with Ayame at a hair salon as Rin decided to keep her hair simple for once. Heading over to her older sister's downtown penthouse, Rin prepared for the night with Kagome, who helped apply fashionable makeup before getting for her first appearance in public since having a baby. Little Touga was to be spending the evening with his maternal grandmother while Kagome and Inu Yasha spent a much-needed night by themselves.
The limo ride was filled with chatter about baby Touga and how he was the most wonderful creature to ever exist on this Earth. Rin listened as best as she could while Sesshoumaru stared outside the window with his usual sour expression painted onto his features. Inu Yasha complimented himself on discovering the secret to keeping Sesshoumaru's temper in check but Rin wasn't convinced that Sesshoumaru was feeling normal. The few times he managed to tear himself away from the passing sights to acknowledge what someone was saying, he would frown ever so slightly before turning away again.
As the limo pulled up to the KEIO Plaza Hotel in Shinjuku, where the event was to be held, Inu Yasha gallantly jumped out before offering his wife a hand. Sesshoumaru stared at his brother, who could only smirk at his own success. That's right Sesshoumaru. See what you're missing? Now hurry up and realize that you love Rin.
Rin watched Sesshoumaru's reactions to the whole scene with a perceptive eye before it dawned on her what was going on. She wasn't a baby genius for nothing. As Sesshoumaru escorted her to the lobby, shielding her from the photographers much as Inu Yasha had done for his own wife, Rin felt a tug at her heartstrings.
"You don't have to pretend in front of me."
It was the softest whisper, but Sesshoumaru heard her loud and clear over the shouts of the paparazzi. He looked down at her and she continued, as if she knew she had his full attention.
"He still needs you."
Sesshoumaru felt his eyes widen and he unintentionally squeezed her closer to him. Another camera flashed, causing him momentary blindness. He had to get away. Steering her into the hotel, he immediately banked left toward one of the small business meeting rooms. Rin followed obediently and stood in front of the immaculate oak table in the center of the room as Sesshoumaru closed the door behind him.
Once he knew they were alone, he faced the young woman opposite him. She really did look lovely. The blue contrasted nicely with her alabaster skin and the high collar discreetly showed off her slender shoulders.
"What makes you think this Sesshoumaru is pretending?"
Rin couldn't help but smile at the games they played. As if he could fool her. She chose to ignore the question and continue from earlier.
"Inu Yasha hasn't abandoned you for his new family. I know you must feel lost now that your brother no longer clings to you for guidance but he loves you and still looks up to you."
It was strange. Anyone else and he would not be able to hold back the scathing retort that Inu Yasha was not his brother nor did he care what the half-breed thought. But there was something about Rin. The sincerity in her eyes perhaps. The way her head tilt slightly as if to say she understood the hardships of letting go of loved ones and the lost feelings that came with it.
"He is not your mother."
That did it. Sesshoumaru stormed over to Rin and grabbed her wrist, wanting to shake her for mentioning his mother. But he couldn't move as he glared down at those two luminous amber eyes that were already forming tears.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. It's just when I think about it, I get so frustrated. I don't want Sesshoumaru to look so sad." Rin tried to wipe away her tears with the back of her free hand when Sesshoumaru grabbed her other wrist.
"Be still."
Confused, Rin's eyes widened as Sesshoumaru leaned in and licked the slightly salty liquid away. The sensation of his tongue against her bare skin caused her eyes to flutter shut and calm her. Sesshoumaru stopped, before leaning his forehead against hers.
How does this little one see even what I cannot?
He could hear her heartbeat increasing at his close proximity and he felt the disturbance from the last few months slowly dissolve. Sesshoumaru let go of her wrists before taking her hand instead.
As if in a trance, Rin followed as he led her up the stairs to the fifth floor as the gala was to be held in the Concord Ballroom. The rather ordinary room had been transformed into summer garden with special lighting provided by skilled kitsune to make it seem as though the ceiling gave way to the midnight sky. It was as though the fairy-tale had come to life.
Star-crossed lovers fated only to meet once a year... Rin could not smile at something so bittersweet.
They did not talk about that night. It was as if they had come to an quiet understanding. Summer quickly faded into autumn which gave way to winter and Rin entered her second year at Tokyo University Law School unscathed. Sesshoumaru did not act any different toward her but his workplace suddenly became more pleasant overnight it seemed. Inu Yasha knew better.
Well, as much as he would ever understand.
Rin continued to work with the PR department at the Foundation and took on a second job as an intern at a small non-profit law firm. Nobody could understand why she would turn down working at some of the most prestigious firms in the city but those closest to her knew that Rin was not a child of greed but wanted to help others such as her former self, alone without hope. She wanted to give a voice to the people, as her Angel had given her so many years ago.
She wanted to emulate him.
She had no idea that she would find herself hating him before the school year was through.
For her twentieth birthday, the PR department bought Rin a cake. Though simple in size and design, it managed to bring a tear to the young woman's eye. When they presented her with a small gift of roses as well, she nearly broke down in happiness. Instead, she gracefully accepted the gift with the poise only matched by her late mother, Miyahara Ai. And as some of the older workers realized, for a moment, it was as though the late madam was alive again.
Her family was scattered but they sent their warm wishes. Shippou, in his second (or was it third?) year at Johns Hopkins, was pronounced a medical genius and couldn't even leave his job as a lab assistant all summer. Apparently there was also mention of a spitfire underclassman by the name of Souten… Souta was off somewhere, researching for a new video game no doubt, in South Korea with a few of his co-workers. Something about expanding their companies market appeal. Rumor had it he was going to propose to long-time girlfriend Hitomi when he returned - about time too when one considered they had been fond of each other since elementary school.
Kagome was also away on business in Paris. Well, Inu Yasha's business. Rin could only laugh when her brother-in-law insisted that his wife and child accompany him on his two week jaunt. What if he missed baby Touga's first step? And Kagome knew some French from college (whilst his lacked a certain…charm?) so he justified the bill as interpreter and entertainment value.
That left only Izumi-kaasan and Grandfather, who did their best to fill the absences at the dinner table by inviting a special guest to a traditionally family affair.
You guessed it. Ayame.
Sesshoumaru was busy. With Inu Yasha gone, he was pulling twice the workload with some big deal closing in Hong Kong. Rin didn't mind as he sent her twenty white roses and a mother-of-pearl inlay hair-comb. It was beautiful, thoughtful, and completely unnecessary. It has Rin chirping for weeks.
Which was why she was content with the small gathering, though Mrs. Higurashi made sure to remind Rin not to worry, the big party would take place on Seijin no Hi, the national holiday in January that celebrated the coming of age for young men and women.
Rin was busy. VERY busy. With New Year's coming to an end, she had her party coming up next Monday and then her graduation from Tokyo University two months after that. The Miyahara Foundation also demanded more of her time with its upcoming release of a new drug designed to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Plus, she had to decide if she wanted to accept the position offered to her to work full-time at the Foundation in the PR department or to pursue high education at one of the many institutions that accepted her – like Cambridge and Harvard. The decision wouldn't be easy and Rin found herself popping headache medication like it was candy. She wished that she could see Sesshoumaru. He always remained so level-headed and was so intuitive. He would surely know what to do. But she hadn't seen him in months and what she had heard of him was through the media like everyone else. He was in Hong Kong, overseeing some large product while Inu Yasha stayed in the Tokyo office. However, he was due back in time for her party and she couldn't wait.
The twenty year old young woman stood facing the mirror as Sango's skillful fingers nimbly tied the obi sash into an intricate knot. Kagome sat on the bed, nursing her son, and sighed wistfully remembering the days when she was young. Rin caught her older sister's eyes in the mirror and gave her an encouraging smile.
"Okay, milady...I am done. Now my lovely assistant Kagome will give your face the look of spring before I finish with my expert hairdressing skills."
"Thank you so much for helping me so early in the morning," Rin chirped as she spun around in the delicate pale yellow kimono with pink silk sakura sewn into the design, the rich red and gold obi dangling down her back. "I was really worried that I would have nothing to wear to the party and end up embarrassing myself and everyone."
Sango laughed, "I don't think that's even possible. You look adorable in anything you wear. And your long hair..."
Kagome shook her head as Rin sat obediently in front of her. Her son had just finished his meal and Sango took him away for a good burping as Kagome began to examine her decorative combs. "Stop worrying so much since all you really care about is whether Sesshoumaru will notice you and somehow he always does."
Rin blushed at how obvious her feelings must be, which only caused the two older women to laugh.
Rin stepped outside the pearl grey town-car and grasped the handle of the parasol that had been opened for her. Her hair, which had been half pulled back with a gold comb offset with dangling sakura blossoms and half trailing down her back, glistening in the morning sunlight. Her face was painted delicately with only the barest of makeup to highlight her red lips and the kimono was held perfectly in place. The look was completed with stark-white tabi and lacquered zori. As she made her way down to the local city office, people stopped and openly stared at her beauty.
Rin tried her best not to fidget, feeling the pressure of people staring at her. Was she over-dressed? Under-dressed? There were other girls wearing kimono and some men as well. Food on her face? I knew eating chocolate in the car was a bad idea...
Still, she followed inside and prepared to listen to government officials give boring speeches about her new rights to vote and drink. As the lectures about responsibility drone on, Rin's thoughts drifted to the evening's planned festivities.
She was brighter than any light that filled the hall. Sesshoumaru hadn't seen the chit in months yet he knew exactly where she was the second he walked into the building. As he sipped a glass of champagne, he eyed the young woman who seemed completely surprised that she was receiving so much attention. The entire night she seemed to beam and treat every guest with special reverence as if they were the one person in the room. Soon the party would end and he could give her his real gift. He saw that she was wearing the comb he had given her and he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Sesshoumaru had seen it in a store window on his way to some meeting or other and purchased it without a glance at the price. He was glad that he chose right, though something told him that she would graciously accept any gift. He anticipated seeing her reaction to the envelope hidden in the breast pocket inside his dinner jacket.
Rin thanked the last of the guests before she unceremoniously plopped down into a chair. What a party! Her tired eyes drifted over to a table piled high with gifts and gave a small yawn. So many people had come, it really made her happy. Kagome and Jiji were currently arguing about something while Kohaku was picking up trash.
Such a sweet guy, staying after, Rin mused before deciding to join him. Before she got a chance, Mrs. Higurashi appeared before her.
"Don't worry about cleaning dear. You must be really tired. It was quite the party ne? So good to see the family all together. Even Shippou managed to come home for New Years. Anyway, why don't you head back first. I believe someone is waiting to give you a ride..."
Rin's eyes followed the direction of Mrs. Higurashi's gaze and saw Sesshoumaru waiting by the door. Her eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat. Mrs. Higurashi just smiled as Rin left without a proper response.
"Thank you, Izumi kaa-san!" She called after her shoulder, remembering some semblance of manners.
Sesshoumaru watched the tiny girl, now recognized as a proper adult by society's standards, rush toward him in her kimono without managing to trip. He gave a small half smile and a nod, motioning for her to get into his black lamborghini.
"Wow! New car?"
"Christmas gift from Inu Yasha. Something about Batman."
Rin's eyes bugged out. Sometimes Sesshoumaru was a little out of touch with reality. The movie just came to Japan a few weeks ago but had already been out in the States for months and was getting Oscar buzz.
"It's nice. Whose the Joker then?"
Rin shook her head with a laugh. "Ask Inu Yasha. He'll understand."
Sesshoumaru just nodded before opening the door for her.
"Thank you."
They ended up at a cozy cafe that played soft jazz music in the background and managed to make a semi-decent croissant. Sesshoumaru sipped at his green tea as Rin shifted through the pile of documents.
"What ... exactly is this?"
"Each document should be properly labeled. They are the standings of yourof your bank accounts, trust funds, stocks, the deed to your parents mansion, as well as the country houses in Italy and America, and well as their last will and testament that names you as their sole heir in case of both their deaths."
Rin stared blankly at the will, not registering the words written in unfamiliar handwriting.
"Why are you giving it to me now?"
"As stated on the first sheet of paper, the court ruled that upon your twentieth birthday, all holdings shall be given over to your from your guardian."
"Izumi kaa-san...?"
"Actually, Mrs. Higurashi came to me a few weeks after she was appointed as your legal guardian and asked me to take over your finances."
"Why wasn't I informed of this?" Rin suddenly felt a knot in her stomach.
"You were too young to understand and still recovering from the trauma of witnessing your parents death. The therapist recommended that you keep in contact with me through letters."
Rin felt the blood drain from her face.
"You mean my letters to Angel. The ones that Izumi kaa-san would mail off and told me if I prayed hard enough, you might appear again one day."
"I suppose."
There wasn't enough air in the room. Rin took a deep breath, but ended up needing another and another to calm herself.
"You mean, for the last 15 something years, you were my financial guardian because you were asked to?"
"Yes, though that does bring me to another matter." Here Sesshoumaru pulled out another document from his briefcase. Rin watched his every movement sharply, her eyes narrowing.
"These are the original contract papers between your father and myself regarding the merge of the Miyahara Foundation to Taishou Corporation, as well as the signed document stating that Izumi Higurashi agreed to freeze the merger until you were able to consent and naming me acting CEO until you came of age. You can have Kouga review everything, but you'll find it all in proper order. The Foundation has flourished under my care and I believe with the merger, it will continue to do so."
Too fast. Everything was happening too fast. Rin couldn't think straight. But there were a few things that she DID understand:
1) Sesshoumaru was not her friend, but an appointed guardian
2) He was the one who had been approving her every choice since she could remember if it involved money, meaning Izumi kaa-san had also been deceiving her
3) The Miyahara Foundation was hers by birthright, and he wanted to take it away
4) She was an idiot and had to get out of there FAST
Rin quickly gathered the papers together, practically snatching the one that Sesshoumaru was holding.
"Rin, are you alright?"
So he finally noticed...that...that STUPID BASTARD.
"Have you been laughing at me this entire time?"
"Excuse me?" Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes in confusion.
Rin jumped to her feet and stumbled from the restrictions of the kimono. Sesshoumaru went to steady her when she flinched.
"DON'T touch me!"
Everyone in the cafe looked up at the sudden outburst and recognized the two figures immediately.
Sesshoumaru growled lowly in a warning tone. No one, not even she, had the right to yell at him.
Rin shoved the papers into her purse and couldn't help the hot tears that were pouring from her eyes.
"Don't touch me...I can't believe you! How could you keep this from me. I feel so stupid. I told you I loved you and how you must have laughed at my foolishness! I'm sorry I was such a burden for you but I promise you will no longer have to worry about my financial security. And I refuse to agree to give you the Miyahara Foundation! Had you asked, I would have done anything for you but you just used my feelings for you to get what you wanted! HOW COULD YOU! YOU'RE SO STUPID!"
Rin turned and bolted for the door, but Sesshoumaru was quicker. Slamming it shut, he looked down at her cooly, baring a fang.
"Done with your tantrum? You forget I'm use to Inu Yasha's whining."
Rin glared up at him for the first time since she laid eyes on him and Sesshoumaru was taken aback.
"I am not Inu Yasha. I am not anything to you anymore. Transaction completed."
With that, she shoved past him and began to run through the evening snowfall. Sesshoumaru made to follow her but a timid waitress stopped him with the bill. Throwing money at her, he went to get his car so he could chase after her when he realized his actions. Sitting in his car, he roared in frustration at the unfamiliar feeling of anxiety and regret.
Transaction completed.
The look in her eyes when she said that – he had caused that. This wasn't what was suppose to happen and now he didn't know how to fix it.
Or why he cared so damn much.
Thank you for all your reviews and kind words. I wrote this chapter three times, the first two getting eaten by my computer and causing me to scream. I know this is forever late, but my New Year's Resolution is to finish what I started - though I knew I would never abandon this project. This chapter did not turn out like I wanted. The second version, completed in July, was the best and after I lost it I was so angry that I couldn't look at fanfiction until last December. The ending is so rushed. ARGH!! It kills me inside.
I'll check reviews again for questions but I thought that publishing this as soon as possible was more important. A couple of crazy things happened as well, such as a move to another country (JAPAN!), family members getting sick with cancer, and job changes. However, I am back and already working on the next chapter. Thought I would have a small contest since I enjoy reading reviews and love hearing your opinions.
CONTEST: The 500th reviewer can name the next chapter. Just pick a word that you enjoy or would like to see featured. Leave an email so I can contact you if you do not sign in to leave a review. Cheers!
*sawikie: thanks for the correction 3