Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. Im a college student, 20 years old. art history major with a french minor. riveting, yes? Im a gallery intern and active student by day, and by night i drink more than any 106 pound girl should. and i love it. enough about me My story Bella is an account of the life of Bellatrix from an 11 year old who questioned if mudbloods could be her friends, to her ascension as a vicious killer. Because monsters are not born you see, they are made, and my story describes this oh so excititing process. = itd be super cool if you checked it out. Its part of a theme I'm doing entitled "The Death Eater Memoirs" in my attempt to humanize and delve into the exciting, and awful deluded lives of the Death Eaters from the Harry Potter series. Petal, describes Snape and Lily's friendship and Snape's descent into the Dark Arts as he looses the woman he loves and finally, "Bad Faith" is a memoir of Draco's life at Hogwarts during his seventh year and his change of heart or soul. What happens when snakes shed their skin? Draco/Luna, Draco/Ginny, and more importantly Draco's affair with the side of Dumbledore's Army. my name isnt april or summer and my favorite season is winter but oh well... read and review and that would be s delightful and wonderful. merci. xoxo read and review thanks |