A story of Three Sisters torn apart by shattered innocence, family honor, and the war that surrounds them. We Watch Narcissa, Andromeda, and Bellatrix as they grow older, and as they grow apart.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything. sorry.
AN: YaY! the first chapter is up! I'm very excited, so you better review. Um, this chapter isn't very good, but I promise the next one is better. The part with Sirius and James I think might be screwed up, but my friend is borrowing OoTP, so I'm screwed. Love ya and eenjoy. but most of all, again REVIEW!
Rated PG13 for language and violence seen later in the story, and for mature themes. But this chapter is pretty squeeky clean. J
Narcissa Black looked down at her hair boredly, as her father began his lecture for the third time this week.
"Now girls, we're to make a good impression for the Malfoys, and hopefully I can get a bit higher in the ranks, you know…" he went on for a while longer, and Narcissa poked at her potatoes. Anything to distract her from her father would do just fine. "And, Narcissa," She jolted in alert at the sound of her name "If they ask you if you've gotten your Hogwarts letter yet, tell them yes, because if they found out you haven't gotten yours yet, they might suspect you're a squib or something, and we can't have anyone thinking that, ecspecially the Malfoys, that clear?"
"Crystal, Father." She replied with a sticky sweetness, but her insides lurched. What would happen if she did not get her hogwarts letter soon? Would she be disowned? It was unheard of for her to not be accepted. Her father had already made that clear. He said he wouldn't send her to anything but Hogwarts, and that was final.
"Oh, Hieronymous," Her mother said to break the akward silence flooding the well furnished dining room, "It's bound to come soon. It came late for Andromeda too, remember? But she got in." Her Mother attempted to patch up the anger that sprang up in Narcissa's father at the mention of her letter, but his rage seemed to rise at this comment.
"Speaking of Andromeda…girl, one mention of your muggle studies and you're out of here. I think it's a ridiculous and unethical class for you to be taking, but…"
"I think you've already illustrated your opinion enough, father." She snapped at him resentfully. "You fully remember the incident last Friday?"
" You know what Andromeda? You stay in your room when they come. I don't want ANY embaressments! I don't want anything like the time the Lestanges came to dinner. I'll tell them you've come down with a flu. Or perhaps a broken bone. Now, leave this instint before I give you one." By the time he finished speaking, he seemed to have cooled down, but he glared at Andromeda as she exited the room in a huff.
"Well I agree with you father." Bellatrix cooed at her father, and he smiled.
"I'm glad, Bella. I'm stuffed, aren't you? Narcissa, you've barely touched your food." He grunted this last part at Narcissa.
"Are you all right, dear?" Her mother asked, placing her cool long fingers across her forehead.
To take the spot light off herself, she said, " I'm fine. I think I just had to much to eat at tea. I'm going to go…study…" To avoid further interogation, she got up from the table, and hurried up to her room, nearly toppling over a house elf.
Her room was her only sanctuary, though she did share it with her elder sister by three years, Andromeda. She could have her own room, since it was an entirely too large house, but she prefered sharing it with her sister.
She entered the room to find Andromeda curled up in a ball on her canopy bed.
"Hey Andie, you all right?" Narcissa said, trying to keep things casual, but Andromeda let out a snort.
"Do I look all right?"
"Well…" She said, sitting next to her. "No."
Andromeda uncrumpled, letting her long legs dangle over the edge of the bed. Her face was streaked with tear marks, which she wiped from her cheeks violently.
"I'm so freakin' tired of him. I swear…Nothing I do is ever right."
"Yeah, Andie, but Muggle Studies? You knew that was going to start something. So why are you taking it anyway?"
"For an even worse purpose, at least in father's eyes. Do you remember that kid, Ted? I told you about him, didn't I?" She said, and Narcissa nodded, "Well, he's muggle born." She whispered the last part as if her father was standing outside eavesdropping.
Narcissa gasped, "Ted's a mudblood?"
"Narcissa! Really. None of him is muddy. He really is one of my best friends. And I want to be able to understand his world better, just like he understands ours. It really gets frustrating when he talks about something and has to say 'nevermind' cause I have no idea what a T.B. is…"
Narcissa raised her eyebrow, "You better really never talk about that around Dad, or he'll knock the stuffing out of you." She stared at her sister, who looked down at her robe, "That's not the only reason, is it?"
"Well…" She said in a muffled voice, "He's taking it too."
Narcissa gave a laugh, "Ooooo! Andie, you've got a boyfriend!" She taunted.
"He's not my boyfriend, you little brat! He's just a boy and my friend."
But Narcissa was still in a fit of giggles. "Wait till Bella hears this!"
She tried to spring off, but Andie got a firm grip on her thin arm, and screamed, "NO!" then softly, "No, Cissa. Bella will tell Dad. Dad will kill me, literally, you know, so you better keep your trap shut, unless you want a dead sister."
Narcissa nodded, and sat back down. "Sorry."
Andromeda's expression softened, and she smiled as she ruffled her little sisters hair. "It's okay, Narcissa."
But the tap on the window interupted them, and when Narcissa saw it, she squeeled with delight and releif.
* * *
" Yes, Narcissa just got her letter for Hogwarts, Mr. Malfoy." Hieronymous said, as her mother toke away their plates from dinner.
Bellatrix sat glowing at the Malfoys, Lucius and Ursus sat listening to Hieronymous, and Andromeda sat sulking, but keeping her promise to keep her mouth shut.
"Well, That's excellent, Narcissa." Lucuis said greasily, his grey eyes boring into her "You know, I really enjoyed my time at Hogwarts. Still can't believe that was five years ago. Hope you have a good time."
Narcissa squirmed akwardly in her seat, nodding tentively, and thankfully, he returned his gaze to her father, who asked them to leave the room so the men could talk about "bussiness."
As they ventured up the stairs, Narcissa turned to her older sisters. "Is it just me, or is that Lucuis guy kinda scary?"
"It's just you. I think he's charming." Bellatrix said, a dreamy expression on her face.
"Well, that's you Trixie. I think he's creepy." Andromeda agreed with a shiver, but Bellatrix shot her a glare.
"I guess I'm not wanted here." She said snottily, and swished her pink dress robes down the hallway.
Andromeda stoke her tounge out at the back of her fifteen year old sister, and Narcissa giggled into her hand.
"She's so moody." Andromeda said a matter o factly.
"Now girls, I'm going to give each of you a reasonable amount of money, and I ask you spend it well, is that clear?" Mrs. Black said sternly to her daughters, and they all nodded eagerly, hands outstretched, "Andromeda, show your sister around. I'm off, I'll be back in a few hours," She placed the money in their hands,"Ta ta."
With that the girls dashed off.
"Oh, let's get my wand first! This is so exciting. . ." Narcissa said with a bounce.
"No, come on, Flourish and Blotts is right here." Andromeda wheeled her sister in the direction of the shop and they entered.
It was crowded with many other young people, chatting loudly.
"Sirius!" A black haired boy turned at Andromedas call, and grinned.
"Hey, Andie, what brings you here?"
"Same as you. Oh, hi Narcissa, how you been? Excited for Hogwarts?" Sirius said, and Narcissa gave a sharp nod.
"How do things go with your mother?" Andromeda said in hushed voice, and Sirius's face darkened.
"Oh, dreadful. But I've been staying with James for most of the summer, so all goes well. Hey James, come over here." A cocky locking bespectled boy came from behind him, skimming a book in his hand."James, this is my cousin, Narcissa, and you know Andie. Narcissa starts Hogwarts this year."
James nodded distractidly, not really caring, as he continued to look down at his book.
"Earth to James!" Sirius said with a snap of his fingers, and James grinned, looking up. He snapped closed the book he had been reading, which was The Beginners Guide to Animagus.
Andromeda looked at James with suspicion written across her face as she commented, " I didn't know that was on the reading list."
"It's not." He replied smugly, and slipped the book back on the shelf, as if it had not happened. "I've already acquired everything on the reading list, so off with us."
James strolled out of the store, and Sirius lingered behind him.
The day went on without much of any other encounter, Narcissa and Andromeda got their books, Narcissa her wand ( 10 inches , unicorn hair and ebony), wardrobe, and all the other necesities for Hogwarts, so they were now in the pet shop.
"Well, I certainly can't have a toad. They're much too ugly. Bella says people with toads are freaks. And rats are creepy. Am I allowed to have a owl and a cat? Because I already have Wilot, and I'd really like a cat." Narcissa rambled to her sister as Andromeda looked at the owls.
"Ask the lady at the front desk if she knows, cause I sure as hell don't." Andromeda said, and Narcissa dashed off to the desk to query.
"Excuse me, ma'am, but are you aware of any limits of the amount of pets at Hogwarts?" She asked politely.
"I believe any amount is allowed, as long as the creatures are permitted on the grounds. Why are you interested in purchasing one?" The long nosed woman looked down at her curiosly.
"Actually, I'd very much like that white cat over there, with the purple colar." She said, and the woman smiled.
"That's Ivory. She's just turning 1 in a week, so I would suggest keeping her on the kitten food for another good two months. I can have this delivered to you monthly if you like."
"That'd be excellent." She payed the amount, and the woman placed a purring cat in her arms.
"Well, she's cute, just keep her away from my bed hangings." Andromeda said, and Narcissa laughed.
"Does she look like the type to claw at your bed hangings? She's so sophisticated. Mummy will adore her."
"So are you allowed to take her to Hogwarts as well as Wilot?" She asked.
"You bet. Oh this year is going to be so splendid.I have some extra money, wanna get ice cream?" And so they did, and as Narcissa nibbled at her chocolate chunk, a question arouse, "Andie?"
"Was Dad furious when you got in Gryffindor?"
"Furious? He was beyond furious. He sent me three howlers about family honor and crap, untill he realized there was no way I could help it or change it"She said bitterly.
"Do you think I'll make it into Slytherin?" She asked concerned.
"No. You don't fit the part."
"Well I'm not a Gryffindor am I?" Narcissa panicked.
"No. I think you're a Ravenclaw. Dad won't mind that, don't worry." Andromeda said, and Narcissa heaved a sigh of releif.