Dark Decadence

Dark Decadence

By Nara Occult


Series Summary: Draco, Pansy, Blaise… all next generation Death Eaters, destined to be darkly, gloriously evil murderers. If you think they're innocent, you're dead wrong. Literally. One shots Series

Colour: Translucent
Antagonist: Pansy Parkinson
Translucent, Granger, that's what you are. He'll never tell you the words you want to hear, so why bother? I can pull your strings, manipulate you- I know you Granger. Stay with me… Stay with me forever.
Disclaimers: This is a series not a continuing story; that is to say a whole bunch of deliciously dark one-shots based around Draco, Blaise and Pansy. They are not connected. You could skip one and read others. I do not own or profit from Harry Potter. If this looks familiar, it's because they were originally individual stories and I decided to combine them. Warnings for Slash and Femslash references in some stories. Inspired by 'Vivica' by Jack Off Jill. Femslash warning.


I watch Granger. I watch her at breakfast. I watch her during classes. I watch her interact with the other two miserable parts of the Golden Trio. I watch her when the mask slips. I watch her in the library. I watch her as she cries his name. And sometimes, I get to watch her in the rare moments she calls my name. Granger, you are translucent, transparent… I know you too well now.

Do you know, do you know exactly what drove Hermione Granger, official member of The Golden Trio, to warm the bed of Pansy Parkinson, future Death Eater?

It was him.

I'm both grateful to him, and disgustingly jealous at the same time. After all, you can't compete with memories, can you? She cries his name when she's with me, and I know she thinks of him more than she thinks of even Potter. Everyone else would be so appalled if they knew the secrets behind Granger, her little quirks.

Cedric Diggory would have had everyone turn in their own graves if they'd known he was cheating on Cho Chang when he died. Cheating with Granger. Funny, isn't it? I know I laughed outright, then sobered, then demanded to know if it was true. Draco and Blaise laughed at me- they know of my little Mudblood fetish, my fixation on Granger. So help me, I have no idea exactly what it is (if I knew, it would be rectified at once) but something, something about Granger addicts me to her. I'm not stupid enough to think Granger really feels much for me, she fell into our… liaisons… rather haphazardly after finding poor Cedric was deader than the proverbial muggle doornail, whatever the hell that is.

When Granger was with Cedric, I knew. She had something else about her, a more secretive, loose demeanor. When she was with Cedric, she relaxed from the awful shrew she'd become. We three Slytherins used to take bets, make up sordid scenarios between us about what really went on between Cedric's sheets- Draco particularly was into submission and dominance, Blaise loved the idea of a threesome. We're sick- perverted, and we have good imaginations.

When the Dark Lord killed Cedric, it was as if something had snapped, something had withered away and died. She was like an apple with a worm residing in it's rotted and hollow core. I recognised it in her, and it intrigues me- like watching a disease existing in her body. The disease talks to me, and sick woman that I am, I love her for it. I love her for her flaws, for her lack of any real substance now, for her weakness in being unable to live without him to see her through the long nights.

We have chemistry, I can make Granger's body beg for me and frequently do. It's beautiful in a way. But her mind… when her mind can disengage, she looks past me. She searches for him, and she can never find him. I know lately, she's been particularly distressed because she's beginning to forget. She's forgetting the time with him, and now she's scared she won't even have her memories, just a feeling of emptiness.

And late tonight, when we lie awake, and she's on my bed, I look at her, absent-mindedly tracing circles on her thighs, creating an invisible line and tracing it up to her stomach… she's not there. Not Granger. Blaise and Draco are sitting in the corner of the room, watching, and she's letting them. Because she's slipping away from me and there's nothing I can do but use her while I can. She was never wholly mine in the first place.

Even when I bite her hard, leaving an angrily red set of teeth imprints on her left breast, all it does is shake her out of her monotony for a while. Kissing her hard enough to bruise her lips, I see she finally realises Draco and Blaise are in the room, sitting calmly and taking it all in. She's naked after all, bared to them, shouldn't she be angry?

And all she does is raise an eyebrow and then kiss me back. With tongue. And now she's seducing me, turning me on, stroking me, sucking on my neck.

The dynamics have changed- it was always me luring her before. I can see the sickness in her eyes, standing out, and when I tell her that she's beautiful, I'm telling it that it is beautiful. I want her so much more when I know she's falling apart.

And finally Blaise and Draco see exactly what it is that lured me to her. Because Granger is weak, a victim, and I am the predator. I know, encourage the sickness in her, the feeling of emptiness and she does nothing to prevent me. She's lost the will.

Oh Hermione, you're so beautiful, so fragile, so weak and flawed. You're not mine- but you'll never be his either. I could see it in your eyes, even as you screamed for me and arched that creamy back of yours, you knew. But I'll keep you here with me, and I promise… I'll tell you everything he never told you. I'll make all the promises he never made.

You knew all along, and you can't hide it from me- neither of us even care that to me you'll always be translucent.