Author has written 2 stories for Inuyasha. Me I live in the devil palyground that right "Sin City" and I been here too damn long. I am old enough to eat, drink, smoke, (which I don't I like my lung pink not black) and worry about wrinkles. Favorite colour: is any shade of purple Favorite food: well snice I'm a size 14 and not 2 you can tell I like food a lot. What I can tell you is the food I love to eat the most like sushi, Umeboshi, Kare Raisu, seafood, Botamochi, Korokke, Okonomiyaki and Yakitori. (can you see a pattern here) Oh I forgot my morther collard green and devil eggs they are the best. I am not asian even though I love everything about asian men, god they are sexy as hell. My father was military so spent 14years of my life in japan more then half of it. As to give you a hint on my age. I teach special education (yes I'm special too.) for a liveing and it not much of a liveing as much as I get paid. I write because I love to. I have been writting short stories snice I was a little girl, I must say that I am sorry that I can't spell worth a damn I do try to fix them all. (Try the key word there.) I'm working on two storys right now one is already posted but I'm not done with it. I need to do a lot of clean up on it. the second one which has no name will be a Sesshomaru/OC fic I'm still a big fan of Sesshomaru/Rin but I have not read one Sesshomaru/black female OC fic so I'm writting one.Well that all I can think of right now. So be happy your alive and you can read this so thank your teacher you little JD's (any guesses on what that means?) |