Harry sat in the corner of his room. In his little blue Journal he wrote:

Dear Journal,

Tomorrow I go back to Hogwarts. It couldn't come faster. I can't stand this place any longer. Uncle Vernon is so cruel. I just want to go home. I'm tired of the beatings and the rape. At least when Aunt Petunia was around he didn't treat me as harsh. He blames me for her leaving. He's the one whose the alcoholic. Everyday. Every freaking day the beating gets worse.

By what I deducted I think I have at least a few broken ribs. I have a sprained ankle from the rape last week when he got rough with me. Merlin.! It hurts so bad. I've already started applying glamour's. It hurts so much to move. He hasn't done anything today. Well except for the lecture he gave me. If anyone suspects something I'm supposed to say I got into a bit of a scruff with some boys. Well I have to go. Uncle Vernon just walked in the door. He's been at the bar all night. I don't want him to catch me writing. I was told not to move from my spot or he would drown my head in the tub again.

Harry James Potter

Harry quickly went to the loose floor board. He grabbed it by the end an as quietly as possible, pulled it up. He quietly slipped his journal into the darkened crevasse. He quickly yet quietly put down the floor piece, and moved back over to his spot in the corner. A few minutes later he heard his Uncle come thumping up the stairs. Harry slightly jumped as he heard the door to his bedroom slam against the wall.

"Looky here. You stayed in your spot. Lucky for you it's your last night here. So lets have some fun before you have to go back to that bloody, piece of shit you call, school." said an extremely drunk Vernon Dursley.

"Uncle please no. I listened please-" pleaded Harry as he was grabbed roughly by his arm and thrown onto his bed.

Harry cried into his pillow as his Uncle ripped him open dry.

Hogwarts express

Harry sat alone. Hermione and Ron were out Doing their duties as Prefects, or either snogging. Harry sat adding a few more glamour's, just to be careful. Suddenly all the lights went out. Screams and shrieks could be heard every where. A voice then came on the loud speaker.

"I am sorry for the inconvence." Said a high shrieky voice. "We will be having Aurors upon the train for a moment. Please be cooperate and we shall be back on our way. Thank you."

There was then the sound of many doors being slammed open. Some girls let out small shrieks. Harry himself sat in the corner of one of the seats, his knees pulled to his chest. He didn't want any trouble. When they came to his door they walked in and moved around the luggage. Harry keep his head down.

"You seen anything odd boy?" One Auror asked in an angry tone.

"No sir." Said Harry.

"Why are you alone in this car?" Asked another.

"My friends are prefects and are doing their duties."

"Oh. Well if you see anything suspicious don't be afraid to yell for us."

"Yes sir." Said Harry. He really wanted them out of there.

About 20 minutes later the Aurors were gone and the train was back on it's way to Hogwarts.

Soon after it started back up, Draco Malfoys appeared at Harry's Car.

"Well hello Potter. Did you hear any screams in your head this time?" Crabbe and Goyle let out laughs. Although they sounded more like the grunts of pigs.

"No Malfoy. Now please just go. Please?"

Malfoy was staring at Harry in shock. Never had he begged Draco to stop teasing him. Draco had to find out what was the matter. He sent Crabbe and Goyle away and went into Harry's car by himself. He turned and locked the door.

He sat directly across from Harry.

"Okay Potter, what's the deal?"

"What are you talking about Malfoy?"

"Don't play coy. Why aren't you fighting back?"

Harry simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Can you leave please? I want to be alone for as long as I can."

At that Draco knew something was up. He happened to know that Harry loved to be with his friends. He stood and unlocked the door. Fine Potter." He left , but he was not quite done. He was going to find out what was troubling him no matter what it took.

Soon after Draco left Harry fell asleep against the window sill. All the time being unaware of the invisible eyes upon him.

"Hey Mate." said Ron as he walked into the car. "Oh-" A smile spread upon Ron's face. He slowly crawled towards Harry when his girlfriend, Hermione Granger, grabbed his arm.

"Ron don't. let him sleep. Look at how relaxed he looks."

Ron stared back and forth between his girlfriend and Harry. He decided that it would be best, and safest, to listen to what his girlfriend asked him to do. He plopped down on the seat opposite the one that Harry lay upon.

"Fine." He said childishly.

Hermione smiled at Ron and sat beside him. She laced her fingers between his and leaned against his shoulder.

"I feel bad for leaving Harry alone for so long. But after the Aurors came aboard we got so busy."

"Hmm" Said Ron.

He then leaned over and kissed her. He pulled his hand from hers and placed it upon her cheek. The more seconds that passed, the more passionate they became.

"Lets have some fun." Said Ron as he licked at her neck.

"Ron! No what if Harry wakes up? And some onnnnnnnnnnne might-"

"We can lock the door. And he won't wake up if we're quite." He flicked his tongue right behind her ear. She gripped his arm tightly.

"Fine. But we got to be quick and quiet."

Ron gave her a smile as he began unzipping his pants.

Harry sat with his eye closed all though he was awake. He didn't want to open his eyes. They felt so comfortable when they were closed. He loved to sleep. Sometimes he wished he could sleep forever. But he unfortunately opened his eyes.

"What The hell are you guys doing?" yelled Harry as he jumped up.

"Harry.-" Hermione shrieked as she tried to cover herself.

Harry's hand ran to his mouth. He ran to the door. He felt like he was going to throw up. He roughly unlocked the door and threw in open. Not bothering to close it. He ran down the hall. All the way to the end of the train. The part were the candy and supplys was held. And where the students were not permitted.

He dropped to his knees as he felt himself hacking. His eyes watered as he lost the contents of his stomach. He got up and wobbled till he found some boxes to hide behind.

The tears fell freely now. He was upset that Hermione and Ron would do that in font of him. That was only half of what made him sick. Seeing them like that brought back the retched memories of his horrible summer. Ron and Hermione never did come looking for him. But even if they had came he wouldn't have moved from his spot.

When Harry felt the train came to a halt he didn't get up. He was to afraid. He didn't know how he could face Hermione and Ron after what happened. He waited until the train was nearly silent. He got up and ran to his compartment. When he walked in and saw that Hermione and Ron weren't there he was happy. But it didn't last long.

Images of Hermione and Ron flashed through his head and he feel to his knees. He coughed and hacked. He had nothing to through up. After a while he stopped and attempted to get up. He stood but his legs fell out and he fell onto the seat he had sat on before. He got up again and quickly grabbed his trunk and Hedwigs cage. He ran through the halls until he found a door. He threw his stuff out onto the platform and jumped down. He fell to the ground,al the while clutching his trunk. The pain ravaged his abused body. It took all he had not to scream in agony.

Just as he landed the train started moving. As it was about to leave the platform he saw someone else's luggage tumble out along with that somebody.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cliffy. I know who it is but do you? Review and tell me your guess.Please review please? I love people reviews. Even if it's anonaymous. They help incourge me. And You can suggest your ideas. I might use them. So PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEE REVIEW!!