![]() Author has written 8 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Harry Potter. ЄөЦŕҐїŊģЭфΘμÐ Fanfiction Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWgKDithafY ЄөЦŕҐїŊģЭфΘμÐ : Part II : Fanfiction Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqxlY-_IGGM You don't get to see what Demon Cloud looks like if you don't watch it;P (My lovely icon was done by liverjournal user yuffie_kisaragi. I'd check out her lj a.l.l.c.r.e.a.t.i.o.n. as all of her work is beautiful.) Alright, so here is my "adult" account for my own peace of mind. Don't ask. I will leave what I have up on my old account, but will continue "Whirlwindaga" here. Since leaving a note on my fic there would defeat the purpose of creating this new account, people will simply have to leave a review if they want the end since I will reply to each and every one to come here. It's under the name "Uncuffed." Stats Code Name: Niamh ni-AH-v (Rorania) Still she floundered for another couple years before deciding to seek out help in controlling her newfound skills. [EDIT: Alright, I thought I'd add a bit more with the advent of my 'new' story-part-thingy or whatever. Just to let anyone know who cares why I took so damn long in posting it. I mention I'm a Gemini though I don't really put a great amount of stock in astrology, but it fits me in that I am a bit flighty in my interests and have a hard time finishing things since I always have something else occupying my interest as well. Currently, I have a zillion things occupying my interest and I really wish that was hyperbole, because it's getting out of control =P Right now, I am learning Chinese, after two years of studying Japanese (which I haven't given up on), and I've recently gotten into the Korean/Taiwan/Chinese music/drama scene, which is rapidly changing and hard to keep up with - so it takes up most of my time. If you check my other vids out on YouTube, you'll see a lot of the newer ones feature dance videos from the aforementioned countries and that is because my first love while growing up was hip-hop dance - and in case you haven't noticed, America sucks the big one on that front since boy and girls band suddenly became unpopular over here. I've since gained other beloved interests but the urge to learn these catchy moves has not left me, so on top of the whole Asian fascination of mine, I'm working out nowadays to be able to learn these moves. As if learning three languages wasn't enough, I'm still video editing as you've seen and yes, even writing even if I've been remiss in proving it on here. Just to let you know, I currently have four other really good, but not quite fully-formed, stories started featuring Cloud & Yuffie, not to mention a zillion others, including some original fiction I could never hope to finish in this lifetime that I dabble with and add on to constantly. Not to mention, I've been trying to learn my favorite songs on piano and it's slow going - especially since my sister has taken my keyboard hostage and refuses to give it up. Not to mention the many shows I have on in the background that catch my interest from time to time: Castle, Nikita, Grey's Anatomy, Vampire Diaries(it's my smut-tv - no judging), The Good Wife, ANTM, Project Runway, Austin & Santino, and House - along with my daily dose of The Office and Friends reruns that I can't get enough of. (I grew up in Alaska - if you didn't like snow, there wasn't much else to do besides cultivate an interest in TV and popular culture =P) So that big mess above is a typical day in my head where I somehow manage to fit some homework and work in. I know people don't really read these things but for those who do, now you know why I lose track of time and miss updating. Thanks for reading! Alright, so I like writing fanfiction, but trying to please everyone gets to me sometimes and that would be the main source of any writer's block. So just stay away from statements like, "Hmm, I wonder how this unimportant character whom is not the main focus is going to react to that!" or "Where's so-and-so?" and "That is a HUGE plot hole!" in your reviews because then I will feel bad for not including them, even though X-Men and Harry Potter had a shiz load of characters and side stories that it's just insane to expect them all to have their own chapter or little side drama =P, and then I won't feel like writing or updating. You can disagree, but then you would be wrong and I'd have to throw my shoe at you. Whether I use any effort in the endeavor would depend on the strength of your conviction. Then I'd go make an AMV, limping of course, for I'm only wearing one shoe. So you all are forewarned, oh ye few who actually read the author's shite. Oh yeah, check out my other vids: |