

Disclaimer No Jitsu

In the locker room, all the girls were getting dressed for gym. Sakura was leaning against her locker, trying to pull her sock up and Ino was bent over on the floor, tying her shoes. A bench was centered in between their row of lockers. Hinata was already dressed and sitting on the bench.

"Wow, I heard about what happened Hinata, and in my own house too!" Sakura stated.

"Oh, um, yeah," Hinata looked down and blushed. "But I'm fine now." She reminisced about Naruto and how heroic he was, just for her. That's all she wanted to remember and after thinking about it constantly, that's all she could remember. Hinata felt her cheeks with her hands, because she felt a little hot. She smiled a goofy smile as she recalled Naruto carrying her all the way home.

Sakura noted her expression and smirked as she finished getting dressed. "Oh? You know, Hinata I noticed Naruto and you leaving together."

"You two seemed very close," Ino added.

"Huh?" Hinata squeaked.

"And if I do recall, he seemed really jealous when I told him you were with some other guy," Sakura giggled when she saw Hinata's blush deepen.

"Th-that can't be true!" Hinata looked down and even though she wouldn't admit it, she was happy Naruto had been jealous. "Anyway I'm probably the last thing on his mind now…" Hinata bit her lips and the girls quieted down.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked as she took a seat beside her.

"Well, recently Naruto told me that he was having problems with Chiemi."

"What kind of problems?" Ino asked as she tied her hair up in a pony tail.

"Well, um…," Hinata blushed but continued. "When Naruto-kun tries to um get it on with her she-" She paused after hearing Sakura snort. "…pushes him away," She glared at Sakura; well it wasn't much of a glare. It more like a cute little pout.

"Maybe she's hiding something," Ino giggled.

"Yeah ha-ha, maybe she's extremely pale or-"

"Or she's hairy downtown!" Ino and Sakura broke out in laughter.

"You guys shouldn't say things like that! I think she's just shy," Hinata stated and whispered the last part.

The girls quickly abolished their laughter, when they saw Chiemi come in and head for the restroom.

"Mhmm," Sakura had a mischievous grin plastered on her face as she watched Chiemi.

"Ooh, I know that look Sakura, what are you thinking?" Ino cooed.

"I've got a plan to find out what Chiemi is actually hiding," She opened her locker and took out her pink digital camera.

"Sakura-chan, wait don't," Hinata pleaded as she pulled on her sleeve.

"Hinata-chan, don't you want to tell Naruto why Chiemi pushes him away?" Sakura stared Hinata down until she let go.

The green eyed girl then played with the settings in her camera and turned off flash. "Come on, Ino." The two headed for the restroom, leaving Hinata to her thoughts.

The pink haired girl checked under the stalls and noticed the one with feet under them. She went into the stall next to it, along with Ino and got on top of the toilet. She waited for Chiemi to undress and quickly took a picture, before anyone could tell.

The duo swiftly made their way back to Hinata and Sakura searched her camera for her most recent picture. After she found it, both the blonde and the pink haired girl looked, but Hinata felt a little guilty and decided not to. A few seconds past and curiosity got the best of her so her eyes ended up on the picture.

Her mouth was left ajar and her pupils began trembling at what she saw. She covered her mouth with her hands and was suddenly consumed with uneasiness.

xXx-Naruto's Apartment-xXx

"Chiemi, do you trust me?" Naruto suddenly asked out of nowhere. He had been fidgeting on the couch, contemplating with himself on whether to ask her or not.

Chiemi was brought out of her thoughts and turned her eyes away from the television set. "Of course I-"

"No, listen I know I move too fast sometimes, but I would never do anything to hurt you, in any way." He had a painful expression plastered on his face. "And I truly believe that I do love you, Chiemi."

The brunette blushed. She looked up into Naruto's eyes and felt a feeling of longing come over her. Naruto wanted love, somebody to love and somebody that loved him. He was just like her. She suddenly felt awful for doubting his love.

"So whenever you're ready I'll-" Naruto was interrupted as Chiemi abruptly pulled him into a kiss.

'Naruto really does love me. And I have to believe that he'll love me no matter what, so I'll let him…' She felt Naruto's warm hands slip under her shirt and roam her bare back, and when she felt him give her ass a squeeze she pulled him closer.

Naruto loved the freedom Chiemi was giving him and as if by instinct his hands moved to the hem of her shorts. He continued removing her shorts and was happy to know that Chiemi didn't reject him. He slipped his hand into her underwear, but when he looked down he noticed a tiny bulge poking out of her undies. When his hand finally felt her, he wished he could take it all back.

His mouth was left open and his body suddenly became stiff. He slowly managed to get up and pulled Chiemi up with him. The brunet's head moved to the side to avoid his eyes. It took everything inside Naruto not to freak out over his girlfriend having a dick. He gently gave Chiemi a shove and said: "Get out…Get out!" with his head down. He didn't want to even look at that thing and he didn't look up until he felt the door slam and knew that it was gone.

"Oh God…!" Naruto covered his mouth and felt like throwing up. He had never felt so disgusted. He ran his hand through his hair and took a heavy sigh. "Fuck…" he felt weak and reached for his cell in his pocket. He clicked speed dial and heard Hinata's voice on the other line.

"Hello?…Naruto-kun?" Hinata grew concerned when he didn't respond.

"…I need you so bad right now, Hinata" His voice was high and she heard his uneven breaths over the phone.

After a few minutes, Naruto heard somebody fumbling with keys in front of his door and was relieved when Hinata stepped in. No words were exchanged as Hinata made her way to the couch.

When she sat down Naruto turned his head to look into her eyes. They were so full of concern and warmth. Hinata gasped as Naruto abruptly grabbed hold of her arms and pulled her into a kiss. It was soft and needy. As soon as Hinata closed her eyes, the kiss ended and she turned away from him.

"Disinfectant," Naruto managed to blurt out as he gently released her.

"So you found out about Chiemi?" Hinata asked as she stared at the carpet.

"Yep…" The blond grabbed his head and leaned over the floor. "I've never felt so sick. I feel like scrubbing myself." He roughly messed up his hair. "You don't know how much I'm freaking out right now. I mean I've been going out with a-" He grabbed his mouth and bent over as if he was going to vomit. "Ugh Fuck! Why does this have to happen to me!" The miserable boy threw his head back on the couch and closed his eyes as he groaned.

Hinata reached over and pulled his blond hair away from his face in a loving way. "Naruto-kun…" She whispered pitifully.

"This sucks Hinata I-"

She silenced him with her motherly gaze and touch. She continued caressing his hair and trying to soothe him. "You can't change what happened, Naruto-kun. The question is: What are you going to do now?" Her soft voice calmed him and he let out a deep breath.

"I guess the first thing I have to do is break up with Chiemi and then maybe we could-"

"I don't think you should break up with him." Hinata interrupted him.

"What are you talking about Hinata, I'm not gay," He arched his blond eyebrow.

"You told me you loved Chiemi remember? Or was that a lie?"

"Yeah! When I thought he was a girl!"

"I just think that you should keep your loved ones closest to you," Hinata rubbed Naruto's arm and stared into his eyes. The blond avoided her gaze and he had an annoyed look on his face.

"Chiemi lied to me Hinata! From the beginning, he's been lying to me. I'm never going to forgive him for that."

"When we're in love, we tend to do crazy things for the ones we love." She grabbed hold of his hands and Naruto understood what she meant. He remembered when Hinata confessed to him and knew this was another example. "Before you decide to break all ties with him, you should at least talk to him."

Naruto waved his hands around like an idiot in distress. "What? There no way I'm talking to that-"

"Naruto-kun, I know you won't be able to move on from this if you don't confront Chiemi."

"No way!" He crossed his arms and stood his ground as a man.

"Please Naruto-kun?" She pouted and stared into his eyes with her familiar pleading expression. "For me?"

"Gah!" Naruto was no match for Hinata's cuteness. "Fine."

"Yay!" Hinata smiled and clapped her hands.

"But only for you…," He mumbled.

Hinata continued smiling as she stood up from the couch. "Well, it's getting late so I'll see you later, Naruto-kun." She waved and started to walk off until a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

"You can't leave me alone, Hinata! If you leave I'll start freaking out again! I need you right now!" Naruto cried.

"N-Naruto-kun I can't spend the night. We have school tomorrow and I don't have my uniform so-" She blushed at how close Naruto was.

"That's ok we'll go pick it up with Sasuke's car," He started moving back and fourth in a childish way and loved how red Hinata was. The blush on her face was just for him and he ate it all up.

"I think you should stop stealing Sasuke-kun's car all the time"

"I tink you should top tea wing Sas-ke-kun's car aw da time," Naruto mimicked her as he walked with his arms still around her. He was pushing her foreword as he walked outside towards the car.

"You're cruel! There's no way I'm sleeping over now!" She pretended to struggle under his embrace.

"You don't mean that," Naruto laughed as he closed the door behind him.


There was heavy tension during school. Chiemi sat around Naruto in almost every class and seeing Chiemi left an awful burning sensation in his chest as well as a disgusting feeling in his stomach. The blond barely knew how he managed to keep his food down the other night. Every time he had flashbacks of going out with Chiemi, he nearly puked. It was a good thing Hinata moaned his name while she slept, keeping his mind occupied on other things.

When the bell rang for dismissal, Naruto remained in his seat. He felt no urge to get up; instead he felt a wave of depression and loneliness hit him in the face. He forced his eyes to look at the clock in order to get his brain to comprehend it was time to leave.

Finally he pushed himself to get up. As he walked down the empty hall, he remembered his promise to Hinata, and a nasty shiver lingered in his lower stomach. He knew where Chiemi was, but the thought of actually confronting him slowed down his pace. He wouldn't go back on his word though.

He stopped walking when he reached the bus stop. The first thing he noticed was Chiemi sitting alone on the green bench. The brunet had his head down and was staring at his hands like he was looking for a specific freckle. Naruto took a deep breath, before walking up to him. When he sat down beside him, Chiemi made no move to look up, but he did seem to tense up.

"Hey…," Naruto finally spoke.

"Hey." There wasn't any hint of emotion that could be traced in their voices. And for a while, only the sound of the wind could be heard. Chiemi began fumbling with his hands and anyone could tell he was feeling uncomfortable.

"Why did you lie to me?" Naruto asked and finally turned his gaze toward Chiemi. "Everything was just a big fucking lie huh? To screw up my life?" His eyed turned cold as he looked at the brunet in disgust.

"No N-Naruto, everything I said to you, I meant it and-" He stopped talking when he noticed Naruto slap his palm to his face. He knew he wasn't making Naruto feel any better. "I…look like a girl, I have a girly face," he sighed and searched his hands again. "I used go into the girls locker room and help them get undressed, unhook their bras. I liked girls, specifically ones with big breasts hehehe," He bit his lip and had a remorseful expression on his face. "But then I met you…and you made me feel loved and there were even times when I was with you that made me believe I really was a girl. I was never loved before, no girl ever took me seriously so I was ha-ppy…" his voice squeaked at the end of his sentence and he smiled.

"Oh God…" Naruto grabbed his head and fought with himself not to puke, but with every word that he heard, he was one step closer to loosing his meal. He took a deep breath and forced himself to be strong. "I was thinking last night-" He coughed to clear his throat. "About a lot of things. Mostly love. The definition of love and how it feels…I'd imagine a feeling of completeness. A feeling of complete happiness and I would imagine that when you're with the person you love, you would forget about everything else, because she would be the only person that matters. And then I got to thinking, I never felt that way with you," he began laughing nervously and shook his head no. "You're not-" He stopped himself when he realized something. And what he realized took his breath away.

"Naruto I'm sorry I-" Chiemi began to cry like a baby and grabbed Naruto's arm. The blond twitched and shook him off.

"I'm not gay so we're through. Goodbye Chiemi," He placed his hands in his pocket and began to walk off.

He walked up the stairs of the school. To the place where all the clubs were held, but stopped when he reached an opening with a balcony. He grinned when he noticed Hinata leaning over the rails. His grin widened when a big gust of wind blew up her skirt.

"Eep!" Hinata leaned forward and pulled the front of her skirt, giving Naruto a better view of her ass.

"Hehe, a pink thong huh? That's pretty dangerous to wear under a skirt," He chuckled and walked closer.

"Ah! N-Naruto-kun!" She covered her backside and blushed as Naruto stood beside her. He took a deep breath as he looked into the blue sky. Hinata searched his face for an expression she could read but gave up and turned to the sky as well.

Naruto grabbed onto the rails when a bigger gust of wind blew. He felt it against his hair and turned his head to Hinata to see how messed up her hair was. But he didn't see anything messed up about her. His mouth opened slightly when he saw the wind pull her midnight blue hair back, showing her sweet, innocent face combined with that adorable blush. She blinked and he noticed how long her eyelashes were. His eyes then focused on her lips and he wondered how soft they would be to touch. Hinata's eyes met his and suddenly the spell was broken. "You talked to Chiemi?"

"Yep," He put his head down, noticing the moving cars and trees.

"How'd it go?"

"Hehe, what do you think?" He scrubbed the back of his head as he laughed nervously. "I'm glad it's over, but I still get the shivers when I think about it, brrr," Naruto shivered slightly and crossed his arms over his stomach.

"Poor Naruto-kun," Hinata giggled. She thought Naruto was acting cute.

"Oh? You think it's funny huh?" He lifted his eyebrow and wore mischievous grin. "Well I'll give you something to laugh about." The blond wrapped his arms around her and started tickling her sides.

"St-stop!" She yelled in between laughs. Naruto came closer to her and started laughing at his dominance.

He finally stopped but kept his arms around her waist. He sighed as he began to relax. "You know, Earlier today when I was with Chiemi I realized something." He touched Hinata's hips and hugged her stomach as he drew her in closer. "When I'm with you, nothing else matters, I forget about everything else around me. I feel complete and I know that when you're beside me, everything's going to be ok. You're always the first person I think about." He smiled as he continued. "I always feel this need to protect you and keep you close to me." He squeezed her and he began to smile whole heartedly as he took everything in. "And that's love isn't it? Hinata, you're the one I lo-"

Hinata pressed her lips against him and began to feel warmth. Naruto blinked before he kissed her back and felt a fiery passion as he played with her tongue. It felt so right, so amazing. His hands began grabbing her everywhere. He broke the kiss and started traveling down her neck with his lips. He squeezed her butt and got excited when he heard her moan. "N-Naruto-kun…" His hands journeyed to her breasts and he pressed them together as Hinata arched her back. Naruto took this opportunity to slip under her skirt and when he felt her womanhood, Naruto Jr. became excited. He knew Hinata felt it too. His fingers thrusted inside her and Hinata moved along his hips. "Ahh…"

Naruto used his free hand to massage and squeeze her breast, while he pulled her closer. "Naruto-kun I- Ahhh!," She yelled as the blonde sped up his pace and started being rougher. He needed her and he wanted her to have her release. "S-something's going to come out! Kyahh!" She came and Naruto grinned when he felt her collapse into his arms. Her face was beyond red as she panted. "H-How embarrassing!," She stammered.

"You're so fucking cute," He whispered as he slowly removed her panties.

"Wh-what are you doing?" The innocent girl gasped.

"Getting my souvenir," He picked her up and slipped it off of her.


Naruto stepped back and waved it up in the air. "Hehehehe."

"G-Give it back!" She pleaded and tried to grab it, but Naruto lifted his hand higher so she couldn't reach.

"Love you, Hinata," He gave her a toothy grin, and was overcome a by a fuzzy sensation. He liked saying what he felt out loud and Hinata's reaction was adorable. He plunged his souvenir into his pocket and took a step closer to her, until his lips were inches away from her ear. "I love you…"

Hinata felt her cheeks heat up and she closed her eyes as she felt happiness fill up her insides. "Naruto-kun…" She embraced him and kissed his neck. "I-I love you, Naruto-kun."

Naruto felt complete as he stood there with Hinata in his arms. He closed his eyes and relaxed into her form. He was in absolute bliss that is until he felt Hinata grab hold of his member. "Oh! Uh, Hinata?

"I love you so much, Naruto-kun." She squeezed His shaft and continued rubbing him until Naruto calmly removed her hand and grabbed hold of her arms. "Hehehe, if you get this excited from that then we're going to have some fun tonight."

Hinata blinked as Naruto put his arm around her and they started walking downstairs. "Come on let's go see if Sasuke's car is still parked outside, I'm hungry!"

"What restaurant are we going to, Naruto-kun?" She placed her hand over her lip in an innocent way.

"Hehe, you're funny, Hinata!" The blond had a wide perverted grin plastered on his face as he helped his girlfriend down.


A/N: It's over! Oh noes!

I would just like to say that not everybody has to end up with someone. Some people become nuns or priests. Some people get a divorce and find out they don't need a controlling man in their life, some people become prostitutes, so in this fanfic, I am God and this is how it ends.

Please Review if you have any questions, I'll answer them all :{D!

Thanks for your support!