A/N: I was told I should do a Clephiroth or Sloud story by Lady-Yuna7. Kind of. We had been Pming each other and this is what she had to say.

oh yes! i love cloud torture!! cloudxsephy is my second fave couple, next to cloudxsquall/leon. maybe you can have sephiroth reject jenova! i love those storys cause it makes me all happy inside!! yay for good sephiroth. it a pity cause my story 'Elder scroll IV: Sephiroth' i cant think of anythink to write for the next chapter! im not good at writeing action scenes and mine a bloody. i think you should put the hojo human experimentation to the max!! sure i hate hojo hurting sephiroth, but if you do it, people will hate hojo more XD!!

So, I decided to actually write my idea, since I had already been planning a 'reject Jenova' story. ^^ I hope you like it Lady-Yuna7! AND I have started the next chapter for 'Used from the Beginning' it's just not long enough for my liking which is why it isn't up yet.

WARNING: The first paragraph is from On the way to a smile: Case of the life stream Black prt 2. But that'll be the only spoiler.



"You have a choice to make." -Aerith-

Chapter 001: Choose now Sephiroth.

When the Lifestream erupted onto the surface of the planet, the man had already surrendered his inconsequential memories to the planet. Memories from when he was a boy, of his few friends, of the battles when he was still unaware, of his life in bygone days– all these became a part of the inundation, encased around Meteor, and finally receded. At the same time, the core of his spirit, and those memories deeply related to it, moved from torrent to torrent, and traveled around the land, from city to city. When the people who were trying to escape, or those left unable to do anything but stand still, were enveloped by those streams, he decided to leave them with his stigma. If Cloud noticed that stigma, the man was certain that he would never disappear. As long as Cloud remembers me, I can continue to exist. Within the Lifestream, and on the surface. Even if my spirit disseminates, even if just one fragment of a memory courses around the planet, in the end I can count on Cloud's consciousness to bring me back, the man thought as his mind continued to float and course through the life stream, though he refused to give himself up, refused to truly join it.


Though he could not form an actual true form for himself he was mentally able to create a shadow of himself, a being much like a ghost. He stood in blackness, the life stream flowing all around him. He spent his time traveling all around the world digging himself into the darkest corners of the human's hearts, leaving behind the stigma. He smirked. It was their own fault for leaving themselves with no protection against him. His smirk faded as he heard a sigh from behind him. He turned to see another shadow, the shadow of the flower girl from the slums. He smirked, Clouds little girlfriend had joined him.

"After all the destruction you caused, I don't know if I will ever be able to heal the planet." Aerith's shadow muttered, obviously weary of the thought. Sephiroth was well aware of what the flower girl did in the life stream and what she did on the surface of the planet.

"You will never be able to heal the planet." He stated with a cold smirk. She looked at him blankly.

"I can't believe how easily you forgot everything."

He crossed his arms across his chest, not actually feeling the motion but knowing he had done it and she could see it. He glared at her, his jade eyes narrowing at her.

"I have forgotten nothing!" He snapped. Aerith crossed her own arms across her chest and glared at him. She had not at first wanted to seek him out, but she had taken it upon herself to help those evil doers seek redemption.

"Oh no? Then what about you're friends?"

Sephiroth glared.

"I have no friends! I don't need friends! I WILL NEVER MAKE FRIENDS WITH THOSE FILTHY HUMANS!" He barked. Aerith's eyes shifted slightly behind him as another shadow appeared. The shadow was of a feminine creature with blue skin, long silver blue hair and glowing red eyes. She wrapped her arms around Sephiroth resting her chin on his shoulder. Aerith felt a sudden rush of hatred wash over her, but chose to ignore it, knowing she had a job to do.

"That's right…they were never you're friends. What did they ever do for you?"

Aerith's eyes narrowed. //So…it was her….\\ She thought listening while the life sucking alien spoke gently to Sephiroth who was still fuming slightly from Aerith's last comment. "They betrayed you, that's what they did. Betrayed you, hurt you…hurt me."

//Ugh, her voice is sickening!\\ But Aerith didn't interrupt, she needed to know exactly what was going on in that head of the ex-SOLDIER general before she could find a stepping stone to work with. "Don't you want to avenge your mother?"

Sephiroth turned his head slightly and glanced down at the woman clinging to him.

"Of course I do." He whispered, smirk crossing his lips. "That is why I am leaving the humans a gift from us."

The creature let a cold chuckle escape her lips which curved up into a smirk.

"The stigma. What a lovely gift."

Aerith's eyes widened. //Mother?! Sephiroth thinks she's his mother? She's using him! She's…."\\ Aerith's thoughts quieted down as she recalled a conversation she had, had with her boyfriend Zack about the general, she had been to angry to listen back then…angry that he would dare talk about the general around her. But she recalled that Zack had said that Sephiroth had never had a family, he'd been raised in the labs, no father no loving mother to comfort him…nothing. //She's using that against him….\\ She vanished leaving the shadows of Sephiroth and the alien alone.

Sephiroth blinked at the slight glowing spot where the flower girl had vanished.

"Don't listen to her Sephiroth…she doesn't matter, none of them matter. All that matters is you." She said turning so she could be in front of him. She gently cupped his chin smirking. "You becoming the ruler you ought to be…becoming the God you ought to be."

Aerith's shadow reappeared upon the surface of the earth. She fluttered through a cavern which was decorated with beautiful glowing mako crystals everywhere.

"Lucresia? Lucresia Crescent?" She called approaching the large fountain where the empty body of Dr. Lucresia Crescent rested. //Hmn what a beautiful resting place.\\ She thought when she heard a soft sob. She blinked and turned to see the shadow of said Dr. hovering near a sleeping figure Aerith hadn't seen.

"I've caused him such heart ache." She whispered gently lowering herself so she was kneeling near the sleeping figure. Aerith approached slowly, her eyes taking in the figures appearance. It was a man with long messy black hair, pale skin who was clad in a tattered red cloak.

"I know you regret the pain you caused him Dr. Crescent but…I need to speak to you about someone…else…."

The shadow the ex-scientist slowly rose and turned to look at her. Glowing pearl like tears left her eyes and hovered away from her face before vanishing completely.

"Who?" Lucresia questioned in a quiet voice, as if she were afraid to wake up the sleeping man at her feet.


The jade eyed woman grew pale, her ghost like form flickering and fluttering slightly as if she wished nothing more then to vanish and return to the life stream and flow as far away from Aerith as she could, but she didn't. She merely nodded.

"What about my son…do we need to talk about?"

Sephiroth's mind floated willy-nilly through the life stream in a slight dazed state, he grew bored with spreading the Geostigma.


In a swirl of black life stream with a few green lights here and there he formed his shadow form and eyed the flower girl who appeared before him. "I think I have someone who needs to talk to you." She stated as another woman appeared. Sephiroth's eyes narrowed at the woman as he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waste as his mother appeared behind him, obviously interested to see what was going on.

"I don't know you." Sephiroth stated simply. "And I don't care about you."

"Sephiroth…please, listen to Aerith, she knows what she is talking about. This isn't you, this is Jenova. She's controlling you!" Lucresia stated. Sephiroth's eyes flared slightly. "You're nothing but a puppet to her, a means to her whim! She's just using--"

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER THAT WAY!" He barked. Lucresia froze, her jade eyes filling with tears again.

"Oh Sephiroth…why…" A sob caught in her throat. "What did he tell you? WHAT DID THAT MONSTER OF A MAN TELL YOU!" She cried. Aerith wrapped a gentle arm around her shoulders comfortingly.

"What are you talking about?" Sephiroth questioned.

"Hojo! What did he tell you? Why are you…why are you calling her your mother?"

"Because she is my mother. AND YOU AND YOU'RE FILTHY RACE DESTORYED HER!" He snapped causing Lucresia to sob a little and shake her head.

"You're wrong Sephiroth. She's not you're mother. Hojo lied to you." She looked up at him. "I'm your mother!"

Sephiroth froze slightly a mixture of absolute rage and morbid curiosity of what the woman wanted to say twisting with in him. But Jenova had something to say.

"Don't listen to her Sephiroth. You are my son, and I am your mother. How could this human? Ever conceive a god?"

"Let her speak." He muttered. Jenova cringed slightly but didn't argue, Sephiroth had a rather entertained look on his face so she decided to remain silent. For now.

"Sephiroth. Why did you do all of that damage? Why did you hurt your friends? Why did you hurt…why did you hurt Cloud?" Lucresia questioned. Sephiroth felt a spark of anger rise with in his chest.

"That weak disgusting excuse for a human…WORTHELSS LITTLE RAT! How could he do this to me!?" He yelled, mostly angered with himself for allowing Cloud to destroy him.

Aerith glared at him.

"Don't you dare talk about Cloud like that!"

His glaring eyes snapped to her. "He loved you! Do you think it was easy for him to do that? No, you betrayed him! You hurt him. You have no idea how much you hurt him." She stated.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't listen to her." Jenova stated quickly, growing more and more weary of the direction the conversation was going. Aerith rolled her eyes loosing her patience.

"Damn it Sephiroth! You are going to remember damn it!" She stated as a white light enveloped them all and they disappeared.

They reappeared in a small bedroom. Sephiroth looked around.

"What is this?" He snapped at Aerith, attempting to return to the life stream, but it seemed Aerith was some how preventing this.

"I'm going to make you remember!" She snapped.

"Where are we?"

"Clouds bedroom. Spring 1999. A week before he left for Midgar to join the SOLDIER program." He turned and glared at him. "Three years before the two of you met."

They both glanced towards the door as they heard foot falls.

Cloud entered his bedroom, dragging his feet, head hung. He was exhausted, he'd spent the whole day moving his valuables to storage as to leave his room a little emptier and cleaner then it had been before. He looked up looking around his room. All that remained in his room was his dresser, his bed, his bed side table and all of his posters. He had news paper clippings and articles tacked all around the room on his walls, most of them near his bed. He closed his door and crossed to his bed flopping down on his back, closing his eyes and sighing before opening his eyes and gazing up at the large poster he'd tacked above his bed. It was a large almost life sized poster of the General Sephiroth. As he gazed up at the poster his weariness began to slowly ebb away as his heart beat began to quicken against his rib cage. The poster depicted the general in full uniform, leather pants and fatigues, no shirt, long leather jacket only two of the ties actually tied. His long silver hair was caught in motion, being caught and carried on a slight breeze. The setting wutainese sun cast a golden glow upon his skin, and caught his jade green eyes just right. Cloud remembered how an article had said the picture for the poster had been canon and that the general had been unaware that the camera man planned on taking a picture, but Cloud couldn't believe it. If the poster was canon and could capture such an absolutely beautiful image he wondered how absolutely beautiful the general must have been in person. The thirteen-year-old boy sighed closing his eyes. He wasn't just physically exhausted he was mentally exhausted. When he wasn't taking stuff to storage he was trying to keep his temper in check long enough to not get in fights with the other teenagers around Nibelheim, with little success. He couldn't stand the other teenagers, they were all immature, he was far more mature then them. Of course then he would tell himself having an obsessive crush on the general of Shinra wasn't all that mature, mostly when the general would never know he existed. He sighed sadly to himself. It was true, the general would never know he existed, and maybe if he were to learn about him, he would no doubt just see Cloud as another SOLDIER to order around. But Cloud didn't care, at least he had his imagining. 'Maybe I wouldn't just be another SOLDIER…maybe…maybe I could be…could be his friend.' He thought to himself before slipping his hand under his shirt and gently rubbing his stomach. It was warmer then it had been for the past month and he was debating whether or not he should remove his shirt before he passed out. But he never got that far, the gentle motion on his abdomen felt nice and was slowly awakening his rather pathetic sexual appetite. He kept his eyes closed merely petting and running his hand over his stomach enjoying the relaxing sensation. 'I might not even…bother….' He thought wondering if he were to tired to bother to give the effort to relieve his weak erection. He usually didn't touch himself for his own sexuality confused him. He had always been attracted to women, and didn't find men in slightest sexually appealing. He had a crush on his neighbor Tifa, and loved the way she looked and the way she was turning into a well developed young woman. 'A very well developed young woman.' He thought with a coy smirk. But whenever he touched himself and thought of Tifa it was impossible for him to get off…at all, it just wouldn't happen. And slowly but surely his thoughts would drift to the man depicted in the poster above his bed. 'Speaking of Poster above my bed….' He opened his eyes and took in the beauty of the man above his bed, and his penis stiffened to it's full length. He smiled miserably up at the poster, in away mentally shaming himself. He was pathetic, and he knew it. He was in love with the general, and he had never even met the man.

Sephiroth gave a disgusting grunt shifting back slightly. Aerith eyed him. From the look in his eyes that action hadn't been entirely his. Jenova was grimacing as she clung onto him. And it was her to speak, not him.

"What is the point of being in love with a male? There is no chance of reproducing!" She snapped, causing the slightly glazed look in Sephiroth's eyes to vanish and he looked at her, seeming to have just heard what she'd said. He eyed her for a moment before turning to look back at the thirteen-year-old who has ghosted his hand into his pants and was gently fondling himself. He said nothing, though Aerith had a feeling he wanted to. Jenova leaned up, her lips near his ear. "How could he have felt anything for you? He betrayed you. What kind of affection is that?"

Aerith glared as she saw Jenova's words had caused Sephiroth's rather curious/neutral face return to it's stone expression. //Damn you calamity!\\

"Fine. If you don't believe me…then here." She snapped, they were once again swallowed by life before reappearing. This time they were inside the old Shinra manor. Lucresia let out a little sob, but was other wise ignored by the other three. Two if you didn't include the alien. They watched as the manor doors opened.

Sephiroth entered looking around, followed by Zack and Cloud, who closed the doors behind them. Zack turned and smirked wrapping his arm around the cadet's shoulder.

"Come on Cloud, it's not like this is someone's house, you don't need to be so freaking polite!" He laughed giving the smaller boy a good shake before releasing him and following the general who had paused to wait for them near the stairs. "And you can take off that helmet now."

Cloud did so letting out a sigh of relief. "So what's the plan Sephy?"

Sephiroth shot the SOLDIER a glare.

"Don't call me 'Sephy' Zachary."

Zack merely laughed.

"What are you going to do? Spank me?!" He gave a faint apologetic look. "Oh sorry, I forgot only Cloud get's spanked in this party."

Cloud turned as red as a tomato and Sephiroth pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Zachary, please just go and search the lower portions of the manor." He groaned. Zack smirked, having achieved his goal before saluting.

"Yes sir!" And then he ran off. Cloud continued to blush not making eye contact with Sephiroth who smirk before turning and making his way up the stairs. Cloud blinked and followed.

"I can't believe Zack…."

"He's just playing."

"I know that, but it's just…you think he'd lay off or something. I'm surprised you haven't snapped him in half or something." Cloud stated as they walked along the halls opening doors here or there and looking in to see if there were any monsters.

"I have known Zack for a long time, he has always been a hyper active puppy."

Cloud smiled and gazed out over towards Sephiroth who exited a bedroom he'd entered.


"Yes. It's his pet name. He is a puppy." Sephiroth stated, his face as serious as ever. Cloud smiled and approached him. Sephiroth eyed him. "Why do you insist upon wearing that helmet around town? You never wear it any where else."

Cloud's smile faded and he bowed his head.

"Because of…Tifa."


"She's an old friend…she's the whole reason I tried to join SOLDIER…but I failed. I couldn't keep my promise."

Sephiroth blinked, aware of the slight depression consuming his lover. He gently clasped his shoulder causing the cadet to look up.

"Don't worry Cloud. Soon our mission will be complete and we can go back to Midgar. And you'll never have to return to this town in less you want to."

Cloud smiled.

"When are we returning Seph?"

Sephiroth turned to continue his way down the hall.

"Me and Zack will be going to search the reactor tomorrow morning, but I think we will be staying here for at least a week."

Cloud looked thoughtful, nodding his head.

"I want you to meet someone while you're here." He stated catching up with the general who blinked and glanced over his shoulder at him.


Cloud nodded.

"Yeah, I want to introduce you to my mom. Maybe after you and Zack are done searching the reactor we could go over there and have dinner…but uh…don't say anything about me and you, she doesn't know I'm…in a relationship."

Sephiroth smiled and nodded.


Sephiroth's expression was grim.

"This is pointless Sephiroth. Let us leave these two." Jenova stated, but Sephiroth ignored her.

"I. I remember that night."

Aerith turned hopefully towards him. Sephiroth closed his eyes, brows knitted together. "We spent the evening together…that was the last time I saw him before he attacked me."


He opened his eyes and gazed down at the flower girl.

"Cloud really loved you. And, from these memories you really loved him to. I know you believe Jenova to be your mother…but she isn't. She's an alien and she's using you the same way she used my people."

He felt rage fill him, but he didn't say anything. "She would kill one member of a family then take on their form so she could get close to others and kill them. That's how she operated. She'd use people, dig into them control them like puppets."

'Is that what she has been doing? Am I just a puppet? Like Cloud?' He wondered.

"Sephiroth don't listen to her. She's lying!"

"I'm not Sephiroth. I'm giving you a choice."

He looked at her.

"A choice?"

"Yes. I am going to give you choice to remain wandering the life stream for all eternity, never knowing the truth for yourself…or sending you back to relieve these memories…where you will need to choose what you want to do. If you choose the same choices you did before…then you will end up back here as if nothing had happened. But if you make different choice you may find yourself surprised at what happens."


"If you send me back…"

"You will have all of you're memories. Of all of the actions you did. All of the people you killed, all in the name of revenge for your mother."

He remained silent for a long while, the only sound around them the soft sobs coming from Lucresia.



"Fine." He said a little more conviction. "You can send me back. But I can almost guarantee you that nothing will change."

Aerith smiled before a ray of white light enveloped him and he was no more.

A/N: I am proud of this first chapter. I am not sure if others will be interested in it, but I am proud of it. Proud of how it turned out. I hope you guys could understand it, it's just a little concept of mine. ^^ So, if you like it please review. If you don't like it, then you can go a head and review but I'm pretty sure I'll ignore you. Thank you.