Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Inuyasha. However I do own all the extras that appear throughout this story.

Chapter 1 Prologue:

'May 27'-the day that I got into the car crash, that ended my life. Here I'm lying on this cold, coarse roadway bleeding to death thinking about how life is so cruel. The rain pour hard down upon my face washing away the red pool of blood. It took only 9 months to created a life form but just a few seconds to kill it. I can faintly hear people talking or maybe they're just whispering to each other not wanting to let me hear anything. Nobody want me to know anything, that was how it always had been.

I tried to open my eyes to see what was going on but my eyelids felt so heavy and it hurts when I tried to open them. When I can finally open a little bit of my eyes, all I see is the flouresant lights on the ceiling turning into different colors. Sometimes it stayed red and then it turned into a pinkish shade and then it turned blue and so forth.

'I never knew flouresant lights can do that' I thought so myself. I closed my eyes soon after feeling tired and there seem to be something sharp that keep poking at the corner of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, we could not help her any longer," I can faintly hear someone said.

"What do you mean you could help her no longer!" I heard his voice echoing in my head, at least I think it was him.I think he's mad... at that helpless person, at his girlfriend, at the world, at me, or maybe just himself.

'Damn right you should be feel like shit right now! But I'm haven't die yet! And if I wake up from this horrible dream I wanted to rip your head off! For all you pain that you caused me, for all the obstacles you put me through, for all of the craps that I have to put up with you.' I wanted to yell on top of my lungs those words but nothing come out when I tried.

Wait a minute! I think I'm going a little too fast here. Let me take you back to about six months ago where it all started…

Chapter 1:

6 Months Ago:

"WHAT!" I could not believe what I just heard.

"Rin, I--I mean 'we' figure that this would be the best time to tell you," my father said.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Who is this dude? What am I going to tell to all of my friends? How will I explain it to Landin?"

"Who's Landin? Your friend Landin?" Asked my mother cooking in the kitchen.

"He's my--my 'boyfriend', my ONE year relationship! How could you two do this to me? Since when did America turned into a country of affianced!"

"Rin!" My father yelled.


"You will listen to your mother and me. I thought you are old enough to assimilate the situation but I guess that I was wrong. Nevertheless, you WILL move to Tokyo."


"No but, go to your room and think over this. You will not dishonor this family with your selfish and puerile head. The promise was already made before you were born and you will follow with it whether you like it or not."

"Father! I'm not going to move across the continent to live in some place I don't know. And worse, to meet some guy I haven't even seen before and marry him just over some promise that you made with their family! I'm going to my room, but I'm not going to think over it, I'm going to 'get' over it! Good night!" I stomped up the stairs in anger. How could my mother go through with this? They are just going to sell me off to Asia after 16 years of raising me? Their own daughter! Am I some kind of object that can just be sold off like that?

"What are we going to do with her, Naraku," I overheard my mother talking downstairs with my father.

My father, I heard, sigh, "I don't know, I thought this was the most appropriate time to reveal to Rin about her betrothal but I guess I was wrong."

"Oh please darling don't say that, you were just trying to look out for her. Maybe someday Rin will see and try to appreciate our love for her. But I am worry about her."

"Is there something I don't know about that you have to tell me?"

"No, it's just that I don't want her to travel to Tokyo all alone. I wish at least one of us could at least go with her," my mother said sadly.

"I wish so too," sighed my father, "but you are too busy with your designing company with a fashion tour coming. And the day of her flight, I have a meeting in Las Vegas."

"When is her flight?"

"In one week on Tuesday."

I felt like crying myself to sleep on my bed, the familiar bed that I've been sleeping in since I was thirteen. The thought of moving to a place that I've never been in before without my parents and shoddier to meet with my future 'husband' that probably will turn out to be an ugly duckling is so dreadful.

-OARG!- I groaned as I beat my head with a pillow over and over again.


I stood in silence with my father and mother at the gate. I looked at them; mother wept her eyes with a piece cloth while father looked down at the ground.

"Will you write everyday honey? Will you call us? Will you visit us once you are adjust to your new life?" My mother poured down millions of question on me.

I felt sorry for my mother, "I…will try." I then look longingly to my father, trying to make him change his mind but it does not seem so.

"Have a nice trip Rin," said my father smiling sympathetically.

"Thanks." And with that last word, I waved good bye and went into the airplane without looking back nor a single tear.

I'm a big girl, a tough person. I will not let a departure like this ruin that image. I remember back to the day I called all of my girl friends and Landin to sit down and announced my leaving.


"That is insane! You're joking right?" Jennifer exclaimed blinking her eyes furiously at me.

"No joke here," I answered, "my parents just told me the news last night. I have a week to put everything together and leave."

"Your parents are insane! Who would do such a thing to their child!" Alisha said was just as shocked as everyone in the room.

"So you're just going to leave us? Are you going to come back?" Ksenia, the pretty blonde in our group, asked. Tears seems to drown her Russian green eyes as she weep on.

"I don't know," I said looking at Landin to see his expression, but he seemed to be in his own world right now.

"Who is this fiancé of your anyways? Have you meet him before?" Krista asked.

"Do you know what he looks like even?" added Savannah, Krista's sister.

"No, I don't know anything about him. I asked my mother about him but she told me that she didn't know either. My dad moved to San Jose before he was married to my mother so she does not know anything."

"Well we'll pray for you so he'll turn out to be at least decent looking," teased my out spoken friend, Emily.

"Emily!" everyone yelled in unison.

"Well it's true! I wouldn't want to marry an ugly guy for a husband!" Emily argued back.

"Landin?" I looked up to see him stood up and walk out of the room. Everyone quiet down after that. I was wondering what was wrong with him so I follow after.

I found him standing at the balcony at the end of the hallway.

"Landin?" I asked before he turned around.

His bleached blonde hair hide away his blue eyes from my view. He turn around and looked at me as if he was angry, "So that's it then? You're going to leave here and go to another continent to marry someone? Do you have any idea how weird that sounds?"


"I waited for Rin, three damn years to be able to be with you!" His voice banged inside my head, "And now after a year you're just going to throw everything away?"

"It's not my fault!"

"Damn right it's not," he said sarcastically.

"What? You think I'm a liar now?"

"Oh no! Why on earth would I be assuming that?"

"You know Landin! You honestly sound like a fucking bastard right now! I'm not going to talk to you until you think this over. I already explained it to you and the girls inside and if you're too closed mind to understand that's fine!" With that I left and go back to the room.



After 21 hours of nauseous flight, I had finally put my footstep upon the land of Asia. I looked around in the airport at all of the Japanese people, my own race, walking around, looking and waiting for their belongings. I spotted my three suitcases, all of them in different shades of pink and thought I knew that someday they would be useful! The pink stand out from the rest of the others. I remember back to what my parents' instruction. I was to wait at gate E, which is where I am now, for a man with white long hair which my mother said I could definitely not missed. I didn't't really know what she meant but I guess I will wait and see.

Then, just as my mother had predicted, a figure stand out of the rest of the horde of people walk up to me. He was tall, about 6 feet or perhaps taller, with long hair tied in a high pony tail, his amber eyes shine like the sunlight. He smiled brightly as he came up to me as if he was sure that he know who I was.

"Hello there," he said in a humming voice, "you must be Riari Rin, am I correct?"

"Rin Riari," I informed him still mad over the whole engagement deal.

"Right, American stated their last name after the first. Pardon me, I am Inutaisho Michiyo, a friend of your father."

"My father," I whispered under my breath, "I thought I was to come here for my uhhh fiancé?" The last word was new to me, I felt funny saying it.

The older man laughed, "Yes, but you should look at it as an opportunity to learn new things. There are more to one's life than a fiancé you know."

Easy for you to say. "Yeah, I suppose," I lied.

We rode in his black Escalate. The window was roll down, Mr. Michiyo explained that it saved him batteries not to turn on the air condition even though it's winter.

"Am I suppose to stay at your place?" I asked him shivering.

Jennifer told me that it was cold in Japan during the winter because she visited Tokyo once when she was 10, but I didn't expect it to be this cold. I had on three layers of clothing, my tank top, my sweater, and my fur coat while on the bottom with regular jean and fury boots but I still feel like I am naked in an ice chalet.

"No, it's just my job to pick you up. You're staying up at a shrine."

"A shrine?"

"Kaede, a friend of mine, you're staying at her shrine. I figure it would be more comfortable if you were to stay in a shrine with women," he winked.

I smiled back. I wonder how old he is, he looked quite young, I'm guessing probably in his late 20's or early 30's, but for some reasons I convinced myself that he was older than what he actually looked like,"Are you full Japanese, Mr. Michiyo?"

He laughed, "Yes."

"I'm sorry to ask such an idiotic question, it's just that--"

"Don't worry, it's not the first time someone asked me that. The abnormal light hair color and eyes kind of get to everybody but they soon learn to get use to it. You will too."

"Oh ok." I wanted to ask him more questions but I decided to stay quiet. Inutaisho did the same.

We stood at the wooden gate, the entrance to the shrine I'm suppose to stay at, and Mr. Michiyo pushed on the doorbell. A moment later, a young pretty girl about my age came out to answer. Her long hair was black as raven, her eyes brown as the wooden gate. She smiled sweetly at the silver haired male beside me, and then toward myself. I decided right then that I like the girl.

"Good afternoon Mr. Michiyo."

"Afternoon Sango."

"Grandmother is waiting for you up at the main house."

"Thank you," Inutaisho then turned to me, "this is Rin Riari. I trusted that Kaede had already inform you on her staying?"

The girl nodded.

"Good. Well Sango, I'll leave her to you then. Good day."

"Good day to you too, sir," the girl bow down as the older man leave. She then turn to me and smile, "I heard from grandma Kaede that you came from America?"


"How do you enjoy Tokyo so far?"

"Eh, it's ok I suppose. What I really don't get is why am I staying at this place. And I don't even know who my 'fiancé' is nor what he looks like. What happen if he turned out to be ugly and I have to wake up every morning in our bed looking at his face--" I went on blabbing childishly about this unknown fiancé while Sango just listen with interest.

"Rin, if there is anything that you should doubt about your fiancé, the one thing that you should not be doubting about is his looks."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say that you're a lucky girl when it come to that factor."

I was relieved when I heard the maiden say that to me, "So you mean he's a looker! What does he look like? How old is he? Do you know him?"

The girl laughed, "You'll see…"

I was then shown to my new bedroom. It was not the size that I wanted but it was homely at least. The squared shaped room was painted sky blue with white clouds on the ceiling. The door was traditional Japanese style, located at the right was my bed, the bathroom door was on the left beside the dresser, a working desk with its chair stood opposite to the entrance next to the closet door.

Sango helped me put away all of my belongings in the closet and dresser. She turned out to be a very nice gal. She promised to give me a tour in Tokyo seeing that I had never visit it. Sango happen to be my age, 16, and have a boyfriend that is a year older than her. She showed me a picture of them together, I commented on how cute he was but all she said was that I will change my mind when I meet him.

The mysterious white hair man was gone by the time Sango took me to meet her grandmother. I asked about him but all they told me was that he was a friend of my father. Grandmother Kaede was an old woman, her hair gray and her eyes dark as the night sky. Soon, I was beginning to like the place and the two women in the shrine. I was still a little angry at my father, but I soon got over that too after his phone call that night.

He apologized to me for not letting me choose my own husband. He also was sorry for yelling at me and say mother and he missed me a whole lot. He say that they will visit me when they are not too busy off of work.

"Maybe during the winter break, Christmas perhaps!" said he.

"Alright," I was hesitant on his promised considering he was a horrible person when it come to this kind of thing, "it's right now 1 AM daddy so I have to go. I have school tomorrow."

"Yes, you need your beauty sleep. Good night honey."

"Good night, send my love for mommy."

"Ok, bye."

"Toodles," I hung up the phone with a big breath.

"I didn't expect that I would have to go to school the day right after I got to Tokyo," I said rubbing my eyes. Sango was driving her 1989 Toyota while I complain on the passenger seat. It was an old car but I do like the silver paint job.

"Yup! Japan with its education is very serious. But don't worry, you will have every class with me so I'll guide you on what teacher is nice and which one is strict."

After a moment of silence I decided to asked Sango,"So tell me Sango, how old is my fiancé?"

"You'll find out eventually Rin," Sango laughed, "put him aside for a while. Just think of this as a new home, of course without your parents."

"Oh the fun of that!" I laughed along, "So correct me if I'm wrong, we have to wear this uniform everyday or else we'll get detention?"

"Yup! Like I said, Japan and its strict educational system. You don't like the school uniform?"

"Oh no! Don't get me wrong I like it. I was just wondering."

It just like all the Japanese's anime I saw on TV in America, the high school uniform was included of a skirt and blouse with a big bow. Sango said that every school uniform was based on the color of their mascot. Our school mascot was a green and gold panther, a really strange color choice for a panther I must say. The faded green skirt reached down at mid-thigh and the white long sleeve top has green collar with three golden stripes circling around it. A big yellow bow was attached right where the collar came down from, right on your chest. We have to wear black sneakers, but we can choose our own socks as long as they go along with the uniform. I wore mismatch socks, a habit that I picked up from the kids in America; one was white with golden trimming and a fuzzy ball in the back while the other sock was white with the same design, only the trimming and ball was dark green. I asked Sango to make sure if it was ok to wear them to school, and she say it was cute so I take it as a yes. I made sure to wear my furry coat when we got out of the house since who would want to get sick during these time of year.

Sango parked her car a block away from the actual school saying how it will be easier to get out of school once it was over. I understand what she was trying to say since it took me forever to get out of my old school parking lot after school hour.

We walked together toward the school. It was just like a fantasy land like those cartoons I've watched when I was still living in L.A. The pink sakura trees with its feathery petals flow wildly in the wind, students all walking toward the school just as what we're doing. Then out of no where, I heard Sango screamed.

"AHHH pervert!" -Slap-

I looked over to see what was going on and see a guy with short black hair and dark eyes with a red mark on his face (Sango slapped him.) He smiled at me and bow his head lightly.

"This is my boyfriend Miroku," Sango said with a water drop, "And this is Rin, the girl that I've been telling you about Miroku."

"My, my what a beauty you are," the boy said winking at me.

"Huh?-- I mean hi!" Wasn't he suppose to say that to his girlfriend?

"Hey guys!" I heard a beeping from a car. Turning around to see where it was coming from, I spotted a red Ferrari F50. A pretty girl poke her head out of the passenger seat window, her dark hair flow freely in the air, waving at us.

"Hey!" Sango and Miroku waved back.

"Meet you guys at the gate!" The boy, who was driving, called out as the car passed us. I didn't get a good looking at him.

"Who was that?" I asked admiring the nice car.

"The girl was Kagome, she's one of my best friend. The guy name is Inuyasha," reply Sango.

"Rich kid?" I still looked longingly at the car referring to Inuyasha.

"Rich kid," Miroku answered.

When we got to the school gate finally, the girl and the boy was waiting for us. The boy was wearing the same school uniform as Miroku. Deep green pants, a white thin shirt, and yellow jacket with a little pocket on their right. I gasped when I saw the boy, he looked very much like Inutaisho Michiyo. It was later that Sango explained to me that Inuyasha was his son.

Wow he has a son that's in high school! Who would have guessed a young looking man like him have a 16 year old son.

I was very attracted toInuyasha's strange looking ears, it doesn't even look normal for one person to have ears that look like a dog. Kagome told me that it's some kind of science experiment went wrong while he was younger.

"It's very cute," I commented on it. Kagome and Sango laughed nervously at my comment.

"He doesn't like to be called 'cute'," Kagome whispered to me.

Kagome was a beautiful girl and really nice too, however Inuyasha did not agree with me when I complimented on her looks. I did not know why but Inuyasha seems not to like Kagome very much and the same goes for her, however the two still hung out together. Miroku say is was a love-hate relationship.

"I would like you all to meet Miss Rin Riari, she's a student moving from Los Angelas. Please welcome her to Tokyo with all due respect," my English teacher introduced me to the class and send me on my way to find a place to seat. Of course, I choose to sit with Sango and Kagome.

"Please open your book to page 286 on the--" the teacher went on as books were open.

"How did you know to speak Japanese so well Rin?" Kagome whispered to me.

"My parents made me study it when I was little. They say it's good to learn my native language." I whispered back, and boy were they right!

I definitely started to like this place now! The people were friendly, the teachers are not too bad, the school was big and advanced, the place I'm staying at is very homely, and my new friends are great companies. How could it get any better?

At Lunch:

"You should join the basketball team, Rin," Kagome suggested to me.

Kagome, Sango, and I were looking over the school's activity list to choose what I should do after school. Sango was going to join fencing and volleyball, Kagome was going to try out for cheerleading and tennis. Miroku and Inuyasha basically joined every single sport related clubs there is after school, and myself?… still in the process of choosing.

"I suck at sports," I admitted.

"Well? There are Science club, English club, French club. Oh! And even girl's league if you want!" Sango said.

"Eh…Sango I'm good at math and science but that doesn't mean a geek," I said getting kind of annoyed that I don't belong anywhere.

"Well, is there anything in here you are at least interest in? We all have two weeks before all of them started. I mean there must be at least one thing that you belong to, the school has over 200 activities!" said Miroku.

I did not answered his question but keep flipping through pages impatiently, "Jackpot!" I exclaimed.

Everyone gather around me, take a peek at what I was looking at, and then gagged in disgust, "Nah no way Rin!" Inuyasha shook his head.

"Not with those stuck up bitches," Kagome nodded in agreement with her dog-ear friend.

"Anything but that," Miroku padded me on the shoulder.

"How come? I think it would be fun to join this," I said squinting my eyes in confusion.

"Rin, do you have any ideas how hard it is to get into the dance team?" Sango asked me, "you have to at least have some experiences in the past before to register. And then they put you through so many routines to remember that it'll make your head spin. And then last if you did make the team but if the teammates don't like you, they'll give you shit so you will have to quit the team. Those dance girls are a bunch of stuck up whores."

Wow! I never heard Sango swore before so they must be mean people yet I still wanted to try out. "I like challenges guys. There's nothing to loose if I didn't make the squad. I've been dancing ever since I was 7 and I was in my dance team at my old school. I think I can make it."

"What are you going to do about those girls though? They'll try to rip your head off," Kagome sounded worry.

"Not if I rip their off first," I smiled now feeling confident more than ever, "I like a challenge in life and I love competing for basically anything. If those girls try to mess with me, I'll do the same back only I'll make it three times worse."

-Inuyasha and Miroku clapped in the background raising flags up in the air-

Sango sighed in disapproval, "I'm not going to like this, but I'll support you with a 100 percentsanyway."

"Yeah you go girl! Show them how it's done! Who knows, you might make it through and maybe we'll get to see a nice girl up in their team for once," Kagome cheered.

Meanwhile At The Table Right Next To Us:

"What are they hollering about?" A girl with long brown hair said.

"One of them is trying to get into the squad," answered another girl.

"Which one?" said the third girl out of the group of snobby looking preps.

"I don't know, who cares. They won't make it anyways. Only seniors and juniors usually make the team. They're all sophomore girls. The only reason I tolerate those sophomores because Inuyasha hung out with them, I don't even know why he does. Those girls are ugly, he should be hanging out with us. Hey it's Sesshoumaru! Whoo-hoo! Sesshy! Over here darling!" The girl with the brown hair stood up yelling in the air.

"What is that girl doing?" I asked looking at the brown hair girl. Her shrieky voice send shivers down my spine.

"Oh that's Ai," Miroku said as he checking out her butt, "dance's team captain."

"The bitchiest of them all," Sango said while staring at Miroku in the corner of her eyes. -Little red angery marks appeared on her head-

"Damn, that bastard is here," Inuyasha grumbled.

Well that was random. I thought, "Who's the bastard?"

"His half brother," Kagome waved as if it doesn't matter.

"Sesshoumaru Michiyo," Miroku added, "best football, basketball, and baseball player of the year two years in a row. He can slam dunk like no one can, stole 10 touch downs from the opposite team, and scored 15 home runs last season."

"Sound like a hardcore jock to me," I commented looking over at the next table but soon catch onto myself.

I gasped when I spotted another boy with silver hair and golden eyes just like Inuyasha. His long hair silver hair reflected the sun's light making random strands of his hair turned gold. His yellow jacket complimented on his tawny eyes which filled with mysteries and of the unknown. I could feel my head getting dizzy at the sight of him. I touched my forehead trying to make myself settle down.

"Are you ok Rin?" Miroku asked in concern.

"Y-yeah I just felt a little light headed that's all," I lied.

The whole gang then get back to looking at the activities list and talking about random things. I tried to do the same but the image of the golden eyes boy would not get out of my head. I looked over at the next table trying to see where he was and spotted him. I gazed at his beauty until he looked at me. Our eyes locked for a short while before I turned away feeling stupid.

Physic Ed. By far was my least favorite subject during school. Sango and I sit at the bleachers waiting for the P.E. teacher to come out. I don't feel comfortable at all in the uniform they gave me for P.E. The short sleeve shirt look good on Sango but wouldn't do the same favor for me. They must have ordered the wrong size since the part around my chest was tight as all hell. The short-short short didn't help either, I was always proud of my butt but now I feel like every guy in the gym is starting at it because the short accentuate my curves even more. I informed the teacher about my P.E. uniform being smaller than what it was suppose to be but she said to me was it was the right size and my curvy shape was just something that I have to live with.

In this period, Sango informed me that we have two sophomore classes, a junior class, and a senior class combined since P.E. is a combo grade class. What made it worse was that Sesshoumaru Michiyo is in it. I could not help but to look at him once in a while but whenever I catch a glimpse of him, he seem to be staring at me too. I thought I was hallucinating the first couple times, but then I convinced myself that he was actually watching me which make me felt completely nerve wrecking.

We had to run a mile today, the teacher announced. I heard a few people groan in pain for they don't want to do it. I wanted to complain too, but I remember Miroku's word about Sesshoumaru being very sporty so I hold it all in, trying to impress him. We started the mile and I was fast enough to be able to keep up with Sango the whole time. I was surprised at how fast I finished the mile consider that I always thought I was a slow poke. Sango finished at the10th spot while myself stood at 11th with the time of 6:27. Sesshoumaru, I noticed, finished first with something like 4 minutes and 2 seconds (A/N: yes it's possible to finish the mile in 4:02 for those people who doesn't believe it. I saw one of my freinds done it before!)

I was quite hot and sweaty by the time P.E. was over. Sango was still changing into her uniform so I headed out to the bleachers first to wait for her. Every guys passed me smile and said hi for some odd reasons. They hadn't done it all period, why now? But I smiled back anyways not wanting to be rude, one actually approached and started a conversation.

"My name is Kouga," he told me, "and your gorgeous?"


"I noticed you today at lunch. You're a friend of Kagome?"

"Yeah, I guess you can say that."

"Are you doing anything after school today or perhaps tonight baby? Because if you're not busy then I think we should have coffee. What do you say Rin?"

"Well? I don't know I really don't like--" I started.

"She's not going with you anywhere," I felt a warm hand rested on my shoulder.

"Hey Michiyo!" Kouga eyes widen, "I didn't know you and Rin here knew each other."

I was shocked to death! Sesshoumaru Michiyo is putting his hand on my shoulder! Ok I know that sound pathetic but if a guy that you think is drop dead gorgeous do that to you, you'll be excited as much as I was.

I looked up at Sesshoumaru, his eyes glare deadly into Kouga's, "Listen here douche bag," he said grabbing Kouga by the jacket, "when you finally can get yourself a good fuck and score some points with a bunch of whores, then you might be worthy enough to kiss this girl's shoes, got it?"

"Dude, I was just kidding man. Honestly! Catch you all later," Kouga said backing up.

"Umm thanks?" I said trying not to say something stupid, "Sesshoumaru-sama--I mean Sesshoumaru--I mean Michiyo-- Ohhk I'll shut up now…" I trailed off blushing madly.

He let go of me at the instant I started to talk, Damn stupid me! Should not have said anything!

"You might want to button up your blouse more next time," he said leaning against the wall next to me.

"What?" I looked down at myself and felt even more embarrassed. My top was only button half way up, you can see part of my bras from any angle! So that's why people were looking at me strangely! Those perverts!

"Sorry about that."

"Rin Riari am I right?" He said now looking at me. His eyes are so beautiful up closeI could not help but just look dreamingly into it.

"Huh! Yeah right! Riari! Rin, sure!" I said hastily.

His eyes seems to flirt with me even though his face expression did not change. He then lean down to my face whispering hotly in my left ear, "I like that name, just roll your off your tongue doesn't it?"

"Umm sure," I said, my face must've been red as an apple then! I inhale deeply feeling light headed again to be so close to him. The smell of juniper berry mixed with white sage and cardamom touched my nose. "You smell good." I mummbled. Oh shit! Why did I say that!

He chuckled softly and lean back, "That was unexpected but thanks. Tell Sango that I'll be taking you home after school today."


"Later shorty," he said, waving lightly with his back turn to me, as the bell ring.

"Wait! What are you talking about?" It was too late, he's already gone blending into the hordes of people.

"Sorry Rin!" I heard Sango coming toward me, "I had to talk to my coach. Whoa! What happened to you girl! You looked like a train wreck, did you over worked in P.E. today? Your face is really red did you noticed that?"

"Uhhh no! I--uhh yeah…"

"Ohhhk? I will just pretend I didn't hear that and take it as a no."

"Umm Sango?" I was not sure whether to tell Sango about what Sesshoumaru said to me or not. Maybe he was just kidding. Maybe he'll ditched me if I waited for him. I mean who would just come up to you and tell you that? It doesn't make any sense.


"Never mind."

"Ok Rin."

7th Period:

I got to tell her! I got to tell her! One part of me just wanted to tell her and get it over with. But the other part doubting that it will be a prank and Sango will think that I'm some kind of weirdo. I stared into space for a while and then started to wonder off from the chalk board to the windows. It was beginning to rain outside, I can hear the little droplets of water turn into a heavy shower outside. It's strange how just several hours ago it was sunny and now the sky had turn dark and black.

"Sango?" I whispered trying not to interrupted the teacher's lecture.

"What is it?"

"I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead I'm listening."

"Ok, this may sound really strange but--"

"What may sound really strange Miss. Riari?" I heard the teacher asked me.

"Ummmm nothing maim!"

"I forgot to tell you that Ms. Kagurazaki is not a very nice woman, sorry," Sango whispered to me.

"Would you tell us how the elements in the period table are arranged by?" Inquire Ms. Kagurazaki.

"Well?" I scratched my head, "the elements are arranged by families which are the columns in the chart."

"…Good," Ms. Hino gave me a warning look, and then continued on with her lesson.

"How did you know that? We didn't even get to that part yet," Inuyasha whispered to me.

"You were actually listening Inuyasha?" Kagome sound surprised.

"Feh," he made the sound.

"What did you have to tell me Rin?" Sango asked again.

"Just forget it, it's nothing important," I lied.

After school:

-School bell rang-

"This is what I hate about parking a block away from the school sometimes. When it rained, you have to walk a block to get there," Sango whined as we gather our stuff to go home. Kagome and Inuyasha already left since they say they have to go pick up somebody. Miroku had work so he left early.

"Yeah--" I stared into space again not really listening to her.

"Rin, you've been acting strange after P.E. Want to tell me what's going on? Rin?... Rin…Rin!"

"What? I'm sorry come again?"

"See this is what I mean, you have been quiet and wonder off in la-la land after 6th period. So what's going on tell me," Sango sit down next to me.

"Well?" Tell her! Tell her! "Promise not to laugh or look at me funny if I told you?"

"I swear!" Sango said raising her hand up in the air as a pledge.

"Ok! Well you know Inuyasha's brother Sesshoumaru Michiyo?"


"He told me to tell you that he'll take me home today after school…I guess I should have told you earlier but I was afraid that it was some kind of joke and I don't want you to laugh at me thinking I'm pathetic for believing him. And since it's already after school I think he might left and…" I trailed off feeling dim-witted already.

"Ohhh!" Sango hugged me in happiness for some reason, "Why would I laugh at you Rin? No hard feelings what so ever ok? Now about Sesshoumaru, he usually park his car in the gym parking lot but if anything he usually pick up his girlfriend by the front gate so go there."

"His girlfriend?" My heart skipped.

"Yeah, you didn't expect a guy like him to be single do you?" Sango raised one of her eye browse upbut then she gasped as if she found a treasure, "Nah Rin! You do not have a crush on him, do you?"

"Well I--"

"You have a fiancé for god sake!"

"I know but he's--"

"Oh no! This won't do! I have to take you home now, you can't mingle around with that boy."

"Sango please!" I whined pouting my lips, "I haven't even meet up with my fiancé yet! Let me have some fun before I grow old into an unhappy wife!" (Ok, so I was exagerating the situation a little bit but hey! You would be doing so for a good looking guy like Sesshoumaru.)

Sango looked at me unapproved but she gave in and laughed, "Ok, but if he did not wait for you at the gate you have to walk home and you know how far the shrine is from this school."

"Yeah approximately 4 miles," I sighed.

It has been five minutes since Sango left me at the front gate. The rain poured harder and harder as each minute passed by. Sango give me her umbrella to covered but it doesn't seem to help much since the wind is blowing from two different directions which make the water washed against my face and body. I stood there shivering in the cold while waiting for what seems like eternity.

Great! What a pranker that Sesshoumaru is. I wonder where that son of a bitch is! He probably already left since Sango and I took too long to get out. Or maybe he decided to not to come. Or perhaps he already picked up his girlfriend and they went-- Argh I need to stop thinking to so negatively! Ok Rin! Think positive! Positive! Positive! Ahhh who am I kidding? I might as well start to walk home now, no one is coming. The whole school is empty, everybody had already left.

I started to walk with the umbrella toward home. A couple times the wind blew so strong that it flipped my umbrella upward making me have to stop and flipped it back. The rain poured downbrutally on my face no matter what position I hold the umbrella in. My clothes were soaking wet, I tried to cover myself seeing that the shirt was see-through once it became wet. I came up to an intersection, Red light ok can't walk yet! How could this night get worse? As if to answer my call, a car drove by me splashing the street water at my already wet clothes.

"Loser!" I heard from the car as the couple inside started to laugh out loud.

"Fucking morons," I mumbled to myself.

The light turned green so I started to walk again.

Won't Sango be proud and happy when she found out that she was right. God! I need a shower, my clothes are hella dirty. I feel like crying. Surely something good must come out of something that is bad as this. I tried to cheer myself up.

I heard the engine of a car coming my way, the engine first loud but then started to simmer down to a soft hum like the wind. The car lights reflected its shadow and mine against the building on the street. A sapphire blue Laraki Fulgura crept its way from behind me, its tinted black window rolled down.

"Hey, need a ride?"

I looked skeptically over at the person and then my mouth dropped open, inside the vehicle was Sesshoumaru Michiyo. A shock of joy went through my body and I wanted to jumped up and down screaming. The next feeling came as an angry and depressant one. It's hard to explain if one is not in the situation so I rather not get into it very much.

I stopped and turn toward the car and Sesshoumaru got out of it. He ran around the coupe to greet me. I wanted to ask 'Where were you? Why did you let me wait for so long? Do you always do this to a new girl? Why are you so cruel? Do you like me?' but I reframe myself from saying any of it.

He must've taken off his jacket for standing in front of me, Sesshoumaru was adorn by a white partly unbutton shirt. As if he couldn't look any sexier! The silver bangs of his was wet with the rain pouring down, his long silky hair dripped with water because of the rain fall. His eyes seemingly to look so icy that it send more shudders down my back.

We must've just stand there staring at each other for overten minutes or so. I finally got out of thereverie and manage to smile weakly at him, "Hi."

He said nothing back, but open the door for me to get in. The door raised up instead of 'out' like regular cars.

'Rich Kid,' Miroku's voice flashed back into my mind when he was talking about Inuyasha.

That make sense. Inuyasha has a nice car, figure his brother would too.

We rode in silence for awhile before Sesshoumaru decided to speak, "I had to stay a little bit late after school because coach wanted to talk to me about what sports I'm trying out for this year."

"Oh," was all I said. Say something Rin! Why the hell are you being so quiet! Say something!

"You know," he started to talk again, "with that shyness of your, you won't make it far if you wanted to try out for dance team."

"H-how did you know?" I asked in amazement.

"My girlfriend," Sesshoumaru said easily, "Ai's the dance team captain. We were looking over the files today after school, I happened to noticed that you're one of them."

"Oh," I knew it! You didn't only go to talk to your coach! You were with her too! I felt angry and betrayed for no reasons. It's not like he's going out with me, he's going out with another girl so why should I feel jealous! God what is wrong with me today? Must be that time of the month again.

Sesshoumaru glanced shortly at me and then back to on the road, "So you are a sophomore."

"Yeah… ?"

"Do you only answer people's question in one word?" Sesshoumaru raised an eye browse.

"No, it's just--"

"That's a start, keep going," he said amusingly.

"Nothing. It's just nothing... What grade are you in?"


"Oh... Where are you heading?" I panic once I realized that Sesshoumaru was going another direction instead of to the shrine.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to noticed that," Sesshoumaru said knowingly, "we're heading to my place. Don't worry, you told Sango that I'm going to take you home right?"


"Then no worries. My father would like to have a talk with you, might as well let him get over with it now then later."

"With me?"

"I believe that you already met up with him."

"Yeah." That's right, Inutaisho is his father. I can't still get over how young Inutaisho looked for a man who has two sons. The three looked like they should be brothers more than father and sons.

Silence once again fill the space. Sesshoumaru was concentrating on driving since the rain has poured down more arduously than before and we were on the highway.

The air conditioning wasn't on even though it's winter and raining outside. The leather seat did not help either as I lean myself back. My wet attire was sticking to my body. And every time it did, I try to peel the material off but it doesn't seem to work so I gave up. My eyes wonder around the car as the silence goes on.

Sesshoumaru's muscular figure was shown through the thin damped fabric. His broad shoulder, muscular arms, lean pecks, and 6-pack was visible for me to see. I dazed on dreamily looking at it as if I was a fly and he was a light bulb.

He must have known that I was looking at him because he then shook his head lightly and continue on driving, "Ai won't let you join the team, you know."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The dancer on the squad, they won't let you join. They're a bunch of stuck up bitches."

"Then why did you date one of them then?" I asked, didn't mean to sound like I was jealous but it obviously shown.

He looked at me in boredom and then back at the road, "Why not? She's a good hole to fuck in."

D-di-did I just heard that right! I looked at him in amazement but he acted as if it was normal for a person to say that.

We are approached Inu-Youkai Avenue and Sesshoumaru made a right turn into that road. The street was covered by more trees as we drove in silent. There were so many trees that it soon canceled out all of the rain. We seems to enter a different world. The road had turn from cement to dirt, stray animals were roaming around the now forest, and there seem to be more wild dogs running around as we go deeper into the wood. I poke my head out of the car's window only to cowardly take it back. The rain seems to stop, but the weather was freezing. I forgot about Japan winter's weather.

I shiver as I roll up the window again, "Boy it's cold!"

"You get use to it," was Sesshoumaru's reply, "we're here."

WOW! my mouth was open in awed. When Miroku say that they were rich, I did not realized how 'rich' he meant. The building in front of me was the size of a humongous castle!

"How many people live this place!" I asked as we enter the tall black gate.

"Family members, butlers, maids. I don't think I was ever bored enough to look over the staff's list for the number of people who stay in the house."

"House, try 'mansion'! Your place is huge!"

He made a "feh" sound and parked the car in front of the house. A butler came out of the house and greet us. Sesshoumaru handed him his key car and the man leave with a nod and drove the car to the parking space.

Although the place was covered with green trees, the estate itself was clear of any kind. The four-stories-tallmansion stood proudly in the middle of nowhere. I stared at the gold dog's head door knob on the French style door.

A maid came up to us and smiled, "Sesshoumaru-sama," she bowed as we entered the house.

"Where is father?" asked Sesshoumaru.

"He has notasking for you to yet come back. He calledwait for his return."

"Did he tell you when?"

"Around 6 o'clock sir."

"God damn I couldn't wait that long. I'm taking you home, father will just have to talk to you another time."

"Why the hurry?" I asked.

"Don't you want to be back?"

"Yeah but--"

"--Ai is coming to the house."

"Oh…" Argh! I hate that bitch! I screamed inside my head. I wanted to asked him what did she has that I don't? But I realized that might sound very immature of me.

"Rin!" I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around to see Kagome smiling and standing by her side was a little girl. She resembled somewhat Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Inutaisho because of her white hair. Her short bangs were bluntly cut and her layered hair reached passed her shoulder. Though her eyes were not the color of amber but chocolate mousse,they did resemble Sesshoumaru's haziness.

"Why hey Kagome! What are you doing here?"

"I'm just stopping by to take Kanna to her school play and have dinner with the family. What are you doing here?" Kagome was just shocked as I was.

"Ummm actually I have no idea," I laughed nervously while the little girl keep staring at me.

"Are you my Sesshoumaru's new girlfriend?" The girl looked up at me curiously, "I swear a couple days ago you don't look anything like you do now."

"Ummm not really--" I started.

"No, little cousin," Sesshoumaru said shortly cutting me off while leaning down to the girl.

"I thought so,"the dainty girl nodded as she pulled Sesshoumaru closer to give him a big hug, "you're too much of a jerk to get a girl that's that pretty."

I like this girl! I thought.

"Why don't you go and play with your little dolly Kanna," Sesshoumaru said teasing the girl.

"I don't play with dolls, I play with barbies. See the difference between the two words? Dolls, barbies, dolls, barbies. There is a 'BIG' difference," the girl argued back innocently letting go of her older cousin.

Kagome and I exchange look with each other smiling. I'm sure she was thinking the same thing I was. KAWAII!

"Suit your insolent self, I'm going," Sesshoumaru said as he left us walking upstairs.

"Where are you going Sesshoumaru-sama?" Kanna yelled seeing her cousin leaving.

He did not say anything as if he can't hear her, or if he did he doesn't want to answer.

"I think cousin Sesshoumaru likes you," Kanna nodded her head proudly turning to me.

"Sesshoumaru doesn't like anybody else except himself," Inuyasha's voice entered the conversation.

"Well I can prove you wrong Inuyasha," Kanna said, "if he doesn't like her then why would he bring her home? You know he doesn't do that usually."

"Yeah, and left her with us down here? Kanna, use your head for once. He just brought her here because father wanted to talk to her. No offense Rin, I just think you could do better than my half brother."

"Oh," Kanna said shortly, "Hey Inuyasha, will you play with me and Ken tonight?"


"Why not?" She said while jumping on the sofa as if it was a trampoline.

"Because your doll game is dumb."

"It's not dumb! Do you know that in battles and strategies planning, the government and army used model dolls to plan their attacks?"

"Well the army is dumb then."

"No, you are that's what."

"Whatever go bother someone else Kanna."

"Admit it, you just lost to a 6 year old."


"Inuyasha's father is not coming back until 6, and we're leaving in a couple minutes to Kanna's play. Do you want to come?" Kagome asked me while Kana and Inuyasha argued in the background.

"She can't," Kanna answered for me, "my play doesn't get over until 6:30. Uncle would get really mad if he has to wait half an hour for her."

"Oh I forgot about that," said Kagome.

"We got go if we want to get a good seat," Inuyasha looked down at his watch.

"Have a good time Rin!" Kanna yelled out of the red convertible while I stood at the large porch, "Don't letcousin get to you!"

"Later Rin," Kagome and Inuyasha waved at me.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Kagome asked from the car.

"I don't know--"

"Yeah she is," I heard Sesshoumaru voice.

What is with everyone answering questions for me? I have a mouth too!

"I thought you said you have a date at six," I asked Sesshoumaru once we got back into the house, "What are you still doing here?"

"She's coming here to have dinner with us," Sesshoumaru said while pulling his hair back into a pony tail.

"I don't think I'm going to stay."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, I just-- I need to get back early or Sango will be worried and Grandmother Kaede too, and also I need to do my homework, I want to go to bed early so I can be ready for school tomorrow, I also need to call my parents and--"

"Relax ," Sesshoumaru said while sitting down on the sofa. He pat on it motioning for me to sit down beside him. I did as told, "If anything, father will asked you to stay for dinner so you might as well accept it now. I told you I'll get you home so don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to do your homework since we have two hours delay start on every Friday."

"Why do you date her?"


"Ai…Why do you date her? If you don't like her then why do you date her?"

"I thought I already answered that question of your."

I recall back to when he said about how she'd make a good screw and blushed furiously, "But there must be more to that!"

"What? Can you name any other factors?" Sesshoumaru inquired.

"Not from her... but doesn't that make you a shallow person?"


"Well I honestly think that--"

"You complain too much," Sesshoumaru's hand found my chin as he lifted it up, "shush…" he said moving closer to me. His lips brushed against mine.

This is not right! Why am I letting this happen? He has a girlfriend and I have a fiancé! Sure he doesn't like her and I have no idea who my fiancé is but still! This is wrong!

"Are you sure we won't get into trouble?" I asked him as he pushed me down to the sofa.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently with his handsexploring around under my shirt.

"'This' will get us into trouble," I hissed feeling his hands touched my nibbles and his tongue roaming and suckling on mine.

He did not reply nor say anything. My eyes closed as I felt his groin rubbing against mine and grind itself in a wavy motion. My mind keep saying what we're doing is wrong, but it felt so right. A strange noise escaped from my mouth and every once in a while I couldn't help but to let other weird sounds come out. Mother told me about "the birds and the bees" story, but nothing about bizarre sounds. For some reason my pelvis area started throbbed and I felt hot and sweaty.

"Rin…" I heard Sesshoumaru deep voice whispering in mine.

"Hmm?" was all I can afford to say.

"Someone's coming," Sesshoumaru voice tensed up as he stop kissing me and put his head beside my neck.

"What!" His hot breaths teased on my senses as he breathed.

I heard footstep coming into the living room. The door creek open slowly and one of the maid's head popped in.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!" She said in astonishment.

"Yeah?" Sesshoumaru said keeping his cool as if nothing is wrong although his shirt was laying on the table and mine was unbutton, my hair's a mess.

The girl blushed wildly before regaining her sense, "Ummm Miss Ai is here sir."

"Tell her to wait in the living room, I'll be there in a minute."

The maid then closed the door silently, but I can hear her footstep fasten as if she was running in a hurry. I turned back to Sesshoumaru, who already got his shirt back on. He shook his head a little before looking back at me.

"Father should arrived shortly. He also expected you to wait in the living room--"

"I got it so get off my ass and get dressed. I know," I said getting pissed off. Damn that bitch! And we were finally getting somewhere too. Wait a minute what am I saying! That is his girlfriend down there! I'm just-- a new girl he just met today! Holly shit I just met him today and already we were making out!

He must've sensed my bewilderment for he looked at me with his emotionless eyes and said in his monotone voice, "Don't feel so special, you're not the first."

"Huh?" Why you good for nothing little slimy hair ball! He must bee joking! So I was used? Ok I was used! AHH what I wouldn't do to ripped all of his hair out right now!

We walked in the living room to welcome 'the bitch' as Kagome referred to her. Sesshoumaru walked in front of me with his head proudly up in the air. I, on the other hand, walked with my head down the whole time feeling worthless.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!" I heard the girl shriek in happiness and give him a big hugged, "I missed you."

"It has only been a couple hours," Sesshoumaru said in his usual tone, no effort was shown through his voice.

"I know but I still missed to see your cute face anyhow! Oh who's this?" She looked me over suspiciously.

"Father's guest," Sesshoumaru referred to me while giving Ai a kissed on the lips.

Inside my head I could not think of anything else beside hammering the girl's face with a gigantic nail to wiped off those fake smile of her.

"Oh hi! My name is Ai, and you are?"

"Rin." I answered not really paying attention.

"Oh, nice to meet you," she said shaking my hand. I could feel the tension because she gripped my hand very harshly. I, of course, squeezed harder trying to crushed all of her bones in our little hand-shake "battle".

"Ow!" She screamed in terror but soon regain her front and smile at me, "G-good. Ok well Sesshy?"

"Let's go," Sesshoumaru said as he led her out of the room leaving me as if I was just a statue, "just make yourself comfortable. My father should return any minute now." He called from somewhere in the house.

I sighed as I sit down on the black leather seat. 'Don't feel so special, you're not the first.' Sesshoumaru words rang inside my head. Rin! You don't need him! There are plenty of other guys in school who would love to go out with you. Why bother yourself to a guy that is already taken? And beside, my last resort can by my fiancé. Yeah that's right! Maybe it's better this way! If Sesshoumaru decided to be like that then I could do the same. Where is Inutaisho anyways? I've been waiting forever for him to come back here. Maybe he'll give me a ride home seeing that his son had abandoned me for some slut.

As if fate has answered my call, the main door opened and entered the door was Inutaisho Michiyo himself. I stood up to greet his return, I was glad he was home since now I don't feel like anretard sitting alone in a gigantic room.

"Good evening Rin," the older man smiled at me when he saw that I was standing in the living room.

"Good evening Mr. Michiyo."

"Where is Sesshoumaru? He was suppose to keep you company until I'm back. How long have you been waiting for me?"

I laughed it off deciding that I don't want the situation any harder than it really is, "Oh his girlfriend just got here so they went somewhere for a little bit. I was just here for a few minutes before you got back actually. Sesshoumaru said that you have something to talk to me about?"

"Yes, that is something that I will get to shortly. Say, would you like to stay for dinner?" Inutaisho asked me and hung up his coat.

"Well? I actually don't know if it will be ok with Sango and grandmother Kaede considering that I've gone for a really long time."

"Oh no problem. Kaede won't mind at all, she already know you're here with us."

"She does?"

"Of course! And no worries, I be sure to arranged your ride."

"Thank you."

"No problem, say have you met my wife?"

"No, I didn't know you have one. Well! What I mean to say was that I haven't seen her so I didn't assume anything."

"Well Izayoi-- Maid! Where is Izayoi?"

A maid came into the room with a duster on her hand, "Inutaisho-sama, Lady Izayoi is out shopping for the holiday. She say she will be back before dinner though."

"Ah thank you, I forgot Christmas is coming soon."

What is he talking about? Christmas is in December. It's still November. I thought to myself how strange his household is.

"You have to excuse us a little," said Inutaisho while leading me to his office, "things are so jumbled up and busy around here that every events must be scheduled a month before. There are so many people living in this house that my wife has to shop a month before buying everyone gifts for Christmas."

"Oh I see, well Mr. Michiyo? I know I sound eager and it might annoyed you somewhat but I would really want to know what you wanted to talk to me about."

"Ah yes," the man sighed, his eyelids closed, "Naraku and I have been talking."


"Tell me Rin, what did your father tell you about your engagement?"

"Well…" I said trying to recall what father had told me, "all he said was that a long time ago before I was born, he made a promise to some family that I will be marry off to their son. And the family is now located in Tokyo and that is where I was to be. I know it sounds really odd but that's what he said."

Inutaisho nodded, "Anything else?"

"No, I don't think so."

"I see… Well Rin. I guess I will have to started from the beginning to make you understand this whole situation. You might want to sit down, this is going to be long."

Author's Note: Ok this is my first chapter for this story so I don't really expect to have too many reviews seeing that's how most new stories work. But if you do happen to pass this story and read it, please leave me some thing to read so at least I know this story is getting somewhere. Ok? Thank you and Chapter 2 will be published on August 1st.