Author's notes: I do not own Harry Potter or associates; they all belong to JKR. I do not own cliché storylines; they belong to the FF net writers.

The following is a story based on the cliché storylines I read from other authors, please do not flame me! I'm just trying to inject some humour into our lives! And besides, if these are cliché elements, you can't really say I snitched it from your fic, right?

Harry pushed his trolley past the wall between platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross station and appeared on platform 9 ¾ . The familiar red Hogwart's Express was filled with students, each excited about the new school year, except for one Draco Malfoy. As Harry moved from compartment searching for Hermione and Ron, he suddenly felt light-headed and started to hear voices in his head. "Harry…" a wispy voice spoke to him, as though beaconing him.

"Harry! Are you all right?" A concerned Hermione rushed over to the golden boy, slumped next to the wall of the carriage.

"What happened here?" A head of red hair appeared, clearly belonging to Ron Weaseley.

"I don't know, let's help him into the compartment. Ron, I'll go get the prefects to check for any spells and curses, ok?" With that, Hermione practically threw the weak Gryffindor towards Harry and set off for the prefect's compartment. Lifting the boy by the shoulder, Ron heaved Harry's body onto the seat.

"Are you all right there, mate?" Ron questioned. An acute pain shot through Harry's back and his heart rate doubled. Ron was about scream for help when someone drew the door of the compartment forcefully apart, the light that poured in blinded Harry and gave him a throbbing headache. A shadow was then cast on two, the slim silhouette in the sun.

"Malfoy?" Ron squinted and made out the figure standing there. The figure gave a nonchalant smirk and sauntered into the room, though it was evident that he had been running prior to his break-in. "What are you doing here, ferret face?"

"Shut up, Weasel. You don't own this compartment. In fact, you don't own anything," Malfoy scowled and tried to rearrange his composure. He then turned towards Harry, who seemed to have doubled over in pain. "What's wrong with Golden Boy? Cringing in fear?"

"None of your business, now get out!" Ron stood up affront of Draco, standing between him and Harry, fearing that Malfoy would bring more harm to Harry.

"Move it, Weasel." With that, Draco shoved Ron aside and placed his palm smack on the Harry's head. Draco closed his eyes and concentrated, his palm firmly bonded to Harry's matt of black hair. Weasel stood up and tried to wrestle the blonde's hand off his best pal, but as he touched the hand he felt a scalding sensation and quickly let go. Draco Malfoy was practically boiling under his skin.

"What the …" Ron exclaimed as he tended to his blistered palm. His eyes widened as he saw Malfoy emit a red light, as though he was glowing. Harry seemed to be recovering from earlier episode, his eyes were no longer shut from trying to bear the excruciating pain. Seeing a turn in Harry's condition, Malfoy let go of his hand and hastily left the compartment. Just as he left he bumped into a flustered Hermione, who looked utterly shocked.

"What was he doing in here?" Hermione asked, as she stepped in. "Is Harry all right?"

"Hermione! You won't believe it! The most outrageous thing just happened! Harry was hurtin' there, and Malfoy appeared and touched Harry and he sort of emitted this light and his skin was burning and all and he made Harry here better.." Ron rattled off, obviously not able to take it in all at one go.

"Slow down Ron!" Hermione placed a hand on Ron's shoulder and tried to calm him. "You mean to say Malfoy just healed Harry?" A quizzical look appeared on Hermione's face.

"Yes!" Ron whispered, not know why he did that.

"This is serious," Hermione stole a glance at Harry, who now was resting his head in his hands. "Come, we'll talk outside." The two stepped outside of the compartment, leaving Harry to nurse himself.

"Harry Potteerrr… you are the intended…" The wispy voice spoke again to Harry. Harry shuddered upon hearing the voice, frantically trying to get it out of his head. First day back in school and I'm hallucinating, thought the Gryffindor.

"Ron, have you heard? Malfoy is a Veela, and he is no longer able to control his veela powers because he needs to mate before the year is out," Hermione whispered, keeping her eyes on Harry.

"What?" Ron bellowed, shocking a few first years in the corridor.

"Shush, we won't want everyone to hear it," chided Hermione. "And you said Malfoy healed Harry?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes!" Ron blurted.

"I think…" Hermione was unsure if she would share her view with Ron. After all, it would definitely come across as a major shock to him.

Ron gave a puzzled look and urged Hermione to go on.

"I think Harry is Malfoy's intended. You do know that Veelas have that one and only love in their life, right?"

Ron paled. He could not believe the irony of the whole situation. Malfoy not only had to be a Veela, he had to have something to do with Harry. The archenemies had to mate before the year was out.

"What?" Ron croaked, momentarily lost in his thoughts.

"I said, Harry and Malfoy are to come together," Hermione repeated patiently, not wanting to put further pressure on Ron.

"What are you two talking about?" Harry pulled open the door and steadied himself at the door frame. His presence jolted the two.

"Erm, nothing, just talking about our summer. We didn't want to disturb you," lied Hermione. She then ushered the two back to their seats. She stole a concerned glance at the both of them and sighed.

"Ron, what happened just now when I blacked out?" Harry enquired.

"Erm… Malfoy came in, and…" Ron stuttered, wondering whether he should continue.

Please R&R!

Contribute some cliche scenarios if you want... heh heh. And I repeat, this is not to laugh at fellow writers. Instead use this as a cliche check! If future stories contain similar stuff, you know it's overused! Heh heh...