Epilogue: years of happiness

Lucius bent and kissed Charlie on the lips, hard to believe it still, but his husband. He had never thought he would find a true love again, but he had. In falling in love with Charlie, he realized just how much his relationship with Severus was that of kids. It was New Years Eve of the boy's fifth year of school, when at the drop of midnight; he had fallen to one knee and proposed. Almost all of Charlie's family had come, and Charlie learned Lucius had even asked his dad's blessing. It seemed odd when he was not much younger than Arthur, but he was old fashioned in ways, and knew the couple was as well.

It was now Easter and he and Charlie were wed, taking their vows not at the manor, but in London. He had wanted a wedding as different from his first as possible, and they were wed in a beautiful indoor botanical gardens. He had thought about eloping, but both he and Charlie had wanted their families with them.

Lucius smiled and hugged a very pregnant Severus. "Thank you for being my best man."

Severus kissed him on the cheek. "Remus and I thought you could repay the favour as godparents to our son."

He had been spurred on to propose when in November he learned Remus and Severus were was truly happy for his brother and his husband, and he wanted the same He knew he would be grandfather in a few years, but he had always wanted more, and Charlie of course wanted his own. Severus was six months pregnant with a son they planned to name Sirius. It had been Severus who chose it, knowing what the man meant to his husband, and to Harry, and Lucius too.

Draco and Harry were over the moon, Draco thought Charlie was cool, and happy they were talking having kids. Draco's only problem seemed to be reconciling the fact that two of his best friends were suddenly his Uncles by marriage.

Fred put Draco in a head lock. "You know your dad and my brother decided you cramp their stile. They are shipping you to live with your red headed relatives."

Draco smirked at Fred."Keep that up and I will tell your mum about your mail order business. I am sure she will love your ideas."

Though the twins reminded him he should call her grandma, they shut up as they knew how their mother felt about their pranks. Draco did feel a bit odd being a member of their family, now not only by his former mother but his stepfather as well. His kids would be doubly linked, as Harry was also a Black and related to the family.

Lucius came over to his son. "I hope you know Draco how much it meant to have you here for me."

Draco had been up front as well, even if Severus did the ring part. "I just want you to be happy dad. Charlie is cool enough."

As Lucius shared a smile with his husband, he was for a moment reminded of his first marriage. His dad was in bed from a stroke, Severus was in prison, and he had been miserable. He would not change it for anything, he would never imagine life without his son, but the years of misery for him and his son were over. This was so different, not just the actual wedding, but the marriage as well. He and Charlie planned to work on their first child on their honeymoon.

Charlie finally came and drew his husband into his arms." Every one is waiting for us to come sit down, so dinner will be served."

Lucius smiled and led his husband to the head table which was near a water fall. "I would not want anyone to faint from hunger."

The setting and food were just reminders of what was to come, the two off to Costa Rica for two weeks. Lucius knew his dad would be smiling if he was watching, he always wanted nothing more than for his sons to be happy, and they both were. And in a few years the grandson he never met, would bring another generation to them.

Lucius looked to his son "Don't think now I am married, you two can elope. I expect you to finish school first."


Finish school did come first; Harry head boy but Draco beat him just barely on exams. Harry had surprised no one when he chose to apprentice under Filius to teach charms. Filius looked on Harry the same way Horace had looked on Severus, more like a son than a student. Draco had started work for his dad. It was Valentine's Day when they were nearly nineteen, when Draco proposed. They had their wish to marry on the beach that summer, Remus walking Harry down the aisle. Harry had visited his dad that day, but he knew as painful as it was, his dad was with him in spirit.

With Draco as the carrier, they started right away for a baby. Remus and Severus had welcomed their son Sirius Lucien when the boys were sixteen, and two years later a daughter Lily Eileen. Even Charlie and Lucius had a son who was now a year old, Alex, but Lucius hoped for a daughter next. Draco was pregnant by early fall.

In late evening in the end of June, they were ushered into the infirmary, where the boys were in bed. Harry held his newborn son in his arms. "Come and see him."

Lucius picked up his grandson. "He is such a beautiful mix of the two of you."

The baby had the Malfoy features, but Harry's raven locks and green eyes. Remus looked at the baby, and like on Harry's wedding day, he and Harry both thought of Sirius. Harry had been so mad when his dad died, even if Remus had become his dad in all but name, Sirius should have been here. He should have been there to walk him down the aisle or when he finished school, or now to hold the baby. Harry knew he was with his birthparents watching down, but it still hurt.

Severus held the baby in his arms "What have you named this little prince?"

Draco did the honours. "You took Sirius so we wanted a way to honour our families. This little one is Hector Abraxas Malfoy."

Hector was taken from myth to honour both the Black tradition for Sirius, and Remus as well. Abraxas had been considered but not used by Severus or Lucius for their sons .The boys thought it honoured not only Abraxas, but Lucius and Severus as well.

Harry smiled as his husband took the baby back as he began to fuss for a feed. "I am so happy our little prince has so much family."

George had come into the room with Fred "What are we over here, chopped liver or something?"

The twins had opened a second prank shop two months before, and even their mother was so proud of them. The twins were honoured to be asked to serve as Hector's godfathers, they were not only Draco's step Uncles, but to this day, some of their best friends.

Remus thought it fitting "The grandson of the three marauders has the two biggest pranksters since them as godfathers? Seems right."


Too many years ago Severus had celebrated a horrible ten year mark. He had been released from a black cell after convicted of a crime he did not commit, and it took years to clear his name. This anniversary was far happier, it was his ten year wedding anniversary to Remus. They were the proud parents of nine year old Sirius and seven year old Lily, not to mention honorary grandpas, to Harry and Draco's brood. As for he and Lucius, as close as brothers as they had hoped.

They had renewed their vows and now there was a small reception here at school. Lucius and Charlie had made it, like he and Remus they had one of each. Lily and little Diana Malfoy both had their papas wrapped around their fingers, though Lucius and Severus would never admit it.

Hector came running at him."Grandpa Sev, are you going to come to the pitch?"

Severus ruffled the six year old's curls. "How did I know even at our second wedding, there would be brooms involved?"

Draco and Harry's three kids all loved to fly, even two year old Mackenzie. She had paid Harry back for the heart attack he almost gave them when at two he stole his dad's broom and went flying. His daughter already had his skill, but four year old Nicholas and Hector were both avid flyers.

Remus came over to his husband as they headed for the pitch. "You seem to be a million miles away."

Severus kissed his husband "Where else could I be but here with you and our family?"

His mind had gone to his own childhood before his mom died, and his time in prison, but it came back today. Just like Harry knew his dad and birth parents were with him, he knew his mom and Abraxas were, and were happy he was at peace. Like Harry though, he wished they had lived to see him make it to this point.

Severus made a toast at dinner later. "There was a time I thought I would always be alone. But Remy changed that. To ten wonderful years of true happiness."

Author note: I thought this was a perfect conclusion. I need a new challenge, not a pairing like do Charlie/Harry or do Lucius/Severus, an actual challenge