A/N: Here it is folks. The moment some of you have waited and hoped for, but that others have dreaded. The end.


"You have to come back within a month," Zuko said.

"And what great event shall I miss this time if I am held in meetings an unbearable time?" Aang asked.

"Oota's fifth birthday," Zuko replied.

Aang straightened. They had been discussing this since Oota's fourth one. Ever since little Oota had accidentally set the curtains on fire, there had been a lot of talking.

"I will be here," Aang said earnestly.

"You had better. The council wont take me seriously unless you are with me."

Aang leaned against Zuko. The Avatar clothes and Fire Lord robes were more clothes then Aang preferred.

"You know I would happily stay if I could. Promise me that next time, you will come with me," Aang said.

"It's not so easy for the Fire Lord to just leave the Fire Nation. However, after Oota's birthday, I suppose things will get at least a bit better," Zuko explained.

Aang smiled at him, but Zuko just sat on the edge of the bed with a frown marring his face.

"I'm just not sure it's the right thing to do," Zuko admitted.

"Zuko, we have been over this a million times. We've beaten this horse to death, then brought it back to life and beat it to death at least thirty other times."

"He is only going to be five."

"You are going to name him your successor, not crown him Fire Lord. You are not dying off any time soon.," Aang reprimanded.

"What if something does happen?"

"Then I'll just slip into Avatar state and flatten the world and there will be nothing to worry about," Aang joked.


Aang sighed and said, "I will be here for him. I will do everything in my power to protect him. There would be a temporary ruler till Oota reached an official age. I wont just leave him on his own. There is also his amazing parents. There is no way the council would make a puppet out of him. Mai would never let them."

Zuko gave a short laugh saying, "You might just be right about that."

"This will also stop all the attempts from the council," Aang pointed out.

A groaned escaped from Zuko as he said, "If they send another bride, I'm going to set the council members on fire."

Aang laughed merrily saying, "When they sent Toph at your uncle's behalf, the look on your face was priceless!"

"It still pisses me off that you knew about it all along."

"Zuko, you deserve a break. I would rather not have to kidnap you again."

Giving a slight wince, Zuko said, "That wasn't one of your better ideas."

"Well, it got the council moving."

"Yeah, moving in the direction of all out war towards you. I can't just disappear for a week."

"You got to admit, the trip back was pretty hot. Me, all chained up in the brig. You, the kind Lord, bringing his captor food among other things."

"You are not allowed to talk about such things before you leave me for weeks at a time," Zuko said frustratedly.

Aang winced this time. It was still the only thing they had never managed to work out. Even the council was catching on to a pattern. The day the Avatar returned, the Fire Lord went missing. The next day Zuko would be at the meetings, but he would tell everyone that the Avatar was too tired from travel to make it and would be with them the next day.

"I guess you really have to go," Zuko sighed.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. I wouldn't leave you for even a day longer then I had to."

"I really hate these constant partings."

"Just remember the constant returns."

Aang wrapped his arms around Zuko. They shared in one last embrace before Aang headed out the door.

It had taken Zuko more then a year before he realized that they couldn't say good bye. It felt just too final. It made the partings almost unbearable. He had also found it was easier to part in the palace. He didn't have to watch Aang disappear into the the distant sky and feel his heart fill with worry of if he would ever see that smile returning to him again.

He threw himself back on the bed. He tried to think of all the bustle the guards and staff would make once Aang returned. The way the crowds would cheer as Aang jumped off Appa and into his arms. He allowed himself a small smile at that thought.

Maybe the time wouldn't be so long.

Footnote: I can't thank all of you who have spent the time to read this enough. To you reviewers, I love you all so very much.

I know that this story is over, but I grow more certain that the time line isn't. I will probably end up writing various other stories covering different times and events. Please look forward to future works.