Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, and Glee. February 3, 2011 The sequel to my fic "Because, Finn, I've Always Wanted to Have a Threesome" is up on my LJ (and AO3). The sequel is called: "The Subtle Art of Conducting a Triad, or Brittany's Psychic Cat." I would post it here, but I honestly cannot be bothered to reformat it. I may post it on here in a few months, but in the meanwhile... Link to the master post: c a r i l u v . l i v e j o u r n a l . c o m / 2 3 5 3 3 . h t m l (take out the spaces) If you read, I would love to hear what you think! November 6, 2009 I can't believe I joined in 2004, 5 years ago. My knowledge of fandom and the Internet and the exciting new possibilities of that great combination has grown a lot since then. I'm very much alive! I'm in college, now, which explains my even greater propensity to read instead of write fic. If anyone's reading this, here's a quick list of the fandoms I'm interested in, just in case anyone would like to rec fic! Harry Potter (this introduced me to the fandom world, and I am forever grateful!) Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew (Frank/Nancy shipper) Baby Sitters Club (taking it old school!) Chronicles of Narnia (Pevencest doesn't squick me! But I'm more of a sucker for general sibling-fic) Grey's Anatomy (specifically, Cristina/Burke. I don't watch the show anymore, but I still appreciate a good fic) High School Musical (this is one of the newer fandoms I've become interested in. Don't know why I took so long to find it--I enjoyed HSM a lot!) House (is beyond awesome. 'nuff said.) Janet Evanovich (specifically, Stephanie Plum.) Brokeback Mountain (a really good youtube video w/ Desiree's "Kissing You" inspired my interest in this fandom) Law and Order:SVU (because the UST is ridiculous!) Mr. and Mrs. Smith (so I only have one story favorited, b/c it's literally the ONLY decent story I can find and enjoy. Still looking for more...) Psych (one of the better shows on TV, and excellent fodder for great fics) Firefly (thanks to my roomie freshman year, I am IN LOVE with this show, the characters, the fanfic, everything!) Ocean's 11/Trilogy (the movies are so on point, and some of the fics in the fandom have really picked up on that) I'm good about bookmarking fic, remembering authors' names, and keeping a close watch on whatever is going on in the fandom world. It's a nice way to escape from the stress of college/school/life for a bit! I'm currently trying to save to my hard drive all of the fics I've bookmarked (too many to count!). I have been trying to find a fic that was deleted from this website, which has made me realize how easy it is for all of my reading to vanish! BTW, the fic was called "Family" generic, I know and its sequel "Family: Season Two." I can't remember the author, but it was a House, M.D. fic that was a bit "out there" but still edgy and wonderful. Cuddy and House were forced to become "parents" to age-regression-conditioned Cameron, Chase, and Thirteen. It would be awesome to find it, or its author... I read it only a few months ago! Please PM/email me if you know what I'm talking about, thank you. ~C I couldn't resist the urge to put a quote here: Heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow It has nothing to do with fandom, but everything to do with life! |
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