Author has written 7 stories for Glee, General Hospital, Twilight, and True Blood. Hi Everyone, I guess if your reading this you must want to know a little bit about me. Basically I only started writing fiction a year ago, so forgive me if my grammer a is rusty I haven't had an English class since college. I'm 37 years old (which yes I know makes me an old lady compared to some of the other authors here). I have been married for 9 years and have a 7 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. Confession time, yes I goof off at work to read and post, just don't tell and no one will be the wiser. I love it when people review my chapters and welcome all feed back good and bad. Feel free to PM me as well. Update 5-2017 So I haven't updated this in a while, I am still married and for those of you that love math, yes I am now 43 (still an old lady around here). I have not written in a long time, just kind of lost the muse. I might try and update/ finish at least one of my stories this summer. The last 2 or 3 seasons of Glee sucked and I kind of lost my interest when the characters stopped evolving. My newest love is Harry Potter fanfiction but don’t expect me to write any stories, I could not live up to my favorite authors in that universe. (Most of which are far better than the fanfiction writers/play writes who gave us The Lost Child.) Feel free to PM me with your favorite writers, stories or storyline ideas for my stories. |
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