Author has written 42 stories for Harry Potter, 24, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Twilight, Glee, Community, Parks and Recreation, Smash, Avengers, Unusuals, Revolution, Sherlock, and Game of Thrones. Lj and Tumblr username is the same. About Me: I'm one of those people that bounce from fandom to fandom, never abandoning, but always adding new ones. So, I'm not very consistent in what shows/movies I write for. For that I'm sorry. It basically whatever inspires me to write. That also means that sometimes there are large gaps in my writing, it either means I'm not writing or I'm writing something very long. It could honestly be either. I'm a teacher and lately that has been sucking up huge chunks of my life. But trust me, there are stories always percolating in my head. Statement on Reviews: I write for the fun of it, however I do want to improve. That means I welcome all forms of reviews, including constructive criticism. I take criticism very well and try to use it to make my writing better. That being said, I don't hesitate to do the same for other writers. I do not get nit picky about stories, if the story is generally good but there is a couple grammatical errors, I don't say anything because it happens to all of us. There are probably five errors in this paragraph. However, if a story has fundamental flaws in it, I will review the story and tell the author what I thought. I never intend to do this for the sake of being mean, it is always meant to be constructive. One of my pet peeves is when authors get mad for somebody constructively criticizing your story. If one posts something on the internet, they should be prepared for honest feedback. Rather than explaining this every time I give a bad review, I thought I would just post this on my profile and hope people read it. Links The ring from By Your Side-http:///albums/y87/chrisfaithalin/AJR230895-1.jpg Rachel's wedding dress from Helping Hands: http:///albums/y87/chrisfaithalin/167445_whit_large.jpg Hands Down I took down Hands Down from here. I was no longer comfortable having it up here. I know there are some that favorited it. If you want, it is over on the M/M community, members only. Or you can send me a private message and I can email you a copy of the story. Sorry for those that really liked it. Podficcing I think it's cool, this new trend of podficcing. I really doubt there is any interest in doing my stories, but I just would like to give blanket permission that if anybody is interested, they are welcome to do so with my stories. If you do, just drop me a pm telling me and with a link to it. |
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