Author has written 15 stories for Harry Potter. An Introduction to silvernatashaFormerly silverphoenix3, I have changed my penname to silvernatasha, a name that I am using more and more often, especially for LiveJournal and email. After a year or so of not updating, I hope to start writing more now. I’ve been writing Harry Potter fanfiction since 2001; just before Goblet of Fire came out. While I’m still fond of Pumpkin Pie (Harry/Hermione), I have to say that I find Dungbombs and S.P.E.W (George/Hermione) more interesting and dynamic. Also recently added to my repertoire is Overworked and Underappreciated (M!Blaise/Hermione). I was also part of Silver Prophet - the name which myself and poetic licence were writing under for our joint fic The Spaces Between Shadows & Night. It's a Draco/Harry fic, but ground to a halt some time ago. If you want to know where I am on one of my fics, or how I'm procrastinating, visit my livejournal. Links: silver_fics - My fanfiction LiveJournal, where I can post things that I wouldn't put up on (i.e. those fics of higher ratings. Please remember to check ratings before reading fics.). |