Title: Second best
Summary: Post finale: A shocking secret is revealed changing Elena Gilbert's world forever. But she's not in it alone. Damon realizes just how much being her best friend means to him as he helps her pick up the pieces. But who will she turn to when she's whole again?T for now may change later. Takes place 2 weeks after the events of founders day. Center focus will be on the S/E/D triangle with some outside interference.
Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Diaries or any of the characters. Though I wish Damon was real and I was Elena. cough.. but anyway.. this is just for fun no copyright infringement intended.
Chapter one:
Elena sighed as she sat in the waiting room mulling over the aftermath of founders day. She should have known when she heard the noise not to follow it. She has been around the supernatural long enough to use common sense. But no.. she had to go in there. Even when Damon rushed in to stop her she still didn't listen she followed him in there.
Elena tried push her thoughts away. Sh didn't want to see it anymore. But it wouldn't go away. The memories of that night haunted her. The blood... so much blood... smeared down the wall leading to a large pool on the floor. It didn't take her long to figure out who the blood belonged to. Her father's severed fingers sitting on the counter his ring ironically gleaming brighter then ever as Elena screamed.
She shook her head again trying to suppress the memory away. She was so glad Damon was there to hold her together to hep her clean up the mess and then to save Jeremy when they realized what he had done. Stefan was unreachable that night and it still bothered her. Even now when the night in question is mentioned he changes the subject and it bothers Elena. She would really like to know what it is he doesn't want her to know.
The nurse finally came out with Jeremy's counselor right behind her.
"You can see him now Ms. Gilbert" the nurse said politely.
"But only for a few minutes. Your presence upsets him. We need to avoid upsetting him" Doug said smiling weakly. Elena was really starting to dislike Jeremy's appointed counselor. She wanted to be there for him to make things right with him. This guy kept pushing her away.
"He needs time." Doug broke into her angry thoughts "Time away from everything to heal"
"What are you talking about?" Elena said "Away?"
"Perhaps your Aunt will fill you in. I really must be going" Doug said "Only a few minutes" He added glancing at Jeremy's nurse who nodded briefly.
Elena was seeing red as she entered Jeremy's room. She realized she screwed up as a big sister to him, But all she wanted to do was help him.
"Hey Jer" Elena said softly pulling up a chair next to him.
"Just go" He said flatly. "Its the same thing every time you visit me. I don't want to forgive you Elena. I just need you to leave me alone"
"But Jer .. I just want to help you" She begged tears starting to form.
"I don't want your help just go" He said angrily turning his face to the wall.
Elena chocked back sobs as she left the hospital.
Damon slowly circled the hospital waiting for Elena to leave. He really hoped Jeremy would recover soon. he hated lingering around hospitals.
"Why did that damn kid have to go and try and turn himself anyway" Damon muttered. Knowing damn well it was his own fault. He tried to help the kid hell he even wanted to bond with Elena's brother and he just screwed it all up. He was never meant to be the hero and that night proved it. But yet here he was doing it again.
Stefan either just didn't believe him when he told him Katherine killed John or wasn't concerned about it. He didn't take Damon's warning seriously at all. Of course he had to leave out the porch incident so.. the story didn't really make sense.
'...But Elena believed me, Damon thought, She is the only one. It has been 2 weeks and no animal attacks nothing out of the ordinary has happened at all. But this only convinces me she is out there somewhere planning something. Whatever it is it can't be good'
"If Stefan won't take me seriously then I will have to have to bodyguard our girlfriend" Damon said out loud.
He watched her closely as she left the hospital. Her hair was in a loose simple ponytail. It was a style he had never seen her wear before and it really took his breath away. A few strands has escaped and framed her face. She was just wearing simple jeans and a t shirt. But Damon held his breath taking her in. She was so naturally beautiful. He swore at himself yet again for that night. For actually thinking that evil bitch was her.
Elena started walking toward the boarding house. Damon frowned wondering where her car was. He rushed up to her and she jumped.
"Do you always have to sneak up me!" She whirled around and put her hand on her hip and glared at him. But her eyes danced just enough for him to catch and he smirked.
"It's so much more fun this way" He said leaning in and winking at her.
"For who?" She countered her eyes losing the sadness altogether.
"Well for you of course" Damon said gently taking her hand. "You don't like to admit it but you... Elena Gilbert are a woman who likes to be kept on your toes" he kissed her hand and released it gently.
Elena blushed and looked away.
"What are you doing here anyway?" She asked twirling the end of her ponytail absent mindley.
"Just watching out for you" He said knowing he could never lie to her.
"I'll be fine remember?" She smiled holding up her hand with her father's ring on it.
"That didn't save John" Damon reminded her.
Her face fell as the memory came crashing back again. Damon grimaced as he realised he had once again let his words hurt her.
"I'm sorry" He said painfully as he pulled her into a hug.
"It's fine" She said pulling back. "Your right and I'm glad your around actually. With everything going on. It.. you have a calming effect on me."
Damon's eye searched her face for something else... something... more.
"Your my best friend" She said. "I'm glad you have my back"
"Let's just get you back to your precious Stefan" Damon said his face blank as he led her to his car.
Damon had a weird feeling as he started toward the boarding house. He decided to park far away and walk up slowly.
"Bad feeling?" Elena whispered. He could feel her breath on his neck.
"Shh" He hushed her. They started slowly for the boarding house. Elena's feet making to much noise. He rolled his eyes.
Trust me. He mouthed and quickly picked her up walking as quietly as he could. She trusted him and didn't make a sound. He felt a strange sensation holding her body against his. he wanted to pull her closer to scream out she's mine. But he kept silent his face blank. Reminding himself yet again that she was Stefan's.
He could hear Stefan's voice and a female voice as they drew close to the boarding house. Damon set her down gently and started walking closer motioning for Elena to stay back.
He peered into the window and and gaped. It was Katherine.. and Stefan. Katherine was kissing him and Stefan wasn't stopping her. Did he think she was Elena?
"Katherine" Stefan pulled away "Stop. Why are you here? You promised me you wouldn't come back"
'What the hell? Damon thought.
"Would you believe that I missed you?" She said sweetly laughing a little.
"I told you last time... Katherine. It's not going to happen. I will stay here and do what you asked me to do."
"I gave you the task Stefan. I can take it away" She hissed.
"You don't control me Katherine. I think I have proventhat to you a few times over the years" Stefan said smirking.
"Your here because of me Stefan. I told you to some and protect the girl you agreed. I did not tell you to fall in love with her, I don't recall that ever being part of our agreement. " Katherine snapped pushing him against the wall.
Damon felt like his head was spinning. Stefan knew all along that Katherine was alive? Yet he still put them all through the torture of opening the tomb. He allowed his own brother to believe the love of his life was dead for ever a century? Damon felt his blood begin to boil.
"I didn't mean for it to happen. Dating her was the best way to keep her close and keep her from Damon. That's what you wanted" Stefan said struggling against her grip.
"Yes.. I knew Damon had heard of her and was coming here. I was worried about him hurting her or turning her. I wanted you to keep her away from him Stefan. I didn't want you to dateher. That only challenged him" Katherine said sighing.
'Katherine and Stefan... they had conspired to keep me away from Elena?' Damon thought emotion's he didn't understand overwhelming him as he forced himself to stay quiet and listen.
"Well it worked I kept her safe. But I fell in love with her. I didn't mean for it to happen but it did. I wont let her go now to be with you. I'm sorry" Stefan said seeming to struggle with the words. "She is different from you. She isn't manipulative and cunning. She's sweet and innocent.. she's"
"Human" Katherine finished "She is what I would be if I was human,. Which is what you always wished back then. You loved the humanity in me. You were the only one who ever got to see it. But you hated the monster in me, The primal instincts. The same ones you hate on yourself. It forced me to seek out your brother because I could use those instincts with him."
"Katherine" Stefan sighed hurt oozing from his voice.
"It's true Stefan. You only loved a part of me and not the whole me. I love all of you good and bad."
"And Damon" Stefan said roughly.
"I didnt love him like you" She scoffed. "He was just an outlet for the part me myself you wouldn't let me be. Had you just accepted me"
Damon felt her words slide through him like a knife.
"Things would have been different." Katherine let go of him and sighed. "What a tangled web we weave"
"What happens when Elena changes" She shot at him and his eyes widened.
"If you love her you want her forever right?" Katherine pressed.
"No never. I will never turn her."
"That's ridiculous" Katherine snapped "Your going to just watch her grow old and die?"
"Yes I am and it's not ridiculous. I would never take away her humanity it's what I love so much about her"
"What does Elena think about this?" Katherine questioned her eyes piercing into his.
"We haven't discussed it" Stefan muttered.
"You make decisions for her?" Katherine snapped "Stefan don't you get it? You love Elena because she is human and she looks like me. Your fantasy the one you had back then of us living a normal domesticated life together. It works with her. She can fit that role for you. But she will always be second best. She will never be me."
"You broke your promise Stefan." She sneered. "Your first promise. The one you made the night I came to you and showed you I was alive. The night I chose you" She said fiercely each word dripping with emotion.
Damon cringed as he listened to her unknowing confession.
"You denied me then Stefan. Because of your fear of your brother and what he would do if he found out. Your fear and guilt and your damned hero complex denied me. But you promised me you would be there is I ever needed you and you promised that if and when he ever moved on we could be together" Her voice trembled as she finished.
Stefan's eyes widened as he looked at Damon peering in the window his eyes furious. The he saw her...she was right behind Damon. She stood completely still her face broken tears streaming out of her eyes.
"Elena?" Stefan said his voice cracking.
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