Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, and Misc. Books. I awoke one morning to find my mouth stitched shut with glossy pink thread, my tongue turned to ivory, and my teeth all gone. As speaking became something of a chore after that, I've since taken to writing.And, before anyone else asks, no, I highly doubt I will ever update Tourniquet again. I may yet edit it (as I only got partway through that process, half the story is in a different format and a few characters' names change without warning), but my heart simply isn't in it any more. Still, it will remain up so that I may look back at it, cringe, and thank God for the human ability to improve oneself, and also for my own moments of idiotic sentimentality. I've met a lot of lovely (forgiving) people through that story, and besides, everyone needs at least one Mary Sue to their credit. Well, I do, in any case, and there are far worse sins to commit than my Gwendolyn. Thank you, though, to all who kept up (and put up) with her, especially those who reviewed to tell me as much. I got incredibly lucky with you lot. October 9th, 1904 |