Author has written 9 stories for Glee. Hey girl hey! (Or guy, 'cause I'm not sexist) Welcome to my page! I ship Samcedes, hardcore and with a passion. All day. Errryday. And I have no shame about it, either! Hence the fanfiction dedicated solely to them and their reigning coupledom! I am, however, game for inspiration. And I do appreciate reading fanfiction outside of glee, since I have many TV passions. NCIS, Bones, and Law and Order SVU (with Stabler still present) to name a few! I'm also a new member of the OUAT fandom. Viva la Swan Queen! If you write it well, I will come! So feel free to comment, review, and PM me story suggestions and witty dialogue. I do enjoy socializing in my free time from 18-hour fangirling (the rest of the hours are merely for sleep, and even then my mind is at work!) xoxo, K |