A/N: For Jamie- happy birthday!

Emma kept her eyes focused on Robin, who was sitting at the table like a turd on a log, but watched as Henry scrambled from his seat. He grabbed his juice and gave Emma a look as he made a hasty retreat. At least the kid had the good sense to run as Emma was gearing up for a full on confrontation.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a tone of nonchalance as she left the doorway and walked directly up to Robin. She kept her gaze focused on him, mild disgust etched in her features as she watched his cheeks fill with food as she chewed open mouthed.

"I was just chatting with Henry," Robin replied and his voice dripped with entitlement. Emma felt her cool slipping away as she grew angrier. He shoveled another heaping spoonful of food into his gaping mouth hole.

"I don't think you were invited for dinner, so you should put that fork down and leave. Now," Emma crossed her arms and stepped closer. Letting her body language show the claim she had in Regina's house. This guy was simply the worst.

She belonged here.

Her son lived here and soon, she and Regina's new child would live here too. Emma reminded herself she was a part of that. A big part and nothing was going to take her baby away- not this time.

Robin narrowed his eyes defiantly and angrily scooped up another forkful of mashed potatoes. What a piggy. He chewed in the most annoying way possible, as Emma grew nauseous at the sight. It wasn't just his poor table manners she abhorred. She felt possessive of Regina, and she wanted to be the only one who was allowed at her table.

And in her bed.

Regina insisted she and Robin weren't sleeping together- that they hadn't, but Emma was positive Robin wanted much more than a friendship, even though he had a wife.

"Regina and I are soulmates, we're fated to be together, and I will always be in her life," Robin turned up his nose as Emma rolled back her shoulders. With satisfaction, Emma witnessed the man swallow hard as he glimpsed the bright red love marks that polka dotted Emma's neck. Yet another sign that Regina claimed her too.

Robin and Regina may be "soulmates" but that meant nothing to Emma. Robin was filled with empty words and thoughts. Emma vowed to live by her actions and not make promises she couldn't keep. Even if she decided to move in with Regina and Henry so they could raise the baby together, she not only would commit to being there and with Regina, but she planned to show her family how much they were loved every day.

She'd live it, breathe it and be it. Emma wanted nothing more than just that. She also really wanted Robin freaking Hood to listen to her and leave before Regina got curious and came down stairs. Emma hated the way she looked at him and she certainly didn't want to be privy to another round of their interactions. Ever.

She wasn't sure what Robin wanted- but Emma suspected based on the way he was shoveling food in, and the dirty way he often looked at Regina -that food and sex were pretty much all that was on his mind. While Emma did love a well-cooked meal, and she couldn't deny she'd wanted intimacy and sex with Regina for as long as she could remember, she also wanted much more.

"I'm not going to argue about who Regina is closest too and who she wants in her life," Emma crossed the room, and went about getting the woman in question a glass of ice water. "You're making this harder, you know. If you really cared about her you'd stay away. Go live your life in the forest with the family you already have."

Robin slammed his hand down on the table, making his plate jump. He flushed in anger. "Don't talk to me about family. As I've been told: you know nothing about family."

There is always a breaking point and that final hate filled accusation was Emma's. Years of buried loneliness, isolation and rejection welled up within her like a whirlwind. She fought back tears, as Robin stared at her with a blank, dumb look on his face.

She felt sickened that he had hit the nail on the head when it came to pushing her buttons. She had been so hopeful and he had crushed it so quickly. Emma feared most that her tenuous home here- so fragile and new- much like her unborn baby, was going to crumble just as easily as Robin had crumbled her emotions.

She tried to remember that this wasn't about her. Robin shouldn't be her problem and the stress was bad for the baby. She just wanted the man gone once and for all. She also really wanted to punch the fucktard right in the mouth.

So Emma said it out loud, she knew she shouldn't, but he had his chance to leave so whatever happened was on him.

"All this stress is bad for the baby, you really need to go or I will make you go."

"Baby?" Robin looked around the room like there was an infant hiding under the table or in the pantry that he just now had become aware of. "I don't know what you mean?"

Emma sighed then, the wind leaving her sails. She had no desire to explain the whole convoluted thing to Robin. It was best if he didn't know all of the details. She shouldn't have said anything at all. She wanted to hurt him.

The wheels were still spinning in his very slow to react brain, "But...I haven't been with Regina….but…she said she couldn't… how could she be with child?"

"She's not," Emma shut that idea down before it had chance to fully take hold in his head. Now let him wrap around this idea, "But she is going to be a mother."

"I don't see…she's going to adopt again?" Robin just couldn't work it out. The very idea that Emma was the one pregnant didn't even cross his mind.

Not for the first time in a very short conversation she spelled it out, "I'm pregnant, you dumbfuck. Regina is gonna be the other mother, understand? Like how Henry is our son."

Robin stood up at that announcement. The kitchen chair skidded across the hardwood making a noise that caused Emma to shudder.

"Congratulations," he spat the word and finally, finally marched out of the house. He slammed the door so forcefully that a picture fell off the wall in the foyer. Regina was going to be pissed that his boots tracked mud across her floors, but Emma was happy he was finally gone. Hopefully, he wouldn't come waltzing back in again, but that was clearly too much ask for. He'd be back like a fungal rash.

She picked up the fallen photo and looked at the cracked glass streaking through their faces. It was a picture from last fall. Emma remembered Henry's first day of school well. Both of his mother's flanked on each side of him in his uniform, and all three smiling brightly. The caption on the frame read: "Make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous."

What a wonderful inspiration.

Emma calmly walked upstairs. It was probably not the right course of action, but she had to do what she had to do without resorting to physical violence. Regina was standing at the top of the stairs. She was dressed and her face was red and streaked with tears.

"I heard," she said flatly, looking into Emma's eyes and taking the glass of water with a soft nod. "Henry heard, too. Thanks for that."

Shit, Emma thought as she worried her lip and brought a palm up to smooth away her flyaway hairs, leaving her hand on her forehead while she thought about what needed to be done next. "Kid, you can come out, we all know what's going on."

Henry emerged shyly from his room and took in the sight of both of his mothers. They all were just standing there at the top of the stairs. "Robin is a jerk, Mom, you shouldn't talk to him anymore."

Regina nodded at that, understanding the message loud and clear. "Henry, it's complicated."

"No it's not," he maintained stubbornly. "I just wanted to have a nice Mother's day for you both. Can't we do that? Have dinner and play games and stop worrying about everything else for a change?"

"Kid, come on, don't be all adamant today. Give it a rest…" Emma had felt pumped up a moment earlier, but knowing Regina was upset, and now Henry was griping left her feeling drained.

"What's wrong?" Regina squinted at her and Emma turned her face away. They were finally on good terms again; things weren't going to fall apart as long as Regina and Emma were a united front. She had to continually remind her self of this because believing something would make it true, and she wanted to be strong for Regina and help her understand, and process her guilt and work through her shame. They both had enough of that to deal with without everything else added into the mix.

"Hormones…" she murmured, and could almost feel Regina rolling her eyes in annoyance. She couldn't blame every feeling and outburst she had on the pregnancy. That wasn't fair to anyone. Emma had no right to be upset with Regina when she dealt with a lovesick Hook showing up in her driveway, and she had also handled Emma's parents. Regina should get kudos, not attitude from Emma.

"Let's see if there's any dinner left after that son of a-," Emma cut herself off, when she saw Regina's warning glance. Right, she was trying to play nice and enjoy Mother's Day. "Dinner…I'm hungry."

She amended her statement and earned a small smile from Regina who was took another drink of her water and floated away down the stairs. Henry sighed heavily and followed after his mother. Emma watched them both descend the steps and before she followed, she smoothed her hand across her belly, hardly believing it was possible, but at the same time hoping that they were closer than she imagined.

Would they ever really be a family?